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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="yes" ?>
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<jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" version="2.0"
< contentType="text/html;charset=utf-8"/>
<tr:document title=" Trinidad Converters and Validators message customization">
<f:facet name="navigationGlobal">
<tr:navigationPane hint="buttons">
<tr:commandNavigationItem text="Converters and Validators"
<tr:panelHeader text="Custom messages for conversion and validation failures">
<tr:panelHeader text="Message customization on input component for 'required' validation"/>
<tr:inputDate id="mdf1"
label="Date of birth" required="true"
<tr:panelHeader text="Message customization on reg exp validator"/>
<tr:inputText value="#{messageCustomization.regExpValue}"
label="Pin" >
<f:facet name="help">
<tr:outputText value="Enter your three digit pin"/>
<tr:validateRegExp pattern="[1-9][0-9][0-9]"
<tr:panelHeader text="Message customization on byte length validator"/>
<tr:inputText value="#{messageCustomization.byteLengthValue}"
<f:facet name="help">
<tr:outputText value="Enter your name. It should not exceed 4 characters"/>
<tr:validateByteLength encoding="ISO-8859-1" maximum="4"
messageDetailMaximum='The "{0}" "{1}" exceeds {2} characters'/>
<tr:panelHeader text="Message customization on date time range validator"/>
<tr:inputDate id="mdf3"
label="Start date for submission">
<f:facet name="help">
<tr:outputText value="min=#{messageCustomization.minDateTip}"/>
<tr:validateDateTimeRange minimum="#{messageCustomization.minDate}"
messageDetailMaximum='Date "{1}" in "{0}" is farther than {2}'
messageDetailMinimum='Date "{1}" in "{0}" is before the accepted date - {2} for receving forms. '
messageDetailNotInRange='Date "{1}" in "{0}" not within minimum {2} and maximum range {3}'/>
<tr:inputDate id="mdf4"
label="Last date">
<f:facet name="help">
<tr:outputText value="max=#{messageCustomization.maxDateTip}"/>
<tr:validateDateTimeRange maximum="#{date.maxDate}"
messageDetailMaximum='The date "{1}" in "{0}" which you have chosen, falls after the final acceptable date - {2}.'
messageDetailMinimum='Date "{1}" in "{0}" is less than the minimum acceptable: {2}.'
messageDetailNotInRange='Date "{1}" in "{0}" not within minimum {2} and maximum range {3}.'/>
<tr:inputDate id="mdf5"
label="Submission period">
<f:facet name="help">
<tr:outputText value="min=#{messageCustomization.minDateTip} max=#{messageCustomization.maxDateTip}"/>
<tr:validateDateTimeRange minimum="#{messageCustomization.minDate}"
messageDetailNotInRange='Submission date "{1}" in "{0}" is not with in the specified period {2}-{3}.'/>
<tr:panelHeader text="Message customization on color converter"/>
<tr:inputColor id="sicConvx" label="Enter or choose color"
<f:facet name="help">
<tr:outputText value="HTML hex color pattern:#RRGGBB"/>
<tr:convertColor patterns="#RRGGBB" transparentAllowed="true"
messageDetailConvert='The color "{1}" you have chosen in "{0}" is not a valid HTML hex pattern {2}.'/>
<tr:panelHeader text="Message customization on date time converter"/>
<tr:inputDate id="mdf6" value="2004/09/06"
label="Date of birth">
<f:facet name="help">
<tr:outputText value="1/20/1972 or 1972/20/2"/>
<!--All custom messages need not be set. It is just enough if we set 'convertDateMessageDetail' -->
<tr:convertDateTime secondaryPattern="d/M/yyyy"
messageDetailConvertDate='"{1}" in "{0}" is not a valid date. Example is {2}'
messageDetailConvertTime='"{1}" in "{0}", is not valid date. Example is {2}.'
messageDetailConvertBoth='"{1}" in "{0}", is not valid Date and time. The format is {2}.'/>
<tr:inputDate id="mdf7" value="11:36:15 AM"
label="Time of birth">
<f:facet name="help">
<tr:outputText value="11:36:15 AM"/>
<tr:convertDateTime type="time" timeStyle="medium"
messageDetailConvertTime='"{1}" in "{0}", is not a valid time. Example: {2}.'/>
<tr:inputDate id="mdf8" value="12/20/2004 8:11 AM"
label="Date and time of birth">
<f:facet name="help">
<tr:outputText value="2/26/2005 8:11 AM"/>
<tr:convertDateTime type="both"
messageDetailConvertBoth='"{1}" in "{0}", is not a valid Date and time. Example: {2}.'/>
<tr:panelHeader text="Message customization on number converter"/>
<tr:inputText value="555" label="Your lucky number">
<f:facet name="help">
<tr:outputText value="type='number' locale='en_US' Valid input=44444456 Invalid value=555o"/>
<tr:convertNumber type="number" locale="en_US"
messageDetailConvertCurrency='"{1}" in "{0}" is not a valid currency value.'
messageDetailConvertNumber='"{1}" in "{0}" is not valid. Please choose a number.'
messageDetailConvertPattern='"{1}" in "{0}" does not match the pattern {2}'
messageDetailConvertPercent='"{1}" in "{0}" is not a valid percentile.'/>
<tr:inputText value="5%" label="Machine efficieny"
<f:facet name="help">
<tr:outputText value="type='percent' locale='en_US' Valid value=75% Invalid value=75"/>
<tr:convertNumber type="percent" locale="en_US"
messageDetailConvertPercent='"{1}" in "{0}" is not a valid efficiency value.'/>
<tr:inputText value="10.88" label="Pattern based number">
<f:facet name="help">
<tr:outputText value="'pattern=##.000' locale='en_US' Invalid value=10e.88"/>
<tr:convertNumber pattern="##.000" locale="en_US"
messageDetailConvertPattern='"{1}" in "{0}" does not match pattern {2}.'/>
<tr:commandButton text="Submit"/>