blob: db3ce2d7971ab3b2f35f5bf49ff83191032a0178 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import {DomUtils} from "./tobago-utils";
import {Page} from "./tobago-page";
export class Sheet extends HTMLElement {
static readonly SCROLL_BAR_SIZE: number = Sheet.getScrollBarSize();
mousemoveData: any;
mousedownOnRowData: any;
lastCheckMillis: number;
private static getScrollBarSize(): number {
const body = document.getElementsByTagName("body").item(0);
const outer = document.createElement("div"); = "hidden"; = "100px"; = "scroll";
const inner = document.createElement("div"); = "100%";
const widthWithScroll = inner.offsetWidth;
return 100 - widthWithScroll;
private static isInputElement(element: HTMLElement): boolean {
return ["INPUT", "TEXTAREA", "SELECT", "A", "BUTTON"].indexOf(element.tagName) > -1;
private static getRowTemplate(columns: number, rowIndex: number) : string {
return `<tr row-index="${rowIndex}" class="tobago-sheet-row" dummy="dummy">
<td class="tobago-sheet-cell" colspan="${columns}"> </td>
constructor() {
connectedCallback(): void {
if (this.lazyUpdate) {
// nothing to do here, will be done in method lazyResponse()
// synchronize column widths ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// basic idea: there are two possible sources for the sizes:
// 1. the columns attribute of <tc:sheet> like {"columns":[1.0,1.0,1.0]}, held by data attribute "tobago-layout"
// 2. the hidden field which may contain a value like ",300,200,100,"
// The 1st source usually is the default set by the developer.
// The 2nd source usually is the value set by the user manipulating the column widths.
// So, if the 2nd is set, we use it, if not set, we use the 1st source.
let columnWidths = this.loadColumnWidths();"columnWidths: %s", JSON.stringify(columnWidths));
if (columnWidths && columnWidths.length === 0) { // active, but empty
// otherwise use the layout definition
const tokens = JSON.parse(this.dataset.tobagoLayout).columns;
const columnRendered = this.isColumnRendered();
const headerCols = this.getHeaderCols();
const bodyTable = this.getBodyTable();
const bodyCols = this.getBodyCols();
console.assert(headerCols.length - 1 === bodyCols.length,
"header and body column number doesn't match: %d != %d ", headerCols.length - 1, bodyCols.length);
let sumRelative = 0; // tbd: is this needed?
let widthRelative = bodyTable.offsetWidth;
for (let i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
if (columnRendered[i]) {
if (typeof tokens[i] === "number") {
sumRelative += tokens[i];
} else if (typeof tokens[i] === "object" && tokens[i].measure !== undefined) {
const intValue = parseInt(tokens[i].measure);
if (tokens[i].measure.lastIndexOf("px") > 0) {
widthRelative -= intValue;
} else if (tokens[i].measure.lastIndexOf("%") > 0) {
widthRelative -= bodyTable.offsetWidth * intValue / 100;
} else {
console.debug("auto? = " + tokens[i]);
if (widthRelative < 0) {
widthRelative = 0;
let headerBodyColCount = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
let colWidth = 0;
if (columnRendered[i]) {
if (typeof tokens[i] === "number") {
colWidth = tokens[i] * widthRelative / sumRelative;
} else if (typeof tokens[i] === "object" && tokens[i].measure !== undefined) {
const intValue = parseInt(tokens[i].measure);
if (tokens[i].measure.lastIndexOf("px") > 0) {
colWidth = intValue;
} else if (tokens[i].measure.lastIndexOf("%") > 0) {
colWidth = bodyTable.offsetWidth * intValue / 100;
} else {
console.debug("auto? = " + tokens[i]);
if (colWidth > 0) { // because tokens[i] == "auto"
headerCols.item(headerBodyColCount).setAttribute("width", String(colWidth));
bodyCols.item(headerBodyColCount).setAttribute("width", String(colWidth));
// resize column: mouse events -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
for (const resizeElement of <NodeListOf<HTMLElement>>this.querySelectorAll(".tobago-sheet-headerResize")) {
resizeElement.addEventListener("click", function (): boolean {
return false;
resizeElement.addEventListener("mousedown", this.mousedown.bind(this));
// scrolling -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
const sheetBody = this.getBody();
// restore scroll position
const value: number[] = JSON.parse(this.getHiddenScrollPosition().getAttribute("value"));
sheetBody.scrollLeft = value[0];
sheetBody.scrollTop = value[1];
// scroll events
sheetBody.addEventListener("scroll", this.scroll.bind(this));
// add selection listeners ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
const selectionMode = this.dataset.tobagoSelectionMode;
if (selectionMode === "single" || selectionMode === "singleOrNone" || selectionMode === "multi") {
for (const row of this.getRowElements()) {
row.addEventListener("mousedown", this.mousedownOnRow.bind(this));
row.addEventListener("click", this.clickOnRow.bind(this));
for (const checkbox of <NodeListOf<HTMLInputElement>>this.querySelectorAll(
".tobago-sheet-cell > input.tobago-sheet-columnSelector")) {
checkbox.addEventListener("click", (event) => {
// lazy load by scrolling ----------------------------------------------------------------- //
const lazy = this.lazy;
if (lazy) {
// prepare the sheet with some auto-created (empty) rows
const rowCount = this.rowCount;
const sheetBody = this.tableBodyDiv;
const tableBody = this.tableBody;
const columns = tableBody.rows[0].cells.length;
let current: HTMLTableRowElement = tableBody.rows[0]; // current row in this algorithm, begin with first
// the algorithm goes straight through all rows, not selectors, because of performance
for (let i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
if (current) {
const rowIndex = Number(current.getAttribute("row-index"));
if (i < rowIndex) {
const template = Sheet.getRowTemplate(columns, i);
current.insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin", template);
} else if (i === rowIndex) {
current = current.nextElementSibling as HTMLTableRowElement;
// } else { TBD: I think this is not possible
// const template = Sheet.getRowTemplate(columns, i);
// current.insertAdjacentHTML("afterend", template);
// current = current.nextElementSibling as HTMLTableRowElement;
} else {
const template = Sheet.getRowTemplate(columns, i);
tableBody.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", template);
sheetBody.addEventListener("scroll", this.lazyCheck.bind(this));
// initial
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
for (const checkbox of <NodeListOf<HTMLInputElement>>this.querySelectorAll(
".tobago-sheet-header .tobago-sheet-columnSelector")) {
checkbox.addEventListener("click", this.clickOnCheckbox.bind(this));
// init paging by pages ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
for (const pagingText of <NodeListOf<HTMLElement>>this.querySelectorAll(".tobago-sheet-pagingText")) {
pagingText.addEventListener("click", this.clickOnPaging.bind(this));
const pagingInput = pagingText.querySelector("input.tobago-sheet-pagingInput");
pagingInput.addEventListener("blur", this.blurPaging.bind(this));
pagingInput.addEventListener("keydown", function (event: KeyboardEvent): void {
if (event.keyCode === 13) {
event.currentTarget.dispatchEvent(new Event("blur"));
// attribute getter + setter ---------------------------------------------------------- //
get lazyActive():boolean {
return this.hasAttribute("lazy-active");
set lazyActive(update:boolean) {
if (update) {
this.setAttribute("lazy-active", "");
} else {
get lazy():boolean {
return this.hasAttribute("lazy");
set lazy(update:boolean) {
if (update) {
this.setAttribute("lazy", "");
} else {
get lazyUpdate():boolean {
return this.hasAttribute("lazy-update");
get rows():number {
return parseInt(this.getAttribute("rows"));
get rowCount():number {
return parseInt(this.getAttribute("row-count"));
get tableBodyDiv(): HTMLDivElement {
return this.querySelector(".tobago-sheet-body");
get tableBody(): HTMLTableSectionElement {
return this.querySelector(".tobago-sheet-bodyTable>tbody");
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
when an event occurs (initial load OR scroll event OR AJAX response)
then -> Tobago.Sheet.lazyCheck()
1. check, if the lazy reload is currently active
a) yes -> do nothing and exit
b) no -> step 2.
2. check, if there are data need to load (depends on scroll position and already loaded data)
a) yes -> set lazy reload to active and make an AJAX request with Tobago.Sheet.reloadLazy()
b) no -> do nothing and exit
AJAX response -> 1. update the rows in the sheet from the response
2. go to the first part of this description
* Checks if a lazy update is required, because there are unloaded rows in the visible area.
lazyCheck(event?): void {
if (this.lazyActive) {
// nothing to do, because there is an active AJAX running
if (this.lastCheckMillis && - this.lastCheckMillis < 100) {
// do nothing, because the last call was just a moment ago
this.lastCheckMillis =;
const next = this.nextLazyLoad();
//"next %o", next); // @DEV_ONLY
if (next) {
this.lazyActive = true;
const rootNode = this.getRootNode() as ShadowRoot | Document;
const input = rootNode.getElementById( + ":pageActionlazy") as HTMLInputElement;
input.value = String(next);
nextLazyLoad(): number {
// find first tr in current visible area
const rows = this.rows;
const rowElements = this.tableBody.rows;
let min = 0;
let max = rowElements.length;
// binary search
let i;
while (min < max) {
i = Math.floor((max - min) / 2) + min;
// console.log("min i max -> %d %d %d", min, i, max); // @DEV_ONLY
if (this.isRowAboveVisibleArea(rowElements[i])) {
min = i + 1;
} else {
max = i;
for (i = min; i < min + rows && i < rowElements.length; i++) {
if (this.isRowDummy(rowElements[i])) {
return i + 1;
return null;
isRowAboveVisibleArea(tr: HTMLTableRowElement): boolean {
const sheetBody = this.tableBodyDiv;
const viewStart = sheetBody.scrollTop;
const trEnd = tr.offsetTop + tr.clientHeight;
return trEnd < viewStart;
isRowDummy(tr): boolean {
return tr.hasAttribute("dummy");
lazyResponse(event): void {
let updates;
if (event.status === "complete") {
updates = event.responseXML.querySelectorAll("update");
for (let i = 0; i < updates.length; i++) {
const update = updates[i];
const id = update.getAttribute("id");
if (id.indexOf(":") > -1) { // is a JSF element id, but not a technical id from the framework
console.debug("[tobago-sheet][complete] Update after jsf.ajax complete: #" + id); // @DEV_ONLY
const sheet = document.getElementById(id); = id + "::lazy-temporary";
const page =;
page.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `<div id="${id}"></div>`);
const sheetLoader = document.getElementById(id);
} else if (event.status === "success") {
updates = event.responseXML.querySelectorAll("update");
for (let i = 0; i < updates.length; i++) {
const update = updates[i];
const id = update.getAttribute("id");
if (id.indexOf(":") > -1) { // is a JSF element id, but not a technical id from the framework
console.debug("[tobago-sheet][success] Update after jsf.ajax complete: #" + id); // @DEV_ONLY
// sync the new rows into the sheet
const sheetLoader = document.getElementById(id);
const sheet = document.getElementById(id + "::lazy-temporary"); = id;
const tbody = sheet.querySelector(".tobago-sheet-bodyTable>tbody");
const newRows = sheetLoader.querySelectorAll(".tobago-sheet-bodyTable>tbody>tr");
for (i = 0; i < newRows.length; i++) {
const newRow = newRows[i];
const rowIndex = Number(newRow.getAttribute("row-index"));
const row = tbody.querySelector("tr[row-index='" + rowIndex + "']");
// replace the old row with the new row
row.insertAdjacentElement("afterend", newRow);
this.lazyActive = false;
lazyError(data): void {
console.error("Sheet lazy loading error:"
+ "\nError Description: " + data.description
+ "\nError Name: " + data.errorName
+ "\nError errorMessage: " + data.errorMessage
+ "\nResponse Code: " + data.responseCode
+ "\nResponse Text: " + data.responseText
+ "\nStatus: " + data.status
+ "\nType: " + data.type);
// tbd: how to do this in Tobago 5?
reloadWithAction(source: HTMLElement): void {
console.debug("reload sheet with action '" + + "'"); // @DEV_ONLY
const executeIds =;
const renderIds =;
const lazy = this.lazy;
"javax.faces.behavior.event": "reload",
execute: executeIds,
render: renderIds,
onevent: lazy ? this.lazyResponse.bind(this) : undefined,
onerror: lazy ? this.lazyError.bind(this) : undefined
loadColumnWidths(): number[] {
const hidden = document.getElementById( + DomUtils.SUB_COMPONENT_SEP + "widths");
if (hidden) {
return JSON.parse(hidden.getAttribute("value"));
} else {
return undefined;
saveColumnWidths(widths: number[]): void {
const hidden = document.getElementById( + DomUtils.SUB_COMPONENT_SEP + "widths");
if (hidden) {
hidden.setAttribute("value", JSON.stringify(widths));
} else {
console.warn("ignored, should not be called, id='" + + "'");
isColumnRendered(): boolean[] {
const hidden = document.getElementById( + DomUtils.SUB_COMPONENT_SEP + "rendered");
return JSON.parse(hidden.getAttribute("value"));
addHeaderFillerWidth(): void {
const last = document.getElementById(".tobago-sheet-headerTable col:last-child");
if (last) {
last.setAttribute("width", String(Sheet.SCROLL_BAR_SIZE));
mousedown(event: MouseEvent): void { =;
// begin resizing
const resizeElement = event.currentTarget as HTMLElement;
const columnIndex = parseInt(resizeElement.dataset.tobagoColumnIndex);
const headerColumn = this.getHeaderCols().item(columnIndex);
const mousemoveListener = this.mousemove.bind(this);
const mouseupListener = this.mouseup.bind(this);
this.mousemoveData = {
columnIndex: columnIndex,
originalClientX: event.clientX,
originalHeaderColumnWidth: parseInt(headerColumn.getAttribute("width")),
mousemoveListener: mousemoveListener,
mouseupListener: mouseupListener
document.addEventListener("mousemove", mousemoveListener);
document.addEventListener("mouseup", mouseupListener);
mousemove(event: MouseEvent): boolean {
let delta = event.clientX - this.mousemoveData.originalClientX;
delta = -Math.min(-delta, this.mousemoveData.originalHeaderColumnWidth - 10);
let columnWidth = this.mousemoveData.originalHeaderColumnWidth + delta;
this.getHeaderCols().item(this.mousemoveData.columnIndex).setAttribute("width", columnWidth);
this.getBodyCols().item(this.mousemoveData.columnIndex).setAttribute("width", columnWidth);
if (window.getSelection) {
return false;
mouseup(event: MouseEvent): boolean {
// switch off the mouse move listener
document.removeEventListener("mousemove", this.mousemoveData.mousemoveListener);
document.removeEventListener("mouseup", this.mousemoveData.mouseupListener);
// copy the width values from the header to the body, (and build a list of it)
const tokens = JSON.parse(this.dataset.tobagoLayout).columns;
const columnRendered = this.isColumnRendered();
const columnWidths = this.loadColumnWidths();
const bodyTable = this.getBodyTable();
const headerCols = this.getHeaderCols();
const bodyCols = this.getBodyCols();
const widths: number[] = [];
let usedWidth = 0;
let headerBodyColCount = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < columnRendered.length; i++) {
if (columnRendered[i]) {
// last column is the filler column
const newWidth = parseInt(headerCols.item(headerBodyColCount).getAttribute("width"));
// for the hidden field
widths[i] = newWidth;
usedWidth += newWidth;
const oldWidth = parseInt(bodyCols.item(headerBodyColCount).getAttribute("width"));
if (oldWidth !== newWidth) {
bodyCols.item(headerBodyColCount).setAttribute("width", String(newWidth));
} else if (columnWidths !== undefined && columnWidths.length >= i) {
widths[i] = columnWidths[i];
} else {
if (typeof tokens[i] === "number") {
widths[i] = 100;
} else if (typeof tokens[i] === "object" && tokens[i].measure !== undefined) {
const intValue = parseInt(tokens[i].measure);
if (tokens[i].measure.lastIndexOf("px") > 0) {
widths[i] = intValue;
} else if (tokens[i].measure.lastIndexOf("%") > 0) {
widths[i] = parseInt( / 100 * intValue;
// store the width values in a hidden field
return false;
scroll(event): void {
const sheetBody: HTMLElement = event.currentTarget;
// store the position in a hidden field
const hidden = this.getHiddenScrollPosition();
JSON.stringify([Math.round(sheetBody.scrollLeft), Math.round(sheetBody.scrollTop)]));
mousedownOnRow(event: MouseEvent): void {
this.mousedownOnRowData = {
x: event.clientX,
y: event.clientY
clickOnCheckbox(event: MouseEvent): void {
const checkbox = event.currentTarget as HTMLInputElement;
if (checkbox.checked) {
} else {
clickOnRow(event: MouseEvent): void {
const row = event.currentTarget as HTMLTableRowElement;
if (row.classList.contains("tobago-sheet-columnSelector") || !Sheet.isInputElement(row)) {
if (Math.abs(this.mousedownOnRowData.x - event.clientX)
+ Math.abs(this.mousedownOnRowData.y - event.clientY) > 5) {
// The user has moved the mouse. We assume, the user want to select some text inside the sheet,
// so we doesn't select the row.
if (window.getSelection) {
const rows = this.getRowElements();
const selector = this.getSelectorCheckbox(row);
const selectionMode = this.dataset.tobagoSelectionMode;
if ((!event.ctrlKey && !event.metaKey && !selector)
|| selectionMode === "single" || selectionMode === "singleOrNone") {
const lastClickedRowIndex = parseInt(this.dataset.tobagoLastClickedRowIndex);
if (event.shiftKey && selectionMode === "multi" && lastClickedRowIndex > -1) {
if (lastClickedRowIndex <= row.sectionRowIndex) {
this.selectRange(rows, lastClickedRowIndex, row.sectionRowIndex, true, false);
} else {
this.selectRange(rows, row.sectionRowIndex, lastClickedRowIndex, true, false);
} else if (selectionMode !== "singleOrNone" || !this.isRowSelected(row)) {
this.toggleSelection(row, selector);
clickOnPaging(event: MouseEvent): void {
const element = event.currentTarget as HTMLElement;
const output = element.querySelector(".tobago-sheet-pagingOutput") as HTMLElement; = "none";
const input = element.querySelector(".tobago-sheet-pagingInput") as HTMLInputElement; = "initial";
blurPaging(event: FocusEvent): void {
const input = event.currentTarget as HTMLInputElement;
const output = input.parentElement.querySelector(".tobago-sheet-pagingOutput") as HTMLElement;
if (output.innerHTML !== input.value) {
"Reloading sheet '" + + "' old value='" + output.innerHTML + "' new value='" + input.value + "'");
output.innerHTML = input.value;
"javax.faces.behavior.event": "reload",
} else {"no update needed"); = "none"; = "initial";
syncScrolling(): void {
// sync scrolling of body to header
const header = this.getHeader();
if (header) {
header.scrollLeft = this.getBody().scrollLeft;
getHeader(): HTMLElement {
return this.querySelector("tobago-sheet>header");
getHeaderTable(): HTMLElement {
return this.querySelector("tobago-sheet>header>table");
getHeaderCols(): NodeListOf<HTMLElement> {
return this.querySelectorAll("tobago-sheet>header>table>colgroup>col");
getBody(): HTMLElement {
return this.querySelector("tobago-sheet>.tobago-sheet-body");
getBodyTable(): HTMLElement {
return this.querySelector("tobago-sheet>.tobago-sheet-body>.tobago-sheet-bodyTable");
getBodyCols(): NodeListOf<HTMLElement> {
return this.querySelectorAll("tobago-sheet>.tobago-sheet-body>.tobago-sheet-bodyTable>colgroup>col");
getHiddenSelected(): HTMLInputElement {
const rootNode = this.getRootNode() as ShadowRoot | Document;
return rootNode.getElementById( + DomUtils.SUB_COMPONENT_SEP + "selected") as HTMLInputElement;
getHiddenScrollPosition(): HTMLInputElement {
const rootNode = this.getRootNode() as ShadowRoot | Document;
return rootNode.getElementById( + DomUtils.SUB_COMPONENT_SEP + "scrollPosition") as HTMLInputElement;
getHiddenExpanded(): HTMLInputElement {
return this.querySelector(DomUtils.escapeClientId( + DomUtils.SUB_COMPONENT_SEP + "expanded"));
* Get the element, which indicates the selection
getSelectorCheckbox(row: HTMLTableRowElement): HTMLInputElement {
return row.querySelector("tr>td>input.tobago-sheet-columnSelector");
getRowElements(): NodeListOf<HTMLTableRowElement> {
return this.getBodyTable().querySelectorAll("tbody>tr");
getFirst(): number {
return parseInt(this.dataset.tobagoFirst);
isRowSelected(row: HTMLTableRowElement): boolean {
return this.isSelected(parseInt(row.dataset.tobagoRowIndex));
isSelected(rowIndex: number): boolean {
const value = <number[]>JSON.parse(this.getHiddenSelected().value);
return value.indexOf(rowIndex) > -1;
resetSelected():void {
this.getHiddenSelected().value = JSON.stringify([]);
toggleSelection(row: HTMLTableRowElement, checkbox: HTMLInputElement): void {
this.dataset.tobagoLastClickedRowIndex = String(row.sectionRowIndex);
if (checkbox && !checkbox.disabled) {
const selected = this.getHiddenSelected();
const rowIndex = Number(row.getAttribute("row-index"));
if (this.isSelected(rowIndex)) {
this.deselectRow(selected, rowIndex, row, checkbox);
} else {
this.selectRow(selected, rowIndex, row, checkbox);
selectAll(): void {
const rows = this.getRowElements();
this.selectRange(rows, 0, rows.length - 1, true, false);
deselectAll(): void {
const rows = this.getRowElements();
this.selectRange(rows, 0, rows.length - 1, false, true);
toggleAll(): void {
const rows = this.getRowElements();
this.selectRange(rows, 0, rows.length - 1, true, true);
rows: NodeListOf<HTMLTableRowElement>, first: number, last: number, selectDeselected: boolean,
deselectSelected: boolean): void {
const selected = this.getHiddenSelected();
const value = new Set<number>(JSON.parse(selected.value));
for (let i = first; i <= last; i++) {
const row = rows.item(i);
const checkbox = this.getSelectorCheckbox(row);
if (checkbox && !checkbox.disabled) {
const rowIndex = Number(row.getAttribute("row-index"));
const on = value.has(rowIndex);
if (selectDeselected && !on) {
this.selectRow(selected, rowIndex, row, checkbox);
} else if (deselectSelected && on) {
this.deselectRow(selected, rowIndex, row, checkbox);
* @param selected input-element type=hidden: Hidden field with the selection state information
* @param rowIndex int: zero based index of the row.
* @param row tr-element: the row.
* @param checkbox input-element: selector in the row.
selectRow(selected: HTMLInputElement, rowIndex: number, row: HTMLTableRowElement, checkbox: HTMLInputElement): void {
const selectedSet = new Set<number>(JSON.parse(selected.value));
selected.value = JSON.stringify(Array.from(selectedSet.add(rowIndex)));
checkbox.checked = true;
setTimeout(function ():void {
checkbox.checked = true;
}, 0);
* @param selected input-element type=hidden: Hidden field with the selection state information
* @param rowIndex int: zero based index of the row.
* @param row tr-element: the row.
* @param checkbox input-element: selector in the row.
selected: HTMLInputElement, rowIndex: number, row: HTMLTableRowElement, checkbox: HTMLInputElement): void {
const selectedSet = new Set<number>(JSON.parse(selected.value));
selected.value = JSON.stringify(Array.from(selectedSet));
checkbox.checked = false;
// XXX check if this is still needed... Async because of TOBAGO-1312
setTimeout(function (): void {
checkbox.checked = false;
}, 0);
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function (event: Event): void {
window.customElements.define("tobago-sheet", Sheet);