blob: 68527c741cffcb0db1749723109f2185facfee93 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.renderkit.core.xhtml;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.faces.component.ActionSource;
import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
import javax.faces.component.UIForm;
import javax.faces.context.ExternalContext;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import javax.faces.context.PartialResponseWriter;
import javax.faces.context.ResponseWriter;
import javax.faces.convert.Converter;
import javax.faces.validator.Validator;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.FacesBean;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.PropertyKey;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponent;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXForm;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.core.CoreForm;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.context.Agent;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.context.FormData;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.context.PartialPageContext;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.context.RenderingContext;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.context.RequestContext;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.logging.TrinidadLogger;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.util.ExternalContextUtils;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.util.RequestType;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.agent.TrinidadAgent;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.renderkit.core.CoreResponseStateManager;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.renderkit.uix.SubformRenderer;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.util.JsfUtils;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.util.StateUtils;
// TODO: Remove this class
* @version $Name: $ ($Revision: adfrt/faces/adf-faces-impl/src/main/java/oracle/adfinternal/view/faces/ui/laf/base/xhtml/ $) $Date: 10-nov-2005.18:53:51 $
public class FormRenderer extends XhtmlRenderer
public FormRenderer()
protected void decode(
FacesContext facesContext,
UIComponent component,
FacesBean facesBean,
String clientId)
Map<String, String> paramMap =
Object formName = paramMap.get(CoreResponseStateManager.FORM_FIELD_NAME);
boolean submitted = false;
if ( formName != null )
if (clientId == null)
clientId = getClientId(facesContext, component);
submitted = formName.equals(clientId);
// We use this decode for both our form and UIForm
if (component instanceof UIForm)
((UIForm) component).setSubmitted(submitted);
((UIXForm) component).setSubmitted(submitted);
public boolean getRendersChildren()
return false;
protected void findTypeConstants(
FacesBean.Type type)
_usesUploadKey = type.findKey("usesUpload");
_autoCompleteKey = type.findKey("autoComplete");
_defaultCommandKey = type.findKey("defaultCommand");
_onsubmitKey = type.findKey("onsubmit");
_targetFrameKey = type.findKey("targetFrame");
public void setupEncodingContext(
FacesContext context,
RenderingContext rc,
UIComponent component)
String formName = getClientId(context, component);
CoreFormData fData = new CoreFormData(formName);
if (formName != null)
// =-=AEW This should get removed in favor of solely using FormData;
// but keep it around for now
rc.getProperties().put(XhtmlConstants.FORM_NAME_PROPERTY, formName);
// Check to see if this is a partial page render. If so, we need
// to push the ID of the postscript onto the partial target stack
final String postscriptId = _getPostscriptId(rc, formName);
PartialPageContext pprContext = rc.getPartialPageContext();
if (pprContext != null)
if (!pprContext.isInsidePartialTarget())
// if optimized PPR is enabled, we will never call encodeall at this point, so we need
// no force the postscript element to render now
if (PartialPageUtils.isOptimizedPPREnabled(context, false))
_renderPostscriptElement(context, rc, context.getResponseWriter(), postscriptId);
catch (IOException e)
// wrap IOException because we aren't allowed to throw IOExceptions
throw new RuntimeException(e);
protected void encodeBegin(
FacesContext context,
RenderingContext rc,
UIComponent comp,
FacesBean bean
) throws IOException
ResponseWriter rw = context.getResponseWriter();
ExternalContext ec = context.getExternalContext();
String formName = rc.getFormData().getName();
if (supportsScripting(rc))
// we depend on the form submission library
XhtmlUtils.addLib(context, rc, "submitForm()");
XhtmlUtils.addLib(context, rc, "_submitOnEnter()");
// if the onSubmit attribute is set, generate the JavaScript variable
// with the source code to execute when submitting. We do this,
// because the normal onSubmit handler on forms is NOT called if
// the form is submitted programatically
String onsubmit = getOnsubmit(comp, bean);
if (onsubmit != null)
rw.startElement("script", null);
renderScriptDeferAttribute(context, rc);
// Bug #3426092:
// render the type="text/javascript" attribute in accessibility mode
renderScriptTypeAttribute(context, rc);
rw.write("var _");
rw.writeText(onsubmit, null);
rw.startElement("form", comp);
renderId(context, comp);
renderAllAttributes(context, rc, comp, bean);
// Render the method. It's POST if they want file upload, and they
// can actually upload files otherwise we'll just use whatever they request
if (getUsesUpload(comp, bean))
rw.writeAttribute("enctype", "multipart/form-data", "usesUpload");
rw.writeAttribute("method", "POST", null);
//only render onkeypress if supports scripting (not in printable mode)
if (supportsScripting(rc))
// render the autocomplete attribute
if (supportsAutoCompleteFormElements(rc))
String autocomplete = getAutoComplete(comp, bean);
if (autocomplete.equalsIgnoreCase(CoreForm.AUTO_COMPLETE_OFF))
rw.writeAttribute("autocomplete", "off", "autoComplete");
String viewId = context.getViewRoot().getViewId();
String action =
context.getApplication().getViewHandler().getActionURL(context, viewId);
renderEncodedActionURI(context, "action", action);
RequestType type = ExternalContextUtils.getRequestType(ec);
//Always add expando to portlet form
renderEncodedResourceURI(context, "_trinPPRAction", action);
if (supportsTarget(rc))
rw.writeAttribute("target", getTargetFrame(comp, bean), "targetFrame");
protected void encodeEnd(
FacesContext context,
RenderingContext rc,
UIComponent comp,
FacesBean bean
) throws IOException
String noJavaScriptSupport = "false";
ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
String formName = rc.getFormData().getName();
PartialPageContext pprContext = rc.getPartialPageContext();
// Write out the hidden form field that identifies which
// form is the one being submitted
writer.startElement("input", null);
writer.writeAttribute("type", "hidden", null);
writer.writeAttribute("name", CoreResponseStateManager.FORM_FIELD_NAME, null);
writer.writeAttribute("value", formName, null);
* set the hidden parameter noJavaScriptSupport as true for Non-JavaScript
* browsers
if( !supportsScripting(rc))
noJavaScriptSupport = XhtmlConstants.NON_JS_BROWSER_TRUE;
writer.startElement("input", null);
writer.writeAttribute("type", "hidden", null);
writer.writeAttribute("name", XhtmlConstants.NON_JS_BROWSER,null );
writer.writeAttribute("value", noJavaScriptSupport, null);
final String postscriptId = _getPostscriptId(rc, formName);
// render postscript element containing the state and the
_renderPostscriptElement(context, rc, writer, postscriptId);
//this condition is needed for bug 4526850- It ensures that only
//state token and form name parameters are overwritten when there is
//a partial page submission.
// (also include blackberry browser in this condition)
if (isPDA(rc) && pprContext == null)
//Add hidden elements in the form for enabling PPR on IE Mobile.
Object domLevel = rc.getAgent().getCapabilities().get(
domLevel == null ||
domLevel == TrinidadAgent.DOM_CAP_NONE ||
domLevel == TrinidadAgent.DOM_CAP_FORM)
FormData formData = rc.getFormData();
if(formData != null)
boolean isPIE = Agent.PLATFORM_PPC.equalsIgnoreCase(
// =-=AdamWiner: this isn't correct - these
// parameters should be added by the components that need
// them, not globally by the form control
if (isPIE)
// In the case of Windows-mobile(WM) browsers, store the value of
// the request-header field, UA-pixels, into a hidden-parameter's
// value attribute. WM browsers' PPRs don't contain UA-pixels in
// their request-headers. So during a WM browser's PPR, we need to
// manually (using JavaScript) set the field, UA-pixels, into
// the request-header with the hidden parameter's value.
Map<String, String> headerMap =
_renderNeededValues(context, rc);
// Windows Mobile (WM) 6.1 doesn't support executing JS which are sent along
// a PPR response, so components which have their own JS will not work in
// WM 6.1 if it is injected during a PPR.
// To fix this issue, we need to render the script used by other components.
if ((Agent.PLATFORM_PPC.equalsIgnoreCase(rc.getAgent().getPlatformName()))
&& Boolean.TRUE.equals(rc.getAgent().
_renderOtherComponentScripts(context, rc, writer);
// Render submitFormCheck js function --
// checks if submitForm was rejected because form was incomplete
// when it was called, and thus calls submitForm again.
if (pprContext == null)
_renderSubmitFormCheck(context, rc);
// trigger the rendering of targeted resource
// for the FORM, on UIViewRoot - if there are
// any...
encodeComponentResources(context, "form");
// Close up the form
* Renders the postscript element containing the state and javascript
* @param context
* @param rw
* @param postscriptId
* @throws IOException
private void _renderPostscriptElement(
FacesContext context,
RenderingContext rc,
ResponseWriter rw,
final String postscriptId
) throws IOException
if (postscriptId != null)
// We wrap all of our values/scripts inside of a span so that
// they can be easily updated during a partial page render.
// Note: it is essential that we call context.getResponseWriter()
// *after* calling _startPartialPostscriptRender(). Otherwise,
// we'll end up writing to the null output method.
rw.startElement("span", new CoreForm()
public String getClientId(FacesContext context)
return postscriptId;
rw.writeAttribute("id", postscriptId, null);
// PDA's JavaScript-DOM is not capable of updating the ViewState just by
// using ViewState's value, so for PDAs, FormRenderer will again render
// the ViewState as a hidden element
if (isPDA(rc) &&
String state =
rw.startElement("input", null);
rw.writeAttribute("type", "hidden", null);
PartialResponseWriter.VIEW_STATE_MARKER , null);
if (JsfUtils.IS_JSF_2_2)
rw.writeAttribute("id", StateUtils.getViewStateId(context), null);
rw.writeAttribute("value", state, null);
// Include the Window state, if any
// Render any needed values
//VAC this condition is needed for bug 4526850- It ensures that only
//state token and form name parameters are overwritten when there is
//a partial page submission.
//PH:include condition that browser is not blackberry
if (!isPDA(rc))
_renderNeededValues(context, rc);
// Render any validation scripts
_renderValidationScripts(context, rc);
// Render reset calls
_renderResetCalls(context, rc);
// Close up our postscript span if we have one
if (postscriptId != null)
if (!(isPDA(rc) &&
// Include JSF state.
// Note that MultiViewHandler in JSF RI will not write the state
// for any AJAX requests. PartialViewContextImpl will write out the state
// for these requets
public void tearDownEncodingContext(
FacesContext context,
RenderingContext rc,
UIComponent component)
// Clear out the form name property
// clear out form data:;
* Returns the inline Style used to render this node.
protected String getInlineStyle(
UIComponent component,
FacesBean bean)
String inlineStyle = super.getInlineStyle(component, bean);
if (inlineStyle == null)
return "margin:0px";
return inlineStyle + ";margin:0px";
* Render the client ID as both an "id" and a "name"
protected void renderId(
FacesContext context,
UIComponent component
) throws IOException
String clientId = getClientId(context, component);
context.getResponseWriter().writeAttribute("id", clientId, "id");
context.getResponseWriter().writeAttribute("name", clientId, "id");
* All editable components need IDs.
protected boolean shouldRenderId(
FacesContext context,
UIComponent component)
return true;
// Renders reset call code
private static void _renderResetCalls(
FacesContext context,
RenderingContext rc
) throws IOException
// if scripting isn't supported, no need to do the rest
if (!supportsScripting(rc))
// Write the array of reset calls
CoreFormData fData = (CoreFormData) rc.getFormData();
Map<String, String> resetCallMap = fData.getResetCalls(false);
int resetCallCount = (resetCallMap != null)
? resetCallMap.size()
: 0;
if (resetCallCount != 0)
ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
writer.startElement("script", null);
renderScriptDeferAttribute(context, rc);
// Bug #3426092:
// render the type="text/javascript" attribute in accessibility mode
renderScriptTypeAttribute(context, rc);
writer.writeText("TrPage.getInstance()._addResetCalls('", null);
writer.writeText(fData.getName(), null);
writer.writeText("',{", null);
boolean firstCall = true;
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : resetCallMap.entrySet())
String clientId = entry.getKey();
String currCall = entry.getValue();
if (firstCall)
firstCall = false;
// write the separator every time except the first time
writer.writeText(",", null);
// write the error format
// use single quotes since embedded single quotes
// are automatically escaped
writer.writeText("'", null);
writer.writeText(clientId, null);
writer.writeText("':'", null);
writer.writeText(XhtmlUtils.escapeJS(currCall), null);
writer.writeText("'", null);
writer.writeText("});", null);
// Renders validation code
// Code is of the form:
// - Dependencies, written sequentially
// - Validation function, written only on non-PPR requests
// - Call to _addValidators function, which takes
// - form object
// - _Validators array, which is an array of 5*N entries with each 5:
// 0: clientId,
// 1: required (0 or 1)
// 2: requiredFormatIndex (blank if required==0) - index into _Formats
// 3: converter (or (void 0) if omitted) - index into Validations array
// 4: validator array - array of integers, each index into Validations
// TODO: turn into a Map of clientId to 4 entries
// TODO: consider passing "immediate"
// - _Validations array (an array of stringified JSON objects)
// (TODO: stringifying these is pointless, pass as direct JSON)
// - Label map: clientId to label
// - _Formats array: now used only for required messages
private static void _renderValidationScripts(
FacesContext context,
RenderingContext rc
) throws IOException
// if scripting isn't supported, no need to do the rest
if (!supportsScripting(rc))
// Output validation-related JavaScript
ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
CoreFormData fData = (CoreFormData) rc.getFormData();
// Fix up the form name for use as a Javascript identifier
String jsID = XhtmlUtils.getJSIdentifier(fData.getName());
writer.startElement("script", null);
renderScriptDeferAttribute(context, rc);
renderScriptTypeAttribute(context, rc);
// Write the array of client dependencies
// Whether or not client side validation is enabled,
// The dependencies may be needed - see bug
List<String> clientDependencies = fData.getClientDependencies( false);
if (clientDependencies != null)
for (int d = 0; d < clientDependencies.size(); d++)
RequestContext requestContext = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance();
boolean isClientValidationDisabled =
requestContext.getClientValidation() == RequestContext.ClientValidation.DISABLED;
// Only bother writing out the function when there's no PPR,
// as the content doesn't change request to request
if (rc.getPartialPageContext() == null)
boolean isInline =
(requestContext.getClientValidation() == RequestContext.ClientValidation.INLINE);
// write the validation function for this form
writer.writeText("function _", null);
writer.writeText(jsID, null);
writer.writeText("Validator(f,s){return ", null);
if (isClientValidationDisabled)
// No client-side validation: always return true
writer.writeText("true", null);
else if (isInline)
writer.writeText("_validateInline(f,s)", null);
writer.writeText("_validateAlert(f,s,null,\"", null);
rc.getTranslatedString(_GLOBAL_FORMAT_KEY)), null);
writer.writeText("\",\"", null);
rc.getTranslatedString("af_form.SUBMIT_ERRORS")), null);
writer.writeText("\")", null);
writer.writeText(";}", null);
// If no client-side validation, return now
if (isClientValidationDisabled)
// Write the array of validation calls
// Write the array of form validators
Map<String, List<CoreFormData.ConvertValidate>> validatorInfoMap =
if (validatorInfoMap != null)
writer.writeText("_addValidators(\"", null);
writer.writeText(fData.getName(), null);
writer.writeText("\",[", null);
boolean firstFormInfo = true;
// FIXME: the List here is wrong; we should only ever have
// one CoreFormData.ConvertValidate per ID, and anything else is
// an error
for (Map.Entry<String, List<CoreFormData.ConvertValidate>> validatorEntry :
String clientId = validatorEntry.getKey();
List<CoreFormData.ConvertValidate> validatorInfoList =
for (CoreFormData.ConvertValidate convertValidate : validatorInfoList)
if (firstFormInfo)
firstFormInfo = false;
// write the separator every time except the first time
writer.writeText("],", null);
writer.writeText("\"", null);
// write the element name of the element to be validated
writer.writeText(clientId, null);
writer.writeText("\",", null);
// write out whether or not this element is required
writer.writeText(convertValidate.required? "1" : "0", null);
writer.writeText(",", null);
if (convertValidate.requiredFormatIndex != null)
// write out the index of the required error message
writer.writeText(convertValidate.requiredFormatIndex, null);
writer.writeText(",", null);
Object converterInfo = convertValidate.converter;
if (converterInfo != null)
writer.writeText(converterInfo, null);
writer.writeText("(void 0)", null);
writer.writeText(",[", null);
ArrayList<Integer> validatorInfo = convertValidate.validators;
if (validatorInfo != null)
boolean firstValidator = true;
int i = 0;
while (i < validatorInfo.size())
if (firstValidator)
firstValidator = false;
// write the separator every time except the first time
writer.writeText(",", null);
// write the validation string for the validater
writer.writeText(validatorInfo.get(i).toString(), null);
i = i + 1;
writer.writeText("]],[", null);
Iterator<String> validationIterator = fData.getValidationIterator();
if (validationIterator != null)
boolean firstValidation = true;
String currValidation =;
if (firstValidation)
firstValidation = false;
// write the separator every time except the first time
writer.writeText(",", null);
// write the error format
// use single quotes since embedded single quotes
// are automatically escaped
writer.writeText("\'", null);
writer.writeText(XhtmlUtils.escapeJS(currValidation), null);
writer.writeText("\'", null);
writer.writeText("],{", null);
// Render the labels used by validated fields in this form
// list of labels used for validation on this form
List<String> inputList = fData.getValidatedInputList(false);
int inputCount = (inputList != null)
? inputList.size()
: 0;
if (inputCount > 0)
Map<String, String> labelMap = fData.getLabelMap(false);
if (labelMap != null)
boolean firstLabel = true;
for (int i = 0; i < inputCount; i++)
String currID = inputList.get(i);
// remove the ID entry to prevent multiple labels from
// being written
String currLabel = labelMap.remove(currID);
if (currLabel != null)
if (firstLabel)
firstLabel = false;
// write the separator every time except the first time
writer.writeText(",", null);
// write the ID of the validated field as the key
writer.writeText("\'", null);
writer.writeText(currID, null);
writer.writeText("\':\'", null);
// write the label of the validated field as the value
writer.writeText(XhtmlUtils.escapeJS(currLabel), null);
writer.writeText("\'", null);
writer.writeText("},[", null);
// Render the error format list for this form
// list of error formats used for validation on this form
Iterator<String> errorFormatIterator = fData.getErrorFormatIterator();
if (errorFormatIterator != null)
boolean firstFormat = true;
String currErrorFormat =;
if (firstFormat)
firstFormat = false;
// write the separator every time except the first time
writer.writeText(",", null);
// write the error format
writer.writeText("'", null);
writer.writeText(XhtmlUtils.escapeJS(currErrorFormat), null);
writer.writeText("'", null);
writer.writeText("]);", null);
_renderSubformLists(context, jsID);
private static void _renderSubformLists(
FacesContext context,
String jsID
) throws IOException
ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
List<String> subforms =
SubformRenderer.getSubformList(context, false, false);
writer.writeText("var ", null);
writer.writeText(jsID, null);
writer.writeText("_SF={", null);
if ((subforms != null) && !subforms.isEmpty())
List<String> defaultSubforms =
SubformRenderer.getSubformList(context, true, false);
Iterator<String> ids = subforms.iterator();
while (ids.hasNext())
String id =;
writer.writeText("\"", null);
writer.writeText(id, null);
writer.writeText("\":", null);
if ((defaultSubforms != null) && defaultSubforms.contains(id))
writer.writeText("2", null);
writer.writeText("1", null);
if (ids.hasNext())
writer.writeText(",", null);
writer.writeText("};", null);
// render script which will check if submitForm script has been called before
// the form has rendered in its entirety, and if so, it will re-call
// submitForm.
// this script should be rendered at the very end of the form.
private static void _renderSubmitFormCheck(
FacesContext context,
RenderingContext rc
) throws IOException
// if scripting isn't supported, no need to do the rest
if (!supportsScripting(rc))
ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
writer.startElement("script", null);
renderScriptDeferAttribute(context, rc);
// Bug #3426092:
// render the type="text/javascript" attribute in accessibility mode
renderScriptTypeAttribute(context, rc);
writer.writeText("_submitFormCheck();", null);
* @param call a function call.
* "eval(call)" will be called on the client when resetting.
public static void addResetCall(
String clientId,
String call
CoreFormData fData = (CoreFormData)
fData.addResetCall(clientId, call);
public static void addOnSubmitConverterValidators(
UIComponent component,
Converter converter,
Iterator<Validator> validators,
String clientId,
boolean immediate,
boolean required,
String requiredMessageKey
) throws IOException
CoreFormData fData = (CoreFormData)
* Add a mapping of an input element ID to a label String. If there is a
* client-side error regarding the form element with the given ID, the given
* label will be used in the client-side error message.
* @param targetID the ID of the form element
* @param label the label that describes the form element
* <code>targetID</code>
public static void addLabelMapping(
String targetID,
String label
FormData fData = RenderingContext.getCurrentInstance().getFormData();
fData.addLabel(targetID, label);
public static int getInputTextCount()
CoreFormData fData = (CoreFormData) RenderingContext.getCurrentInstance().getFormData();
return fData.getInputTextCount();
public static void incrementInputTextCount()
CoreFormData fData = (CoreFormData) RenderingContext.getCurrentInstance().getFormData();
// Returns the ID to use for our postscript if PPR is supported
private static String _getPostscriptId(
RenderingContext rc,
String formName
if (PartialPageUtils.supportsPartialRendering(rc))
return "tr_" + formName + "_Postscript";
return null;
protected String getDefaultCommand(
UIComponent component,
FacesBean bean)
return toString(bean.getProperty(_defaultCommandKey));
protected String getOnsubmit(
UIComponent component,
FacesBean bean)
if (_onsubmitKey == null)
return null;
return XhtmlUtils.getClientEventHandler(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(), component,
"submit", null, toString(bean.getProperty(_onsubmitKey)), null);
protected String getTargetFrame(
UIComponent component,
FacesBean bean)
return toString(bean.getProperty(_targetFrameKey));
protected boolean getUsesUpload(
UIComponent component,
FacesBean bean)
Object o = bean.getProperty(_usesUploadKey);
if (o == null)
o = _usesUploadKey.getDefault();
return Boolean.TRUE.equals(o);
protected String getFullOnkeypress(
FacesContext context,
UIComponent component,
FacesBean bean,
String clientId)
String onKeypress = super.getOnkeypress(component, bean);
String defaultCommand = getDefaultCommand(component, bean);
String submitFunc = null;
UIComponent defaultCommandComponent = null;
if (defaultCommand != null && !"".equals(defaultCommand))
= component.findComponent(defaultCommand);
if (defaultCommandComponent != null && (defaultCommandComponent instanceof ActionSource))
// Get the true clientId
String defaultCommandId =
int immediate = 1;
if(((ActionSource) defaultCommandComponent).isImmediate())
immediate = 0;
Boolean ppr = (Boolean) defaultCommandComponent.getAttributes().get("partialSubmit");
if(ppr != null && ppr)
submitFunc = "return _submitOnEnter"
+ "(event,'" + clientId
+ "'," + "'" + defaultCommandId
+ "'," + immediate
+ "," + true +");";
//no PPR
submitFunc = "return _submitOnEnter"
+ "(event,'" + clientId
+ "'," + "'" + defaultCommandId
+ "'," + immediate
+ "," + false +");";
submitFunc = "return _submitOnEnter(event,'" +
clientId +
onKeypress = XhtmlUtils.getChainedJS(onKeypress, submitFunc, true);
return onKeypress;
protected String getOnkeypress(
UIComponent component,
FacesBean bean)
// Back out the default keypress, since we need more info
return null;
protected String getAutoComplete(
UIComponent component,
FacesBean bean)
Object o = bean.getProperty(_autoCompleteKey);
if (o == null)
o = _autoCompleteKey.getDefault();
return o.toString();
private static void _renderHiddenField(
ResponseWriter writer,
Object name,
Object value
) throws IOException
writer.startElement("input", null);
writer.writeAttribute("type", "hidden", null);
writer.writeAttribute("name", name, null);
writer.writeAttribute("value", value, null);
* Render each "needed" FormValue that hasn't already
* been rendered. Called by FormRenderer.postrender().
* @see FormRenderer#encodeEnd(FacesContext,RenderingContext, UIComponent, FacesBean)
static private void _renderNeededValues(
FacesContext context,
RenderingContext rc
) throws IOException
ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
CoreFormData fData = (CoreFormData) rc.getFormData();
if (fData.useCompoundNames())
// We are rendering compound names instead of rendering
// hidden fields without values
int realNeededIndex = 0;
List<String> neededValues = fData.getNeededValues(false);
// loop over the list of needed names, creating hidden fields
// for any that have not already been rendered
int neededCount = (neededValues != null)
? neededValues.size()
: 0;
if (neededCount > 0)
// if we support scripting use null as the value for
// the needed values, as we will be filling them
// in. For non-js platforms, use a value that will
// result in the value being passed to the server
String neededValue = (supportsScripting(rc))
? null
: "a";
Set<String> renderedValues = fData.getRenderedValues(true);
for (int i = 0; i < neededCount; i++)
String currName = neededValues.get(i);
// if the needed name hasn't been rendered, add it to our
// list of unrendered elements
if (!renderedValues.contains(currName))
// move this item to be the last actually needed item
neededValues.set(realNeededIndex, currName);
// generate the hidden form field for this needed item
_renderHiddenField(writer, currName, neededValue);
// Output the javascript array of fields that need to be reset
if (realNeededIndex > 0)
if (supportsScripting(rc))
writer.startElement("script", null);
renderScriptDeferAttribute(context, rc);
// Bug #3426092:
// render the type="text/javascript" attribute in accessibility mode
renderScriptTypeAttribute(context, rc);
writer.writeText("TrPage.getInstance()._addResetFields('", null);
writer.writeText(fData.getName(), null);
writer.writeText("',[\"", null);
writer.writeText(neededValues.get(0), null);
for (int i = 1; i < realNeededIndex; i++)
writer.writeText("\",\"", null);
writer.writeText(neededValues.get(i), null);
writer.writeText("\"]);", null);
* Render the JavaScript needed by other components.
* @param: context - FacesContext
* @param: arc - RenderingContext
* @param: writer - ResponseWriter
private void _renderOtherComponentScripts(
FacesContext context,
RenderingContext arc,
ResponseWriter writer) throws IOException
// Script for show/hide funtionality in detailStamp facet
writer.startElement(XhtmlConstants.SCRIPT_ELEMENT, null);
renderScriptDeferAttribute(context, arc);
renderScriptTypeAttribute(context, arc);
writer.writeText(ShowDetailRenderer.PARTIAL_JS, null);
// Script for a table's pagination
ProcessUtils.renderNavSubmitScript(context, arc);
ProcessUtils.renderNavChoiceSubmitScript(context, arc);
// key used to indicate whether or not usesUpload is used:
public static final Object USES_UPLOAD_KEY = new Object();
private PropertyKey _usesUploadKey;
private PropertyKey _autoCompleteKey;
private PropertyKey _defaultCommandKey;
private PropertyKey _onsubmitKey;
private PropertyKey _targetFrameKey;
static private final String _GLOBAL_FORMAT_KEY =
// -= Simon Lessard =-
// FIXME: Nothing in this class is logged as of 2006-08-03
static private final TrinidadLogger _LOG = TrinidadLogger.createTrinidadLogger(FormRenderer.class);