blob: bf8e226ee7ee36b0cbfdf58b3f6410c3dc8c59fd [file] [log] [blame]
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<name>MyFaces Extension Scripting Core</name>
Core of the MyFaces extensions.scripting
<!-- asm dependency readded for class scanning -->
<!-- To define the plugin version in your parent POM -->
we reuse the maven shader plugin to get rid of the
asm transitive dependency in the final build
what we will do simply is to relocate the original
asm packages into our own namespace to avoid
name conflicts
- Build and install into the repository some additional artifacts that we don't
- want to build during normal development because they take too long.
<!-- Install in the repository a "-javadoc.jar" file -->
<!-- Install in the repository a "-sources.jar" file -->