blob: 49287ec8a2fd3af3b68a3eed205a3415cb36c278 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.myfaces.trinidadbuild.plugin.javascript.uixtools;
import java.util.List;
* Implements a first-in-first-out (FIFO) queue. Typically, one thread will add
* elements to this queue, and another will remove elements from this queue.
* This class is thread safe.
* @version $Name: $ ($Revision$) $Date$
public class Queue
* @param size the maximum size of this queue
public Queue(int size)
if (size<=0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("size is nonpositive:"+size);
_buf = new Object[size];
* @return the number of elements in this queue. This will never be larger
* than the {@link #Queue(int) maximum size} of this queue.
public final synchronized int size()
return _size;
* @return true if the queue has been closed.
* @see #close()
public final synchronized boolean isClosed()
return _closed;
* closes this queue. Any consequent {@link #add(Object)} method calls will
* fail. All {@link #get()} operations will succeed until the queue is
* empty. This method may be called multiple times.
* @see #isClosed()
public synchronized void close()
_closed = true;
* @return true if the queue is full and a call to {@link #add(Object)}
* would block.
public final boolean isFull()
return (size() == _buf.length);
* @return true if the queue is empty and a call to {@link #get()}
* would block.
public final boolean isEmpty()
return (size() == 0);
* This method blocks until space is available in this queue.
* @param obj the Object to add to the end of this queue. null is permitted.
* @exception InterruptedException if the current thread is interrupted.
* @exception IllegalStateException if queue is closed.
* @see #close()
* @see #remove()
public synchronized void add(Object obj)
throws InterruptedException, IllegalStateException
for(;isFull() && (!isClosed());)
//ystem.out.println("waiting to add. size");
//ystem.out.println("adding. size:"+size());
_buf[_head] = obj;
_head = _incIndex(_head);
// yes, we are waking up all threads, including those that are
// waiting to do an add. This may be inefficient.
// note that we must do notifyAll() and not notify()
* This method blocks until some element is added to this queue, or the queue
* is closed.
* @return removes and returns the Object at the front of this queue.
* null may be returned if null was added using {@link #add(Object)}
* @exception InterruptedException if the current thread is interrupted.
* @exception IllegalStateException if queue is closed.
* @see #close()
* @see #add(Object)
* @see #remove(LIst,int)
public synchronized Object remove()
throws InterruptedException, IllegalStateException
Object res = _buf[_tail];
_buf[_tail] = null; // allow garbage collect
_tail = _incIndex(_tail);
// yes, we are waking up all threads, including those that are
// waiting to do a remove. This may be inefficient.
// note that we must do notifyAll() and not notify()
return res;
* Removes multiple elements. This method will block until there is something
* to remove.
* @param collector all the elements removed from this queue are added to
* the end of this List.
* @param count the maximum number of elements to remove. If this is zero,
* then it defaults to the maximum size of this queue.
* @return the number of elements actually removed.
* @see #remove()
public synchronized int remove(List collector, int count)
throws InterruptedException, IllegalStateException
int sz = size()+1;
if ((count == 0) || (count > sz))
count = sz;
else if (count < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("count is negative");
int read = 1;
for(;read < count; read++)
catch(IllegalStateException e)
// this should not happen unless the user has subclassed remove() and
// done something weird
catch(InterruptedException e)
// this should not happen unless the user has subclassed remove() and
// done something weird
// mark this thread as interrupted, so that it doesn't block again.
return read;
private int _incIndex(int index)
return (index < _buf.length) ? index : 0;
private void _checkIsClosed()
if (isClosed())
throw new IllegalStateException("Queue has been closed");
private final Object[] _buf;
private boolean _closed = false;
private int _size = 0, _head = 0, _tail = 0;