blob: c9ab708d4b8f864f37cd41900af9712804ef8661 [file] [log] [blame]
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
import os, sys, posixpath
from xml.dom.minidom import parse
### Run the script as
### ./ verysecret /home/matzew/work/source/dude
#global variables, customize them...
home = '/home/matzew'
stagingHome = home
remoteHome = home
staging = stagingHome + '/staging'
remote = remoteHome + '/public_html/trinidad'
remoteServer = ''
stagingRepository = 'matzewStaging::default::scp://'
#script begins
def directoryExists(directory):
return os.system('[ -d ' + directory + ' ]') == 0
def fileExists(filename):
return os.system('[ -f ' + filename + ' ]') == 0
def runCommand(command, directory='', tries=1):
cmdline = 'set -e; '
if directory != '':
cmdline += 'cd "'+directory+'"; '
cmdline += command
myrange = xrange(tries)
for i in myrange:
if(os.system(cmdline) == 0):
print 'Command Failed:', cmdline
def runRemoteCommand(server, command, tries=3):
cmdline = 'ssh '+server+' "'+command+'"'
runCommand(cmdline, '', tries)
def signFiles(directory):
runCommand('for path in `ls -b`;do echo '+passphrase+'|gpg --clearsign --passphrase-fd "$path" -o "$path.asc";done', directory)
def generateChecksums(directory):
runCommand('for path in `ls -b *.zip *.tar.gz *.asc`;do md5sum $path > $path.md5;sha1sum $path > $path.sha1;done',directory)
def copyFiles(fromDir, toDir):
runCommand('cp * "'+toDir+'"', fromDir)
def buildAssembly(srcDir, destination):
print 'Assembling: ', srcDir
runCommand('mvn -e clean install package assembly:assembly -Dgpg.passphrase='+passphrase, srcDir, 3)
srcDir += '/target/assembly/out'
copyFiles(srcDir, destination)
def getPomVersion(pomFile):
document = parse(pomFile)
for node in document.documentElement.childNodes:
if node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE and node.nodeName == 'version':
#actually get version
for txtNode in node.childNodes:
if txtNode.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE or txtNode.nodeType == node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE:
nodeVal = txtNode.nodeValue.strip()
if nodeVal != '':
return nodeVal
print 'Unable to get pom version:', pomFile
passphrase = sys.argv[1]
numSrc = xrange(2, len(sys.argv))
for srcindx in numSrc:
srcDir = sys.argv[srcindx]
version = getPomVersion(srcDir + '/pom.xml')
stagingDir = staging + '/' + version
print 'Staging Directory:', stagingDir
if directoryExists(stagingDir):
print 'Deleting old staging directory'+stagingDir
runCommand('rm -Rf '+stagingDir)
archive = version + '.tar.gz'
stagingArc = staging + '/' + archive
print 'Staging Archive:', stagingArc
if fileExists(stagingArc):
print 'Deleting old staging archive',stagingArc
runCommand('rm -R '+stagingArc)
runCommand('mkdir '+stagingDir)
## release plugin interaction (requires 2.0 of the release plugin)
runCommand('mvn -e release:stage -DstagingRepository='+ stagingRepository +' -DperformRelease=true -Dgpg.passphrase='+passphrase, srcDir, 2)
buildAssembly(srcDir+'/trinidad-assembly', stagingDir)
runCommand('mvn -e clean source:jar install', srcDir + '/trinidad-examples',2)
buildAssembly(srcDir+'/trinidad-example/trinidad-example-assembly', stagingDir)
#do some cleanup
#runCommand('rm -Rf trinidad-blank trinidad-demo trinidad-example', stagingDir+"/org/apache/myfaces/trinidad")
#package everything up
print 'Creating archive for transfer:',stagingArc
runCommand('tar czf '+stagingArc+' '+version, staging)
remoteDir = remote + version
print 'Remote Directory:', remoteServer + ':' + remoteDir
print 'Removing old archive from server'
remoteArc = remoteHome + '/' + archive
runRemoteCommand(remoteServer, 'if [ -f '+remoteArc+' ]; then rm -f '+remoteArc+';fi')
print 'Transfering archive to server'
runCommand('scp '+stagingArc+' '+remoteServer+':'+remoteHome, '', 3)
print 'Replacing the old staging directories on apache. (See'+version+')'
runRemoteCommand(remoteServer, 'if [ -d '+remoteDir+' ]; then rm -Rf '+remoteDir+';fi;cd '+remote+';tar -xzf '+remoteArc)