blob: cb6d3ba7fc48a7473ed9be01ba31d0686d21f8d2 [file] [log] [blame]
"""Convert Caffe's modelzoo
import os
import argparse
from convert_model import convert_model
from convert_mean import convert_mean
import mxnet as mx
_mx_caffe_model = ''
"""Dictionary for model meta information
For each model, it requires three attributes:
- prototxt: URL for the deploy prototxt file
- caffemodel: URL for the binary caffemodel
- mean : URL for the data mean or a tuple of float
Optionly it takes
- top-1-acc : top 1 accuracy for testing
- top-5-acc : top 5 accuracy for testing
model_meta_info = {
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
'bvlc_alexnet' : {
'prototxt' : '',
'caffemodel' : '',
'mean' : '',
'top-1-acc' : 0.571,
'top-5-acc' : 0.802
'bvlc_googlenet' : {
'prototxt' : '',
'caffemodel' : '',
'mean' : (123, 117, 104),
'top-1-acc' : 0.687,
'top-5-acc' : 0.889
'vgg-16' : {
'prototxt' : '',
# 'caffemodel' : '',
'caffemodel' : '',
'mean': (123.68, 116.779, 103.939),
'top-1-acc' : 0.734,
'top-5-acc' : 0.914
'vgg-19' : {
'prototxt' : '',
# 'caffemodel' : '',
'caffemodel' : '',
'mean' : (123.68, 116.779, 103.939),
'top-1-acc' : 0.731,
'top-5-acc' : 0.913
'resnet-50' : {
'prototxt' : _mx_caffe_model+'ResNet-50-deploy.prototxt',
'caffemodel' : _mx_caffe_model+'ResNet-50-model.caffemodel',
'mean' : _mx_caffe_model+'ResNet_mean.binaryproto',
'top-1-acc' : 0.753,
'top-5-acc' : 0.922
'resnet-101' : {
'prototxt' : _mx_caffe_model+'ResNet-101-deploy.prototxt',
'caffemodel' : _mx_caffe_model+'ResNet-101-model.caffemodel',
'mean' : _mx_caffe_model+'ResNet_mean.binaryproto',
'top-1-acc' : 0.764,
'top-5-acc' : 0.929
'resnet-152' : {
'prototxt' : _mx_caffe_model+'ResNet-152-deploy.prototxt',
'caffemodel' : _mx_caffe_model+'ResNet-152-model.caffemodel',
'mean' : _mx_caffe_model+'ResNet_mean.binaryproto',
'top-1-acc' : 0.77,
'top-5-acc' : 0.933
def get_model_meta_info(model_name):
"""returns a dict with model information"""
return dict(dict(model_meta_info)[model_name])
def download_caffe_model(model_name, meta_info, dst_dir='./model'):
"""Download caffe model into disk by the given meta info """
if not os.path.isdir(dst_dir):
model_name = os.path.join(dst_dir, model_name)
assert 'prototxt' in meta_info, "missing prototxt url"
prototxt =['prototxt'], model_name+'_deploy.prototxt')
assert 'caffemodel' in meta_info, "mssing caffemodel url"
caffemodel =['caffemodel'], model_name+'.caffemodel')
assert 'mean' in meta_info, 'no mean info'
mean = meta_info['mean']
if isinstance(mean, str):
mean =, model_name+'_mean.binaryproto')
return (prototxt, caffemodel, mean)
def convert_caffe_model(model_name, meta_info, dst_dir='./model'):
"""Download, convert and save a caffe model"""
(prototxt, caffemodel, mean) = download_caffe_model(model_name, meta_info, dst_dir)
model_name = os.path.join(dst_dir, model_name)
convert_model(prototxt, caffemodel, model_name)
if isinstance(mean, str):
mx_mean = model_name + '-mean.nd'
convert_mean(mean, mx_mean)
mean = mx_mean
return (model_name, mean)
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Convert Caffe model zoo')
parser.add_argument('model_name', help='can be '+', '.join(model_meta_info.keys()))
args = parser.parse_args()
assert args.model_name in model_meta_info, 'Unknown model ' + args.model_name
fname, _ = convert_caffe_model(args.model_name, model_meta_info[args.model_name])
print('Model is saved into ' + fname)