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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<ui:composition template="/main.xhtml"
<p>There are several ways to validate the content of a component. In general input components have the option
for validation. In the following sections, the different kinds von validation are explained.</p>
<p>Tag Library Documentation:
<tc:link label="&lt;tc:sheet/>" image="#{request.contextPath}/image/feather-leaf.png"
<tc:link label="&lt;tc:column/>" image="#{request.contextPath}/image/feather-leaf.png"
<tc:section label="Required">
<p>A simple way of validation is the <code>required</code> attribute in some input components.
The text area must not empty if the submit button is pressed. Otherwise a error message is displayed.</p>
<demo-highlight language="markup">&lt;tc:textarea label="Text Area" required="true"/></demo-highlight>
<tc:form id="required">
<tc:textarea id="textarea" label="Text Area" required="true"/>
<tc:button id="submit_r" label="Submit"/>
<tc:section label="Validate Length">
<p>The length of a value can be validated by the <code class="language-markup">&lt;f:validateLength/></code> tag.
Length means the number of characters.
In this example, the given string must have at least two characters and maximal four characters.</p>
<p>Please note, an empty string will not be validated.</p>
<demo-highlight language="markup">&lt;tc:in label="Input">
&lt;f:validateLength minimum="2" maximum="4"/>
<tc:form id="validateLength">
<tc:in id="in_vl" label="Text">
<f:validateLength minimum="2" maximum="4"/>
<tc:button id="submit_vl" label="Submit"/>
<tc:section label="Validate Range">
<p>The range of a number can be validated via <code class="language-markup">&lt;f:validateLongRange/></code>
or - for floating point numbers - <code class="language-markup">&lt;f:validateDoubleRange/></code>.
In the following input field numbers from 3 to 77 can be added.</p>
<demo-highlight language="markup">&lt;tc:in label="Number" markup="number">
&lt;f:validateLongRange minimum="3" maximum="77"/>
<tc:form id="validateRange">
<tc:in id="in_vr" label="Number" markup="number">
<f:validateLongRange minimum="3" maximum="77"/>
<tc:button id="submit_vr" label="Submit"/>
<tc:section label="Regex Validation">
<p>A value can be validated against a regex patter via the
<code class="language-markup">&lt;f:validateRegex/></code> tag.</p>
<demo-highlight language="markup">&lt;tc:in label="Letter &amp; Number" >
&lt;f:validateRegex pattern="[A-Za-z][0-9]"/>
<tc:form id="regexValidation">
<p>The value in the field must be a word character combined with a number. For example 'T3'.</p>
<tc:in id="in_rv" label="Letter &amp; Number" value="#{validationController.letter}">
<f:validateRegex pattern="[A-Za-z][0-9]"/>
<tc:button id="submit_rv" label="Submit"/>
<tc:section label="Custom Validator">
<p>It's also possible to add custom validators using the <code>validator</code> attribute of an input component.
In this case, only the string 'Tobago' (uppercase/lowercase ignored) is accepted.</p>
<tc:form id="customValidator">
<tc:in id="in_cv" label="Text" validator="#{validationController.customValidator}"/>
<tc:button id="submit_cv" label="Submit"/>
<tc:section label="Two Field Validation">
<p>A validator check the password against the confirmation field.
To get access to the confirmation field from the validator a binding with the <code>binding</code> attribute
and the <code class="language-markup">&lt;f:attribute/></code> tag is created.</p>
<demo-highlight language="markup">&lt;tc:in label="Password" validator="\#{validationController.passwordValidator}">
&lt;f:attribute name="confirmationField" value="\#{confirmBinding}"/>
&lt;tc:in label="Confirmation" binding="\#{confirmBinding}"/></demo-highlight>
<tc:in label="Password" required="true" validator="#{validationController.passwordValidator}">
<f:attribute name="confirmationField" value="#{confirmBinding}"/>
<tc:in label="Confirmation" required="true" binding="#{confirmBinding}"/>
<tc:button label="Submit"/>