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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
package org.apache.myfaces.extensions.scripting.api;
import java.util.Collection;
* @author werpu
* <p/>
* <p/>
* Central interface to the scripting layer
* this class is a weaver which allows to trigger
* the scripting layer in various situations
* of the JSF interception points
* <p/>
* The scripting weaver replaces the classloader for those instances
* because custom classloaders are inherently problematic in web containers
public interface ScriptingWeaver {
* appends a custom script search path to the original one
* @param scriptPath a script path to be appended
public void appendCustomScriptPath(String scriptPath);
* @param o the object which has to be reloaded
* @param artifactType an identifier for the artifact type so that its reloading strategies can
* be adjusted depending on the type of artifact which has to be processed, we have to pass down
* this artifact because we cannot rely on instanceof here for several reasons first we do not know
* if a managed bean does not implement as well one of the artifact interfaces for one reason or the other
* secondly how do we deal with future extensions which provide new artifacts we cannot
* bind the code to just one implementation, hence we add some kind of type identifier here as well
* @return reloads an existing objects with its attributes
* and assigns the reloaded class to the new object
* <p/>
* note, the new object must not be the same as the original one
* it can be a shallow clone with a new class instead
public Object reloadScriptingInstance(Object o, int artifactType);
* reloads an existing class if needed
* if no new class exists the original class is given back
* @param aclass the class which is likely to be reloaded
* @return a new class or the same if no refresh has to be performed
public Class reloadScriptingClass(Class aclass);
* loads a scripting class from a given className
* note, this method probably will be dropped in the long
* run
* @param className the classname including the package
* @return a class instance of the file
public Class loadScriptingClassFromName(String className);
* returns the engine type for this weaver
* @return the supported scripting engine of this weaver
public int getScriptingEngine();
* checks whether a given class can be reloaded
* from this weaver or not
* @param clazz the class which has to be investigated
* @return true if the class is dynamic false otherwise
public boolean isDynamic(Class clazz);
* @param weaverClass the weaver class
* @return an instance of the weaver class (mostly singleton)
public ScriptingWeaver getWeaverInstance(Class weaverClass);
* full annotation scan
* at startup once the system is initialized
public void fullClassScan();
* do a full recompile of changed resources instead of a
* simply compile per file
public void fullRecompile();
* allows to mark the current weaving state as fully recompiled
public void markAsFullyRecompiled();
* initiates all post startup actions which have to be performed
* on the scripting subsystems after the entire scripting engine
* configuration has been activated (in most cases
* it comes down to an annotation parsing and compilation)
public void postStartupActions();
* callback for artifact request refreshes
* some artifacts should be refreshed or cleared upon
* request time, others can be dealt with on on demand time
public void requestRefresh();
* refreshes which only can be done under a fully initialized jsf
* request
public void jsfRequestRefresh();
* loads a list of possible dynamic classes
* for the current given state of the source dirs
* @return a list of classes representing the current source state
public Collection<String> loadPossibleDynamicClasses();
* scan for taint check
public void scanForAddedClasses();