blob: e6e6b7b30327e3007534c4bfff12cec7b608fe8a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016 by Contributors
* \file pad-inl.h
* \brief
* \author Sebastian Bodenstien
#include <dmlc/logging.h>
#include <dmlc/parameter.h>
#include <mxnet/operator.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "./operator_common.h"
#include "./mshadow_op.h"
namespace mxnet {
namespace op {
namespace pad_enum {
enum PadOpInputs { kData };
enum PadOpType { kConstant, kEdge, kReflect };
enum PadOpOutputs { kOut };
struct PadParam : public dmlc::Parameter<PadParam> {
int mode;
double constant_value;
TShape pad_width;
.add_enum("constant", pad_enum::kConstant)
.add_enum("edge", pad_enum::kEdge)
.add_enum("reflect", pad_enum::kReflect)
"Padding type to use."
" \"constant\" pads with `constant_value`"
" \"edge\" pads using the edge values of the input array"
" \"reflect\" pads by reflecting values with respect to the edges.");
"Widths of the padding regions applied to the edges of each axis. "
"It is a tuple of integer padding widths for each axis of the format "
"``(before_1, after_1, ... , before_N, after_N)``. "
"It should be of length ``2*N`` where ``N`` is the number of dimensions of the array."
"This is equivalent to pad_width in numpy.pad, but flattened.");
.describe("The value used for padding when `mode` is \"constant\".")
template <typename xpu, typename DType>
class PadOp : public Operator {
explicit PadOp(PadParam p) { this->param_ = p; }
virtual void Forward(const OpContext &ctx, const std::vector<TBlob> &in_data,
const std::vector<OpReqType> &req,
const std::vector<TBlob> &out_data,
const std::vector<TBlob> &aux_args) {
using namespace mshadow;
using namespace mshadow::expr;
CHECK_EQ(in_data.size(), 1U);
CHECK_EQ(out_data.size(), 1U);
Stream<xpu> *s = ctx.get_stream<xpu>();
// Get any size input + output into required form
int rank = in_data[pad_enum::kData].ndim();
auto pad = param_.pad_width;
DType constant_value = param_.constant_value;
// TODO(nswamy@): update the documentation and log below when support is added for more than
// 4D/5D arrays and not requiring higher dimensions to be zero.
switch (rank) {
case 4:
Tensor<xpu, 4, DType> data =
in_data[pad_enum::kData].get<xpu, 4, DType>(s);
Tensor<xpu, 4, DType> out =
out_data[pad_enum::kOut].get<xpu, 4, DType>(s);
pad_image(out, data, param_.pad_width, param_.mode, constant_value);
case 5:
Tensor<xpu, 5, DType> data =
in_data[pad_enum::kData].get<xpu, 5, DType>(s);
Tensor<xpu, 5, DType> out =
out_data[pad_enum::kOut].get<xpu, 5, DType>(s);
pad_image(out, data, param_.pad_width, param_.mode, constant_value);
LOG(FATAL) << "Attempted to run forward pass "
"with input dimensions other than 4 or 5.";
// Assign(out, req[pad_enum::kOut], F<mshadow_op::identity>(data));
virtual void Backward(const OpContext &ctx,
const std::vector<TBlob> &out_grad,
const std::vector<TBlob> &in_data,
const std::vector<TBlob> &out_data,
const std::vector<OpReqType> &req,
const std::vector<TBlob> &in_grad,
const std::vector<TBlob> &aux_args) {
using namespace mshadow;
using namespace mshadow::expr;
CHECK_EQ(out_grad.size(), 1U);
CHECK_EQ(out_data.size(), 1U);
Stream<xpu> *s = ctx.get_stream<xpu>();
// Get any size input + output into required form
auto pad = param_.pad_width;
int rank = in_grad[pad_enum::kData].ndim();
switch (rank) {
case 4:
Tensor<xpu, 4, DType> in =
in_grad[pad_enum::kData].get<xpu, 4, DType>(s);
Tensor<xpu, 4, DType> out =
out_grad[pad_enum::kOut].get<xpu, 4, DType>(s);
if (req[pad_enum::kData] == kWriteTo) in = 0.0f;
pad_image_grad(in, out, param_.pad_width, param_.mode);
case 5:
Tensor<xpu, 5, DType> in =
in_grad[pad_enum::kData].get<xpu, 5, DType>(s);
Tensor<xpu, 5, DType> out =
out_grad[pad_enum::kOut].get<xpu, 5, DType>(s);
if (req[pad_enum::kData] == kWriteTo) in = 0.0f;
pad_image_grad(in, out, param_.pad_width, param_.mode);
LOG(FATAL) << "Attempted to run backward pass "
"with input dimensions other than 4 or 5.";
PadParam param_;
}; // class PadOp
template <typename xpu>
Operator *CreateOp(PadParam param, int dtype);
class PadProp : public OperatorProperty {
int NumVisibleOutputs() const override { return 1; }
int NumOutputs() const override { return 1; }
std::vector<std::string> ListArguments() const override { return {"data"}; }
std::vector<std::string> ListOutputs() const override { return {"output"}; }
void Init(const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> > &kwargs)
override {
std::map<std::string, std::string> GetParams() const override {
return param_.__DICT__();
bool InferShape(std::vector<TShape> *in_shape, std::vector<TShape> *out_shape,
std::vector<TShape> *aux_shape) const override {
using namespace mshadow;
CHECK_EQ(in_shape->size(), 1U) << "Can only be one input to symbol.";
const TShape &dshape = (*in_shape)[pad_enum::kData];
auto rank = dshape.ndim();
auto pad = param_.pad_width;
auto pad_spec_len = param_.pad_width.ndim();
if (rank == 0) return false;
if ((rank != 4) && (rank != 5)) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Current implementation only supports 4-D or 5-D input.";
if ((pad[0] != 0) || (pad[1] != 0) || (pad[2] != 0) || (pad[3] != 0)) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Current implementation expects padding on the first two axes to be zero.";
if ((2*rank) != pad_spec_len) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Input shape vs padding spec mismatch.";
if (param_.mode == pad_enum::kReflect) {
auto size =;
if ((pad[4] >= size[2]) || (pad[5] >= size[2]) ||
(pad[6] >= size[3]) || (pad[7] >= size[3])) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Current implementation of reflection padding "
"only supports padding sizes smaller than the input size.";
TShape oshape = dshape;
for (size_t i = 0; i < dshape.ndim(); ++i) {
oshape[i] =
param_.pad_width[2 * i] + param_.pad_width[2 * i + 1] + dshape[i];
return true;
OperatorProperty *Copy() const override {
auto ptr = new PadProp();
ptr->param_ = param_;
return ptr;
std::string TypeString() const override { return "Pad"; }
std::vector<int> DeclareBackwardDependency(
const std::vector<int> &out_grad, const std::vector<int> &in_data,
const std::vector<int> &out_data) const override {
return {out_grad[pad_enum::kOut]};
Operator *CreateOperator(Context ctx) const override {
LOG(FATAL) << "Not Implemented.";
return NULL;
Operator *CreateOperatorEx(Context ctx, std::vector<TShape> *in_shape,
std::vector<int> *in_type) const override;
PadParam param_;
}; // class PadProp
#endif // DMLC_USE_CXX11
} // namespace op
} // namespace mxnet