blob: 0d466d02989bc037186379f80280a7d5570ab8f3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component;
import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.faces.FacesException;
import javax.faces.application.StateManager;
import javax.faces.component.ContextCallback;
import javax.faces.component.NamingContainer;
import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
import javax.faces.component.visit.VisitCallback;
import javax.faces.component.visit.VisitContext;
import javax.faces.component.visit.VisitContextWrapper;
import javax.faces.component.visit.VisitResult;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import javax.faces.event.AbortProcessingException;
import javax.faces.event.ComponentSystemEvent;
import javax.faces.event.FacesEvent;
import javax.faces.event.PhaseId;
import javax.faces.render.Renderer;
import org.apache.myfaces.buildtools.maven2.plugin.builder.annotation.JSFComponent;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.FacesBean;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.bean.PropertyKey;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.context.ComponentContextChange;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.context.ComponentContextManager;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.context.RequestContext;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.event.SelectionEvent;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.logging.TrinidadLogger;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.CollectionModel;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.LocalRowKeyIndex;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.RowKeyChangeEvent;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.RowKeyChangeListener;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.SortCriterion;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.render.ClientRowKeyManager;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.render.ClientRowKeyManagerFactory;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.util.Args;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.util.ComponentUtils;
* Base class for components that do stamping.
* This class set the EL 'var' variable correctly when the rowData changes.
* And it wraps events that are queued, so that the correct rowData can be
* restored on this component when the event is broadcast.
public abstract class UIXCollection extends UIXComponentBase
implements NamingContainer
static public final FacesBean.Type TYPE = new FacesBean.Type(
static public final PropertyKey VAR_KEY =
TYPE.registerKey("var", String.class, PropertyKey.CAP_NOT_BOUND);
protected UIXCollection(String rendererType)
protected UIXCollection()
* Gets the name of the EL variable used to reference each element of
* this collection. Once this component has completed rendering, this
* variable is removed (or reverted back to its previous value).
final public String getVar()
return ComponentUtils.resolveString(getProperty(VAR_KEY));
* Sets the name of the EL variable used to reference each element of
* this collection. Once this component has completed rendering, this
* variable is removed (or reverted back to its previous value).
final public void setVar(String var)
setProperty(VAR_KEY, (var));
InternalState iState = _getInternalState(false);
if (iState != null)
iState._var = var;
* Queues an event. If there is a currency set on this table, then
* the event will be wrapped so that when it is finally delivered, the correct
* currency will be restored.
* @param event a FacesEvent
public void queueEvent(FacesEvent event)
if (event.getSource() == this)
// Remember non-SelectionEvents on ourselves. This
// is a hack to support validation in tableSelectXyz.
if (!(event instanceof SelectionEvent))
InternalState iState = _getInternalState(true);
iState._hasEvent = true;
// we want to wrap up
// the event so we can execute it in the correct context (with the correct
// rowKey/rowData):
Object currencyKey = getRowKey();
event = new TableRowEvent(this, event, currencyKey);
// Queue a CollectionContextEvent in order to allow this class to setup the component change
// before sub-classes attempt to process the table row event instance.
super.queueEvent(new CollectionContextEvent(this, event));
* Delivers a wrapped event to the appropriate component.
* If the event is a special wrapped event, it is unwrapped.
* @param event a FacesEvent
* @throws javax.faces.event.AbortProcessingException
public void broadcast(FacesEvent event)
throws AbortProcessingException
FacesContext context = getFacesContext();
// Unwrap CollectionContextEvent events so that the original event is broadcast
// within a component change event context.
if (event instanceof CollectionContextEvent)
boolean inContextAtMethodInvocation = _inContext;
if (!inContextAtMethodInvocation)
CollectionContextEvent wrapperEvent = (CollectionContextEvent) event;
if (!inContextAtMethodInvocation)
// For "TableRowEvents", set up the data before firing the
// event to the actual component.
if (event instanceof TableRowEvent)
TableRowEvent rowEvent = (TableRowEvent) event;
Object old = getRowKey();
* Decodes this component before decoding the facets.
* Decodes the children as many times as they are stamped.
* @param context the FacesContext
public final void processDecodes(FacesContext context)
if (context == null)
throw new NullPointerException();
boolean inContextAtMethodInvocation = _inContext;
if (!inContextAtMethodInvocation)
InternalState iState = _getInternalState(true);
iState._isFirstRender = false;
if (!isRendered())
// Make sure _hasEvent is false.
iState._hasEvent = false;
// =-=AEW Because I'm getting the state in decode(), I need
// to do it before iterating over the children - otherwise,
// they'll be working off the wrong startIndex. When state
// management is integrated, I can likely put this back in the
// usual order
// Process this component itself
// Process all facets and children of this component
if (!inContextAtMethodInvocation)
protected void decodeChildrenImpl(FacesContext context)
processFacetsAndChildren(context, PhaseId.APPLY_REQUEST_VALUES);
protected void validateChildrenImpl(FacesContext context)
processFacetsAndChildren(context, PhaseId.PROCESS_VALIDATIONS);
protected void updateChildrenImpl(FacesContext context)
processFacetsAndChildren(context, PhaseId.UPDATE_MODEL_VALUES);
* Resets this component's stamps to their
* uninitialized state. This is useful when the user wants to
* undo any edits made to an editable table.
public void resetStampState()
InternalState iState = _getInternalState(true);
// TODO: this is over kill. for eg, It clears out any toggled showDetails.
Object initKey = _getCurrencyKeyForInitialStampState();
// do not clear the initial stamp state: a subtle bug could
// result where the initial state of each component is gone, so we
// fail to roll back to the initial default values
if (iState._stampState != null)
public Object processSaveState(FacesContext context)
boolean inContextAtMethodInvocation = _inContext;
if (!inContextAtMethodInvocation)
_stateSavingCurrencyKey = _resetCurrencyKeyForStateSaving(context);
Object savedState = super.processSaveState(context);
return savedState;
if (!inContextAtMethodInvocation)
public Object saveState(FacesContext context)
// _stampState is stored as an instance variable, so it isn't
// automatically saved
Object superState = super.saveState(context);
final Object stampState, clientKeyMgr, idToIndexMap;
// becareful not to create the internal state too early:
// otherwise, the internal state will be shared between
// nested table stamps:
InternalState iState = _getInternalState(false);
if (iState != null)
stampState = iState._stampState;
clientKeyMgr = iState._clientKeyMgr;
idToIndexMap = iState._idToIndexMap;
stampState = null;
clientKeyMgr = null;
idToIndexMap = null;
if ((superState != null) || (stampState != null) ||
(clientKeyMgr != null) || (idToIndexMap != null))
return new Object[]{superState, stampState, clientKeyMgr, idToIndexMap};
return null;
public void restoreState(FacesContext context, Object state)
final Object superState, stampState, clientKeyMgr, idToIndexMap;
Object[] array = (Object[]) state;
if (array != null)
superState = array[0];
stampState = array[1];
clientKeyMgr = array[2];
idToIndexMap = array[3];
superState = null;
stampState = null;
clientKeyMgr = null;
idToIndexMap = null;
super.restoreState(context, superState);
if ((stampState != null) || (clientKeyMgr != null) || (idToIndexMap != null))
InternalState iState = _getInternalState(true);
iState._stampState = (StampState) stampState;
iState._clientKeyMgr = (ClientRowKeyManager) clientKeyMgr;
iState._idToIndexMap = (Map<String, String>) idToIndexMap;
// becareful not to force creation of the internal state
// too early:
InternalState iState = _getInternalState(false);
if (iState != null)
iState._stampState = null;
iState._clientKeyMgr = null;
iState._idToIndexMap = null;
* Checks to see if the current row is available. This is useful when the
* total number of rows is not known.
* @see CollectionModel#isRowAvailable()
* @return true iff the current row is available.
public final boolean isRowAvailable()
return getCollectionModel().isRowAvailable();
* Check for an available row by row key.
* @param rowKey the row key for the row to check.
* @return true if a value exists; false otherwise.
public final boolean isRowAvailable(Object rowKey)
return getCollectionModel().isRowAvailable(rowKey);
* Get row data by row key.
* @param rowKey the row key for the row to get data.
* @return row data
public final Object getRowData(Object rowKey)
return getCollectionModel().getRowData(rowKey);
* Check if a range of rows is available starting from the current position
* @param rowCount number of rows to check
* @return true if all rows in range are available
public final boolean areRowsAvailable(int rowCount)
return getCollectionModel().areRowsAvailable(rowCount);
* Check if a range of rows is available from a starting index without
* requiring the client to iterate over the rows
* @param startIndex the starting index for the range
* @param rowCount number of rows to check
* @return true if all rows in range are available
public final boolean areRowsAvailable(int startIndex, int rowCount)
return getCollectionModel().areRowsAvailable(startIndex, rowCount);
* Check if a range of rows is available from a starting row key without
* requiring the client to iterate over the rows
* @param startRowKey the starting row key for the range
* @param rowCount number of rows to check
* @return true if all rows in range are available
public final boolean areRowsAvailable(Object startRowKey, int rowCount)
return getCollectionModel().areRowsAvailable(startRowKey, rowCount);
* Gets the total number of rows in this table.
* @see CollectionModel#getRowCount
* @return -1 if the total number is not known.
public final int getRowCount()
return getCollectionModel().getRowCount();
* Gets the index of the current row.
* @see CollectionModel#getRowIndex
* @return -1 if the current row is unavailable.
public final int getRowIndex()
return getCollectionModel().getRowIndex();
* Gets the rowKey of the current row.
* @see CollectionModel#getRowKey
* @return null if the current row is unavailable.
public final Object getRowKey()
InternalState iState = _getInternalState(true);
if (iState._currentRowKey == _NULL)
// See bug 4534104.
// Sometimes the rowKey for a particular row changes during update model
// (this happens in ADFM if you edit the primary key of a row).
// It is bad if the rowKey changes after _restoreStampState() and
// before _saveStampState(). Therefore, we cache it:
iState._currentRowKey = getCollectionModel().getRowKey();
return iState._currentRowKey;
* Gets the data for the current row.
* @see CollectionModel#getRowData(int)
* @return null if the current row is unavailable
public final Object getRowData()
CollectionModel model = getCollectionModel();
// we need to call isRowAvailable() here because the 1.0 sun RI was
// throwing exceptions when getRowData() was called with rowIndex=-1
return model.isRowAvailable() ? model.getRowData() : null;
* Checks to see if the row at the given index is available.
* @see CollectionModel#isRowAvailable(int)
* @param rowIndex the index of the row to check.
* @return true if data for the row exists.
public boolean isRowAvailable(int rowIndex)
return getCollectionModel().isRowAvailable(rowIndex);
* Gets the rowData at the given index.
* @see CollectionModel#getRowData(int)
* @param rowIndex the index of the row to get data from.
* @return the data for the given row.
public Object getRowData(int rowIndex)
return getCollectionModel().getRowData(rowIndex);
* Gets the EL variable name to use to expose the varStatusMap.
* @see #createVarStatusMap()
public abstract String getVarStatus();
* Makes a row current.
* This method calls {@link #preRowDataChange} and
* {@link #postRowDataChange} as appropriate.
* @see CollectionModel#setRowKey
* @param rowKey The rowKey of the row that should be made current. Use null
* to clear the current row.
public void setRowKey(Object rowKey)
if (_LOG.isFine() && (rowKey != null) && (!isRowAvailable()))
_LOG.fine("no row available for rowKey:"+rowKey);
* Makes a row current.
* This method calls {@link #preRowDataChange} and
* {@link #postRowDataChange} as appropriate.
* @see CollectionModel#setRowIndex
* @param rowIndex The rowIndex of the row that should be made current. Use -1
* to clear the current row.
public void setRowIndex(int rowIndex)
if (_LOG.isFine() && (rowIndex != -1) && (!isRowAvailable()))
_LOG.fine("no row available for rowIndex:"+rowIndex);
* @param property a property name in the model
* @return true if the model is sortable by the given property.
* @see CollectionModel#isSortable
public final boolean isSortable(String property)
return getCollectionModel().isSortable(property);
* Sorts this collection by the given criteria.
* @param criteria Each element in this List must be of type SortCriterion.
* @see org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.SortCriterion
* @see CollectionModel#setSortCriteria
public void setSortCriteria(List<SortCriterion> criteria)
* Gets the criteria that this collection is sorted by.
* @return each element in this List is of type SortCriterion.
* An empty list is returned if this collection is not sorted.
* @see org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.SortCriterion
* @see CollectionModel#getSortCriteria
public final List<SortCriterion> getSortCriteria()
return getCollectionModel().getSortCriteria();
* Clear the rowKey-to-currencyString cache.
* The cache is not cleared immediately; instead it will be cleared
* when {@link #encodeBegin(FacesContext)} is called.
* @deprecated Have your Renderer implement {@link ClientRowKeyManagerFactory}
* and create your own {@link ClientRowKeyManager} instances. Then you can
* manage the lifecycle of each key inside your ClientRowKeyManager.
protected void clearCurrencyStringCache()
_getInternalState(true)._clearTokenCache = true;
* Clears all the currency strings.
public final void encodeBegin(FacesContext context) throws IOException
boolean teardown = true;
InternalState istate = _getInternalState(true);
// we must not clear the currency cache everytime. only clear
// it in response to specific events: bug 4773659
// TODO all this code should be removed and moved into the renderer:
if (istate._clearTokenCache)
istate._clearTokenCache = false;
ClientRowKeyManager keyMgr = getClientRowKeyManager();
if (keyMgr instanceof DefaultClientKeyManager)
((DefaultClientKeyManager) keyMgr).clear();
Object assertKey = null;
assert ((assertKey = getRowKey()) != null) || true;
// make sure that the rendering code preserves the currency:
assert _assertKeyPreserved(assertKey) : "CurrencyKey not preserved";
teardown = false;
if (teardown)
// Tear down on errors & exceptions
public void encodeEnd(FacesContext context) throws IOException
Object assertKey = null;
assert ((assertKey = getRowKey()) != null) || true;
// make sure that the rendering code preserves the currency:
assert _assertKeyPreserved(assertKey) : "CurrencyKey not preserved";
protected void setupVisitingContext(FacesContext context)
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(context.getAttributes().get(StateManager.IS_SAVING_STATE)))
_stateSavingCurrencyKey = _resetCurrencyKeyForStateSaving(context);
protected void tearDownVisitingContext(FacesContext context)
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(context.getAttributes().get(StateManager.IS_SAVING_STATE)))
private boolean _assertKeyPreserved(Object oldKey)
Object newKey = getRowKey();
return (oldKey != null) ? oldKey.equals(newKey) : (newKey == null);
void __encodeBegin(FacesContext context) throws IOException
* Checks to see if processDecodes was called. If this returns true
* then this is the initial request, and processDecodes has not been called.
boolean __isFirstRender()
InternalState iState = _getInternalState(true);
return iState._isFirstRender;
* @deprecated use getClientRowKey
* @see #getClientRowKey
public String getCurrencyString()
return getClientRowKey();
* @deprecated use setClientRowKey
* @see #setClientRowKey
public void setCurrencyString(String currency)
* Gets a String version of the current rowkey.
* The contents of the String are controlled by the current
* {@link ClientRowKeyManager}.
* This String can be passed into the {@link #setClientRowKey} method
* to restore the current rowData.
* The lifetime of this String is short and it may not be valid during
* future requests; however, it is guaranteed to be valid
* for the next subsequent request.
* @see UIXCollection#setClientRowKey(java.lang.String)
* @see UIXCollection#getClientRowKeyManager()
* @see ClientRowKeyManager#getClientRowKey
public String getClientRowKey()
// only call getCurrencyKey if we already have a dataModel.
// otherwise behave as though no currency was set.
// we need to do this because we don't want dataModel created for components
// that are not rendered. The faces RI calls getClientId even on components
// that are not rendered and this in turn was calling this method:
Object currencyObject = _getCurrencyKey();
if (currencyObject == null)
return null;
Object initKey = _getCurrencyKeyForInitialStampState();
if (_equals(currencyObject, initKey))
return null;
FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
String key = getClientRowKeyManager().getClientRowKey(fc, this, currencyObject);
return key;
* This is a safe way of getting currency keys and not accidentally forcing
* the model to execute. When rendered="false" we should never execute the model.
* However, the JSF engine calls certain methods when rendered="false" such as
* processSaveState and getClientId.
* Those methods, in turn, get the CurrencyKey.
private Object _getCurrencyKey()
// use false so that we don't create an internal state.
// if the internal state is created too soon, then the same internal
// state will get shared across all nested table instances.
// this was causing bug 4616844:
InternalState iState = _getInternalState(false);
if (iState == null)
return null;
return (iState._model != null)
? getRowKey()
: _getCurrencyKeyForInitialStampState();
* Restores this component's rowData to be what it was when the given
* client rowKey string was created.
* @see UIXCollection#getClientRowKey()
public void setClientRowKey(String clientRowKey)
if (clientRowKey == null)
FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
Object rowkey = getClientRowKeyManager().getRowKey(fc, this, clientRowKey);
if (rowkey == null)
public void processRestoreState(
FacesContext context,
Object state)
boolean inContextAtMethodInvocation = _inContext;
if (!inContextAtMethodInvocation)
super.processRestoreState(context, state);
if (!inContextAtMethodInvocation)
public void processUpdates(FacesContext context)
boolean inContextAtMethodInvocation = _inContext;
if (!inContextAtMethodInvocation)
if (!inContextAtMethodInvocation)
public void processValidators(FacesContext context)
boolean inContextAtMethodInvocation = _inContext;
if (!inContextAtMethodInvocation)
if (!inContextAtMethodInvocation)
public void processEvent(ComponentSystemEvent event)
throws AbortProcessingException
boolean inContextAtMethodInvocation = _inContext;
if (!inContextAtMethodInvocation)
if (!inContextAtMethodInvocation)
* Gets the client-id of this component, without any NamingContainers.
* This id changes depending on the currency Object.
* Because this implementation uses currency strings, the local client ID is
* not stable for very long. Its lifetime is the same as that of a
* currency string.
* @see UIXCollection#getClientRowKey()
* @return the local clientId
public final String getContainerClientId(FacesContext context)
String id = getClientId(context);
String key = getClientRowKey();
if (key != null)
StringBuilder bld = __getSharedStringBuilder();
id = bld.toString();
return id;
* Prepares this component for a change in the rowData.
* This method should be called right before the rowData changes.
* It saves the internal states of all the stamps of this component
* so that they can be restored when the rowData is reverted.
protected final void preRowDataChange()
InternalState iState = _getInternalState(true);
// mark the cached rowKey as invalid:
iState._currentRowKey = _NULL;
// we don't have cached rowkey, thus remove rowkeychangelistener
if (iState._model != null)
* Sets up this component to use the new rowData.
* This method should be called right after the rowData changes.
* It sets up the var EL variable to be the current rowData.
* It also sets up the internal states of all the stamps of this component
* to match this new rowData.
protected final void postRowDataChange()
Object rowData = getRowData();
if (_LOG.isFinest() && (rowData == null))
_LOG.finest("rowData is null at rowIndex:"+getRowIndex()+
" and currencyKey:"+getRowKey());
InternalState iState = _getInternalState(true);
if (rowData == null)
// if the rowData is null, then we will restore the EL 'var' variable
// to be whatever the value was, before this component started rendering:
if (iState._prevVarValue != _NULL)
_setELVar(iState._var, iState._prevVarValue);
iState._prevVarValue = _NULL;
if (iState._prevVarStatus != _NULL)
_setELVar(iState._varStatus, iState._prevVarStatus);
iState._prevVarStatus = _NULL;
if (iState._var != null)
Object oldData = _setELVar(iState._var, rowData);
if (iState._prevVarValue == _NULL)
iState._prevVarValue = oldData;
// varStatus is not set per row. It is only set once.
// if _PrevVarStatus has not been assigned, then we have not set the
// varStatus yet:
if ((iState._varStatus != null) && (iState._prevVarStatus == _NULL))
Map<String, Object> varStatusMap = createVarStatusMap();
iState._prevVarStatus = _setELVar(iState._varStatus, varStatusMap);
// ensure the client IDs are reset on the component, otherwise they will not get the
// proper stamped IDs. This mirrors the behavior in UIData and follows the JSF specification
// on when client IDs are allowed to be cached and when they must be reset
List<UIComponent> stamps = getStamps();
for (UIComponent stamp : stamps)
* Gets the UIComponents that are considered stamps.
* This implementation simply returns the children of this component.
* @return each element must be of type UIComponent.
protected List<UIComponent> getStamps()
return getChildren();
* Gets the currencyObject to setup the rowData to use to build initial
* stamp state.
* <p>
* This allows the collection model to have an initial row key outside of the UIComponent.
* Should the model be at a row that is not the first row, the component will restore the row
* back to the initial row key instead of a null row key once stamping is done.
* </p>
private Object _getCurrencyKeyForInitialStampState()
InternalState iState = _getInternalState(false);
if (iState == null)
return null;
Object rowKey = iState._initialStampStateKey;
return (rowKey == _NULL) ? null : rowKey;
* Saves the state of a stamp. This method is called when the currency of this
* component is changed so that the state of this stamp can be preserved, before
* the stamp is updated with the state corresponding to the new currency.
* This method recurses for the children and facets of the stamp.
* @return this object must be Serializable if client-side state saving is
* used.
protected Object saveStampState(FacesContext context, UIComponent stamp)
if (stamp.isTransient())
return null;
boolean needsTearDownContext = false;
if(stamp instanceof FlattenedComponent && stamp instanceof UIXComponent)
needsTearDownContext = true;
Object[] state = null;
// The structure we will use is:
// 0: state of the stamp
// 1: state of the children (a map from child's id to its state)
// 2: state of the facets (a map from facet name to its state)
// If there is no facet state, we have a two-element array
// If there is no facet state or child state, we have a one-elment array
// If there is no state at all, we return null
Object stampState = StampState.saveStampState(context, stamp);
// StampState can never EVER be an Object array, as if we do,
// we have no possible way of identifying the difference between
// just having stamp state, and having stamp state + child/facet state
assert(!(stampState instanceof Object[]));
int facetCount = stamp.getFacetCount();
if (facetCount > 0)
Map<String, Object> facetState = null;
Map<String, UIComponent> facetMap = stamp.getFacets();
for(Map.Entry<String, UIComponent> entry : facetMap.entrySet())
Object singleFacetState = saveStampState(context, entry.getValue());
if (singleFacetState == null)
// Don't bother allocating anything until we have some non-null
// facet state
if (facetState == null)
facetState = new HashMap<String, Object>(facetCount);
facetState.put(entry.getKey(), singleFacetState);
// OK, we had something: allocate the state array to three
// entries, and insert the facet state at position 2
if (facetState != null)
state = new Object[3];
state[2] = facetState;
// If we have any children, iterate through the array,
// saving state
Object childState = StampState.saveChildStampState(context,
if (childState != null)
// If the state hasn't been allocated yet, we only
// need a two-element array
if (state == null)
state = new Object[2];
state[1] = childState;
// If we don't have an array, just return the stamp
// state
if (state == null)
return stampState;
// Otherwise, store the stamp state at index 0, and return
state[0] = stampState;
return state;
* Restores the state of a stamp. This method is called after the currency of this
* component is changed so that the state of this stamp can be changed
* to match the new currency.
* This method recurses for the children and facets of the stamp.
protected void restoreStampState(FacesContext context, UIComponent stamp,
Object stampState)
// No state for the component - return
if (stampState == null)
// If this isn't an Object array, then it's a component with state
// of its own, but no child/facet state - so restore and be done
if (!(stampState instanceof Object[]))
StampState.restoreStampState(context, stamp, stampState);
// NOTE early return
Object[] state = (Object[]) stampState;
int stateSize = state.length;
// We always have at least one element if we get to here
assert(stateSize >= 1);
StampState.restoreStampState(context, stamp, state[0]);
// If there's any facet state, restore it
if (stateSize >= 3 && (state[2] instanceof Map))
Map<String, Object> facetStateMap = (Map<String, Object>) state[2];
// This had better be non-null, otherwise we never
// should have allocated a three-element map!
assert(facetStateMap != null);
for (String facetName : facetStateMap.keySet())
Object facetState = facetStateMap.get(facetName);
if (facetState != null)
restoreStampState(context, stamp.getFacet(facetName), facetState);
// If there's any child state, restore it
if (stateSize >= 2)
* Process a component.
* This method calls {@link #processDecodes(FacesContext)},
* {@link #processValidators} or
* {@link #processUpdates}
* depending on the {#link PhaseId}.
protected final void processComponent(
FacesContext context,
UIComponent component,
PhaseId phaseId)
if (component != null)
if (phaseId == PhaseId.APPLY_REQUEST_VALUES)
else if (phaseId == PhaseId.PROCESS_VALIDATIONS)
else if (phaseId == PhaseId.UPDATE_MODEL_VALUES)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(_LOG.getMessage(
* Process this component's facets and children.
* This method should call {@link #processComponent}
* as many times as necessary for each facet and child.
* {@link #processComponent}
* may be called repeatedly for the same child if that child is
* being stamped.
protected abstract void processFacetsAndChildren(
FacesContext context,
PhaseId phaseId);
* Gets the CollectionModel to use with this component.
protected final CollectionModel getCollectionModel()
return getCollectionModel(true);
* Gets the ClientRowKeyManager that is used to handle the
* {@link #getClientRowKey} and
* {@link #setClientRowKey} methods.
* If the manager does not already exist a new one is created.
* In order to create your own manager, your Renderer (for this component)
* must implement
* {@link ClientRowKeyManagerFactory}
public final ClientRowKeyManager getClientRowKeyManager()
// this method must be public, because specific renderers
// need access to the ClientRowKeyManager so that they might prune it.
InternalState iState = _getInternalState(true);
if (iState._clientKeyMgr == null)
FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
Renderer r = getRenderer(fc);
iState._clientKeyMgr = (r instanceof ClientRowKeyManagerFactory)
? ((ClientRowKeyManagerFactory) r).createClientRowKeyManager(fc, this)
: new DefaultClientKeyManager();
return iState._clientKeyMgr;
public boolean invokeOnComponent(FacesContext context,
String clientId,
ContextCallback callback)
throws FacesException
boolean invokedComponent;
String thisClientId = getClientId(context);
if (clientId.equals(thisClientId))
if (!_getAndMarkFirstInvokeForRequest(context, clientId))
// Call _init() since __flushCachedModel() assumes that
// selectedRowKeys and disclosedRowKeys are initialized to be non-null
RequestContext requestContext = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance();
requestContext.pushCurrentComponent(context, this);
pushComponentToEL(context, null);
callback.invokeContextCallback(context, this);
requestContext.popCurrentComponent(context, this);
invokedComponent = true;
// If we're on a row, set the currency, and invoke
// inside
int thisClientIdLength = thisClientId.length();
if (clientId.startsWith(thisClientId) &&
(clientId.charAt(thisClientIdLength) == NamingContainer.SEPARATOR_CHAR))
if (!_getAndMarkFirstInvokeForRequest(context, thisClientId))
// Call _init() since __flushCachedModel() assumes that
// selectedRowKeys and disclosedRowKeys are initialized to be non-null
String postId = clientId.substring(thisClientIdLength + 1);
int sepIndex = postId.indexOf(NamingContainer.SEPARATOR_CHAR);
// If there's no separator character afterwards, then this
// isn't a row key
if (sepIndex < 0)
return invokeOnChildrenComponents(context, clientId, callback);
String currencyString = postId.substring(0, sepIndex);
Object rowKey = getClientRowKeyManager().getRowKey(context, this, currencyString);
// A non-null rowKey here means we are on a row and we should set currency, otherwise
// the client id is for a non-stamped child component in the table/column header/footer.
if (rowKey != null)
Object oldRowKey = getRowKey();
invokedComponent = invokeOnChildrenComponents(context, clientId, callback);
// And restore the currency
invokedComponent = invokeOnChildrenComponents(context, clientId, callback);
// clientId isn't in this subtree
invokedComponent = false;
return invokedComponent;
* <p>
* Override default children visiting code to visit the facets and facets of the columns
* before delegating to the <code>visitData</code> to visit the individual rows of data.
* </p><p>
* Subclasses should override this method if they wish to change the way in which the non-stamped
* children are visited. If they wish to change the wash the the stamped children are visited,
* they should override <code>visitData</code> instead.
* </p>
* @param visitContext
* @param callback
* @return <code>true</code> if all of the children to visit have been visited
* @see #visitData
protected boolean visitChildren(
VisitContext visitContext,
VisitCallback callback)
return defaultVisitChildren(visitContext, callback);
* Performs a non-iterating visit of the children. The default implementation visits all
* of the children. If the UIXCollection subclass doesn't visit some of its children in
* certain cases, it needs to override this method.
* @param visitContext
* @param callback
* @return
protected boolean visitChildrenWithoutIterating(
VisitContext visitContext,
VisitCallback callback)
return visitAllChildren(visitContext, callback);
* Default implementation of child visiting of UIXCollection subclasses for cases where a
* UIXCollection subclass wants to restore the default implementation that one of its
* superclasses have overridden.
* @param visitContext
* @param callback
* @return
protected final boolean defaultVisitChildren(
VisitContext visitContext,
VisitCallback callback)
if (ComponentUtils.isSkipIterationVisit(visitContext))
return visitChildrenWithoutIterating(visitContext, callback);
boolean doneVisiting;
// Clear out the row index if one is set so that
// we start from a clean slate.
int oldRowIndex = getRowIndex();
// visit the unstamped children
doneVisiting = visitUnstampedFacets(visitContext, callback);
if (!doneVisiting)
doneVisiting = _visitStampedColumnFacets(visitContext, callback);
// visit the stamped children
if (!doneVisiting)
doneVisiting = visitData(visitContext, callback);
// restore the original rowIndex
return doneVisiting;
* Hook method for subclasses to override to change the behavior
* of how unstamped facets of the UIXCollection are visited. The
* Default implementation visits all of the facets of the
* UIXCollection.
protected boolean visitUnstampedFacets(
VisitContext visitContext,
VisitCallback callback)
// Visit the facets with no row
if (getFacetCount() > 0)
for (UIComponent facet : getFacets().values())
if (UIXComponent.visitTree(visitContext, facet, callback))
return true;
return false;
* VistiContext that visits the facets of the UIXColumn children, including
* nested UIXColumn childrem
private static class ColumnFacetsOnlyVisitContext extends VisitContextWrapper
public ColumnFacetsOnlyVisitContext(VisitContext wrappedContext)
_wrapped = wrappedContext;
public VisitContext getWrapped()
return _wrapped;
public VisitResult invokeVisitCallback(UIComponent component, VisitCallback callback)
if (component instanceof UIXColumn)
if (component.getFacetCount() > 0)
// visit the facet children without filtering for just UIXColumn children
for (UIComponent facetChild : component.getFacets().values())
if (UIXComponent.visitTree(getWrapped(), facetChild, callback))
return VisitResult.COMPLETE;
// visit the indexed children, recursively looking for more columns
for (UIComponent child : component.getChildren())
if (UIXComponent.visitTree(this, child, callback))
return VisitResult.COMPLETE;
// at this point, we either have already manually processed the UIXColumn's children, or
// the component wasn't a UIXColumn and shouldn't be processed
return VisitResult.REJECT;
private final VisitContext _wrapped;
* VisitContext implementation that doesn't visit any of the Facets of
* UIXColumn children. This is used when stamping children
protected static final class NoColumnFacetsVisitContext extends VisitContextWrapper
NoColumnFacetsVisitContext(VisitContext wrapped)
_wrapped = wrapped;
public VisitContext getWrapped()
return _wrapped;
public VisitResult invokeVisitCallback(UIComponent component, VisitCallback callback)
if (component instanceof UIXColumn)
if (component.getChildCount() > 0)
// visit only the indexed children of the columns
for (UIComponent child : component.getChildren())
if (UIXComponent.visitTree(this, child, callback))
return VisitResult.COMPLETE;
return VisitResult.REJECT;
// Components do not expect to be visited twice, in fact with UIXComponent, it is illegal.
// This is due to the fact that UIXComponent has setup and tearDown methods for visiting.
// In order to avoid having the setup method called for the current visit context and
// the wrapped context we invoke the visit on the component and then separately on the
// children of the component
VisitContext wrappedContext = getWrapped();
VisitResult visitResult = wrappedContext.invokeVisitCallback(component, callback);
if (visitResult == VisitResult.ACCEPT)
// Let the visitation continue with the wrapped context
return (UIXComponent.visitChildren(wrappedContext, component, callback)) ?
VisitResult.COMPLETE : VisitResult.REJECT;
return visitResult;
private final VisitContext _wrapped;
* Implementation used to visit each stamped row
private boolean _visitStampedColumnFacets(
VisitContext visitContext,
VisitCallback callback)
// visit the facets of the stamped columns
List<UIComponent> stamps = getStamps();
if (!stamps.isEmpty())
VisitContext columnVisitingContext = new ColumnFacetsOnlyVisitContext(visitContext);
for (UIComponent stamp : stamps)
if (UIXComponent.visitTree(columnVisitingContext, stamp, callback))
return true;
return false;
* Visit the rows and children of the columns of the collection per row-index. This should
* not visit row index -1 (it will be perfomed in the visitTree method). The columns
* themselves should not be visited, only their children in this function.
* @param visitContext The visiting context
* @param callback The visit callback
* @return true if the visiting should stop
* @see #visitChildren(VisitContext, VisitCallback)
protected abstract boolean visitData(
VisitContext visitContext,
VisitCallback callback);
* Gets the CollectionModel to use with this component.
* @param createIfNull creates the collection model if necessary
protected final CollectionModel getCollectionModel(
boolean createIfNull)
InternalState iState = _getInternalState(true);
if (iState._model == null && createIfNull)
// _init() is usually called from either processDecodes or encodeBegin.
// Sometimes both processDecodes and encodeBegin may not be called,
// but processSaveState is called (this happens when
// component's rendered attr is set to false). We need to make sure that
// _init() is called in that case as well. Otherwise we get nasty NPEs.
// safest place is to call it here:
iState._value = getValue();
iState._model = createCollectionModel(null, iState._value);
assert iState._model != null;
// model might not have been created if createIfNull is false:
if ((iState._initialStampStateKey == _NULL) &&
(iState._model != null))
// if we have not already initialized the initialStampStateKey
// that means that we don't have any stamp-state to use as the default
// state for rows that we have not seen yet. So...
// we will use any stamp-state for the initial rowKey on the model
// as the default stamp-state for all rows:
iState._initialStampStateKey = iState._model.getRowKey();
return iState._model;
* Creates the CollectionModel to use with this component.
* The state of the UIComponent with the new model instance is not fully initialized until
* after this method returns. As a result, other component attributes that need
* a fully initialized model should not be initialized in this method. Instead,
* model-dependent initialization should be done in <code>postCreateCollectionModel</code>
* @see #postCreateCollectionModel
* @param current the current CollectionModel, or null if there is none.
* @param value this is the value returned from {@link #getValue()}
protected abstract CollectionModel createCollectionModel(
CollectionModel current,
Object value);
* Hook called with the result of <code>createCollectionModel</code>.
* Subclasses can use this method to perform initialization after the CollectionModel
* is fully initialized.
* Subclassers should call super before accessing any component state to ensure
* that superclass initialization has been performed.
* @see #createCollectionModel
* @param model The model instance returned by<code><createCollectionModel</code>
protected void postCreateCollectionModel(CollectionModel model)
// do nothing
* Gets the value that must be converted into a CollectionModel
protected abstract Object getValue();
* Gets the Map to use as the "varStatus".
* This implementation supports the following keys:<ul>
* <li>model - returns the CollectionModel
* <li>index - returns the current rowIndex
* <li>rowKey - returns the current rowKey
* <li>current - returns the current rowData
* <li>"hierarchicalIndex" - returns an array containing zero based row index.</li>
* <li>"hierarchicalLabel" - returns a string label representing 1 based index of this row.</li>
* </ul>
protected Map<String, Object> createVarStatusMap()
return new AbstractMap<String, Object>()
public Object get(Object key)
// some of these keys are from <c:forEach>, ie:
// javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.core.LoopTagStatus
if ("model".equals(key))
return getCollectionModel();
if ("rowKey".equals(key))
return getRowKey();
if ("index".equals(key)) // from jstl
return Integer.valueOf(getRowIndex());
int rowIndex = getRowIndex();
return rowIndex>=0 ? new Integer[]{rowIndex}: new Integer[]{};
int rowIndex = getRowIndex();
return rowIndex>=0 ? Integer.toString(rowIndex+1): "";
if ("current".equals(key)) // from jstl
return getRowData();
return null;
public Set<Map.Entry<String, Object>> entrySet()
return Collections.emptySet();
// LocalRowKeyIndex implementation
* Given a row index, check if a row is locally available
* @param rowIndex index of row to check
* @return true if row is locally available
public boolean isRowLocallyAvailable(int rowIndex)
return getCollectionModel().isRowLocallyAvailable(rowIndex);
* Given a row key, check if a row is locally available
* @param rowKey row key for the row to check
* @return true if row is locally available
public boolean isRowLocallyAvailable(Object rowKey)
return getCollectionModel().isRowLocallyAvailable(rowKey);
* Check if a range of rows is locally available starting from current position
* @param rowCount number of rows in the range
* @return true if range of rows is locally available
public boolean areRowsLocallyAvailable(int rowCount)
return getCollectionModel().areRowsLocallyAvailable(rowCount);
* Check if a range of rows is locally available starting from a row index
* @param startIndex staring index for the range
* @param rowCount number of rows in the range
* @return true if range of rows is locally available
public boolean areRowsLocallyAvailable(int startIndex, int rowCount)
return getCollectionModel().areRowsLocallyAvailable(startIndex, rowCount);
* Check if a range of rows is locally available starting from a row key
* @param startRowKey staring row key for the range
* @param rowCount number of rows in the range
* @return true if range of rows is locally available
public boolean areRowsLocallyAvailable(Object startRowKey, int rowCount)
return getCollectionModel().areRowsLocallyAvailable(startRowKey, rowCount);
* Convenient API to return a row count estimate. This method can be optimized
* to avoid a data fetch which may be required to return an exact row count
* @return estimated row count
public int getEstimatedRowCount()
return getCollectionModel().getEstimatedRowCount();
* Helper API to determine if the row count returned from {@link #getEstimatedRowCount}
* is EXACT, or an ESTIMATE
public LocalRowKeyIndex.Confidence getEstimatedRowCountConfidence()
return getCollectionModel().getEstimatedRowCountConfidence();
* clear all rows from the local cache
public void clearLocalCache()
* Clear the requested range of rows from the local cache
* @param startingIndex starting row index for the range to clear
* @param rowsToClear number of rows to clear from the cache
public void clearCachedRows(int startingIndex, int rowsToClear)
getCollectionModel().clearCachedRows(startingIndex, rowsToClear);
* Clear the requested range of rows from the local cache
* @param startingRowKey starting row key for the range to clear
* @param rowsToClear number of rows to clear from the cache
public void clearCachedRows(Object startingRowKey, int rowsToClear)
getCollectionModel().clearCachedRows(startingRowKey, rowsToClear);
* Clear a row from the local cache by row index
* @param index row index for the row to clear from the cache
public void clearCachedRow(int index)
* Clear a row from the local cache by row key
* @param rowKey row key for the row to clear from the cache
public void clearCachedRow(Object rowKey)
* Indicates the caching strategy supported by the model
* @see LocalRowKeyIndex.LocalCachingStrategy
* @return caching strategy supported by the model
public LocalRowKeyIndex.LocalCachingStrategy getCachingStrategy()
return getCollectionModel().getCachingStrategy();
* Ensure that the model has at least rowCount number of rows.
* @param rowCount the number of rows the model should hold.
public void ensureRowsAvailable(int rowCount)
* override this method to place initialization code that must run
* once this component is created and the jsp engine has finished setting
* attributes on it.
void __init()
InternalState iState = _getInternalState(true);
iState._var = getVar();
if (_LOG.isFine() && (iState._var == null))
_LOG.fine("'var' attribute is null.");
iState._varStatus = getVarStatus();
if (_LOG.isFinest() && (iState._varStatus == null))
_LOG.finest("'varStatus' attribute is null.");
* Hook for subclasses like UIXIterator to initialize and flush the cache when visting flattened
* children when parented by a renderer that needs to use
* UIXComponent.processFlattenedChildren().
* This is to mimic what happens in the non flattening case where similar logic is invoked
* during encodeBegin().
protected void processFlattenedChildrenBegin(ComponentProcessingContext cpContext)
// Call _init() since __flushCachedModel() assumes that
// selectedRowKeys and disclosedRowKeys are initialized to be non-null.
private void _init()
InternalState iState = _getInternalState(true);
if (!iState._isInitialized)
assert iState._model == null;
iState._isInitialized = true;
void __flushCachedModel()
InternalState iState = _getInternalState(true);
Object value = getValue();
if (iState._value != value)
CollectionModel oldModel = iState._model;
iState._value = value;
iState._model = createCollectionModel(iState._model, value);
// if the underlying model is changed, we need to remove
// the listener from the old model. And if we still have cached
// rowkey, we need to add the listener back to the new model.
if (oldModel != iState._model)
if (oldModel != null)
if (iState._currentRowKey != _NULL)
// Returns true if this is the first request to invokeOnComponent()
static private boolean _getAndMarkFirstInvokeForRequest(
FacesContext context, String clientId)
// See if the request contains a marker that we've hit this
// method already for this clientId
Map<String, Object> requestMap = context.getExternalContext().getRequestMap();
String key = _INVOKE_KEY + clientId;
// Yep, we have, so return true
if (requestMap.containsKey(key))
return true;
// Stash TRUE for next time, and return false
requestMap.put(key, Boolean.TRUE);
return false;
* Gets the internal state of this component.
* This is to support table within table.
Object __getMyStampState()
return _state;
* Sets the internal state of this component.
* This is to support table within table.
* @param stampState the internal state is obtained from this object.
void __setMyStampState(Object stampState)
InternalState iState = (InternalState) stampState;
_state = iState;
* reset the stamp state to pristine state. This pristine state when saved to the outer collection for null currency
* will allow stamp state for UIXCollection with individual rows to be created
* This is to support iteration of children(column stamping) within the table.
void __resetMyStampState()
_state = null;
* Returns true if an event (other than a selection event)
* has been queued for this component. This is a hack
* to support validation in the tableSelectXyz components.
boolean __hasEvent()
InternalState iState = _getInternalState(true);
return iState._hasEvent;
* Saves the state of all the stamps of this component.
* This method should be called before the rowData of this component
* changes. This method gets all the stamps using {@link #getStamps} and
* saves their states by calling {@link #saveStampState}.
private void _saveStampState()
// Never read and created by _getStampState
//InternalState iState = _getInternalState(true);
StampState stampState = _getStampState();
Map<String, String> idToIndexMap = _getIdToIndexMap();
FacesContext context = getFacesContext();
Object currencyObj = getRowKey();
// Note: even though the currencyObj may be null, we still need to save the state. The reason
// is that the code does not clear out the state when it is saved, instead, the un-stamped
// state is saved. Once the row key is set back to null, this un-stamped state is restored
// onto the children components. This restoration allows editable value holders, show detail
// items and nested UIXCollections to clear their state.
// For nested UIXCollections, this un-stamped state is required to set the nested collection's
// _state (internal state containing the stamp state) to null when not on a row key. Without
// that call, the nested UIXCollection components would end up sharing the same stamp state
// across parent rows.
for (UIComponent stamp : getStamps())
Object state = saveStampState(context, stamp);
// String stampId = stamp.getId();
// temporarily use position. later we need to use ID's to access
// stamp state everywhere, and special case NamingContainers:
String compId = stamp.getId();
String stampId = idToIndexMap.get(compId);
if (stampId == null)
stampId = String.valueOf(idToIndexMap.size());
idToIndexMap.put(compId, stampId);
stampState.put(currencyObj, stampId, state);
if (_LOG.isFinest())
_LOG.finest("saving stamp state for currencyObject:"+currencyObj+
" and stampId:"+stampId);
* Restores the state of all the stamps of this component.
* This method should be called after the currency of this component
* changes. This method gets all the stamps using {@link #getStamps} and
* restores their states by calling
* {@link #restoreStampState}.
private void _restoreStampState()
StampState stampState = _getStampState();
Map<String, String> idToIndexMap = _getIdToIndexMap();
FacesContext context = getFacesContext();
Object currencyObj = getRowKey();
for(UIComponent stamp : getStamps())
// String stampId = stamp.getId();
// temporarily use position. later we need to use ID's to access
// stamp state everywhere, and special case NamingContainers:
String compId = stamp.getId();
String stampId = idToIndexMap.get(compId);
Object state = stampState.get(currencyObj, stampId);
if (state == null)
Object iniStateObj = _getCurrencyKeyForInitialStampState();
state = stampState.get(iniStateObj, stampId);
if (state==null)
_LOG.severe("NO_INITIAL_STAMP_STATE", new Object[]{currencyObj,iniStateObj,stampId});
restoreStampState(context, stamp, state);
private Map<String, String> _getIdToIndexMap()
InternalState iState = _getInternalState(true);
if (iState._idToIndexMap == null)
iState._idToIndexMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
return iState._idToIndexMap;
private InternalState _getInternalState(boolean create)
if ((_state == null) && create)
_state = new InternalState();
return _state;
private StampState _getStampState()
InternalState iState = _getInternalState(true);
if (iState._stampState == null)
iState._stampState = new StampState();
return iState._stampState;
* sets an EL variable.
* @param varName the name of the variable
* @param newData the value of the variable
* @return the old value of the variable, or null if there was no old value.
private Object _setELVar(String varName, Object newData)
if (varName == null)
return null;
// we need to place each row at an EL reachable place so that it
// can be accessed via the 'var' variable. Let's place it on the
// requestMap:
return setupELVariable(getFacesContext(), varName, newData);
* Called by UIXCollection to set values for the "var" and
* "varStatus" EL variables.
* @param context the FacesContext for the current request
* @param name the non-null name of the EL variable
* @param value the value of the EL variable
* @return the previous value of the EL variable, or null if
* the value was not previously set.
protected Object setupELVariable(
FacesContext context,
String name,
Object value
Args.notNull(name, "name");
return TableUtils.setupELVariable(context, name, value);
private static boolean _equals(Object a, Object b)
if (b == null)
return (a == null);
return b.equals(a);
private void _setupContextChange()
if (_inSuspendOrResume)
// This situation will occur when the CollectionComponentChange is currently setting the
// row key.
ComponentContextManager compCtxMgr =
compCtxMgr.pushChange(new CollectionComponentChange(this));
_inContext = true;
private void _tearDownContextChange()
if (_inSuspendOrResume)
// This situation will occur when the CollectionComponentChange is currently setting the
// row key.
ComponentContextManager compCtxMgr =
ComponentContextChange change = compCtxMgr.peekChange();
if (change instanceof CollectionComponentChange &&
((CollectionComponentChange)change)._component == this)
// Remove the component context change if one was added
_LOG.severe("COLLECTION_CHANGE_TEARDOWN", new Object[] { getId(), change });
catch (RuntimeException re)
_inContext = false;
private void _verifyComponentInContext()
if (_inSuspendOrResume)
if (!_inContext)
if (_LOG.isWarning())
new Object[] { getParent() == null ? getId() : getClientId() });
if (_LOG.isFine())
* during state saving, we want to reset the currency to null, but we want to
* remember the current currency, so that after state saving, we can set it back
* @param context faces context
* @return the currency key
private Object _resetCurrencyKeyForStateSaving(FacesContext context)
// If we saved state in the middle of processing a row,
// then make sure that we revert to a "null" rowKey while
// saving state; this is necessary to ensure that the
// current row's state is properly preserved, and that
// the children are reset to their default state.
Object currencyKey = _getCurrencyKey();
// since this is the end of the request, we expect the row currency to be reset back to null
// setting it and leaving it there might introduce multiple issues, so log a warning here
if (currencyKey != null)
if (_LOG.isWarning())
String scopedId = ComponentUtils.getScopedIdForComponent(this, context.getViewRoot());
String viewId = context.getViewRoot() == null? null: context.getViewRoot().getViewId();
_LOG.warning("ROWKEY_NOT_RESET", new Object[]
{ scopedId, viewId });
Object initKey = _getCurrencyKeyForInitialStampState();
if (currencyKey != initKey) // beware of null currencyKeys if equals() is used
return currencyKey;
* restore the currency key after state saving
* @param key the currency key
private void _restoreCurrencyKeyForStateSaving(Object key)
Object currencyKey = key;
Object initKey = _getCurrencyKeyForInitialStampState();
if (currencyKey != initKey) // beware of null currencyKeys if equals() is used
* clean up any internal model state that we might be holding on to.
private void _resetInternalState()
InternalState iState = _getInternalState(false);
if (iState != null)
iState._value = null;
if (iState._model != null)
iState._model = null;
private static final class DefaultClientKeyManager extends ClientRowKeyManager
public void clear()
* {@inheritDoc}
public Object getRowKey(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, String clientRowKey)
ValueMap<Object,String> currencyCache = _currencyCache;
Object rowkey = currencyCache.getKey(clientRowKey);
return rowkey;
* {@inheritDoc}
public String getClientRowKey(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, Object rowKey)
assert rowKey != null;
ValueMap<Object,String> currencyCache = _currencyCache;
String key = currencyCache.get(rowKey);
// check to see if we already have a string key:
if (key == null)
// we don't have a string-key, so create a new one.
key = _createToken(currencyCache);
if (_LOG.isFiner())
_LOG.finer("Storing token:"+key+
" for rowKey:"+rowKey);
currencyCache.put(rowKey, key);
return key;
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean replaceRowKey(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, Object oldRowKey, Object newRowKey)
assert oldRowKey != null && newRowKey != null;
ValueMap<Object,String> currencyCache = _currencyCache;
String key = currencyCache.remove(oldRowKey);
// check to see if we already have a string key:
if (key != null)
currencyCache.put(newRowKey, key);
return key != null;
private static String _createToken(ValueMap<Object,String> currencyCache)
String key = String.valueOf(currencyCache.size());
return key;
private ValueMap<Object,String> _currencyCache = new ValueMap<Object,String>();
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
// this component's internal state is stored in an inner class
// rather than in individual fields, because we want to make it
// easy to quickly suck out or restore its internal state,
// when this component is itself used as a stamp inside some other
// stamping container, eg: nested tables.
private static final class InternalState implements RowKeyChangeListener, Serializable
private transient boolean _hasEvent = false;
private transient Object _prevVarValue = _NULL;
private transient Object _prevVarStatus = _NULL;
private transient String _var = null;
private transient String _varStatus = null;
private transient Object _value = null;
private transient CollectionModel _model = null;
private transient Object _currentRowKey = _NULL;
private transient boolean _clearTokenCache = false;
// this is true if this is the first request for this viewID and processDecodes
// was not called:
private transient boolean _isFirstRender = true;
private transient boolean _isInitialized = false;
// this is the rowKey used to retrieve the default stamp-state for all rows:
private transient Object _initialStampStateKey = _NULL;
private ClientRowKeyManager _clientKeyMgr = null;
private StampState _stampState = null;
// map from column id to the index within the collection. The index is used to
// save/look up for column's stamp state. The long term goal is to use id as key
// to the stamp state map, but for this release, we add this id-to-index map
// to indirectly loop up a stamp state for a column, so if the position of the column
// changes in the middle, we'll still be able to find the right stamp state.
private Map<String, String> _idToIndexMap = null;
public void onRowKeyChange(RowKeyChangeEvent rowKeyChangeEvent)
Object newKey = rowKeyChangeEvent.getNewRowKey();
Object oldKey = rowKeyChangeEvent.getOldRowKey();
if (newKey != null && oldKey != null && !newKey.equals(oldKey))
// first replace the cached row key
if (oldKey.equals(_currentRowKey))
_currentRowKey = newKey;
// then update stamp state for the affected entries.
if (_stampState == null || _idToIndexMap == null)
int stampCompCount = _idToIndexMap.size();
for (int index = 0; index < stampCompCount; index++)
String stampId = String.valueOf(index);
Object state = _stampState.get(oldKey, stampId);
if (state == null)
_stampState.put(oldKey, stampId, null);
_stampState.put(newKey, stampId, state);
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in)
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
// Set values of all transients to their defaults
_prevVarValue = _NULL;
_prevVarStatus = _NULL;
_currentRowKey = _NULL;
_initialStampStateKey = _NULL;
// However, leave _isFirstRender set to false - since that's
// necessarily the state we'd be in if we're reconstituting this
_isFirstRender = false;
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* Class to be able to suspend the context of the collection.
* <p>Current implementation removes the var and varStatus from the request while the
* collection is suspended.</p>
private static class CollectionComponentChange
extends ComponentContextChange
private CollectionComponentChange(
UIXCollection component)
_component = component;
public void suspend(
FacesContext facesContext)
_component._inSuspendOrResume = true;
InternalState iState = _component._getInternalState(false);
if (iState == null || iState._model == null || iState._currentRowKey == _NULL)
// If we were to try to call getRowKey() here, this would call getCollectionModel().
// The get collection model may result in EL being evaluated, which is undesirable
// and will cause bugs when called while we are suspending. This is because evaluating
// EL may need to suspend or resume other component context changes, and we do not want
// re-entrant calls to the component context stack while we are already suspending.
// Note that this code will fail if someone has set the _model to null while on a rowKey
// (Should not happen, would be considered a bug if that were to be done).
_rowKey = null;
_rowKey = _component.getRowKey();
// Set the row key back to null to force the collection into the un-stamped state. This
// will ensure that the collection is not in a row key while the component context is
// not setup. Only do this if the row key is not already on the null row key.
if (_rowKey != null)
_component._inContext = false;
_component._inSuspendOrResume = false;
public void resume(
FacesContext facesContext)
_component._inSuspendOrResume = true;
// Only set the row key if one was stored during the suspend.
if (_rowKey != null)
_component._inContext = true;
_component._inSuspendOrResume = false;
public String toString()
String className = _component.getClass().getName();
String componentId = _component.getId();
return new StringBuilder(58 + className.length() + componentId.length())
.append("UIXCollection.CollectionComponentChange[Component class: ")
.append(", component ID: ")
private final UIXCollection _component;
private CollectionModel _collectionModel;
private Object _rowKey;
private static class CollectionContextEvent
extends WrapperEvent
public CollectionContextEvent(
UIComponent source,
FacesEvent event)
super(source, event);
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
// do not assign a non-null value. values should be assigned lazily. this is
// because this value is preserved by stampStateSaving, when table-within-table
// is used. And if a non-null value is used, then all nested tables will
// end up sharing this stampState. see bug 4279735:
private InternalState _state = null;
private boolean _inSuspendOrResume = false;
private boolean _inContext = false;
// use this key to indicate uninitialized state.
// all the variables that use this are transient so this object need not
// be Serializable:
private static final Object _NULL = new Object();
private static final String _INVOKE_KEY =
UIXCollection.class.getName() + ".INVOKE";
private transient Object _stateSavingCurrencyKey = null;
private static final TrinidadLogger _LOG = TrinidadLogger.createTrinidadLogger(UIXCollection.class);
// An enum to throw into state-saving so that we get a nice
// instance-equality to test against for noticing transient components
// (and better serialization results)
// We need this instead of just using null - because transient components
// are specially handled, since they may or may not actually still
// be there when you go to restore state later (e.g., on the next request!)
enum Transient { TRUE };