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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<ui:composition template="/main.xhtml"
<p>The flex layout can be used with the <code>&lt;tc:flexLayout/></code> tag.
The two most important attributes are <code>columns</code> and <code>rows</code>.
If both attributes are set, only <code>rows</code> has an effect.</p>
<tc:link label="Tag Library Documentation" image="#{request.contextPath}/image/feather-leaf.png"
<tc:section label="Basics">
<p>If no attributes set, the behavior of the flex layout is like a flow layout.</p>
<tc:button label="Button"/>
<tc:button label="Another Button"/>
<tc:button label="3rd Button"/>
<tc:button label="Some Button"/>
<tc:button label="Any Button"/>
<tc:section label="Columns">
<p>In this example, the <code>columns</code> attribute is set to '200px;auto;1*;2*;10rem'.
This means:</p>
<li>Column 1: Width is always at 200px.</li>
<li>Column 2: Width is always the width of the button.</li>
<li>Column 3: The left space is filled with the remaining buttons in a ratio of 1:3 for this button.</li>
<li>Column 4: The left space is filled with the remaining buttons in a ratio of 2:3 for this button.</li>
<li>Column 5: Width is always set to 10rem.</li>
<tc:flexLayout columns="200px auto 1fr 2fr 10rem">
<tc:button label="200px"/>
<tc:button label="auto"/>
<tc:button label="1fr"/>
<tc:button label="2fr"/>
<tc:button label="10rem"/>
<tc:section label="Rows">
<p>The <code>rows</code> attribute is set to '100px;auto;1fr;2fr;1fr'. Also, the height of the flex layout is '400px'.
This means:</p>
<li>Row 1: Height is always at 100px.</li>
<li>Row 2: Height is always the height of the button.</li>
<li>The left space is filled with the remaining buttons.
The fourth button is twice the size than button three and five.
<tc:flexLayout rows="100px auto 1fr 2fr 1fr">
<tc:style height="400px"/>
<tc:button label="Button"/>
<tc:button label="Button"/>
<tc:button label="Button"/>
<tc:button label="Button"/>
<tc:button label="Button"/>
<tc:section label="Cascade">
<p>You can also put a flex layout within a flex layout. In this case the second row is another flex layout.</p>
<tc:flexLayout rows="100px auto 80px 1fr">
<tc:style height="400px"/>
<tc:button label="Button"/>
<tc:flexLayout columns="200px auto 1fr 2fr 1fr">
<tc:button label="Button"/>
<tc:button label="Button"/>
<tc:button label="Button"/>
<tc:button label="Button"/>
<tc:button label="Button"/>
<tc:button label="Button"/>
<tc:button label="Button"/>