blob: 56f6ecd8afc5061ba61d26f4d4eb37f76c910e02 [file] [log] [blame]
#pylint: disable=no-member, too-many-locals, too-many-branches, no-self-use, broad-except, lost-exception, too-many-nested-blocks, too-few-public-methods, invalid-name
This script converts all python tutorials into python script
and tests whether there is any warning or error.
After running python script, it will also convert markdown files
to notebooks to make sure notebook execution has no error.
import os
import warnings
import imp
import traceback
import nbformat
from nbconvert.preprocessors import ExecutePreprocessor
fail_dict = {}
def test_tutorial(file_path):
"""Run tutorial python script and save any error or warning.
If no error or warning occurs, run notebook.
file_path : str
path of tutorial markdown file
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
tutorial_name = os.path.basename(file_path)
print file_path + '.py'
imp.load_source('tutorial', file_path + '.py')
if len(w) > 0:
err_msg = " has %d warnings.\n" % (tutorial_name, len(w))
fail_dict[tutorial_name] = err_msg
except Exception:
err_msg = " has error:\n%s" % (tutorial_name, traceback.format_exc())
fail_dict[tutorial_name] = err_msg
def test_tutorial_nb(file_path):
"""Run tutorial jupyter notebook to catch any execution error.
file_path : str
path of tutorial markdown file
tutorial_name = os.path.basename(file_path)
notebook = + '_python.ipynb', as_version=4)
eprocessor = ExecutePreprocessor(timeout=1800)
eprocessor.preprocess(notebook, {'metadata': {}})
except Exception as err:
err_msg = "Python script successfully run without error or warning " \
"but notebook returned error:\n%s\nSomething weird happened." \
% (str(err))
fail_dict[tutorial_name] = err_msg
if __name__ == "__main__":
tutorial_dir = '../../docs/_build/html/tutorials/'
with open('test_tutorial_config.txt') as config_file:
tutorial_list = []
for line in config_file:
file_dir = tutorial_dir + line.lstrip().rstrip()
fail_num = len(fail_dict)
success_num = len(tutorial_list) - fail_num
print "Test Summary Start"
print "%d tutorials tested:" % (len(tutorial_list))
for tutorial in tutorial_list:
print tutorial
print "\n%d tests failed:" % (fail_num)
for tutorial, msg in fail_dict.items():
print tutorial + ":"
print msg
print "Test Summary End"
print "Stats start"
print "[Passed: %d of %d]" % (success_num, len(tutorial_list))
print "Stats end"