blob: d2efd66be03ee217b4e46f840391e1b55158ca80 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.renderkit.core.ppr;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
import javax.faces.context.ExternalContext;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import javax.faces.context.PartialResponseWriter;
import javax.faces.context.ResponseWriter;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.context.PartialPageContext;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.context.RenderingContext;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.logging.TrinidadLogger;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.render.ExtendedRenderKitService;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.render.RenderUtils;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.util.Service;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.renderkit.core.pages.GenericEntry;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.util.StateUtils;
* Write out a PPR response in the following form:
* <content action="http://new-action-url">
* <fragment><![CDATA[....html....]]></fragment>
* <fragment><![CDATA[....more html....]]></fragment
* </content>
* TODO: write out fragments only once we've detected the
* ID, to avoid sending unnecessary fragments
public class PPRResponseWriter extends ScriptBufferingResponseWriter
public PPRResponseWriter(ResponseWriter out,
RenderingContext rc,
boolean bufferScripts)
super(out, bufferScripts);
PartialPageContext pprContext = rc.getPartialPageContext();
if (!(pprContext instanceof PartialPageContextImpl))
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
_state = new State((PartialPageContextImpl) pprContext);
_xml = new XmlResponseWriter(out, out.getCharacterEncoding());
_bufferScripts = bufferScripts;
* Constructor for use when cloning.
PPRResponseWriter(ResponseWriter out,
PPRResponseWriter base)
super(out, base._bufferScripts);
// New XmlResponseWriter
_xml = new XmlResponseWriter(out, out.getCharacterEncoding());
// But the rest of the state is shared
_state = base._state;
_bufferScripts = base._bufferScripts;
public ResponseWriter cloneWithWriter(Writer writer)
PPRResponseWriter ppr = new PPRResponseWriter(
// BIG HACK: The JSF 1.1
// ViewTag is going to clone the ResponseWriter so that
// it can write its BodyContent out. But that'll clone a
// PPRResponseWriter, which then will adamantly refuse to write
// out any content! To "fix" this, we make the lousy assumption
// that if we're being cloned, and our element depth is zero,
// then we're probably being used in this way, and we should just
// let everything through.
// HOWEVER, in Facelets, cloneWithWriter() is called eaaaaarly.
// Catch that by ignoring this unless we've at least had a call
// to startDocument()
_state.forceInsideTarget = (_state.documentStarted &&
(_state.elementDepth == 0));
return ppr;
public void startDocument() throws IOException
// Mark that we've started the document, so cloneWithWriter()
// can start activating "forceInsideTarget" correctly
_state.documentStarted = true;
// Mark that we're in the middle of starting the document,
// so that _disableIfNeeded() can do its thing - see that
// function for more info
_state.documentStarting = true;
// We force the encoding to be text/xml in XmlHttpServletResponse
// because setContentType is ignored when inside an included page (bug 5591124)
// Stick another PI indicating that this is a rich reponse
// Used for an Iframe based communication channel, since it cannot
// read response headers
// TODO: Do we need this?
// _xml.write("<?Tr-XHR-Response-Type ?>\n");
_xml.startElement(_ELEMENT_PARTIAL_RESPONSE, null);
// TODO: Portlet support for PPR?
// TODO: PS - Not sure why this extra space is being written out, but this causes an 'malformed
// XML error to be thrown by JSF 2 Ajax. Commented out the line.
// _xml.writeText(" ", null);
_state.documentStarting = false;
public void endDocument() throws IOException
// Write out any buffered <script src=""> or inline scripts
if (_bufferScripts)
// Write out all of the framework-level scripts
// Force "inside target mode" - this is for Facelets,
// where the state is rendered after endDocument() is called
_state.forceInsideTarget = true;
public void writeComment(Object text) throws IOException
if (_isInsideTarget())
public void writeText(Object text, String property) throws IOException
if (_isInsideTarget())
super.writeText(text, property);
public void writeText(
char[] text,
int start,
int length) throws IOException
if (_isInsideTarget())
super.writeText(text, start, length);
public void write(String text) throws IOException
if (_isInsideTarget())
public void write(
char[] text,
int start,
int length) throws IOException
if (_isInsideTarget())
super.write(text, start, length);
public void write(int ch) throws IOException
if (_isInsideTarget())
public void write(char[] c) throws IOException
if (_isInsideTarget())
public void write(String text, int off, int len) throws IOException
if (_isInsideTarget())
super.write(text, off, len);
public void writeText(Object text,
UIComponent component,
String propertyName) throws IOException
if (_isInsideTarget() && (text != null))
super.writeText(text, component, propertyName);
public void startElement(String name, UIComponent component)
throws IOException
_pushPartialTarget(component, name);
if (_isInsideTarget())
if (_LOG.isFinest())
_LOG.finest("PPR: Using element {0} in component {1}",
new Object[]{name, component});
super.startElement(name, component);
if (_LOG.isFinest())
_LOG.finest("PPR: Ignoring element {0} in component {1}",
new Object[]{name, component});
public void endElement(String name) throws IOException
if (_isInsideTarget())
public void writeAttribute(String name,
Object value,
String property) throws IOException
if (value == null)
// Write out attributes when we're inside a target and outputting
// normally
if (_isInsideTarget())
_handleIdAttribute(name, value);
super.writeAttribute(name, value, property);
public void writeURIAttribute(
String name,
Object value,
String property) throws IOException
// Write out attributes when we're inside a target and outputting
// normally
if (_isInsideTarget())
// We actually use writeURIAttribute() to write out the "id"
// of our links, because "name" is actually kind of a URI
// property, and "id" is required to be the same as "name".
// A strange decision that should be revisited, but for now,
// trap writeURIAttribute() too
_handleIdAttribute(name, value);
super.writeURIAttribute(name, value, property);
public void writeViewState(String state) throws IOException
_xml.startElement(_ELEMENT_CHANGES_UPDATE, null);
//_xml.writeAttribute(_ATTRIBUTE_ID, PartialResponseWriter.VIEW_STATE_MARKER, null);
_xml.writeAttribute(_ATTRIBUTE_ID, StateUtils.getViewStateId(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance()), null);
* Allows subclasses to retrieve the underlying response writer and bypass PPR logic
* allowing content to be written only by partial targets
* @return underlying ResponseWriter
protected ResponseWriter getXmlResponseWriter()
return _xml;
* Writes out buffered inline scripts and script libraries
protected void writeBufferedScripts() throws IOException
List<String> libraries = getBufferedLibraries();
if (libraries != null)
for (String library : libraries)
_xml.startElement(_ELEMENT_EXTENSION, null);
_xml.writeAttribute(_ATTRIBUTE_ID, "tr-script-library", null);
_xml.writeText(library, null);
List<String> scripts = getBufferedScripts();
if (scripts != null)
for (String script : scripts)
_xml.startElement(_ELEMENT_EVAL, null);
// Clear out any buffered scripts/libraries
* Writes out framework-level scripts
protected void writeFrameworkScripts() throws IOException
ResponseWriter old = _facesContext.getResponseWriter();
// ExtendedRenderKitService will write out a <script> element.
// We want to replace it with <eval> and surround the script with CDATA
// All attributes will be ignored
ResponseWriter xml = new ResponseWriterDecorator(_xml)
public void startElement(String name, UIComponent component) throws IOException
if ("script".equalsIgnoreCase(name))
_xml.startElement(_ELEMENT_EVAL, null);
public void endElement(String name) throws IOException
if ("script".equalsIgnoreCase(name))
public void writeAttribute(String name, Object value, String attrName) throws IOException
// And also encode ExtendedRenderKitService scripts. (ERKS
// renders its own script wrapper element.)
ExtendedRenderKitService erks =
if (erks != null)
// We need to set form action URL by writing out a JS call because the response
// may be processed by jsf.ajax
private void _writeFormActionScript() throws IOException
String viewId = _facesContext.getViewRoot().getViewId();
// HACK: don't write out an "action" for PPR on a GenericEntry page
// (basically entirely for the InlineDatePicker case)
if (!GenericEntry.getViewId().equals(viewId))
_xml.startElement(_ELEMENT_EVAL, null);
StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder(128);
String actionURL = _facesContext.getApplication().
getViewHandler().getActionURL(_facesContext, viewId);
ExternalContext external = _facesContext.getExternalContext();
private void _pushPartialTarget(
UIComponent component,
String elementName)
throws IOException
PPRTag tag = null;
// If we're already inside a target, don't bother
if (!_isInsideTarget())
if (component != null)
String clientId = component.getClientId(_facesContext);
String renderedClientId = RenderUtils.getRendererClientId(_facesContext, component);
if (_state.pprContext.isPartialTarget(clientId))
tag = new PPRTag(clientId, renderedClientId);
_state.enteringPPR = component;
if (tag != null)
tag.startUpdate(_state.pprContext, elementName);
private void _popPartialTarget(String elementName) throws IOException
List<PPRTag> componentStack = _state.componentStack;
int pos = componentStack.size() - 1;
PPRTag tag = componentStack.get(pos);
if (tag != null)
tag.finishUpdate(_state.pprContext, elementName);
private boolean _isInsideTarget()
// Only use the real ResponseWriter when we are rendering
// a partial target subtree. Otherwise, we discard all
// output.
return _state.forceInsideTarget ||
// Facelets - as of version 1.1.11 - does something
// very strange with its ResponseWriter stack.
// It starts with an ordinary stack (which will have
// a PPRResponseWriter around an HtmlResponseWriter).
// Then it treats that *as an ordinary Writer*, and
// wraps it in a "StateWriter" class, which merely
// is used to switch between passing output through
// and buffering it. Then it takes that StateWriter
// and uses it to cloneWithWriter() a new ResponseWriter
// stack! As a result, we have the following stack
// outermost to innermost:
// PPRResponseWriter
// HtmlResponseWriter
// StateWriter
// PPRResponseWriter
// HtmlResponseWriter
// ServletResponse's Writer
// In the end, we have to get that "inner" PPRResponseWriter
// to just cut it out and pass everything through. Hence,
// this hack! So If I get a "write" call while we're
// inside of startDocument(), assume that I must be an
// abused PPRResponseWriter, and just put myself in
// pass-everything-through mode
private void _disableIfNeeded()
if (_state.documentStarting)
_state = new State(_state.pprContext);
_state.forceInsideTarget = true;
private void _handleIdAttribute(String name, Object value)
if ((_state.enteringPPR != null) && "id".equals(name))
if (_LOG.isFine())
_LOG.fine("Using id {1} for element of {0}",
new Object[]{_state.enteringPPR, value});
_state.enteringPPR = null;
private void _startChanges() throws IOException
if (!_state.changesStarted)
_xml.startElement(_ELEMENT_CHANGES, null);
_state.changesStarted = true;
private void _endChanges()
throws IOException
if (_state.changesStarted)
_state.changesStarted = false;
public void startCDATA()
throws IOException
public void endCDATA()
throws IOException
// Class representing PPR behavior associated with a tag. The
// base class simply tells PPR when it's working with a partial target
private class PPRTag
private PPRTag(String id, String renderedId)
_id = id;
_renderedId = renderedId != null ? renderedId : id;
public void startUpdate(
PartialPageContextImpl pprContext,
String elementName) throws IOException
if (_id != null)
_xml.startElement(_ELEMENT_CHANGES_UPDATE, null);
_xml.writeAttribute(_ATTRIBUTE_ID, _renderedId, null);
_xml.flush(); // NEW
if (_LOG.isFine())
_LOG.fine("Entering partial target id {0}", _id);
// Write out wrapper elements needed to ensure valid HTML
public void finishUpdate(
PartialPageContextImpl pprContext,
String elementName) throws IOException
if (_id != null)
if (_state.enteringPPR != null)
_state.enteringPPR = null;
// Close up wrapper elements needed to ensure valid HTML
_LOG.finer("Leaving partial target id {0}", _id);
// Write out wrapper elements needed to generate valid HTML content
private void _startWrapperElements(String elementName) throws IOException
// If the partial target has <tr>/<td> as its root element, we
// need to wrap these contents such that the root element is
// a <table>. This allows us to shove this content into a
// div as innerHTML on the client to produce the DOM tree. Without
// this, the resulting HTML is invalid and the DOM tree is not
// produced.
boolean isTR = "tr".equalsIgnoreCase(elementName);
boolean isTD = "td".equalsIgnoreCase(elementName);
if (isTR || isTD)
PPRResponseWriter.super.startElement("table", null);
if (isTD)
PPRResponseWriter.super.startElement("tr", null);
// Close up wrapper elements needed to generate valid HTML content
private void _endWrapperElements(String elementName) throws IOException
// Close up <table>/<tr> tags if necessary.
boolean isTR = "tr".equalsIgnoreCase(elementName);
boolean isTD = "td".equalsIgnoreCase(elementName);
if (isTR || isTD)
if (isTD)
private String _id;
private String _renderedId;
static private class State
public State(PartialPageContextImpl pprContext)
this.pprContext = pprContext;
public UIComponent enteringPPR;
public boolean forceInsideTarget;
public int elementDepth;
public boolean documentStarted;
public boolean documentStarting;
public boolean changesStarted;
public final List<PPRTag> componentStack = new ArrayList<PPRTag>(50);
public final PartialPageContextImpl pprContext;
private State _state;
private ResponseWriter _xml;
private boolean _bufferScripts;
private final FacesContext _facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
static private final TrinidadLogger _LOG = TrinidadLogger.createTrinidadLogger(PPRResponseWriter.class);
private static final String _ELEMENT_PARTIAL_RESPONSE = "partial-response";
private static final String _ELEMENT_CHANGES = "changes";
private static final String _ELEMENT_CHANGES_UPDATE = "update";
private static final String _ELEMENT_EVAL = "eval";
private static final String _ELEMENT_EXTENSION = "extension";
private static final String _ATTRIBUTE_ID = "id";
private static final List<String> _allowedIds = Arrays.asList(PartialResponseWriter.VIEW_STATE_MARKER);