blob: 143a0cf04d0d886c696ecd8a50a549510ddd5a89 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2007 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.myfaces.renderkit.html.util;
import org.apache.myfaces.renderkit.html.util.HTMLEncoder;
import org.apache.myfaces.test.base.junit4.AbstractJsfTestCase;
import org.junit.Assert;
* <code>HTMLEncoderTest</code> tests <code>org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.util.HTMLEncoder</code>.
public class HTMLEncoderTest extends AbstractJsfTestCase {
private String stringNoSpecialChars = "Hello, this is MyFaces speaking!";
private String stringNoSpecialCharsEncoded = "Hello, this is MyFaces speaking!";
private String stringNoSpecialCharsEncodedPartial = "lo, this is MyFaces speakin";
private String stringSpecialChars1 = "<\"Hello\", this is MyFaces speaking!>";
private String stringSpecialChars1Encoded = "&lt;&quot;Hello&quot;, this is MyFaces speaking!&gt;";
private String stringSpecialChars2 = "Hello & this is MyFaces speaking!>";
private String stringSpecialChars2Encoded = "Hello &amp; this is MyFaces speaking!&gt;";
private String stringLineBreak = "Hell\u00F6\nthis is MyFaces speaking!>";
private String stringLineBreakEncoded1 = "Hell&ouml;<br/>this is MyFaces speaking!&gt;";
private String stringLineBreakEncoded2 = "Hell&ouml;\nthis is MyFaces speaking!&gt;";
private String stringLineBreakEncoded2Partial = "&ouml;\nthis is MyFaces speaking!";
private String stringBlanks = "<Hello this is MyFaces speaking!>";
private String stringBlanksEncoded = "&lt;Hello this is MyFaces speaking!&gt";
* Test method for
* {@link org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.util.HTMLEncoder#encode(String)}.
public void testEncodeStringNoSpecialChars() {
String encodedStr = HTMLEncoder.encode(stringNoSpecialChars);
Assert.assertEquals(stringNoSpecialCharsEncoded, encodedStr);
public void testEncodeStringSpecialChars1() {
String encodedStr = HTMLEncoder.encode(stringSpecialChars1);
Assert.assertEquals(stringSpecialChars1Encoded, encodedStr);
public void testEncodeStringSpecialChars2() {
String encodedStr = HTMLEncoder.encode(stringSpecialChars2);
Assert.assertEquals(stringSpecialChars2Encoded, encodedStr);
public void testEncodeStringLineBreak1() {
String encodedStr = HTMLEncoder.encode(stringLineBreak, true);
Assert.assertEquals(stringLineBreakEncoded1, encodedStr);
public void testEncodeStringLineBreak2() {
String encodedStr = HTMLEncoder.encode(stringLineBreak, false);
Assert.assertEquals(stringLineBreakEncoded2, encodedStr);
public void testEncodeStringEmpty() {
String encodedStr = HTMLEncoder.encode("");
Assert.assertEquals("", encodedStr);
public void testEncodeStringNull() {
String encodedStr = HTMLEncoder.encode(null);
Assert.assertEquals("", encodedStr);
public void testEncodeArrayNoSpecialChars() {
try {
CharArrayWriter writer = new CharArrayWriter();
char[] source = stringNoSpecialChars.toCharArray();
HTMLEncoder.encode(source, 0, source.length, writer);
assertCharArrayEquals(stringNoSpecialCharsEncoded.toCharArray(), writer.toCharArray());
} catch (IOException e) {;
public void testEncodeArrayNoSpecialCharsPartial() {
try {
CharArrayWriter writer = new CharArrayWriter();
char[] source = stringNoSpecialChars.toCharArray();
HTMLEncoder.encode(source, 3, source.length - 5, writer);
assertCharArrayEquals(stringNoSpecialCharsEncodedPartial.toCharArray(), writer.toCharArray());
} catch (IOException e) {;
public void testEncodeArraySpecialChars1() {
try {
CharArrayWriter writer = new CharArrayWriter();
char[] source = stringSpecialChars1.toCharArray();
HTMLEncoder.encode(source, 0, source.length, writer);
assertCharArrayEquals(stringSpecialChars1Encoded.toCharArray(), writer.toCharArray());
} catch (IOException e) {;
public void testEncodeArraySpecialChars2() {
try {
CharArrayWriter writer = new CharArrayWriter();
char[] source = stringSpecialChars2.toCharArray();
HTMLEncoder.encode(source, 0, source.length, writer);
assertCharArrayEquals(stringSpecialChars2Encoded.toCharArray(), writer.toCharArray());
} catch (IOException e) {;
public void testEncodeArrayEmpty() {
try {
CharArrayWriter writer = new CharArrayWriter();
HTMLEncoder.encode(new char[]{}, 0, 1, writer);
assertCharArrayEquals(new char[]{}, writer.toCharArray());
} catch (IOException e) {;
public void testEncodeArrayNull() {
try {
CharArrayWriter writer = new CharArrayWriter();
HTMLEncoder.encode(null, 0, 0, writer);
assertCharArrayEquals(new char[]{}, writer.toCharArray());
} catch (IOException e) {;
public void testEncodeArrayWrongIndex1() {
try {
CharArrayWriter writer = new CharArrayWriter();
char[] source = stringSpecialChars2.toCharArray();
HTMLEncoder.encode(source, 0, source.length - 100, writer);
assertCharArrayEquals(new char[]{}, writer.toCharArray());
} catch (IOException e) {;
public void testEncodeArrayWrongIndex2() {
try {
CharArrayWriter writer = new CharArrayWriter();
char[] source = stringSpecialChars2.toCharArray();
HTMLEncoder.encode(source, -100, source.length, writer);
assertCharArrayEquals(stringSpecialChars2Encoded.toCharArray(), writer.toCharArray());
} catch (IOException e) {;
public void testEncodeArrayWrongIndex3() {
try {
CharArrayWriter writer = new CharArrayWriter();
char[] source = stringSpecialChars2.toCharArray();
HTMLEncoder.encode(source, 100000, source.length, writer);
assertCharArrayEquals(new char[]{}, writer.toCharArray());
} catch (IOException e) {;
public void testEncodeArrayLineBreak1() {
try {
CharArrayWriter writer = new CharArrayWriter();
char[] source = stringLineBreak.toCharArray();
HTMLEncoder.encode(source, 0, source.length, true, writer);
assertCharArrayEquals(stringLineBreakEncoded1.toCharArray(), writer.toCharArray());
} catch (IOException e) {;
public void testEncodeArrayLineBreak2() {
try {
CharArrayWriter writer = new CharArrayWriter();
char[] source = stringLineBreak.toCharArray();
HTMLEncoder.encode(source, 0, source.length, false, writer);
assertCharArrayEquals(stringLineBreakEncoded2.toCharArray(), writer.toCharArray());
} catch (IOException e) {;
public void testEncodeArrayLineBreak2WrongIndex() {
try {
CharArrayWriter writer = new CharArrayWriter();
char[] source = stringLineBreak.toCharArray();
HTMLEncoder.encode(source, 0, source.length + 5, false, writer);
assertCharArrayEquals(stringLineBreakEncoded2.toCharArray(), writer.toCharArray());
} catch (IOException e) {;
public void testEncodeArrayLineBreakPartial() {
try {
CharArrayWriter writer = new CharArrayWriter();
char[] source = stringLineBreak.toCharArray();
HTMLEncoder.encode(source, 4, source.length - 5, writer);
char[] expected = stringLineBreakEncoded2Partial.toCharArray();
assertCharArrayEquals(expected, writer.toCharArray());
} catch (IOException e) {;
public void testSimpleWriteURIAttribute() throws Exception
String cad1 = "";
String cad2 = ";key2=val2#id";
String cad3 = HTMLEncoder.encodeURIAttribute(cad1,"UTF-8");
Assert.assertEquals(cad2, cad3);
public void testUsAsciiEscapedCharactersBeforeQuery() throws Exception
// Escape
// - From %00 to %20,
// - <"> %22, "%" %25
// - "<" %3C, ">" %3E,
// - "\" %5C, "^" %5E, "`" %60
// - "{" %7B, "|" %7C, "}" %7D
// - From %7F ad infinitum
String cad1 = "?key=\"%<>\\`{|}^\n "; //Omit %
String cad2 = "?key=%22%25%3C%3E%5C%60%7B%7C%7D%5E%0A%20";
String cad3 = HTMLEncoder.encodeURIAttribute(cad1,"UTF-8");
Assert.assertEquals(cad2, cad3);
String cad4 = "\"%<>\\`{|}^\n ";
String cad5 = "%22%25%3C%3E%5C%60%7B%7C%7D%5E%0A%20";
String cad6 = HTMLEncoder.encodeURIAttribute(cad4,"UTF-8");
Assert.assertEquals(cad5, cad6);
public void testUsAsciiEscapedCharactersBeforeQueryLowerCase() throws Exception
// Escape
// - From %00 to %20,
// - <"> %22, "%" %25
// - "<" %3C, ">" %3E,
// - "\" %5C, "^" %5E, "`" %60
// - "{" %7B, "|" %7C, "}" %7D
// - From %7F ad infinitum
String cad1 = "?key=\"%<>\\`{|}^\n "; //Omit %
String cad2 = "?key=%22%25%3c%3e%5c%60%7b%7c%7d%5e%0a%20";
String cad3 = HTMLEncoder.encodeURIAttribute(cad1,"UTF-8");
Assert.assertEquals(cad2.substring(0,5) + cad2.substring(5).toUpperCase(), cad3);
String cad4 = "\"%<>\\`{|}^\n ";
String cad5 = "%22%25%3c%3e%5c%60%7b%7c%7d%5e%0a%20";
String cad6 = HTMLEncoder.encodeURIAttribute(cad4,"UTF-8");
Assert.assertEquals(cad5.substring(0,5) + cad5.substring(5).toUpperCase(), cad6);
public void testWriteNonUsAsciiOnURIAttribute() throws Exception
// Character ü in ISO-8859-1 is %FC but on UTF-8 is %C3%BC. In this case,
// it should encode as %C3%BC
byte [] array = new byte[]{(byte)0xFC};
String cad1 = new String(array,"ISO-8859-1");//+(char)0xC3BC;//"üll o.jsf?key=val#id";
String cad2 = "%C3%BC";//"";
String cad3 = HTMLEncoder.encodeURIAttribute(cad1,"UTF-8");
Assert.assertEquals(cad2, cad3);
public void testReservedCharactersOnURIAttribute() throws Exception
// Reserved characters (should not be percent-encoded)
// reserved = gen-delims / sub-delims
// gen-delims = ":" / "/" / "?" / "#" / "[" / "]" / "@"
// %3A %2F %3F %23 %5B %5D %40
// sub-delims = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")" / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "="
// %21 %24 %26 %27 %28 %29 %2A %2B %2C %3B %3D
String cad1 = "?key=:/[]@!$'()*+,;="; //Omit &
String cad2 = HTMLEncoder.encodeURIAttribute(cad1,"UTF-8");
Assert.assertEquals(cad1, cad2);
String cad7 = ":/[]@!$&'()*+,;=";
String cad8 = HTMLEncoder.encodeURIAttribute(cad7,"UTF-8");
Assert.assertEquals(cad7, cad8);
public void testNonEncodedCharactersOnURIAttribute() throws Exception
// "... for consistency, percent-encoded octets in the ranges of ALPHA
// (%41-%5A and %61-%7A), DIGIT (%30-%39), hyphen (%2D), period (%2E),
// underscore (%5F), or tilde (%7E) should not be created by URI
// producers...."
String cad1 = "?key=ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-._~";
String cad2 = HTMLEncoder.encodeURIAttribute(cad1,"UTF-8");
Assert.assertEquals(cad1, cad2);
String cad3 = "#somefile?key=ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-._~";
String cad4 = HTMLEncoder.encodeURIAttribute(cad3,"UTF-8");
Assert.assertEquals(cad3, cad4);
String cad5 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-._~";
String cad6 = HTMLEncoder.encodeURIAttribute(cad5,"UTF-8");
Assert.assertEquals(cad5, cad6);
public void testWriteURIAttribute() throws Exception
//Note char 256 or 0x100 should not be passed or percent encoded, because it is not
//valid for URIs.
byte [] array11 = new byte[]{(byte) 0xC2,(byte) 0xA1,(byte) 0xC2,(byte) 0xA2,
(byte) 0xC2,(byte) 0xA3,(byte) 0xC2,(byte) 0xA4,(byte) 0xC2,(byte) 0xA5,
(byte) 0xC2,(byte) 0xA6,(byte) 0xC2,(byte) 0xA7,(byte) 0xC2,(byte) 0xA8,
(byte) 0xC2,(byte) 0xA9,(byte) 0xC2,(byte) 0xAA,(byte) 0xC2,(byte) 0xAB,
(byte) 0xC2,(byte) 0xAC,(byte) 0xC2,(byte) 0xAD,(byte) 0xC2,(byte) 0xAE,
(byte) 0xC2,(byte) 0xAF,(byte) 0xC2,(byte) 0xB0,(byte) 0xC2,(byte) 0xB1};
String cad11 = new String(array11,"UTF-8") + ((char)(0xFF))+((char)(0x100));
String cad12 = "%C2%A1%C2%A2%C2%A3%C2%A4%C2%A5%C2%A6%C2%A7%C2%A8%C2%A9%C2%AA%C2%AB%C2%AC%C2%AD"+
String cad13 = HTMLEncoder.encodeURIAttribute(cad11,"UTF-8");
Assert.assertEquals(cad12, cad13);
String cad1= "?key=" + new String(array11,"UTF-8")+((char)(0xFF))+((char)(0x100));
String cad2 = "?key=%C2%A1%C2%A2%C2%A3%C2%A4%C2%A5%C2%A6%C2%A7%C2%A8%C2%A9%C2%AA%C2%AB%C2%AC%C2%AD"+
String cad3 = HTMLEncoder.encodeURIAttribute(cad1,"UTF-8");
Assert.assertEquals(cad2, cad3);
//String cad14 = ""+((char)0xFF)+((char)0x100);
//String cad15 = HTMLEncoder.encodeURIAttribute(cad14,false);
private void assertCharArrayEquals(char[] expected, char[] actual) {
if ((expected == null ^ actual == null) || expected.length != actual.length) {;
for (int i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
assertEquals(expected[i], actual[i]);