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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<ui:composition template="/main.xhtml"
<p>On this page the collapsible concept is explained for a
<tc:link label="Box" outcome="/content/20-component/050-container/10-box/Box.xhtml"/>.</p>
<tc:section label="Simple Collapsible Box">
<tc:form id="controller">
<p>This is a simple collapsible box which open and close the content via a controller.</p>
<demo-highlight language="markup">&lt;tc:button label="show" immediate="true"
<tc:box label="Box" collapsed="#{collapsibleBoxController.collapsed}" collapsedMode="absent">
<f:facet name="bar">
<tc:button id="show" label="show" immediate="true" action="#{}"/>
<tc:button id="hide" label="hide" immediate="true" action="#{collapsibleBoxController.hide}"/>
<tc:out id="content" value="Content"/>
<tc:section label="Full Server Request">
<tc:form id="server">
<p>In this example, the operaction tag is used to change the state of the boxes.</p>
<demo-highlight language="markup">&lt;tc:box id="box1" label="Full Request Box 1" collapsedMode="absent">
&lt;f:facet name="bar">
&lt;tc:button label="show">
&lt;tc:operation name="show" for="box1"/>
<tc:box id="box1" label="Full Request Box 1" collapsedMode="absent">
<f:facet name="bar">
<tc:button id="show1" label="show">
<tc:operation name="show" for="box1"/>
<tc:button id="hide1" label="hide">
<tc:operation name="hide" for="box1"/>
<tc:out id="content1" value="Content"/>
<tc:box id="box2" label="Full Request Box 2" collapsedMode="absent">
<f:facet name="bar">
<tc:button id="show2" label="show">
<tc:operation name="show" for="box2"/>
<tc:button id="hide2" label="hide">
<tc:operation name="hide" for="box2"/>
<tc:out id="content2" value="Content"/>
<tc:section label="Client Side">
<tc:form id="client">
<p>This example show a content box which could be opened and closed without a server request.<br/>
To render the hidden content of the box, <code>collapsedMode="hidden"</code> must be set.
The content is hidden by CSS display property.</p>
<p>Also the content contain a required input field.
This field will be also validated if the content is hidden.<br/>
To demonstrate that, leave the input field blank, hide the content and press the 'Submit'-button.</p>
<p>Notice the <code>omit</code> attribute of the buttons is set to avoid server request.</p>
<demo-highlight language="markup">&lt;tc:box id="noRequestBox" label="No Request Box"
collapsed="true" collapsedMode="hidden">
&lt;tc:button label="show" omit="true">
&lt;tc:operation name="show" for="noRequestBox"/>
<tc:box id="noRequestBox" label="No Request Box" collapsed="true" collapsedMode="hidden">
<f:facet name="bar">
<tc:button id="showNoRequestBox" label="show" omit="true">
<tc:operation name="show" for="noRequestBox"/>
<tc:button id="hideNoRequestBox" label="hide" omit="true">
<tc:operation name="hide" for="noRequestBox"/>
<tc:in id="inNoRequestBox" label="Required" required="true"/>
<tc:button id="submitNoRequestBox" label="Submit"/>
<tc:section label="Ajax">
<tc:form id="ajax">
<p>Here we have the transitions <code>show</code> and <code>hide</code> with AJAX request.
The buttons have set <code>omit="false"</code> which is the default.
Also the attribute <code>immediate="true"</code> is set to execute the transition without validation.</p>
<p>The mode is set to <code>collapsedMode="absent"</code> (default), so the hidden content won't be rendered
and therefor not validated.</p>
<p>You can press the 'Submit'-button after hiding the blank input field.
The submit will be executed without validation.
If the content is shown and the field is empty, a violation occurs after hitting 'Submit'.</p>
<demo-highlight language="markup">&lt;tc:box id="ajaxBox" label="Collapsible Box (AJAX)" collapsedMode="absent">
&lt;tc:button label="show" immediate="true">
&lt;f:ajax execute="ajaxBox" render="ajaxBox"/>
&lt;tc:operation name="show" for="ajaxBox"/>
<tc:box id="ajaxBox" label="Ajax Box" collapsedMode="absent">
<f:facet name="bar">
<tc:button id="showAjaxBox" label="show" immediate="true">
<f:ajax execute="ajaxBox" render="ajaxBox"/>
<tc:operation name="show" for="ajaxBox"/>
<tc:button id="hideAjaxBox" label="hide" immediate="true">
<f:ajax execute="ajaxBox" render="ajaxBox"/>
<tc:operation name="hide" for="ajaxBox"/>
<tc:in id="inAjaxBox" label="Required" required="true"/>
<tc:button id="submitAjaxBox" label="Submit"/>