blob: eef5a0fb7065024630def92f03a22f4ccfbce36d [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
<ui:composition template="/main.xhtml"
<tc:section label="Migration from Tobago 3.0 to 4.0">
There are some migration steps to do, dependent on the application
you want to migrate. The steps can be classified by
<li><tc:link link="" fragment="page:mainForm:taglib" label="Tag library"/></li>
<li><tc:link link="" fragment="page:mainForm:markups" label="Markups"/></li>
<li><tc:link link="" fragment="page:mainForm:layout" label="Layout Manager"/></li>
<li><tc:link link="" fragment="page:mainForm:css" label="CSS / Bootstrap"/></li>
<li><tc:link link="" fragment="page:mainForm:theme" label="Theme building"/></li>
<li><tc:link link="" fragment="page:mainForm:crlf" label="CRLF in textarea"/></li>
<li><tc:link link="" fragment="page:mainForm:resourceResolver"
label="Removed class: MetaInfResourcesClasspathResourceResolver"/></li>
<tc:section id="taglib" label="Tag Library">
<tc:section label="ViewId over attribute &quot;link&quot;">
Using the <code class="language-markup">link</code> attribute of
<code class="language-markup">&lt;tc:link></code>,
<code class="language-markup">&lt;tc:button></code>,
<code class="language-markup">&lt;tc:treeCommand></code> or
<code class="language-markup">&lt;tc:event></code>
in Tobago 3 has three cases:
External link to an URL e. g. <code class="language-markup">link=""</code>
Here is nothing to do.
Internal link to a resource e. g. <code class="language-markup">link="image/alps.png"</code>
Here you need to add the contextPath which might not be an empty string:
<code class="language-markup">link="\#{request.contextPath}/image/alps.png"</code>.
So, this is now the same like resources used over other attributes.
Internal link to a viewId e. g. <code class="language-markup">link="/intro.xhtml"</code>
In this case you need to use the new attribute <code class="language-markup">outcome="/intro.xhtml"</code>.
Please use only full pathes here!
This this, the GET parameter will be respected.
This is needed e. g. for the windowId of <tc:link label="DeltaSpike"
<tc:section label="&lt;tc:bar&gt;">
The content of <code class="language-markup">&lt;tc:bar&gt;</code> needs to be checked.
The layout inside of the bar has been changed by CSS.
<p>There is a new after-facet for right side content. Old code which uses
<code class="language-markup">&lt;tc:flowLayout align=right></code> probably doesn't work correctly.</p>
<p>Replace the following code...</p>
<demo-highlight language="markup">&lt;tc:bar>
&lt;tc:flowLayout textAlign="right">
// right side content
<p>... with this:</p>
<demo-highlight language="markup">&lt;tc:bar>
&lt;f:facet name="after">
&lt;tc:flexLayout columns="1fr auto">
// right side content
<p>Also new markups are added to change collapse/expand behavior and color scheme.
For more information have a look at
<tc:link label="tc:bar" outcome="/content/20-component/050-container/60-bar/Bar.xhtml"/></p>
<tc:section id="markups" label="Markups">
<p>Markups are now space separated. Instead of <code>markupOne, markupTwo</code> you can write
<code>markupOne markupTwo</code>. Comma seperated markups are deprecated but still possible.</p>
<p>Default markups are removed.
The default markups had rendered specific CSS classes for required/readonly/disabled components.</p>
<li><code class="language-css">.tobago-[componentName]-markup-required</code></li>
<li><code class="language-css">.tobago-[componentName]-markup-readonly</code></li>
<li><code class="language-css">.tobago-[componentName]-markup-disabled</code></li>
<tc:section id="layout" label="Layout Manager">
<tc:section id="flexLayout" label="&lt;tc:flexLayout>">
<p>Column/row attribute values are now space separated. The '*' character is replaced by 'fr'.</p>
<p>Instead of <code class="language-markup">&lt;tc:flexLayout column="200px;auto;1*;2*;10rem"></code>
you can write <code class="language-markup">&lt;tc:flexLayout column="200px auto 1fr 2fr 10rem"></code>.</p>
<p>The old syntax is deprecated but still possible.</p>
<tc:section id="segmentLayout" label="&lt;tc:segmentLayout>">
<p>Attribute values are now space seperated. Integer values now have the unit 'seg'.</p>
<p>The old syntax is deprecated but still possible.</p>
<p>The 12 columns of a segment layout are no longer filled up.</p>
<p>Explained on the example <code>medium="3seg 4seg"</code>:</p>
<li>Result in Tobago3: The first child of the segment layout spans 3 columns, the second 4 columns,
the third 5 columns (filled up) and the fourth 3 columns again.
<li>Result in Tobago4: The first child spans 3 columns, the second 4 columns, the third 3 columns again and the
fourth 4 columns.
<p>There are also two new 'auto' and '1fr' attribute values. For more information see
<tc:link label="tc:segmentLayout" outcome="/content/30-concept/16-layout/30-segment/Segment_Layout.xhtml"/>.
<tc:section id="gridLayout" label="&lt;tc:gridLayout>">
<p>The attribute syntax for columns and rows has also been changed. See script below.</p>
<tc:section id="sheet" label="&lt;tc:sheet>">
<p>The attribute syntax for columns has also been changed. See script below.</p>
<tc:section id="layout-script" label="Migration script for layout attributes">
<p>Here is a simple <tc:link label="migration script" link=""/>, that may help you to change the layout attributes in the
facelets XHTML files.</p>
<demo-highlight language="bash"><tc:out value="#{migration4Controller.scriptSource}"/></demo-highlight>
<tc:section id="css" label="CSS / Bootstrap">
The included Bootstrap CSS library has been updated from
<tc:link link="" label="v4.0.0-alpha.5"/> to
<tc:link link="" label="v4.0.0-beta.2"/>.
Thought some changes need to be made, if you use Bootstrap classes directly.
Some of the generated HTML code has been changed, mostly in these tags:
Here you may need modifications only, if you have own CSS with are related with these tags.
<tc:section id="theme" label="Theme building">
Building a theme is in general compatible, but if using the build mechanism of Tobago
(defined in the pom.xml of tobago-theme) it can be better automated.
The build mechanism now uses _tobago.scss from tobago-core to generated the CSS file,
the is no longer a manual copy needed.
<tc:section id="crlf" label="CRLF in textarea">
CRLF in textarea will be converted to LF automatically to avoid inconsistencies with length validation.
If you need the old behavior, set <code>&lt;decode-line-feed>false&lt;/decode-line-feed></code>
in the <code>tobago-config.xml</code>.
<tc:section id="resourceResolver" label="Removed class: MetaInfResourcesClasspathResourceResolver">
The deprecated class <code>org.apache.myfaces.tobago.facelets.MetaInfResourcesClasspathResourceResolver</code>
has been removed, because it was no longer needed since Servelt 3.0.
You may remove this context parameter in your <code>web.xml</code>.
<demo-highlight language="markup">&lt;context-param>