blob: 48bb8ed50e7bd15a428e2a06986ff2bfce5d55b9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import {Listener, Phase} from "./tobago-listener";
import {DomUtils} from "./tobago-utils";
import {Tobago4} from "./tobago-core";
class Sheet {
static readonly SHEETS: Map<string, Sheet> = new Map<string, Sheet>();
id: string;
clickActionId: string;
clickReloadComponentId: string;
dblClickActionId: string;
dblClickReloadComponentId: string;
constructor(id: string, commands: string, behaviour: string) { = id;
this.clickActionId = null;//todo;
this.clickReloadComponentId = null;//todo; // fixme: partially no longer used?
this.dblClickActionId = null;//todo commands.dblclick.action;
this.dblClickReloadComponentId = null;//todo commands.dblclick.partially;// fixme: partially no longer used?
static init = function (element: HTMLElement) {
console.time("[tobago-sheet] init");
const sheets: Array<HTMLElement> = DomUtils.selfOrElementsByClassName(element, "tobago-sheet");
sheets.forEach(function (element): void {
var $sheet = jQuery(element);
var id = $sheet.attr("id");
const commands = $"tobago-row-action");
const behavior = $"tobago-behavior-commands");
const sheet = new Sheet(id, commands, behavior);
Sheet.SHEETS.set(id, sheet);
element.querySelectorAll(".tobago-sheet-header .tobago-sheet-columnSelector").forEach(function (element) {
element.addEventListener("click", function (event: MouseEvent) {
var $checkbox = jQuery(;
if ($':checked')) {
} else {
console.timeEnd("[tobago-sheet] init");
static setup = function (sheets) {
// synchronize column widths
sheets.forEach(function (element): void {
var $sheet = jQuery(element);
// basic idea: there are two possible sources for the sizes:
// 1. the columns attribute of <tc:sheet> like {"columns":[1.0,1.0,1.0]}, held by data attribute "tobago-layout"
// 2. the hidden field which may contain a value like ",300,200,100,"
// The 1st source usually is the default set by the developer.
// The 2nd source usually is the value set by the user manipulating the column widths.
// So, if the 2nd is set, we use it, if not set, we use the 1st source.
var hidden = Sheet.findHiddenWidths($sheet);
if (hidden.length > 0 && hidden.val()) {
// if the hidden has a value, than also the colgroup/col are set correctly
var columnWidths = JSON.parse(hidden.get(0).getAttribute("value"));"columnWidths: " + columnWidths);
if (columnWidths !== undefined && columnWidths.length === 0) {
// otherwise use the layout definition
var layout = $"tobago-layout");
if (layout && layout.columns && layout.columns.length > 0) {
var tokens = layout.columns;
var rendered = JSON.parse(Sheet.findHiddenRendered($sheet).get(0).getAttribute("value"));
var $headerTable = $sheet.children("header").children("table");
var $headerCol = $headerTable.children("colgroup").children("col");
var $bodyTable = $sheet.children("div").children("table");
var $bodyCol = $bodyTable.children("colgroup").children("col");
console.assert($headerCol.length - 1 === $bodyCol.length, "header and body column number doesn't match");
var i;
var intValue;
var sumRelative = 0;
var widthRelative = $bodyTable.width();
for (i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
if (rendered[i] === "true") {
if (typeof tokens[i] === "number") {
sumRelative += tokens[i];
} else if (typeof tokens[i] === "object" && tokens[i].measure !== undefined) {
intValue = parseInt(tokens[i].measure);
if (tokens[i].measure.lastIndexOf("px") > 0) {
widthRelative -= intValue;
} else if (tokens[i].measure.lastIndexOf("%") > 0) {
widthRelative -= $bodyTable.width() / 100 * intValue;
} else {
console.debug("auto? = " + tokens[i]);
if (widthRelative < 0) {
widthRelative = 0;
var headerBodyColCount = 0;
for (i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
var colWidth = 0;
if (rendered[i] === "true") {
if (typeof tokens[i] === "number") {
colWidth = tokens[i] * widthRelative / sumRelative;
} else if (typeof tokens[i] === "object" && tokens[i].measure !== undefined) {
intValue = parseInt(tokens[i].measure);
if (tokens[i].measure.lastIndexOf("px") > 0) {
colWidth = intValue;
} else if (tokens[i].measure.lastIndexOf("%") > 0) {
colWidth = $bodyTable.width() / 100 * intValue;
} else {
console.debug("auto? = " + tokens[i]);
if (colWidth > 0) { // because tokens[i] == "auto"
$headerCol.eq(headerBodyColCount).attr("width", colWidth);
$bodyCol.eq(headerBodyColCount).attr("width", colWidth);
// resize: mouse events
sheets.forEach(function (element): void {
element.querySelectorAll(".tobago-sheet-headerResize").forEach(function (resizeElement): void {
const $resizeElement = jQuery(resizeElement);
$ () {
return false;
$resizeElement.mousedown(function (event) {
// begin resizing"down");
var columnIndex = $"tobago-column-index");
var $body = jQuery("body");
var $sheet = $resizeElement.closest(".tobago-sheet");
var $headerTable = $sheet.find(".tobago-sheet-headerTable");
var $bodyTable = $sheet.find(".tobago-sheet-bodyTable");
var headerColumn = $headerTable.children("colgroup").children("col").eq(columnIndex);
var bodyColumn = $bodyTable.children("colgroup").children("col").eq(columnIndex);
var data = {
columnIndex: columnIndex,
originalClientX: event.clientX,
headerColumn: headerColumn,
bodyColumn: bodyColumn,
originalHeaderColumnWidth: parseInt(headerColumn.attr("width"))
// Set width attribute: Avoid scrollBar position flip to 0.
$headerTable.css("width", $headerTable.outerWidth());
$bodyTable.css("width", $bodyTable.outerWidth());
$body.on("mousemove", data, function (event) {"move");
var delta = event.clientX -;
delta = -Math.min(-delta, - 10);
var columnWidth = + delta;"width", columnWidth);"width", columnWidth);
if (window.getSelection) {
return false;
$"mouseup", function (event) {
// switch off the mouse move listener
// copy the width values from the header to the body, (and build a list of it)
var tokens = $"tobago-layout").columns;
var rendered = JSON.parse(Sheet.findHiddenRendered($sheet).get(0).getAttribute("value"));
var hidden = Sheet.findHiddenWidths($sheet);
var hiddenWidths;
if (hidden.length > 0 && hidden.val()) {
hiddenWidths = JSON.parse(hidden.get(0).getAttribute("value"));
var headerCols = $headerTable.find("col");
var bodyCols = $bodyTable.find("col");
var widths = [];
var oldWidthList = [];
var i;
for (i = 0; i < bodyCols.length; i++) {
oldWidthList[i] = bodyCols.eq(i).width();
var usedWidth = 0;
var headerBodyColCount = 0;
for (i = 0; i < rendered.length; i++) {
if (rendered[i] === "true") {
// last column is the filler column
var newWidth = headerCols.eq(headerBodyColCount).width();
// for the hidden field
widths[i] = newWidth;
usedWidth += newWidth;
var oldWidth = bodyCols.eq(headerBodyColCount).width();
if (oldWidth !== newWidth) {
// set to the body
bodyCols.eq(headerBodyColCount).attr("width", newWidth);
// reset the width inside of the cells (TD) if the value was changed.
var $tds = jQuery("td:nth-child(" + (headerBodyColCount + 1) + ")", $bodyTable);
if ($tds.length > 0) {
var innerWidth = $tds.children().eq(0).width() - oldWidthList[headerBodyColCount] + newWidth;
// setting all sizes of the inner cells to the same value
// XXX later, if we have box-sizing: border-box we can set the width to 100%
} else if (hiddenWidths !== undefined && hiddenWidths.length >= i) {
widths[i] = hiddenWidths[i];
} else {
if (typeof tokens[i] === "number") {
widths[i] = 100;
} else if (typeof tokens[i] === "object" && tokens[i].measure !== undefined) {
var intValue = parseInt(tokens[i].measure);
if (tokens[i].measure.lastIndexOf("px") > 0) {
widths[i] = intValue;
} else if (tokens[i].measure.lastIndexOf("%") > 0) {
widths[i] = $bodyTable.width() / 100 * intValue;
// Remove width attribute: Avoid scrollBar position flip to 0.
$headerTable.css("width", "");
$bodyTable.css("width", "");
// store the width values in a hidden field
return false;
// scrolling
sheets.forEach(function (element): void {
var $sheet = jQuery(element);
$sheet.find(".tobago-sheet-body").on("scroll", function () {
var sheetBody = jQuery(this);
var scrollLeft = sheetBody.prop("scrollLeft");
var scrollTop = sheetBody.prop("scrollTop");
// scrolling the table should move the header
sheetBody.siblings(".tobago-sheet-header").prop("scrollLeft", scrollLeft);
// store the position in a hidden field
var hidden = Sheet.findHiddenScrollPosition(sheetBody.parent());
hidden.val(Math.round(scrollLeft) + ";" + Math.round(scrollTop));
// restore scroll position
sheets.forEach(function (element): void {
var $sheet = jQuery(element);
var $hidden = Sheet.findHiddenScrollPosition($sheet);
const value = $hidden.get(0).getAttribute("value");
var sep = value.indexOf(";");
if (sep !== -1) {
var scrollLeft = value.substr(0, sep);
var scrollTop = value.substr(sep + 1);
var $body = $sheet.children(".tobago-sheet-body");
$body.prop("scrollLeft", scrollLeft);
$body.prop("scrollTop", scrollTop);
$sheet.children(".tobago-sheet-header").prop("scrollLeft", scrollLeft);
// add selection listeners
sheets.forEach(function (element): void {
var $sheet = jQuery(element);
var selectionMode = $"tobago-selection-mode");
if (selectionMode === "single" || selectionMode === "singleOrNone" || selectionMode === "multi") {
Sheet.getRows($sheet).each(function () {
var $row = jQuery(this);
$row.on("mousedown", function (event) {
$"tobago-mouse-down-x", event.clientX);
$"tobago-mouse-down-y", event.clientY);
$ (event) {
var $target = jQuery(;
var $row = jQuery(this);
if ($target.hasClass("tobago-sheet-columnSelector") || !Sheet.isInputElement($target)) {
var $sheet = $row.closest(".tobago-sheet");
if (Math.abs($"tobago-mouse-down-x") - event.clientX)
+ Math.abs($"tobago-mouse-down-y") - event.clientY) > 5) {
// The user has moved the mouse. We assume, the user want to select some text inside the sheet,
// so we doesn't select the row.
if (window.getSelection) {
var $rows = Sheet.getRows($sheet);
var $selector = Sheet.getSelectorCheckbox($row);
var selectionMode = $"tobago-selection-mode");
if ((!event.ctrlKey && !event.metaKey && $selector.length === 0)
|| selectionMode === "single" || selectionMode === "singleOrNone") {
var lastClickedRowIndex = $"tobago-last-clicked-row-index");
if (event.shiftKey && selectionMode === "multi" && lastClickedRowIndex > -1) {
if (lastClickedRowIndex <= $row.index()) {
Sheet.selectRange($sheet, $rows, lastClickedRowIndex, $row.index(), true, false);
} else {
Sheet.selectRange($sheet, $rows, $row.index(), lastClickedRowIndex, true, false);
} else if (selectionMode !== "singleOrNone" || !Sheet.isRowSelected($sheet, $row)) {
Sheet.toggleSelection($sheet, $row, $selector);
var commands = $"tobago-row-action");
var click = commands ? : undefined;
var clickActionId = click ? click.action : undefined;
var clickExecuteIds = click ? click.execute : undefined;
var clickRenderIds = click ? click.render : undefined;
var id = $sheet.attr("id");
if (clickActionId) {
var action;
var index = clickActionId.indexOf(id);
var rowIndex = Sheet.getDataIndex($sheet, $row);
if (index >= 0) {
action = id + ":" + rowIndex + ":" + clickActionId.substring(index + id.length + 1);
} else {
action = id + ":" + rowIndex + ":" + clickActionId;
if (clickExecuteIds && clickExecuteIds.length > 0) {
//Tobago.reloadComponent($target.get(0), clickReloadComponentId, action)
//"javax.faces.behavior.event": "click",
execute: clickExecuteIds,
render: clickRenderIds
} else {
Tobago4.submitAction($target.get(0), action);
// todo: check if this works correctly
const sheet = Sheet.SHEETS.get($sheet.attr("id"));
if (sheet && sheet.dblClickActionId) {
$row.on("dblclick", function (event) {
// todo: re-implement
$sheet.find(".tobago-sheet-cell > input.tobago-sheet-columnSelector").click(
function (event) {
// init paging by pages
sheets.forEach(function (element): void {
var $sheet = jQuery(element);
$sheet.find(".tobago-sheet-pagingText").each(function () {
var pagingText = jQuery(this); () {
var text = jQuery(this);
.blur(function () {
}).keydown(function (event) {
if (event.keyCode === 13) {
static hideInputOrSubmit = function ($input) {
let $output = $input.siblings(".tobago-sheet-pagingOutput");
let changed = $output.html() !== $input.val();
let sheetId = $input.parents(".tobago-sheet:first").attr("id");
if (changed) {
console.debug("reloading sheet '" + $input.attr("id") + "' '" + sheetId + "'");
"javax.faces.behavior.event": "reload",
execute: sheetId,
render: sheetId
} else {"no update needed");
static findHiddenSelected = function ($sheet) {
var id = $sheet.attr("id") + Tobago4.SUB_COMPONENT_SEP + "selected";
return jQuery(DomUtils.escapeClientId(id));
static findHiddenScrollPosition = function ($sheet) {
var id = $sheet.attr("id") + Tobago4.SUB_COMPONENT_SEP + "scrollPosition";
return jQuery(DomUtils.escapeClientId(id));
static findHiddenWidths = function ($sheet) {
var id = $sheet.attr("id") + Tobago4.SUB_COMPONENT_SEP + "widths";
return jQuery(DomUtils.escapeClientId(id));
static findHiddenRendered = function ($sheet) {
var id = $sheet.attr("id") + Tobago4.SUB_COMPONENT_SEP + "rendered";
return jQuery(DomUtils.escapeClientId(id));
static addHeaderFillerWidth = function ($sheet) {
var $headerTable = $sheet.find(".tobago-sheet-headerTable");
var $headerCols = $headerTable.find("col");
$headerCols.last().attr("width", Sheet.getScrollBarSize());
static getScrollBarSize = function () {
var $outer = $('<div>').css({visibility: 'hidden', width: 100, overflow: 'scroll'}).appendTo('body'),
widthWithScroll = $('<div>').css({width: '100%'}).appendTo($outer).outerWidth();
return 100 - widthWithScroll;
doDblClick(event) {
var target =;
if (!Sheet.isInputElement(jQuery(target))) {
var row = jQuery(target).closest("tr");
var $sheet = row.closest(".tobago-sheet");
var rowIndex = row.index() + $"tobago-first");
if (this.dblClickActionId) {
var action;
var index = this.dblClickActionId.indexOf(;
if (index >= 0) {
action = + ":" + rowIndex + ":" + this.dblClickActionId.substring(index + + 1);
} else {
action = + ":" + rowIndex + ":" + this.dblClickActionId;
if (this.dblClickReloadComponentId && this.dblClickReloadComponentId.length > 0) {
//"javax.faces.behavior.event": "dblclick",
execute: this.dblClickReloadComponentId,
render: this.dblClickReloadComponentId
} else {
Tobago4.submitAction(target, action);
* Get the element, which indicates the selection
* @param row as a jQuery object
static getSelectorCheckbox = function (row) {
return row.find(">td>input.tobago-sheet-columnSelector");
static getSiblingRow = function (row, i) {
return row.parentNode.childNodes[i];
static getRows = function ($sheet) {
return $sheet.find(">div>table>tbody>tr");
static isRowSelected = function ($sheet, row) {
var rowIndex ="tobago-row-index");
if (!rowIndex) {
rowIndex = row.index() + $"tobago-first");
return Sheet.isSelected($sheet, rowIndex);
static isSelected = function ($sheet, rowIndex) {
return Sheet.findHiddenSelected($sheet).get(0).getAttribute("value").indexOf("," + rowIndex + ",") >= 0;
static resetSelected = function ($sheet) {
static toggleSelection = function ($sheet, $row, $checkbox) {
$"tobago-last-clicked-row-index", $row.index());
if (!$":disabled")) {
var $selected = Sheet.findHiddenSelected($sheet);
var rowIndex = Sheet.getDataIndex($sheet, $row);
if (Sheet.isSelected($sheet, rowIndex)) {
Sheet.deselectRow($selected, rowIndex, $row, $checkbox);
} else {
Sheet.selectRow($selected, rowIndex, $row, $checkbox);
static selectAll = function ($sheet) {
var $rows = Sheet.getRows($sheet);
Sheet.selectRange($sheet, $rows, 0, $rows.length - 1, true, false);
static deselectAll = function ($sheet) {
var $rows = Sheet.getRows($sheet);
Sheet.selectRange($sheet, $rows, 0, $rows.length - 1, false, true);
static toggleAll = function (sheet) {
var rows = Sheet.getRows(sheet);
Sheet.selectRange(sheet, rows, 0, rows.length - 1, true, true);
static selectRange = function ($sheet, $rows, first, last, selectDeselected, deselectSelected) {
if ($rows.length === 0) {
var selected = Sheet.findHiddenSelected($sheet);
for (var i = first; i <= last; i++) {
var $row = $rows.eq(i);
var checkbox = Sheet.getSelectorCheckbox($row);
if (!":disabled")) {
var rowIndex = Sheet.getDataIndex($sheet, $row);
var on = selected.get(0).getAttribute("value").indexOf("," + rowIndex + ",") >= 0;
if (selectDeselected && !on) {
Sheet.selectRow(selected, rowIndex, $row, checkbox);
} else if (deselectSelected && on) {
Sheet.deselectRow(selected, rowIndex, $row, checkbox);
static getDataIndex = function ($sheet, $row) {
var rowIndex = $"tobago-row-index");
if (rowIndex) {
return +rowIndex;
} else {
return $row.index() + $"tobago-first");
* @param $selected input-element type=hidden: Hidden field with the selection state information
* @param rowIndex int: zero based index of the row.
* @param $row tr-element: the row.
* @param $checkbox input-element: selector in the row.
static selectRow = function ($selected, rowIndex, $row, $checkbox) {
$selected.val($selected.val() + rowIndex + ",");
$row.addClass("tobago-sheet-row-markup-selected table-info");
// checkbox.prop("checked", true);
setTimeout(function () {
$checkbox.prop("checked", true);
}, 0);
* @param $selected input-element type=hidden: Hidden field with the selection state information
* @param rowIndex int: zero based index of the row.
* @param $row tr-element: the row.
* @param $checkbox input-element: selector in the row.
static deselectRow = function ($selected, rowIndex, $row, $checkbox) {
$selected.val($selected.val().replace(new RegExp("," + rowIndex + ","), ","));
$row.removeClass("tobago-sheet-row-markup-selected table-info");
// checkbox.prop("checked", false); Async because of TOBAGO-1312
setTimeout(function () {
$checkbox.prop("checked", false);
}, 0);
static isInputElement = function ($element) {
return ["INPUT", "TEXTAREA", "SELECT", "A", "BUTTON"].indexOf($element.prop("tagName")) > -1;
Listener.register(Sheet.init, Phase.DOCUMENT_READY);
Listener.register(Sheet.init, Phase.AFTER_UPDATE);