blob: ff91b39a196eb4aa753de7fab36c61fb344c0923 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import org.apache.myfaces.extensions.scripting.core.util.ClassUtils;
import org.apache.myfaces.extensions.scripting.core.util.FileUtils;
import org.apache.myfaces.extensions.scripting.core.util.WeavingContext;
import org.apache.myfaces.extensions.scripting.monitor.ClassResource;
import org.apache.myfaces.extensions.scripting.monitor.RefreshAttribute;
import org.apache.myfaces.extensions.scripting.monitor.RefreshContext;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import static java.util.logging.Level.*;
* we move the throw away mechanism into our classloader for cleaner code coverage
* the idea is to throw away classloaders on demand if a class is reloaded
* we throw it away at two stages
* <p/>
* first at call stage from outside if we manually load a class
* and secondly internally if a class is reloaded by the system
* or if something calls loadClass directly
public class ThrowawayClassloader extends ClassLoader {
static final Logger _logger = Logger.getLogger(ThrowawayClassloader.class.getName());
int _scriptingEngine;
String _engineExtension;
public ThrowawayClassloader(ClassLoader classLoader, int scriptingEngine, String engineExtension) {
synchronized (this.getClass()) {
_scriptingEngine = scriptingEngine;
_engineExtension = engineExtension;
public ThrowawayClassloader(ClassLoader classLoader, int scriptingEngine, String engineExtension, boolean untaint) {
this(classLoader, scriptingEngine, engineExtension);
ThrowawayClassloader() {
public InputStream getResourceAsStream(String name) {
File resource = new File(WeavingContext.getConfiguration().getCompileTarget().getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + name);
if (resource.exists()) {
try {
return new FileInputStream(resource);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
return super.getResourceAsStream(name);
return super.getResourceAsStream(name);
* load called either if the class is not loaded at all
* or if the class has been recompiled (check upfront)
public Class<?> loadClass(String className) throws ClassNotFoundException {
//check if our class exists in the tempDir
//we have to register ourselves temporarily because the trhow away classloader
//can be called implicitely
File target = WeavingContext.getConfiguration().resolveClassFile(className);
if (target.exists()) {
_logger.log(Level.FINE, "[EXT-SCRIPTING] target {0} exists", className);
ClassResource data = WeavingContext.getFileChangedDaemon().getClassMap().get(className);
//this check must be present because
//the vm recycles old classloaders to load classes a anew
//if we dont do it we get an exception
//we cannot check here for the file timestamps because if we have import dependencies
//it can happen that the compiler refreshes the forward dependend file as well
//and then we reload the class in one file but reference it from an artifact
//in another, it is better to check for the taint state instead
if (data != null && !data.getRefreshAttribute().requiresRefresh()) {
return data.getAClass();
//a load must happen anyway because the target was recompiled
int fileLength;
byte[] fileContent;
FileInputStream iStream = null;
try {
//we cannot load while a compile is in progress
//we have to wait until it is one
synchronized (RefreshContext.COMPILE_SYNC_MONITOR) {
fileLength = (int) target.length();
fileContent = new byte[fileLength];
iStream = new FileInputStream(target);
int result =;
_logger.log(Level.FINER, "read {0} bytes", String.valueOf(result));
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
throw new ClassNotFoundException(e.toString());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ClassNotFoundException(e.toString());
} finally {
if (iStream != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger log = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName());
log.log(SEVERE, "", e);
if (data != null) {
File sourceFile = data.getFile();
_logger.log(Level.FINER, "[EXT-SCRIPTING] loading class {0} from filesystem", className);
Class retVal;
//sometimes the classloader is recycled between requests due to being bound to the old class, we have to open a new classloader here just for the sake
//to avoid conflicts
retVal = (new ThrowawayClassloader(getParent(), _scriptingEngine, _engineExtension)).defineClass(className, fileContent, 0, fileLength);
return retVal;
} else {
//we store the initial reloading meta data information so that it is refreshed
//later on, this we we cover dependent classes on the initial load
return storeReloadableDefinitions(className, fileLength, fileContent);
_logger.log(Level.FINER, "[EXT-SCRIPTING] target {0} does not exist", target.getAbsolutePath());
return super.loadClass(className);
private Class<?> storeReloadableDefinitions(String className, int fileLength, byte[] fileContent) {
Class retVal;
retVal = super.defineClass(className, fileContent, 0, fileLength);
ClassResource reloadingMetaData = new ClassResource();
//find the source for the given class and then
//store the filename
String separator = FileUtils.getFileSeparatorForRegex();
String fileName = className.replaceAll("\\.", separator);
fileName = (fileName.indexOf("$") != -1) ? fileName.substring(0, fileName.indexOf("$")) : fileName;
fileName = fileName.replaceAll("\\.", separator) + getStandardFileExtension();
Collection<String> sourceDirs = WeavingContext.getConfiguration().getSourceDirs(_scriptingEngine);
String rootDir = null;
File sourceFile = null;
for (String sourceDir : sourceDirs) {
String fullPath = sourceDir + File.separator + fileName;
sourceFile = new File(fullPath);
if (sourceFile.exists()) {
rootDir = sourceDir;
if (rootDir == null) {
Logger log = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName());
log.log(WARNING, "Warning source for class: {0} could not be found", className);
return retVal;
reloadingMetaData.setFile(new File(rootDir + File.separator + fileName));
WeavingContext.getFileChangedDaemon().getClassMap().put(className, reloadingMetaData);
return retVal;
protected String getStandardFileExtension() {
return _engineExtension;
protected Class<?> findClassExposed(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException {
return super.findClass(name);
//some classloaders fail to resolve the resource properly, we have
//to drag our local paths in to keep track of the compiled resources
//for different scripting languages
public URL getResource(String resource) {
URL res = super.getResource(resource);
if (res != null) return res;
//if we do get a null value we try to remap to our custom paths
if (!resource.endsWith(".class")) return null;
resource = resource.substring(0, resource.length() - 6);
resource = resource.replaceAll("\\/", ".");
File clsFile = WeavingContext.getConfiguration().resolveClassFile(resource);
if (!clsFile.exists()) return null;
try {
return clsFile.toURI().toURL();
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
return null;