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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<ui:composition template="/main.xhtml"
<p>The <code class="language-markup">&lt;tc:textarea/&gt;</code> tag, creates a textfield with one or more rows.
The textarea becomes scrollable if the containing text could not displayed in the current size.</p>
<tc:link label="Tag Library Documentation" image="#{request.contextPath}/image/feather-leaf.png" link="#{apiController.base}/doc/#{apiController.currentRelease}/tld/tc/textarea.html"/>
<tc:section label="Basics">
<p>The textarea should always have a label attached. For this, use the <code>label</code> attribute.</p>
<p>Unlike the inputfield TODO:linkToIn there is no placeholder attribute to describe the meaning of a textarea, when no label is set.</p>
<pre><code class="language-markup">&lt;tc:textarea label="Text Area" value="Some text, some text, ..."/&gt;</code></pre>
<tc:textarea id="t1" label="Text Area"
value="Some text, some text, some text, some text, some text, some text, some text, some text, some text, some text, ..."/>
<tc:textarea id="t2" label="Read Only" readonly="true"
value="Some text, some text, some text, some text, some text, some text, some text, some text, some text, some text, ..."/>
<tc:textarea id="t3" label="Disabled" disabled="true"
value="Some text, some text, some text, some text, some text, some text, some text, some text, some text, some text, ..."/>
<tc:textarea id="t4"
value="Text Area without a label, Text Area without a label, Text Area without a label, Text Area without a label, Text Area without a label, Text Area without a label, Text Area without a label, Text Area without a label, Text Area without a label, ..."/>
<tc:section label="Focus">
<p>The following textarea should be selected after reloading this page. Use the <code>focus</code> attribute.</p>
<pre><code class="language-markup">&lt;tc:textarea label="Text Area (focus)" focus="true" value="Some Text"/&gt;</code></pre>
<tc:textarea id="t5" label="Text Area (focus)" focus="true" value="Some Text"/>
<tc:section label="Required">
<p>A textarea can be set as required with the <code>required</code> attribute.
Such a textarea must contain a value, otherwise a submit is not possible.
Leave the field blank and press 'submit' to see the errormessage.</p>
<pre><code class="language-markup">&lt;tc:textarea id="treq" label="Text Area" required="true"/></code></pre>
<tc:textarea id="treq" label="Text Area" required="true"/>
<tc:button label="Submit"/>
<tc:section label="Rows">
<p>With the <code>rows</code> attribute, the initial size of the textbox can be set. A value less than 1 has no effect.</p>
<p>The following example show a textarea with five rows.</p>
<pre><code class="language-markup">&lt;tc:textarea label="Text Area" rows="5" value="\#{textareaController.longText}"/&gt;</code></pre>
<tc:textarea id="t6" label="Text Area" rows="5" value="#{textareaController.longText}"/>