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<section name="Navigation Top">
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<section name="General information">
This section applies to setting up Ext-Scripting from the latest codebase if you want
to set it up from one of the beta or alpha builds please follow following instructions:
<a href="install_beta_1.html">Installation Instructions for Beta-1</a>
<a href="install_alpha_1.html">Installation Instructions for Alpha-1</a>
<section name="Setup overview">
<subsection name="General Setup Information" >
Ext-Scripting has a complete appendix list over all configuration and setup options
for a quick overview please visit the following links. If you need detailed
setup information, then read further on.
<subsection name="Links">
<ul><a href="setup_steps.html">Appendix: Configuration Setup Steps</a> </ul>
<ul><a href="exampleconfig.html">Appendix: Example Configurations</a> </ul>
<ul><a href="configentries.html">Appendix: List of Configuration Options</a> </ul>
<section name="Checklist">
For a short checklist of setup steps please follow <b><a href="setup_steps.html"> this link</a></b>. For a detailed
setup guide, please continue reading.
<section name="Checkout and Build">
While Ext-Scripting is already in beta stage, the best way to get started
is probably to checkout and build ext-scripting yourself from the latest codebase.
All other installation steps will have this step as prerequisite if you want to
use the latest codebase instead of one of the beta releases!
First you have to check out the latest codebase from
<a href="">
via a subversion client.
Make sure you have following requirements fulfilled before checking out:
<li>A valid Subversion client</li>
<li>Java 5 or higher</li>
<li>Maven 2.0.9 or higher</li>
After checkout, a full build can be obtained from the root directory of your checkout via <b>mvn
clean install</b>.
Once finished, a valid build is installed, which can be used further on. Additionally you can find
two blueprint projects which you can use as starting points for your own projects under
, which can be started via<b>mvn jetty:run-exploded</b>.
The now generated files either can be used to be included in a maven install or be included manually
(please go to the next section for detailed setup instructions)
<section name="Setup of Ext-Scripting">
<subsection name="Requirements">
Before setting up Ext-Scripting for your project make sure following requirements are met.
<li>JAVA_HOME points towards a valid Java SDK (JRE is not sufficient)</li>
<li>You know how to create and deploy a web application within your preferred setup (command line,
<subsection name="Setup">
While one of the aims of Ext-Scripting was to enable an easy setup, for now it was not entirely
possible for now to get a plug and play configuration. Several configuration steps have to be
<li>A valid
installation has to be present
<li>Ext-Scripting and its dependencies has to be added to the MyFaces installation</li>
<li>The paths to the scripts have to be present (see also below)</li>
<subsection name="Preparations via Apache Maven 2">
<p>The easiest way once Extension scripting is compiled is probably a setup via Apache Maven 2
Depending on your configuration and preferred JDK version you can add following entries to your
Maven pom.xml to enable Ext-Scripting
<h4>MyFaces 1.2.8+</h4>
<h4>MyFaces 2.+</h4>
<subsection name="Manual Setup">
<p>If you do not like Maven or you prefer a manual setup, Ext-Scripting provides convenient meta bundles.
A manual setup
comes down to the task of adding the appropriate meta bundle (extscript-myfaces12-bundle or
to your WEB-INF/lib directory and adding a groovy-all.jar as additional dependency.
<p>you can obtain both jars after the build from:
<p>After having done that you are ready to setup the rest of the Ext-Scripting configuration manually as
described in the section blow
<subsection name="Preparing the Necessary web.xml Entries">
<h4>First Step</h4>
<p>To enable Ext-Scripting you also have to add several entries to your web.xml file.</p>
<p>First a context param has to be set which attaches the Ext-Scripting plugins to MyFaces</p>
Enables our scripting engine support plugins
<h4>Second Step</h4>
<p>Add Ext-Scriptings servlet filter to your servlet configuration</p>
<p>The init parameter and the servlet filter
be set otherwise Ext-Scripting will not be enabled!
<p> For the filter pattern you can use every pattern which enables your web pages,
the standard cases are, either <b>*.jsf</b> or <b>/faces/*</b>
Note you <b>must</b> use the same pattern as described in the configuration
part of your Faces Servlet.</p>
<h4>Additional Optional Steps</h4>
<p>Ext-Scripting exposes a number configuration parameters which can be set via context parameters in
your web.xml
<h4>Adjust the web.xml Root source paths.</h4>
<p>Since the goal of Ext-Scripting is to provide scriptability to a running web application, it has to
know where to find the sources. For this, a default location has been chosen
according to the standards set by the Mojarra Groovy Extension.
The location looks like:
as root location for Groovy files
as root location for java files.
Following image displays the default locations:
<img src="images/ext_default_file.jpg"/>
<p>However in a normal development scenario, it is often undesirable to have the files located in a
deployment location, and a pointer mechanism towards the actual source locations would be more
To provide such a mechanism, Ext-Scripting allows two optional web.xml context parameters, which
allow the rerouting of source locations of the supported languages!
<description>Additional comma separated loader paths to allow direct editing on the sources directory instead
of the deployment dir
<some project path>/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/groovy
<description>Additional comma separated loader paths to allow direct editing on the sources directory instead
of the deployment dir
<some project path>/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/java
can be a comma separated list of paths which point to the actual Groovy sources.
does the same for Java sources..
<section name="Navigation Bottom">
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