blob: 1f62229e39b0a7e705c11bb8eb1cbe03ed6c6a68 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* under the License.
package org.apache.myfaces.extensions.scripting.cdi.loaders;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* <p>A class loader implementation that enables you to reload certain classes. It automatically
* reloads classes if there's a newer version of a .class file available in a specified compilation
* target path. However, it's also possible to explicitly reload other classes.</p>
* <p/>
* <p>This enables you to do both modify and reload various classes that you've used for Spring
* bean definitions, but it also enables you to reload for example classes depending on those
* dynamically compiled classes, like factory bean classes. By explicitly reloading a factory
* bean class the newly loaded factory bean will return updated bean instances as well!</p>
* <p/>
* <p>Note that even though this class extends the class URLClassLoader it doesn't use any
* of its functionalities. This class loader just works similar and provides a similar interface
* so it's useful to extend the class URLClassLoader as you can treat it like one (especially
* when it comes to resolving the classpath of a class loader).</p>
public class ReloadingClassLoader extends URLClassLoader {
* The system-dependent default name-separator character. Note that it's safe to
* use this version of the file separator in regex methods, like replaceAll().
private static String FILE_SEPARATOR = File.separator;
static {
if ("\\".equals(FILE_SEPARATOR)) {
* The logger instance for this class.
private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(ReloadingClassLoader.class);
* A table of class names and the according class loaders. It's basically like
* a list of classes that this class loader has already loaded. However, the
* thing is that this class loader isn't actually going to load them as we
* would loose the possibility to override them then, which is the reason why
* each class has got its own class loader.
private Map<String, ThrowAwayClassLoader> classLoaders =
new HashMap<String, ThrowAwayClassLoader>();
* A list of reloading listeners that this class loader notifies once a class
* has been reloaded.
private List<ClassReloadingListener> reloadingListeners = new ArrayList<ClassReloadingListener>();
* The target directory for the compiler, i.e. the directory that contains the
* dynamically compiled .class files.
private File compilationDirectory;
// ------------------------------------------ Constructors
* <p>Constructs a new reloading class loader for the specified compilation
* directory using the default delegation parent class loader. Note that this
* class loader will only delegate to the parent class loader if there's no
* dynamically compiled class available.</p>
* @param compilationDirectory the compilation directory
public ReloadingClassLoader(File compilationDirectory) {
super(new URL[0]);
this.compilationDirectory = compilationDirectory;
// Register a default logging listener
registerReloadingListener(new LoggingClassReloadingListener());
* <p>Constructs a new reloading class loader for the specified compilation
* directory using the given delegation parent class loader. Note that this
* class loader will only delegate to the parent class loader if there's no
* dynamically compiled class available.</p>
* @param parentClassLoader the parent class loader
* @param compilationDirectory the compilation directory
public ReloadingClassLoader(ClassLoader parentClassLoader, File compilationDirectory) {
super(new URL[0], parentClassLoader);
this.compilationDirectory = compilationDirectory;
// Register a default logging listener
registerReloadingListener(new LoggingClassReloadingListener());
// ------------------------------------------ URLClassLoader methods
* <p>Loads the class with the specified binary name. This method searches for classes in the
* compilation directory that you've specified previously. Note that this class loader recognizes
* whether the class files have changed, that means, if you recompile and reload a class, you'll
* get a Class object that represents the recompiled class.</p>
* @param className the binary name of the class you want to load
* @param resolve <tt>true</tt>, if the class is to be resolved
* @return The resulting <tt>Class</tt> object
* @throws ClassNotFoundException if the class could not be found
protected Class<?> loadClass(String className, boolean resolve) throws ClassNotFoundException {
// First of all, check if there's a class file available in the compilation target path.
// It doesn't matter which class we're dealing with at the moment as there's always the
// possibility that the user is either trying to override a statically compiled class
// (i.e. a class that has been compiled before deploying the application) or he/she is
// trying to modify a dynamically compiled class, in which case we should compare
// timestamps, etc.
File classFile = resolveClassFile(className);
if (classFile != null && classFile.exists()) {
if (classLoaders.containsKey(className)) {
// Check if the class loader is already outdated, i.e. there is a newer class file available
// for the class we want to load than the class file we've already loaded. If that's the case
// we're going to throw away this ClassLoader and create a new one for linkage reasons.
ThrowAwayClassLoader classLoader = classLoaders.get(className);
if (classLoader.isOutdated(classFile.lastModified())) {
// If the class loader is outdated, create a new one. Otherwise the same class loader
// would have to load the same class twice or more often which would cause severe
// linkage errors. Actually the JVM wouldn't permit that anyway and throw some
// linkage errors / exceptions.
} else {
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("A new dynamic class '"
+ className + "' has been found by this class loader '" + this + "'.");
// We haven't loaded this class so far, but there is a .class file available,
// so we have to reload the given class.
ThrowAwayClassLoader classLoader = classLoaders.get(className);
return classLoader.loadClass(className, resolve);
} else {
// Even though there is no class file available, there's still a chance that this
// class loader has forcefully reloaded a statically compiled class.
if (classLoaders.containsKey(className)) {
ThrowAwayClassLoader classLoader = classLoaders.get(className);
return classLoader.loadClass(className, resolve);
} else {
// However, if there's neither a .class file nor a reloadable class loader
// available, just delegate to the parent class loader.
return super.loadClass(className, resolve);
* <p>Returns the search path of URLs for loading classes, i.e. the
* given compilation target directory, the directory that contains the
* dynamically compiled .class files.</p>
* @return the search path of URLs for loading classes
public URL[] getURLs() {
try {
return new URL[]{ compilationDirectory.toURI().toURL() };
} catch (IOException ex) {
logger.error("Couldn't resolve the URL to the compilation directory '" + compilationDirectory + "'.", ex);
return new URL[0];
// ------------------------------------------ Public methods
* <p>Determines whether the given class has been loaded by a class
* loader that is already outdated.</p>
* @param classObj the class you want to check
* @return <code>true</code, if there is a newer class file available for the given object
public boolean isOutdated(Class classObj) {
// Is there even a dynamically compiled class file available for the given class?
File classFile = resolveClassFile(classObj.getName());
if (classFile.exists()) {
// If so, check if we the Class reference has been loaded by a ThrowAwayClassLoader.
// Otherwise it's definitely outdated and we don't have to compare timestamps.
if (classObj.getClassLoader() instanceof ThrowAwayClassLoader) {
// Compare the timestamps in order to determine whether the given Class
// reference is already outdated.
ThrowAwayClassLoader classLoader = (ThrowAwayClassLoader) classObj.getClassLoader();
return classLoader.isOutdated(classFile.lastModified());
} else {
return true;
return false;
* <p>Reloads the given class internally explicitly. Note that this class loader usually
* reloads classes automatically, i.e. this class loader detects if there is a newer
* version of a class file available in the compilation directory. However, by using
* this method you tell this class loader to forcefully reload the given class. For
* example, if you've got a newer version of a dynamically recompiled class and a
* statically compiled class depending on this one, you can tell this class loader to
* reload the statically compiled class as well so that it references the correct
* version of the Class object.</p>
* @param className the class you want to reload
public void reloadClass(String className) {
ThrowAwayClassLoader classLoader;
File classFile = resolveClassFile(className);
if (classFile != null && classFile.exists()) {
classLoader = new ClassFileLoader(className, classFile, this);
} else {
classLoader = new OverridingClassLoader(className, this);
// Replace the class loader in the table and fire the according event.
ThrowAwayClassLoader oldClassLoader = classLoaders.put(className, classLoader);
synchronized (reloadingListeners) {
for (ClassReloadingListener reloadingListener : reloadingListeners) {
reloadingListener.classReloaded(oldClassLoader, classLoader, className);
* <p>Registers a new reloading listener. Afterwards the given listener
* will be notified if this class loader reloads or loads a class.</p>
* @param reloadingListener the reloading listener you want to register
public void registerReloadingListener(ClassReloadingListener reloadingListener) {
synchronized (reloadingListeners) {
if (reloadingListener != null) {
* <p>Returns a copy of the current reloading class loader with the only difference
* being the parent class loader to use. Use this method if you just want to replace
* the parent class loader (obviously you can't do that after a ClassLoader has been
* created, hence a copy is created).</p>
* @param parentClassLoader the parent ClassLoader to use
* @return a copy of the current reloading class loader
public ReloadingClassLoader cloneWithParentClassLoader(ClassLoader parentClassLoader) {
ReloadingClassLoader classLoader =
cloneClassLoader(parentClassLoader, compilationDirectory);
// Note that we don't have to create "deep copies" as the class loaders in the map
// are immutable anyway (they are only supposed to load a single class) and additionally
// this map doesn't contain classes that have been loaded using the current parent
// class loader!
classLoader.classLoaders = new HashMap<String, ThrowAwayClassLoader>(classLoaders);
classLoader.reloadingListeners = new ArrayList<ClassReloadingListener>(reloadingListeners);
return classLoader;
// ------------------------------------------ Utility methods
* <p>Creates and returns new instance of a reloading class loader which is basically a clone of this one.</p>
protected ReloadingClassLoader cloneClassLoader(ClassLoader parentClassLoader, File compilationDirectory) {
return new ReloadingClassLoader(parentClassLoader, compilationDirectory);
* <p>Resolves and returns a File handle that represents the class file of
* the given class on the file system. However, note that this method only
* returns <code>null</code> if an error occured while resolving the class
* file. A non-null valuee doesn't necessarily mean that the class file
* actually exists. In oder to check the existence call the according
* method on the returned object.</p>
* @param className the name of the class that you want to resolve
* @return a File handle that represents the class file of the given class
* on the file system
* @see
protected File resolveClassFile(String className) {
// This method just has to look in the specified compilation directory. The
// relative class file path can be computed from the class name.
return new File(compilationDirectory,
className.replaceAll("\\.", FILE_SEPARATOR).concat(".class"));
// ------------------------------------------ Private classes
private static class LoggingClassReloadingListener implements ClassReloadingListener {
public void classReloaded(ThrowAwayClassLoader oldClassLoader, ThrowAwayClassLoader newClassLoader, String className) {
if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
if (oldClassLoader != null) {"Replaced the class loader '" + oldClassLoader + "' with the class loader '"
+ newClassLoader + "' as this class loader is supposed to reload the class '" + className + "'.");
} else {"Installed a new class loader '" + newClassLoader + "' for the class '"
+ className + "' as this class loader is supposed to reload it.");