blob: 827ea03a4fd43f04164ac0870c7cbfe5df94c3b8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015 by Contributors
* \file
* \brief softmax_activation op
* \author Junyuan Xie
#include "./softmax_activation-inl.h"
#include "./mshadow_op.h"
namespace mxnet {
namespace op {
Operator *CreateOp<cpu>(SoftmaxActivationParam param) {
return new SoftmaxActivationOp<cpu>(param);
// DO_BIND_DISPATCH comes from operator_common.h
Operator *SoftmaxActivationProp::CreateOperator(Context ctx) const {
DO_BIND_DISPATCH(CreateOp, param_);
MXNET_REGISTER_OP_PROPERTY(SoftmaxActivation, SoftmaxActivationProp)
.describe(R"code(Applies softmax activation to input. This is intended for internal layers.
.. note::
This operator has been deprecated, please use `softmax`.
If `mode` = ``instance``, this operator will compute a softmax for each instance in the batch.
This is the default mode.
If `mode` = ``channel``, this operator will compute a k-class softmax at each position
of each instance, where `k` = ``num_channel``. This mode can only be used when the input array
has at least 3 dimensions.
This can be used for `fully convolutional network`, `image segmentation`, etc.
>>> input_array = mx.nd.array([[3., 0.5, -0.5, 2., 7.],
>>> [2., -.4, 7., 3., 0.2]])
>>> softmax_act = mx.nd.SoftmaxActivation(input_array)
>>> print softmax_act.asnumpy()
[[ 1.78322066e-02 1.46375655e-03 5.38485940e-04 6.56010211e-03 9.73605454e-01]
[ 6.56221947e-03 5.95310994e-04 9.73919690e-01 1.78379621e-02 1.08472735e-03]]
.add_argument("data", "NDArray-or-Symbol", "Input array to activation function.")
} // namespace op
} // namespace mxnet