blob: 88f6cb759c1dfe3386a0ee33274fbb43a1c3f2d2 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="yes" ?>
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<jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" version="2.0"
< contentType="text/html;charset=utf-8"/>
<tr:document title="Client-side Converters and Validators">
<tr:form usesUpload="true">
<f:facet name="navigationGlobal">
<tr:navigationPane hint="buttons">
<tr:commandNavigationItem text="Converters and Validators"
<tr:panelHeader text="Client-side Converters and Validators">
<tr:outputText styleClass="AFInstructionText"
value="In the following examples, converters and validators run on the client, avoiding a round trip."/>
<tr:spacer height="10"/>
<tr:panelHeader text="Client Converters"/>
<tr:inputText value="#{clientValidation.integer}"
label="integer converter">
<f:facet name="help">
<tr:outputText value="examples of unconvertable values: 'a' or '11111111111'"/>
<tr:inputText value="#{clientValidation.longValue}"
label="long converter">
<f:facet name="help">
<tr:outputText value="examples of unconvertable values: 'a' or '11111111111111111111'"/>
<tr:inputText value="#{clientValidation.short}"
label="short converter">
<f:facet name="help">
<tr:outputText value="examples of unconvertable values: 'a' or '111111'"/>
<tr:inputText value="#{clientValidation.byte}"
label="byte converter">
<f:facet name="help">
<tr:outputText value="examples of unconvertable values: 'a' or '1111'"/>
<tr:inputText value="#{clientValidation.float}"
label="float converter">
<f:facet name="help">
<tr:outputText value="examples of unconvertable values: 'a' or 'cat'"/>
<tr:inputText value="#{clientValidation.double}"
label="double converter">
<f:facet name="help">
<tr:outputText value="examples of unconvertable values: 'a' or 'cat'"/>
<!--tr:inputText value="#{clientValidation.double2}"
label="number converter">
<f:facet name="help">
<tr:outputText value="must have 2 decimal places, examples of unconvertable values: '1.1' or '1.111'"/>
<f:convertNumber maxFractionDigits="2" minFractionDigits="2"/>
<tr:inputColor label="color converter">
<f:facet name="help">
<tr:outputText value="examples of unconvertable values: '9/05' or 'cat'"/>
<tr:inputDate label="date converter">
<f:facet name="help">
<tr:outputText value="examples of unconvertable values: '#FFFF' or 'cat'"/>
<tr:panelHeader text="Client Validators"/>
<tr:spacer height="10"/>
<tr:inputText value="#{clientValidation.long2}"
label="long range validator">
<f:facet name="help">
<tr:outputText value="examples of values that will fail validation: '4' or '7'"/>
<tr:validateLongRange minimum="5" maximum="6"/>
<tr:inputText value="#{clientValidation.double3}"
label="double range validator">
<f:facet name="help">
<tr:outputText value="examples of values that will fail validation: '5.1' or '6.8'"/>
<tr:validateDoubleRange minimum="5.2" maximum="6.7"/>
<tr:inputText value="#{clientValidation.regExpValue}"
label="reg exp validator">
<f:facet name="help">
<tr:outputText value="examples of values that will fail validation: 1','2','4' all values other than '9'"/>
<tr:validateRegExp pattern="[9]"/>
<tr:inputText value="#{clientValidation.lengthValue}"
label="length validator">
<f:facet name="help">
<tr:outputText value="values longer than 4 will fail, for example: '44444444' or 'Seven'"/>
<tr:validateLength maximum="4"/>
<tr:inputText value="#{clientValidation.byteLengthValue}"
label="byte length validator">
<f:facet name="help">
<tr:outputText value="values longer than 4 bytes will fail, for example: '44444444' or 'Seven'"/>
<tr:validateByteLength encoding="ISO-8859-1" maximum="4"/>
<tr:inputText value="#{}"
label="date range validator">
<f:facet name="help">
<tr:outputText value="examples of values that will fail validation: any date which is not in 2007"/>
<tr:validateDateTimeRange minimum="2007-01-01"
<tr:inputDate id="mdf4" value="#{date.date1}"
label="min validation with minimum set to today (since midnight)" columns="50" required="true">
<f:facet name="help">
<tr:outputText value="examples of values that will fail validation: any date earlier than today"/>
<tr:convertDateTime pattern="yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss a"/>
<tr:validateDateTimeRange minimum="#{date.todayFromMidnight}"/>
<tr:inputText id="mdf5" value="#{date.date2}"
label="date converter and a validator that sets a maximum date of tonight">
<f:facet name="help">
<tr:outputText value="examples of values that will fail validation: any date later than tonight 11:59 PM"/>
<tr:convertDateTime type="both"/>
<tr:validateDateTimeRange maximum="#{date.tonightNearMidnight}"/>
<tr:panelHeader text="Required"/>
<tr:spacer height="10"/>
<tr:inputText required="true" label="required text"/>
<tr:selectOneRadio layout="vertical" label="required choice" required="true">
<tr:selectItem value="true" label="Yes" />
<tr:selectItem value="false" label="No" />
<tr:panelHeader text="Example of 3rd party Converter and Validator"/>
<tr:spacer height="10"/>
<tr:inputText value="#{clientValidation.ssn}"
label="ssn converter">
<f:facet name="help">
<tr:outputText value="examples of unconvertable values: 'a' or 'cat'"/>
<tr:inputText required="true" secret="true"
label="password validator">
<f:facet name="help">
<tr:outputText value="examples of unconvertable values: 'a' or 'cat'"/>
<tr:commandButton text="Submit"/>