blob: fdf5e06c2e2a9565abdf4442a86530ecc99dfd0d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* \file tensor.h
* \brief header file of tensor data structure and functions
* This lib requires explicit memory allocation and de-allocation
* all the data structure Tensor<cpu,1>, Tensor<gpu,1> are like handles(pointers),
* no memory allocation is happening during calculation
* For STL style tensor, see tensor_container.h
* \author Bing Xu, Tianqi Chen
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include "./base.h"
#include "./expression.h"
namespace mshadow {
/*! \brief device name CPU */
struct cpu {
/*! \brief whether this device is CPU or not */
static const bool kDevCPU = true;
/*! \brief device flag number, identifies this device */
static const int kDevMask = 1 << 0;
/*! \brief device name GPU */
struct gpu {
/*! \brief whether this device is CPU or not */
static const bool kDevCPU = false;
/*! \brief device flag number, identifies this device */
static const int kDevMask = 1 << 1;
template <typename xpu>
struct LapackIndex {
using IndexT = lapack_index_t;
template <>
struct LapackIndex <gpu> {
using IndexT = int;
template<int ndim>
struct Shape;
* \brief allow string printing of the shape
* \param os the output stream
* \param shape the shape
* \return the ostream
template<int ndim>
inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Shape<ndim> &shape); // NOLINT(*)
* \brief shape of a tensor
* \tparam dimension dimension of tensor
template<int dimension>
struct Shape {
/*! \brief dimension of current shape */
static const int kDimension = dimension;
/*! \brief dimension of current shape minus one */
static const int kSubdim = dimension - 1;
/*! \brief storing the dimension information */
index_t shape_[kDimension];
/*! \brief default constructor, do nothing */
MSHADOW_XINLINE Shape(void) {}
/*! \brief constuctor */
MSHADOW_XINLINE Shape(const Shape<kDimension> &s) {
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 0; i < kDimension; ++i) {
this->shape_[i] = s[i];
* \brief get corresponding index
* \param idx dimension index
* \return the corresponding dimension size
MSHADOW_XINLINE index_t &operator[](int idx) {
return shape_[idx];
* \brief get corresponding index
* \param idx dimension index
* \return the corresponding dimension size
MSHADOW_XINLINE const index_t &operator[](int idx) const {
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Warray-bounds"
return shape_[idx];
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
* \return whether two shape equals
* \param s the shape to compare against
MSHADOW_XINLINE bool operator==(const Shape<kDimension> &s) const {
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 0; i < kDimension; ++i) {
if (s.shape_[i] != this->shape_[i]) return false;
return true;
* \return whether two shape not equal
* \param s the shape to compare against
MSHADOW_XINLINE bool operator!=(const Shape<kDimension> &s) const {
return !(*this == s);
* flatten the tensor, return a 1D shape
* \return the flat 1d shape
MSHADOW_XINLINE Shape<1> FlatTo1D(void) const {
Shape<1> s;
s[0] = this->Size();
return s;
* flatten the higher dimension to second dimension, return a 2D shape
* \return the flat 2d shape
MSHADOW_XINLINE Shape<2> FlatTo2D(void) const {
Shape<2> s;
s.shape_[1] = this->shape_[kDimension - 1];
index_t ymax = 1;
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 0; i < kDimension - 1; ++i) {
ymax *= this->shape_[i];
s.shape_[0] = ymax;
return s;
/*! \return number of valid elements */
MSHADOW_XINLINE index_t Size(void) const {
index_t size = this->shape_[0];
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 1; i < kDimension; ++i) {
size *= this->shape_[i];
return size;
* \return product shape in [dimstart,dimend)
* \param dimstart start dimension
* \param dimend end dimension
MSHADOW_XINLINE index_t ProdShape(int dimstart, int dimend) const {
index_t num = 1;
#pragma unroll
for (int i = dimstart; i < dimend; ++i) {
num *= this->shape_[i];
return num;
* \brief get subshape that takes off largest dimension
v * \return subshape
MSHADOW_XINLINE Shape<kSubdim> SubShape(void) const {
Shape<kSubdim> s;
// for cuda
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 0; i < kSubdim; ++i) {
s.shape_[i] = this->shape_[i + 1];
return s;
* \brief slice the shape from start to end
* \tparam dimstart start dimension
* \tparam dimend end dimension
* \return the sliced shape
template<int dimstart, int dimend>
MSHADOW_XINLINE Shape<dimend - dimstart> Slice(void) const {
Shape<dimend - dimstart> s;
#pragma unroll
for (int i = dimstart; i < dimend; ++i) {
s[i - dimstart] = this->shape_[i];
return s;
//! \cond Doxygen_Suppress
template<int dim>
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Shape<dim> &shape); // NOLINT(*)
//! \endcond
}; // Shape
// useful construction functions to generate shape
* \brief construct a one dimension shape, stride will equal s0
* \param s0 size of dimension 0
* \return the shape construction
MSHADOW_XINLINE Shape<1> Shape1(index_t s0) {
Shape<1> s; s[0] = s0;
return s;
* \brief construct a two dimension shape, stride will equal s0
* \param s0 size of dimension 0
* \param s1 size of dimension 1
* \return the shape construction
MSHADOW_XINLINE Shape<2> Shape2(index_t s0, index_t s1) {
Shape<2> s; s[0] = s0; s[1] = s1;
return s;
* \brief construct a three dimension shape, stride will equal s0
* \param s0 size of dimension 0
* \param s1 size of dimension 1
* \param s2 size of dimension 2
* \return the shape construction
MSHADOW_XINLINE Shape<3> Shape3(index_t s0, index_t s1, index_t s2) {
Shape<3> s;
s[0] = s0; s[1] = s1; s[2] = s2;
return s;
* \brief construct a four dimension shape, stride will equal s0
* \param s0 size of dimension 0
* \param s1 size of dimension 1
* \param s2 size of dimension 2
* \param s3 size of dimension 3
* \return the shape construction
MSHADOW_XINLINE Shape<4> Shape4(index_t s0, index_t s1,
index_t s2, index_t s3) {
Shape<4> s;
s[0] = s0; s[1] = s1; s[2] = s2; s[3] = s3;
return s;
* \brief construct a five dimension shape, stride will equal s0
* \param s0 size of dimension 0
* \param s1 size of dimension 1
* \param s2 size of dimension 2
* \param s3 size of dimension 3
* \param s4 size of dimension 4
* \return the shape construction
MSHADOW_XINLINE Shape<5> Shape5(index_t s0, index_t s1, index_t s2,
index_t s3, index_t s4) {
Shape<5> s;
s[0] = s0; s[1] = s1; s[2] = s2; s[3] = s3; s[4] = s4;
return s;
* \brief Convert shape in src_layout to shape in dst_layout
* \param src original shape
* \param src_layout layout of original shape
* \param dst_layout target layout
* \return shape in target layout
inline Shape<3> ConvertLayout(const Shape<3>& src, int src_layout, int dst_layout) {
Shape<3> dst;
switch (src_layout) {
case kNCW:
dst = src;
case kNWC:
dst[0] = src[0];
dst[1] = src[2];
dst[2] = src[1];
LOG(FATAL) << "Invalid layout for 3d shape " << src_layout;
switch (dst_layout) {
case kNCW:
return dst;
case kNWC:
index_t tmp = dst[1];
dst[1] = dst[2];
dst[2] = tmp;
LOG(FATAL) << "Invalid layout for 3d shape " << src_layout;
return dst;
* \brief Convert shape in src_layout to shape in dst_layout
* \param src original shape
* \param src_layout layout of original shape
* \param dst_layout target layout
* \return shape in target layout
inline Shape<4> ConvertLayout(const Shape<4>& src, int src_layout, int dst_layout) {
Shape<4> dst;
switch (src_layout) {
case kNCHW:
dst = src;
case kNHWC:
dst[0] = src[0];
dst[2] = src[1];
dst[3] = src[2];
dst[1] = src[3];
LOG(FATAL) << "Invalid layout for 4d shape " << src_layout;
dst = src; // fixes compiler warning
Shape<4> dst2;
switch (dst_layout) {
case kNCHW:
return dst;
case kNHWC:
dst2[0] = dst[0];
dst2[1] = dst[2];
dst2[2] = dst[3];
dst2[3] = dst[1];
LOG(FATAL) << "Invalid layout for 4d shape " << src_layout;
dst2 = src; // fixes compiler warning
return dst2;
* \brief Convert shape in src_layout to shape in dst_layout
* \param src original shape
* \param src_layout layout of original shape
* \param dst_layout target layout
* \return shape in target layout
inline Shape<5> ConvertLayout(const Shape<5>& src, int src_layout, int dst_layout) {
Shape<5> dst;
switch (src_layout) {
case kNCDHW:
dst = src;
case kNDHWC:
dst[0] = src[0];
dst[2] = src[1];
dst[3] = src[2];
dst[4] = src[3];
dst[1] = src[4];
LOG(FATAL) << "Invalid layout for 5d shape " << src_layout;
Shape<5> dst2;
switch (dst_layout) {
case kNCDHW:
return dst;
case kNDHWC:
dst2[0] = dst[0];
dst2[1] = dst[2];
dst2[2] = dst[3];
dst2[3] = dst[4];
dst2[4] = dst[1];
LOG(FATAL) << "Invalid layout for 5d shape " << src_layout;
return dst2;
* \brief returns axes of transpose operation
* that needs to be performed between src layout and dst
* \param src_layout input layout
* \param dst_layout output layout
* \return vector of required type describing axes of a transpose operation
template <typename dim_t>
inline std::vector<dim_t> getTranspAxes(const LayoutFlag src_layout, const LayoutFlag dst_layout) {
auto apply = [](const std::vector<dim_t>& v, const std::vector<dim_t>& op) {
CHECK_EQ(v.size(), op.size()) << "Layout ndims does not match";
std::vector<dim_t> ret(v.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
ret[i] = v[op[i]];
return ret;
std::vector<dim_t> axes;
// transpose from `case` to ND?H?WC
switch (src_layout) {
case kUNKNOWN:
LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown source layout";
case kNHWC:
axes = std::vector<dim_t>({0, 1, 2, 3});
case kNCHW:
axes = std::vector<dim_t>({0, 2, 3, 1});
case kCHWN:
axes = std::vector<dim_t>({3, 1, 2, 0});
case kNWC:
axes = std::vector<dim_t>({0, 1, 2});
case kNCW:
axes = std::vector<dim_t>({0, 2, 1});
case kCWN:
axes = std::vector<dim_t>({2, 1, 0});
case kNDHWC:
axes = std::vector<dim_t>({0, 1, 2, 3, 4});
case kNCDHW:
axes = std::vector<dim_t>({0, 2, 3, 4, 1});
case kCDHWN:
axes = std::vector<dim_t>({4, 1, 2, 3, 0});
LOG(FATAL) << "Invalid source layout " << src_layout;
// transpose from ND?H?WC to `case`
switch (dst_layout) {
case kUNKNOWN:
LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown destination layout";
case kNHWC:
axes = apply(axes, {0, 1, 2, 3});
case kNCHW:
axes = apply(axes, {0, 3, 1, 2});
case kCHWN:
axes = apply(axes, {3, 1, 2, 0});
case kNWC:
axes = apply(axes, {0, 1, 2});
case kNCW:
axes = apply(axes, {0, 2, 1});
case kCWN:
axes = apply(axes, {2, 1, 0});
case kNDHWC:
axes = apply(axes, {0, 1, 2, 3, 4});
case kNCDHW:
axes = apply(axes, {0, 4, 1, 2, 3});
case kCDHWN:
axes = apply(axes, {4, 1, 2, 3, 0});
LOG(FATAL) << "Invalid destination layout " << src_layout;
return axes;
* \brief computaion stream structure, used for asynchronous computations
template<typename Device>
struct Stream {
// this is only a dummy implementation for CPU
// for GPU, the actual implementation will be specialized in tensor_gpu-inl.h
* \brief wait for all the computations associated
* with this stream to complete
inline void Wait(void) {}
* \brief query whether the the stream is idle
* \return true if the stream is idle and all the jobs have been completed
inline bool CheckIdle(void) {
return true;
/*! \brief create a blas handle */
inline void CreateBlasHandle() {}
* \brief Tensor RValue, this is the super type of all kinds of possible tensors
* \tparam Container the tensor type
* \tparam Device which device the tensor is on
* \tparam dimension dimension of the tensor
* \tparam DType the type of elements in the tensor
template<typename Container, typename Device, int dimension, typename DType>
struct TRValue: public expr::RValueExp<Container, DType> {
// more compact template
* \brief general tensor
* \tparam Device which device the tensor is on
* \tparam dimension dimension of the tensor
* \tparam DType the type of elements in the tensor
template<typename Device, int dimension,
struct Tensor: public TRValue<Tensor<Device, dimension, DType>,
Device, dimension, DType> {
// struct memembers
/*! \brief whether current type lies in cpu */
static const bool kDevCPU = Device::kDevCPU;
/*! \brief dimension of subtype */
static const int kSubdim = dimension - 1;
// struct memembers
/*! \brief pointer to the data */
DType *dptr_ = nullptr;
/*! \brief shape of the tensor */
Shape<dimension> shape_;
* \brief storing the stride information in x dimension
* this is used to deal with pitch allocation in gpu or sse(align x dimension to 64bit) for efficiency
index_t stride_;
* \brief stream where the computation lies
* stream is a device dependency concept where each computation
Stream<Device> *stream_;
// functions
/*! \brief default constructor */
MSHADOW_XINLINE Tensor(void) : stream_(NULL) {}
/*! \brief constructor from shape */
MSHADOW_XINLINE Tensor(const Shape<dimension> &shape)
: shape_(shape), stream_(NULL) {}
/*! \brief constructor from data pointer and shape, without stride */
MSHADOW_XINLINE Tensor(DType *dptr, const Shape<dimension> &shape)
: dptr_(dptr), shape_(shape), stride_(shape[kSubdim]), stream_(NULL) {}
/*! \brief constructor from data pointer and shape, without stride */
MSHADOW_XINLINE Tensor(DType *dptr, const Shape<dimension> &shape,
Stream<Device> *stream)
: dptr_(dptr), shape_(shape), stride_(shape[kSubdim]), stream_(stream) {}
/*! \brief constructor from data pointer and shape */
MSHADOW_XINLINE Tensor(DType *dptr,
const Shape<dimension> &shape,
index_t stride, Stream<Device> *stream)
: dptr_(dptr), shape_(shape), stride_(stride), stream_(stream) {}
* \brief set the stream to do computation of current tensor
* \param stream the computation stream
inline void set_stream(Stream<Device> *stream) {
this->stream_ = stream;
* \return memory cost of the tensor, including the aligned x dimension
* \tparam startdim the starting dimension
template<int startdim>
MSHADOW_XINLINE index_t MemSize(void) const {
index_t memsz = this->stride_;
#pragma unroll
for (int i = startdim; i < kSubdim; ++i) {
memsz *= this->shape_[i];
return memsz;
* \return whether the tensor's memory is continuous
* x dimension same as stride
MSHADOW_XINLINE bool CheckContiguous(void) const {
return this->shape_[dimension - 1] == stride_;
* \return memory cost of the tensor, including the aligned x dimension
MSHADOW_XINLINE index_t MSize(void) const {
return this->MemSize<0>();
* \brief return size of i-th dimension, start counting from highest dimension
* \param idx the dimension count from the highest dimensin
* \return the size
MSHADOW_XINLINE index_t size(int idx) const {
return shape_[idx];
* \brief flatten the tensor to 1 dimension
* \return tensor after flatten
MSHADOW_XINLINE Tensor<Device, 1, DType> FlatTo1D(void) const {
return Tensor<Device, 1, DType>(dptr_, shape_.FlatTo1D(), stride_, stream_);
* \brief flatten the tensor to 2 dimension, collapse the higher dimensions together
* \return tensor after flatten
MSHADOW_XINLINE Tensor<Device, 2, DType> FlatTo2D(void) const {
return Tensor<Device, 2, DType>(dptr_, shape_.FlatTo2D(), stride_, stream_);
* \brief get a element of dimension - 1
* \param idx index
* \return the result tensor
MSHADOW_XINLINE Tensor<Device, kSubdim, DType> operator[](index_t idx) const {
return Tensor<Device, kSubdim, DType>(dptr_ + this->MemSize<1>() * idx,
shape_.SubShape(), stride_, stream_);
* \brief slice the tensor in highest dimension [begin,end)
* \param begin begin position of slice
* \param end end position of slice
* \return tensor after slice
MSHADOW_XINLINE Tensor<Device, dimension, DType>
Slice(index_t begin, index_t end) const {
Shape<dimension> s = this->shape_;
s[0] = end - begin;
return Tensor<Device, dimension, DType>(dptr_ + this->MemSize<1>() * begin,
s, stride_, stream_);
/*!\brief implement the assignment of same type */
inline Tensor<Device, dimension, DType> &
operator=(const Tensor<Device, dimension, DType> &exp) {
dptr_ = exp.dptr_;
shape_ = exp.shape_;
stride_ = exp.stride_;
stream_ = exp.stream_;
return *this;
/*!\brief functions to fit expression template */
template<typename E, int etype>
inline Tensor<Device, dimension, DType> &
operator=(const expr::Exp<E, DType, etype> &exp) {
return this->__assign(exp);
/*!\brief functions to fit expression template */
inline Tensor<Device, dimension, DType> &operator=(const DType &exp) {
return this->__assign(exp);
* respecialized class Tensor1D, thei is due to different implementation in operator[]
template<typename Device, typename DType>
struct Tensor<Device, 1, DType>:
public TRValue<Tensor<Device, 1, DType>, Device, 1, DType> {
DType *dptr_;
Shape<1> shape_;
index_t stride_;
Stream<Device> *stream_;
// constructor
MSHADOW_XINLINE Tensor(void) : stream_(NULL) {}
MSHADOW_XINLINE Tensor(const Shape<1> &shape)
: shape_(shape), stream_(NULL) {}
MSHADOW_XINLINE Tensor(DType *dptr, Shape<1> shape)
: dptr_(dptr), shape_(shape), stride_(shape[0]), stream_(NULL) {}
MSHADOW_XINLINE Tensor(DType *dptr, Shape<1> shape, Stream<Device> *stream)
: dptr_(dptr), shape_(shape), stride_(shape[0]), stream_(stream) {}
MSHADOW_XINLINE Tensor(DType *dptr, Shape<1> shape,
index_t stride, Stream<Device> *stream)
: dptr_(dptr), shape_(shape), stride_(stride), stream_(stream) {}
inline void set_stream(Stream<Device> *stream) {
this->stream_ = stream;
MSHADOW_XINLINE Tensor<Device, 1, DType> FlatTo1D(void) const {
return *this;
MSHADOW_XINLINE Tensor<Device, 2, DType> FlatTo2D(void) const {
return Tensor<Device, 2, DType>(dptr_, shape_.FlatTo2D(), stride_, stream_);
MSHADOW_XINLINE Tensor<Device, 1, DType> Slice(index_t begin, index_t end) const {
Shape<1> s;
s[0] = end - begin;
return Tensor<Device, 1, DType>(dptr_ + begin, s, s[0], stream_);
MSHADOW_XINLINE bool CheckContiguous(void) const {
return true;
MSHADOW_XINLINE index_t MSize(void) const {
return shape_[0];
MSHADOW_XINLINE index_t size(index_t i) const {
return shape_[0];
MSHADOW_XINLINE DType &operator[](index_t idx) {
return dptr_[idx];
MSHADOW_XINLINE const DType &operator[](index_t idx) const {
return dptr_[idx];
/*!\brief implement the assignment of same type */
inline Tensor<Device, 1, DType> &
operator=(const Tensor<Device, 1, DType> &exp) {
dptr_ = exp.dptr_;
shape_ = exp.shape_;
stride_ = exp.stride_;
stream_ = exp.stream_;
return *this;
template<typename E, int etype>
inline Tensor<Device, 1, DType> &
operator=(const expr::Exp<E, DType, etype> &exp) {
return this->__assign(exp);
inline Tensor<Device, 1, DType> &operator=(const DType &exp) {
return this->__assign(exp);
// Function Declarations
* \brief initialize tensor engine, used to call intialization functions of dependent libs
* this function should be called before all GPU tensor operations,
* for using tensors in CPU, this call is actually not needed
* \param device_id GPU device id to be choosed
* \tparam Device the device type
template<typename Device>
inline void InitTensorEngine(int device_id = 0);
* \brief Shutdown tensor engine on current device
* this function should be called after all GPU tensor operations,
* for using tensors in CPU, this call is actually not needed
* \tparam Device the device type
template<typename Device>
inline void ShutdownTensorEngine(void);
* \brief set the device of current thread to work on
* \param devid the device id
* \tparam Device the device type
template<typename Device>
inline void SetDevice(int devid);
* \brief create a new stream from system
* \param create_blas_handle whether create blas & cusolver handle in stream
* \param create_dnn_handle whether create cudnn handle in stream
* \param dev_id device id
* \return a pointer to the created stream
* \tparam Device the device type
template<typename Device>
inline Stream<Device> *NewStream(bool create_blas_handle,
bool create_dnn_handle,
int dev_id = -1);
/*! \brief default behavior: create cublas handle
* \param dev_id device id
* \return a pointer to the created stream
template<typename Device>
inline Stream<Device> *NewStream(int dev_id) {
return NewStream<Device>(true, false, dev_id);
* \brief delete the computing stream
* \param stream the stream parameter to be deleted
template<typename Device>
inline void DeleteStream(Stream<Device> *stream);
* \brief CPU/CPU: allocate space for CTensor, according to the shape in the obj
* this function is responsible to set the stride_ in each obj.shape
* \param obj the tensor object, with shape specified
* \param pad whether padding dimension 0, to make last dimension aligned,
* padding may help improve efficiency of matrix multiplications
* if true, will allocate space with stride_ that may not equals shape[0]
* if false, will allocate continuous space
* \tparam dim specify the dim of tensor
* \tparam DType type of element in tensor
template<int dim, typename DType>
inline void AllocSpace(Tensor<cpu, dim, DType> *obj,
bool pad = MSHADOW_ALLOC_PAD);
* \brief CPU/CPU: allocate space for CTensor, according to the shape in the obj
* this function is responsible to set the stride_ in each obj.shape
* \param obj the tensor object, with shape specified
* \param pad whether padding dimension 0, to make last dimension aligned,
* padding may help improve efficiency of matrix multiplications
* if true, will allocate space with stride_ that may not equals shape[0]
* if false, will allocate continuous space
* \tparam dim specify the dim of tensor
* \tparam DType type of element in tensor
template<int dim, typename DType>
inline void AllocSpace(Tensor<gpu, dim, DType> *obj,
bool pad = MSHADOW_ALLOC_PAD);
* \brief CPU/GPU: free the space of tensor, will set obj.dptr to NULL
* \param obj the tensor object
* \tparam dim specify the dim of tensor
* \tparam DType type of element in tensor
template<int dim, typename DType>
inline void FreeSpace(Tensor<cpu, dim, DType> *obj);
* \brief CPU/GPU: free the space of tensor, will set obj.dptr to NULL
* \param obj the tensor object
* \tparam dim specify the dim of tensor
* \tparam DType type of element in tensor
template<int dim, typename DType>
inline void FreeSpace(Tensor<gpu, dim, DType> *obj);
* \brief CPU/GPU: short cut to allocate and initialize a Tensor
* \param shape: shape of tensor
* \param initv: initialization value
* \param pad : padding option
* \param stream : stream of tensor
* \tparam Device device of tensor
* \tparam DType type of element in tensor
* \tparam dim dimention of tensor
* \return a new allocated tensor
* \sa AllocSpace
template<typename Device, typename DType, int dim>
inline Tensor<Device, dim, DType> NewTensor(const Shape<dim> &shape,
DType initv,
Stream<Device> *stream = NULL);
* \brief copy data from one tensor to another, with same shape
* \param dst target tensor
* \param src source tensor
* \param stream the stream, when specified, the copy can exhibit asynchronize behavior
* \tparam dim specify the dim of tensor
* \tparam DType type of element in tensor
template<int dim, typename DType>
inline void Copy(Tensor<cpu, dim, DType> dst,
const Tensor<cpu, dim, DType> &src,
Stream<cpu> *stream = NULL);
* \brief copy data from one tensor to another, with same shape
* \param dst target tensor
* \param src source tensor
* \param stream the stream, when specified, the copy can exhibit asynchronize behavior
* \tparam dim specify the dim of tensor
* \tparam DType type of element in tensor
template<int dim, typename DType>
inline void Copy(Tensor<cpu, dim, DType> dst,
const Tensor<gpu, dim, DType> &src,
Stream<gpu> *stream = NULL);
* \brief copy data from one tensor to another, with same shape
* \param dst target tensor
* \param src source tensor
* \param stream the stream, when specified, the copy can exhibit asynchronize behavior
* \tparam dim specify the dim of tensor
* \tparam DType type of element in tensor
template<int dim, typename DType>
inline void Copy(Tensor<gpu, dim, DType> dst,
const Tensor<cpu, dim, DType> &src,
Stream<gpu> *stream = NULL);
* \brief copy data from one tensor to another, with same shape
* \param dst target tensor
* \param src source tensor
* \param stream the stream, when specified, the copy can exhibit asynchronize behavior
* \tparam dim specify the dim of tensor
* \tparam DType type of element in tensor
template<int dim, typename DType>
inline void Copy(Tensor<gpu, dim, DType> dst,
const Tensor<gpu, dim, DType> &src,
Stream<gpu> *stream = NULL);
* \brief CPU/GPU: normalize softmax: dst[i][j] = exp(energy[i][j]) /(sum_j exp(energy[i][j]))
* \param dst destination
* \param energy input energy
template<typename DType>
inline void Softmax(Tensor<cpu, 2, DType> dst, const Tensor<cpu, 2, DType> &energy);
* \brief CPU/GPU: normalize softmax: dst[i][j] = exp(energy[i][j]) /(sum_j exp(energy[i][j]))
* \param dst destination
* \param energy input energy
template<typename DType>
inline void Softmax(Tensor<gpu, 2, DType> dst, const Tensor<gpu, 2, DType> &energy);
* \brief CPU/GPU: softmax gradient
* \param dst destination
* \param src source output
* \param label label info
template<typename DType>
inline void SoftmaxGrad(Tensor<cpu, 2, DType> dst,
const Tensor<cpu, 2, DType> &src,
const Tensor<cpu, 1, DType> &label);
* \brief CPU/GPU: softmax gradient
* \param dst destination
* \param src source output
* \param label label info
template<typename DType>
inline void SoftmaxGrad(const Tensor<gpu, 2, DType> &dst,
const Tensor<gpu, 2, DType> &src,
const Tensor<gpu, 1, DType> &label);
* \brief CPU/GPU: Gradient accumulate of embedding matrix.
dst[index[i]] += src[i]
Called when the featuredim of src is much larger than the batchsize
* \param dst destination
* \param index index to take
* \param src source output
template<bool clip = true, typename IndexType, typename DType>
inline void AddTakeGrad(Tensor<cpu, 2, DType> dst,
const Tensor<cpu, 1, IndexType>& index,
const Tensor<cpu, 2, DType> &src);
* \brief CPU/GPU: Gradient accumulate of embedding matrix.
dst[index[i]] += src[i]
Called when the featuredim of src is much larger than the batchsize
* \param dst destination
* \param index index to take
* \param src source output
template<bool clip = true, typename IndexType, typename DType, typename AType>
inline void AddTakeGrad(Tensor<cpu, 2, DType> dst,
Tensor<cpu, 2, AType> temp,
const Tensor<cpu, 1, IndexType>& index,
const Tensor<cpu, 2, DType> &src);
* \brief CPU/GPU: Gradient accumulate of embedding matrix with safe accumulation.
dst[index[i]] += src[i]
* \param dst destination
* \temp temporal storage for safe accumulation
* \param index index to take
* \param src source output
template<bool clip = true, typename IndexType, typename DType>
inline void AddTakeGrad(Tensor<gpu, 2, DType> dst,
const Tensor<gpu, 1, IndexType>& index,
const Tensor<gpu, 2, DType> &src);
* \brief CPU/GPU: Gradient accumulate of embedding matrix.
dst[sorted[i]] += src[index[i]]
Called when the batchsize of src is larger than the featuredim
* \param dst destination
* \param sorted the sorted indices
* \param index original index of the sorted indices
* \param src source output
template<bool clip = true, typename IndexType, typename DType, typename AType>
inline void AddTakeGrad(Tensor<gpu, 2, DType> dst,
Tensor<gpu, 2, AType> temp,
const Tensor<gpu, 1, IndexType>& index,
const Tensor<gpu, 2, DType> &src);
* \brief CPU/GPU: Gradient accumulate of embedding matrix with safe accumulation.
dst[index[i]] += src[i]
* \param dst destination
* \temp temporal storage for safe accumulation
* \param index index to take
* \param src source output
template<typename IndexType, typename DType>
inline void AddTakeGradLargeBatch(Tensor<cpu, 2, DType> dst,
const Tensor<cpu, 1, IndexType>& sorted,
const Tensor<cpu, 1, IndexType>& index,
const Tensor<cpu, 2, DType> &src);
* \brief CPU/GPU: Gradient accumulate of embedding matrix.
dst[sorted[i]] += src[index[i]]
Called when the batchsize of src is larger than the featuredim
* \param dst destination
* \param sorted the sorted indices
* \param index original index of the sorted indices
* \param src source output
template<typename IndexType, typename DType>
inline void AddTakeGradLargeBatch(Tensor<gpu, 2, DType> dst,
const Tensor<gpu, 1, IndexType>& sorted,
const Tensor<gpu, 1, IndexType>& index,
const Tensor<gpu, 2, DType> &src);
* \brief CPU/GPU: Fill the values of the destination matrix to specific rows in the source matrix.
dst[index[i]] = src[i]
Will use atomicAdd in the inner implementation and the result may not be deterministic.
* \param dst destination
* \param index the index to accumulate value
* \param src source output
template<typename IndexType, typename DType>
inline void IndexFill(Tensor<cpu, 2, DType> dst,
const Tensor<cpu, 1, IndexType>& index,
const Tensor<cpu, 2, DType> &src);
* \brief CPU/GPU: Fill the values of the destination matrix to specific rows in the source matrix.
dst[index[i]] = src[i]
Will use atomicAdd in the inner implementation and the result may not be deterministic.
* \param dst destination
* \param index the index to accumulate value
* \param src source output
template<typename IndexType, typename DType>
inline void IndexFill(Tensor<gpu, 2, DType> dst,
const Tensor<gpu, 1, IndexType>& index,
const Tensor<gpu, 2, DType> &src);
* \brief CPU/GPU: Sort key-value pairs stored in separate places. (Stable sort is performed!)
* \param keys the keys to sort
* \param values the values that sorts w.r.t the key
* \param is_ascend whether to sort key in ascending order
template<typename KDType, typename VDType>
inline void SortByKey(Tensor<cpu, 1, KDType> keys, Tensor<cpu, 1, VDType> values,
bool is_ascend = true);
* \brief CPU/GPU: Sort key-value pairs stored in separate places. (Stable sort is performed!)
* \param keys the keys to sort
* \param values the values that sorts w.r.t the key
* \param is_ascend whether to sort key in ascending order
template<typename KDType, typename VDType>
inline void SortByKey(Tensor<gpu, 1, KDType> keys, Tensor<gpu, 1, VDType> values,
bool is_ascend = true);
* \brief CPU/GPU: Sort the keys within each segment. (Stable sort is performed!)
Segments is defined as an ascending ordered vector like [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3,...]
We sort separately the keys labeled by 0 and 1, 2, 3, etc.
Currently only supports sorting in ascending order !!
* \param values the data to sort
* \param segments segment indicator
template<typename Device, typename VDType, typename SDType>
inline void VectorizedSort(Tensor<Device, 1, VDType> values, Tensor<Device, 1, SDType> segments);
// function declarations to support expression, no need to understand them
// these functions do not need to be directly used
* \brief CPU/GPU: map a expression to a tensor, this function calls MapPlan
* \tparam Saver specify storage method
* \tparam R specifies the storage type of the tensor
* \tparam dim dim of the tensor, during usage, there is no need to specify this parameter
* \tparam DType the type of elements in the tensor
* \tparam E specifies the expression type, not need to specify this parameter during usage
* \tparam etype expression type
* \param dst destination
* \param exp expression
* \sa namespace mshadow:sv, mshadow::op, mshadow::expr
template<typename Saver, typename R, int dim,
typename DType, typename E, int etype>
inline void MapExp(TRValue<R, cpu, dim, DType> *dst,
const expr::Exp<E, DType, etype> &exp);
* \brief CPU/GPU: map a expression to a tensor, this function calls MapPlan
* \tparam Saver specify storage method
* \tparam R specifies the storage type of the tensor
* \tparam dim dim of the tensor, during usage, there is no need to specify this parameter
* \tparam DType the type of elements in the tensor
* \tparam E specifies the expression type, not need to specify this parameter during usage
* \tparam etype expression type
* \param dst destination
* \param exp expression
* \sa namespace mshadow:sv, mshadow::op, mshadow::expr
template<typename Saver, typename R, int dim,
typename DType, typename E, int etype>
inline void MapExp(TRValue<R, gpu, dim, DType> *dst,
const expr::Exp<E, DType, etype> &exp);
* \brief CPU/GPU: map a expression, do reduction to 1D Tensor in lowest dimension (dimension 0)
* \tparam Saver specify storage method
* \tparam Reducer specify a reducer method
* \tparam R specifies the storage type of the tensor
* \tparam DType the type of elements in the tensor
* \tparam E specifies the expression type, not need to specify this parameter during usage
* \tparam etype expression type
* \param dst destination
* \param exp expression
* \param scale scale the result before save
* \sa namespace mshadow:sv, mshadow::op, mshadow::red, mshadow::expr
template<typename Saver, typename Reducer,
typename R, typename DType, typename E, int etype>
inline void MapReduceKeepLowest(TRValue<R, cpu, 1, DType> *dst,
const expr::Exp<E, DType, etype> &exp,
DType scale = 1);
* \brief CPU/GPU: map a expression, do reduction to 1D Tensor in lowest dimension (dimension 0)
* \tparam Saver specify storage method
* \tparam Reducer specify a reducer method
* \tparam R specifies the storage type of the tensor
* \tparam DType the type of elements in the tensor
* \tparam E specifies the expression type, not need to specify this parameter during usage
* \tparam etype expression type
* \param dst destination
* \param exp expression
* \param scale scale the result before save
* \sa namespace mshadow:sv, mshadow::op, mshadow::red, mshadow::expr
template<typename Saver, typename Reducer, typename R,
typename DType, typename E, int etype>
inline void MapReduceKeepLowest(TRValue<R, gpu, 1, DType> *dst,
const expr::Exp<E, DType, etype> &exp,
DType scale = 1);
* \brief CPU/GPU: map a expression, do reduction to 1D Tensor in third dimension (dimension 2)
* \tparam Saver specify storage method
* \tparam Reducer specify a reducer method
* \tparam R specifies the storage type of the tensor
* \tparam DType the type of elements in the tensor
* \tparam dimkeep the target dimension to be kept, should be larger than 0, for 0, use MapReduceKeepLowest
* \tparam E specifies the expression type, not need to specify this parameter during usage
* \tparam etype expression type
* \param dst destination
* \param exp expression
* \param scale scale the result before save
* \sa namespace mshadow:sv, mshadow::op, mshadow::red, mshadow::expr
template<typename Saver, typename Reducer, int dimkeep,
typename R, typename DType, typename E, int etype>
inline void MapReduceKeepHighDim(TRValue<R, cpu, 1, DType> *dst,
const expr::Exp<E, DType, etype> &exp,
DType scale = 1);
* \brief CPU/GPU: map a expression, do reduction to 1D Tensor in third dimension (dimension 2)
* \tparam Saver specify storage method
* \tparam Reducer specify a reducer method
* \tparam R specifies the storage type of the tensor
* \tparam DType the type of elements in the tensor
* \tparam dimkeep the target dimension to be kept, should be larger than 0, for 0, use MapReduceKeepLowest
* \tparam E specifies the expression type, not need to specify this parameter during usage
* \tparam etype expression type
* \param dst destination
* \param exp expression
* \param scale scale the result before save
* \sa namespace mshadow:sv, mshadow::op, mshadow::red, mshadow::expr
template<typename Saver, typename Reducer, int dimkeep,
typename R, typename DType, typename E, int etype>
inline void MapReduceKeepHighDim(TRValue<R, gpu, 1, DType> *dst,
const expr::Exp<E, DType, etype> &exp,
DType scale = 1);
* \brief CPU/GPU: 1 dimension vector dot
* \param dst Length 1 vector, used to hold the result.
* \param lhs Left operand vector
* \param rhs Right operand vector
template<typename Device, typename DType>
inline void VectorDot(Tensor<Device, 1, DType> dst,
const Tensor<Device, 1, DType> &lhs,
const Tensor<Device, 1, DType> &rhs);
* \brief CPU/GPU: dst = alpha * op(lhs) op(rhs) + beta * dst
* \param dst Length 3 tensor, used to hold the result
* \param lhs Left operand vector
* \param rhs Right operand vector
* \param alpha multiplier of op(lhs)op(rhs)
* \param beta multiplier of dst
* \param workspace Workspace for casting DType* to DType** (batched-view), must have size >= 3 * batch_size
template<bool transpose_left, bool transpose_right, typename Device, typename DType>
inline void BatchGEMM(Tensor<Device, 3, DType> dst,
const Tensor<Device, 3, DType> &lhs,
const Tensor<Device, 3, DType> &rhs,
DType alpha,
DType beta,
Tensor<Device, 1, DType*> workspace);
} // namespace mshadow
// include headers
#include "./stream_gpu-inl.h"
#include "./extension.h"
#include "./expr_engine-inl.h"
#include "./tensor_cpu-inl.h"
#include "./tensor_gpu-inl.h"
#include "./io.h"
#include "./tensor_container.h"
#include "./random.h"
// add definition of scalar related operators
#error "MSHADOW_SCALAR_ must not be defined"
// enumerate all the scalar data type we aim to be good at
#define MSHADOW_SCALAR_ float
#include "./expr_scalar-inl.h"
#define MSHADOW_SCALAR_ double
#include "./expr_scalar-inl.h"
#define MSHADOW_SCALAR_ int32_t
#include "./expr_scalar-inl.h"
#define MSHADOW_SCALAR_ int64_t
#include "./expr_scalar-inl.h"
#define MSHADOW_SCALAR_ mshadow::half::half_t
#include "./expr_scalar-inl.h"