blob: d3477b2f90434b1fe1152755a142b8bb460f0e71 [file] [log] [blame]
You need Maven2 (at least 2.0.3), Ant 1.6.5 and Java 5 to build Tobago.
In the main directory you can use
mvn install
to run the install target on all sub projects. This will
put all necessary artifacts into your local repository.
To deploy the demo on your local Tomcat 5.5 create a
~/.m2/settings.xml file based on settings-example.xml.
Make sure the manager user has the role manager; see
mvn tomcat:deploy
mvn tomcat:undeploy tomcat:deploy
Alternatively, you can run
mvn package
and deploy the WAR from the target directory
It will create a log file in the app-server starting folder.
You may want to change that in the src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/classes/log4j.xml