blob: 922015602ee7c9ff048cbcc2566b24bdf247093b [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This script is a wrapper creating the same user inside container as the one
# running the outside the container. It also set the home directory
# for the user inside container to match the same absolute path as the workspace
# outside of container. Do not run this manually. It does not make sense. It is
# intended to be called by only.
set -e
if ! touch /this_is_writable_file_system; then
echo "You can't write to your filesystem!"
echo "If you are in Docker you should check you do not have too many images" \
"with too many files in them. Docker has some issue with it."
exit 1
rm /this_is_writable_file_system
getent group "${CI_BUILD_GID}" || addgroup --gid "${CI_BUILD_GID}" "${CI_BUILD_GROUP}"
getent passwd "${CI_BUILD_UID}" || adduser --gid "${CI_BUILD_GID}" --uid "${CI_BUILD_UID}" \
--gecos "${CI_BUILD_USER} (generated by with_the_same_user script)" \
--disabled-password --home "${CI_BUILD_HOME}" --quiet "${CI_BUILD_USER}"
usermod -a -G sudo "${CI_BUILD_USER}"
echo "${CI_BUILD_USER} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" > /etc/sudoers.d/90-nopasswd-sudo
sudo -u "#${CI_BUILD_UID}" --preserve-env "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" \