| # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one |
| # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file |
| # distributed with this work for additional information |
| # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file |
| # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the |
| # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance |
| # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, |
| # software distributed under the License is distributed on an |
| # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the |
| # specific language governing permissions and limitations |
| # under the License. |
| |
| # pylint: skip-file |
| import sys |
| import os |
| import mxnet as mx |
| import numpy as np |
| import pytest |
| from mxnet.test_utils import assert_almost_equal, default_device, environment |
| curr_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(__file__))) |
| sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(curr_path, '../unittest')) |
| |
| shape = (4, 4) |
| keys = [5, 7, 11] |
| str_keys = ['b', 'c', 'd'] |
| |
| def init_kv_with_str(stype='default', kv_type='local'): |
| """init kv """ |
| kv = mx.kv.create(kv_type) |
| # single |
| kv.init('a', mx.nd.zeros(shape, stype=stype)) |
| # list |
| kv.init(str_keys, [mx.nd.zeros(shape=shape, stype=stype)] * len(keys)) |
| return kv |
| |
| # 1. Test seed 89411477 (module seed 1829754103) resulted in a py3-gpu CI runner core dump. |
| # 2. Test seed 1155716252 (module seed 1032824746) resulted in py3-dnnl-gpu have error |
| # src/operator/nn/dnnl/dnnl_base.cc:567: Check failed: similar |
| # Both of them are not reproducible, so this test is back on random seeds. |
| @pytest.mark.skipif(mx.device.num_gpus() < 2, reason="test_rsp_push_pull needs more than 1 GPU") |
| @pytest.mark.skip("Flaky test https://github.com/apache/incubator-mxnet/issues/14189") |
| @pytest.mark.serial |
| def test_rsp_push_pull(): |
| def check_rsp_push_pull(kv_type, sparse_pull, is_push_cpu=True): |
| kv = init_kv_with_str('row_sparse', kv_type) |
| kv.init('e', mx.nd.ones(shape).tostype('row_sparse')) |
| push_ctxs = [mx.cpu(i) if is_push_cpu else mx.gpu(i) for i in range(2)] |
| kv.push('e', [mx.nd.ones(shape, ctx=context).tostype('row_sparse') for context in push_ctxs]) |
| |
| def check_rsp_pull(kv, ctxs, sparse_pull, is_same_rowid=False, use_slice=False): |
| count = len(ctxs) |
| num_rows = shape[0] |
| row_ids = [] |
| all_row_ids = np.arange(num_rows) |
| vals = [mx.nd.sparse.zeros(shape=shape, ctx=ctxs[i], stype='row_sparse') for i in range(count)] |
| if is_same_rowid: |
| row_id = np.random.randint(num_rows, size=num_rows) |
| row_ids = [mx.nd.array(row_id)] * count |
| elif use_slice: |
| total_row_ids = mx.nd.array(np.random.randint(num_rows, size=count*num_rows)) |
| row_ids = [total_row_ids[i*num_rows : (i+1)*num_rows] for i in range(count)] |
| else: |
| for _ in range(count): |
| row_id = np.random.randint(num_rows, size=num_rows) |
| row_ids.append(mx.nd.array(row_id)) |
| row_ids_to_pull = row_ids[0] if (len(row_ids) == 1 or is_same_rowid) else row_ids |
| vals_to_pull = vals[0] if len(vals) == 1 else vals |
| |
| kv.row_sparse_pull('e', out=vals_to_pull, row_ids=row_ids_to_pull) |
| for val, row_id in zip(vals, row_ids): |
| retained = val.asnumpy() |
| excluded_row_ids = np.setdiff1d(all_row_ids, row_id.asnumpy()) |
| for row in range(num_rows): |
| expected_val = np.zeros_like(retained[row]) |
| expected_val += 0 if row in excluded_row_ids else 2 |
| assert_almost_equal(retained[row], expected_val) |
| |
| if sparse_pull is True: |
| kv.pull('e', out=vals_to_pull, ignore_sparse=False) |
| for val in vals: |
| retained = val.asnumpy() |
| expected_val = np.zeros_like(retained) |
| expected_val[:] = 2 |
| assert_almost_equal(retained, expected_val) |
| |
| check_rsp_pull(kv, [mx.gpu(0)], sparse_pull) |
| check_rsp_pull(kv, [mx.cpu(0)], sparse_pull) |
| check_rsp_pull(kv, [mx.gpu(i//2) for i in range(4)], sparse_pull) |
| check_rsp_pull(kv, [mx.gpu(i//2) for i in range(4)], sparse_pull, is_same_rowid=True) |
| check_rsp_pull(kv, [mx.cpu(i) for i in range(4)], sparse_pull) |
| check_rsp_pull(kv, [mx.cpu(i) for i in range(4)], sparse_pull, is_same_rowid=True) |
| check_rsp_pull(kv, [mx.gpu(i//2) for i in range(4)], sparse_pull, use_slice=True) |
| check_rsp_pull(kv, [mx.cpu(i) for i in range(4)], sparse_pull, use_slice=True) |
| |
| envs = [None, '1'] |
| for val in envs: |
| with environment(key, val): |
| if val is '1': |
| sparse_pull = False |
| else: |
| sparse_pull = True |
| check_rsp_push_pull('local', sparse_pull) |
| check_rsp_push_pull('device', sparse_pull) |
| check_rsp_push_pull('device', sparse_pull, is_push_cpu=False) |
| |
| def test_row_sparse_pull_single_device(): |
| kvstore = mx.kv.create('device') |
| copy = mx.nd.random_normal(shape=(4,4), ctx=mx.gpu(0)) |
| grad = copy.tostype("row_sparse") |
| |
| key = 0 |
| kvstore.init(key, grad) |
| idx = grad.indices |
| kvstore.push(key, grad) |
| kvstore.row_sparse_pull(key, out=grad, row_ids=idx) |
| |
| assert_almost_equal(grad.asnumpy(), copy.asnumpy()) |
| |
| |
| @pytest.mark.serial |
| def test_rsp_push_pull_large_rowid(): |
| num_rows = 793470 |
| val = mx.nd.ones((num_rows, 1)).tostype('row_sparse').copyto(mx.gpu()) |
| kv = mx.kv.create('device') |
| kv.init('a', val) |
| out = mx.nd.zeros((num_rows,1), stype='row_sparse').copyto(mx.gpu()) |
| kv.push('a', val) |
| kv.row_sparse_pull('a', out=out, row_ids=mx.nd.arange(0, num_rows, dtype='int64')) |
| assert(out.indices.shape[0] == num_rows) |
| |