blob: 31f6ef51250d903afe59595898ce661beba53325 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.myfaces.extensions.scripting.compiler;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.myfaces.extensions.scripting.loader.ClassLoaderUtils;
import org.apache.myfaces.extensions.scripting.compiler.CompilationException;
import java.lang.*;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* <p>A compiler implementation that utilizes some internal classes that enable you to
* compile Java source code using the javac compiler being provided by your JDK. However,
* note that this only works if you're using a Sun JDK up to the version 1.5 (as of Java 6
* you should use the JSR-199 API).</p>
* <p/>
* <p>This class loads some internal classes from $JAVA_HOME$/lib/tools.jar so be sure to
* either include this JAR file in your classpath at startup or set the JAVA_HOME property
* accordingly so that it points to a valid JDK home directory (it doesn't work if you're
* just using a JRE!)</p>
public class JavacCompiler implements Compiler {
* The logger instance for this class.
private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(JavacCompiler.class);
* The class name of the javac compiler. Note that this class
* is only available if you're using a Sun JDK.
private static final String JAVAC_MAIN = "";
* The class reference to the internal Javac compiler.
private Class compilerClass;
// ------------------------------------------ Constructors
* <p>Creates a new Javac compiler by searching for the required JAR file '$JAVA_HOME$/lib/tools.jar'
* automatically. Note that the user has to specify the JAVA_HOME property in this case.</p>
public JavacCompiler() {
* <p>Creates a new Javac compiler by searching for internal classes in the given JAR file.</p>
* @param toolsJar the location of the JAR file '$JAVA_HOME$/lib/tools.jar' or <code>null</code>
* if you want it to be searched for automatically
public JavacCompiler(URL toolsJar) {
ClassLoader classLoader;
try {
classLoader = createJavacAwareClassLoader(toolsJar);
catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
throw new IllegalStateException("An error occurred while trying to load the Javac compiler class.", ex);
try {
this.compilerClass = classLoader.loadClass(JAVAC_MAIN);
catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The Javac compiler class '" + JAVAC_MAIN + "' couldn't be found even though" +
"the required JAR file '$JAVA_HOME$/lib/tools.jar' has been put on the classpath. Are you sure that " +
"you're using a valid Sun JDK?");
// ------------------------------------------ Compiler methods
* <p>Compiles the given file and creates an according class file in the given target path.</p>
* @param sourcePath the path to the source directory
* @param targetPath the path to the target directory
* @param file the relative file name of the class you want to compile
* @return the compilation result, i.e. as of now only the compiler output
public CompilationResult compile(File sourcePath, File targetPath, String file, ClassLoader classLoader)
throws CompilationException {
return compile(sourcePath, targetPath, new File(sourcePath, file), classLoader);
* <p>Compiles the given file and creates an according class file in the given target path.</p>
* @param sourcePath the path to the source directory
* @param targetPath the path to the target directory
* @param file the file of the class you want to compile
* @return the compilation result, i.e. as of now only the compiler output
public CompilationResult compile(File sourcePath, File targetPath, File file, ClassLoader classLoader)
throws CompilationException {
// The destination directory must already exist as javac will not create the destination directory.
if (!targetPath.exists()) {
if (!targetPath.mkdirs()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("It wasn't possible to create the target " +
"directory for the compiler ['" + targetPath.getAbsolutePath() + "'].");
// If we've created the destination directory, we'll delete it as well once the application exits
try {
StringWriter compilerOutput = new StringWriter();
// Invoke the Javac compiler
Method compile = compilerClass.getMethod("compile", new Class[]{String[].class, PrintWriter.class});
Integer returnCode = (Integer) compile.invoke(null,
new Object[]{buildCompilerArguments(sourcePath, targetPath, file, classLoader),
new PrintWriter(compilerOutput)});
CompilationResult result = new CompilationResult(compilerOutput.toString());
if (returnCode == null || returnCode.intValue() != 0) {
result.registerError(new CompilationResult.CompilationMessage(-1,
"Executing the javac compiler failed. The return code is '" + returnCode + "'."));
return result;
catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The Javac compiler class '" + compilerClass + "' doesn't provide the method " +
"compile(String, PrintWriter). Are you sure that you're using a valid Sun JDK?", ex);
catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {
throw new IllegalStateException("An error occurred while invoking the compile(String, PrintWriter) method of the " +
"Javac compiler class '" + compilerClass + "'. Are you sure that you're using a valid Sun JDK?", ex);
catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
throw new IllegalStateException("An error occurred while invoking the compile(String, PrintWriter) method of the " +
"Javac compiler class '" + compilerClass + "'. Are you sure that you're using a valid Sun JDK?", ex);
// ------------------------------------------ Utility methods
* <p>Creates the arguments for the compiler, i.e. it builds an array of arguments that one would pass to
* the Javac compiler on the command line.</p>
* @param sourcePath the path to the source directory
* @param targetPath the path to the target directory
* @param file the relative file name of the class you want to compile
* @return an array of arguments that you have to pass to the Javac compiler
protected String[] buildCompilerArguments(File sourcePath, File targetPath, File file, ClassLoader classLoader) {
List<String> arguments = new ArrayList<String>();
// Note that we're knowingly not specifying the sourcepath as the compiler really should compile
// only a single file (see 'file'). The dependent classes are available on the classpath anyway.
// Otherwise the compiler would also compile dependent classes, which we want to avoid! This
// would result in different versions of a Class file being in use (the system doesn't know that
// it has to update itself due to a newer version of a Class file whilst the dynamic class loader
// will already start using it!)
// arguments.add("-sourcepath");
// arguments.add(sourcePath.getAbsolutePath());
// Set the destination / target directory for the compiled .class files.
// Specify the classpath of the given class loader. This enables the user to write new Java
// "scripts" that depend on classes that have already been loaded previously. Otherwise he
// wouldn't be able to use for example classes that are available in a library.
// Enable verbose output.
// Generate all debugging information, including local variables.
// Append the source file that is to be compiled. Note that the user specifies only a relative file location.
return arguments.toArray(new String[arguments.size()]);
* <p>Returns a possibly newly created class loader that you can use in order to load the
* Javac compiler class. Usually the user would have to put the JAR file
* '$JAVA_HOME$/lib/tools.jar' on the classpath but this method recognizes this on its own
* and loads the JAR file if necessary. However, it's not guaranteed that the Javac compiler
* class is available (e.g. if one is providing a wrong tools.jar file that doesn't contain
* the required classes).</p>
* @param toolsJar the location of the JAR file '$JAVA_HOME$/lib/tools.jar' or <code>null</code>
* if you want it to be searched for automatically
* @return a class loader that you can use in order to load the Javac compiler class
* @throws MalformedURLException if an error occurred while constructing the URL
private static ClassLoader createJavacAwareClassLoader(URL toolsJar) throws MalformedURLException {
// If the user has already included the tools.jar in the classpath we don't have
// to create a custom class loader as the class is already available.
if (ClassLoaderUtils.isClassAvailable(JAVAC_MAIN, ClassLoaderUtils.getDefaultClassLoader())) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Seemingly the required JAR file '$JAVA_HOME$/lib/tools.jar' has already been "
+ "put on the classpath as the class '" + JAVAC_MAIN + "' is present. So there's no "
+ "need to create a custom class loader for the Javac compiler.");
return ClassLoaderUtils.getDefaultClassLoader();
} else {
// The compiler isn't available in the current classpath, but the user could have specified the tools.jar file.
if (toolsJar == null) {
String javaHome = System.getProperty("java.home");
if (javaHome.toLowerCase().endsWith(File.separator + "jre")) {
// Note that even if the user has installed a valid JDK the $JAVA_HOME$ property might reference
// the JRE, e.g. '/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-'. However, in this case we just have to
// remove the last four characters (i.e. the '/jre').
javaHome = javaHome.substring(0, javaHome.length() - 4);
// If the user hasn't specified the URL to the tools.jar file, we'll try to find it on our own.
File toolsJarFile = new File(javaHome, "lib" + File.separatorChar + "tools.jar");
if (toolsJarFile.exists()) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
"The required JAR file '$JAVA_HOME$/lib/tools.jar' has been found ['" + toolsJarFile.getAbsolutePath()
+ "']. A custom URL class loader will be created for the Javac compiler.");
return new URLClassLoader(
new URL[]{toolsJarFile.toURI().toURL()}, ClassLoaderUtils.getDefaultClassLoader());
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("The Javac compiler class '" + JAVAC_MAIN + "' and the required JAR file " +
"'$JAVA_HOME$/lib/tools.jar' couldn't be found. Are you sure that you're using a valid Sun JDK? " +
"[$JAVA_HOME$: '" + System.getProperty("java.home") + "']");
} else {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("The user has specified the required JAR file '$JAVA_HOME$/lib/tools.jar' ['"
+ toolsJar.toExternalForm() + "']. A custom URL class loader will be created for the Javac compiler.");
return new URLClassLoader(new URL[]{toolsJar}, ClassLoaderUtils.getDefaultClassLoader());