tree: 1f18d2d28c96f4be2bcf65cc08c92f5b6efc3951 [path history] [tgz]
  1. feature_extract/
  2. inference/
  3. unittests/
  4. alexnet.cpp
  5. charRNN.cpp
  6. CMakeLists.txt
  9. googlenet.cpp
  10. inception_bn.cpp
  11. lenet.cpp
  12. lenet_with_mxdataiter.cpp
  13. Makefile
  14. mlp.cpp
  15. mlp_cpu.cpp
  16. mlp_csv.cpp
  17. mlp_gpu.cpp
  20. resnet.cpp
  22. test_kvstore.cpp
  23. test_ndarray_copy.cpp
  24. test_optimizer.cpp
  25. test_regress_label.cpp
  26. test_score.cpp
  27. utils.h

MXNet C++ Package Examples

Building C++ examples

The examples in this folder demonstrate the training workflow. The inference workflow related examples can be found in inference folder. Please build the MXNet C++ Package as explained in the README File before building these examples manually. The examples in this folder are built while building the MXNet library and cpp-package from source. However, they can be built manually as follows

From cpp-package/examples directory

  • Build all examples in release mode: make all
  • Build all examples in debug mode: make debug

By default, the examples are built to be run on GPU. To build examples to run on CPU:

  • Release: make all MXNET_USE_CPU=1
  • Debug: make debug MXNET_USE_CPU=1

The examples that are built to be run on GPU may not work on the non-GPU machines. The makefile will also download the necessary data files and store in a data folder. (The download will take couple of minutes, but will be done only once on a fresh installation.)

Examples demonstrating training workflow

This directory contains following examples. In order to run the examples, ensure that the path to the MXNet shared library is added to the OS specific environment variable viz. LD_LIBRARY_PATH for Linux, Mac and Ubuntu OS and PATH for Windows OS. For example export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda/lib64:/home/ubuntu/mxnet/lib on ubuntu using gpu.


The example implements the C++ version of AlexNet. The networks trains on MNIST data. The number of epochs can be specified as a command line argument. For example to train with 10 epochs use the following:

build/alexnet 10


The code implements a GoogLeNet/Inception network using the C++ API. The example uses MNIST data to train the network. By default, the example trains the model for 100 epochs. The number of epochs can also be specified in the command line. For example, to train the model for 10 epochs use the following:

build/googlenet 10


The code implements a multilayer perceptron from scratch. The example creates its own dummy data to train the model. The example does not require command line parameters. It trains the model for 20,000 epochs. To run the example use the following command:



The code implements a multilayer perceptron to train the MNIST data. The code demonstrates the use of “SimpleBind” C++ API and MNISTIter. The example is designed to work on CPU. The example does not require command line parameters. To run the example use the following command:



The code implements a multilayer perceptron to train the MNIST data. The code demonstrates the use of the “SimpleBind” C++ API and MNISTIter. The example is designed to work on GPU. The example does not require command line arguments. To run the example execute following command:



The code implements a multilayer perceptron to train the MNIST data. The code demonstrates the use of the “SimpleBind” C++ API and CSVIter. The CSVIter can iterate data that is in CSV format. The example can be run on CPU or GPU. The example usage is as follows:

build/mlp_csv --train data/mnist_data/mnist_train.csv --test data/mnist_data/mnist_test.csv --epochs 10 --batch_size 100 --hidden_units "128 64 64" --gpu
  • To get the mnist_training_set.csv and mnist_test_set.csv please run the following command:
# in mxnet/cpp-package/example directory
python ./data/mnist_data/train-images-idx3-ubyte ./data/mnist_data/train-labels-idx1-ubyte ./data/mnist_data/mnist_train.csv 60000
python ./data/mnist_data/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte ./data/mnist_data/t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte ./data/mnist_data/mnist_test.csv 10000


The code implements a resnet model using the C++ API. The model is used to train MNIST data. The number of epochs for training the model can be specified on the command line. By default, model is trained for 100 epochs. For example, to train with 10 epochs use the following command:

build/resnet 10


The code implements a lenet model using the C++ API. It uses MNIST training data in CSV format to train the network. The example does not use built-in CSVIter to read the data from CSV file. The number of epochs can be specified on the command line. By default, the mode is trained for 100,000 epochs. For example, to train with 10 epochs use the following command:

build/lenet 10


The code implements a lenet model using the C++ API. It uses MNIST training data to train the network. The example uses built-in MNISTIter to read the data. The number of epochs can be specified on the command line. By default, the mode is trained for 100 epochs. For example, to train with 10 epochs use the following command:

build/lenet_with_mxdataiter 10

In addition, there is that downloads the mnist data and run lenet_with_mxdataiter example.


The code implements an Inception network using the C++ API with batch normalization. The example uses MNIST data to train the network. The model trains for 100 epochs. The example can be run by executing the following command:
