blob: 84a19d6b4b15e07ed74bb69bde2319bfae2a5cc4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015 by Contributors
* \file
* Implementation of operator util.
#include <mxnet/operator_util.h>
#include <mxnet/operator.h>
#include <mxnet/ndarray.h>
#include <mxnet/engine.h>
#include <vector>
#include <mutex>
#include "./operator_common.h"
namespace mxnet {
namespace op {
class SimpleOpPropBase;
class SimpleSourceOpProp;
class SimpleUnaryOpProp;
class SimpleBinaryOpProp;
class SimpleOpRegEntryImpl : public SimpleOpRegEntry {
TSelf& set_symbol_op_name(char const* symbol_name_str) override {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
std::string symbol_name(symbol_name_str);
CHECK(op_reg_ == nullptr || symbol_name == symbol_name_)
<< " operator " << this->name
<< " need to call set_symbol_op_name "
<< symbol_name << "before all other calls";
symbol_name_ = symbol_name;
return *this;
TSelf& set_enable_scalar(
bool enable_scalar,
SimpleOpScalarOption type_mask) override {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
enable_scalar_ = enable_scalar;
scalar_type_mask_ = type_mask;
CHECK(!enable_kwargs_ || !enable_scalar_)
<< "Cannot have both kwargs and scalar arguments";
return *this;
TSelf& set_enable_kwargs(bool enable_kwargs) override {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
enable_kwargs_ = enable_kwargs;
CHECK(!enable_kwargs_ || !enable_scalar_)
<< "Cannot have both kwargs and scalar arguments";
return *this;
TSelf& set_resource_request(
const std::vector<ResourceRequest>& reqs) override {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
resource_requests_ = reqs;
return *this;
TSelf& set_resource_request(
ResourceRequest req) override {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
resource_requests_ = {req};
return *this;
TSelf& set_shape_function(SourceShapeFunction fshapeinfer) override {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
source_shape_ = fshapeinfer;
return *this;
TSelf& set_shape_function(UnaryShapeFunction fshapeinfer) override {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
unary_shape_ = fshapeinfer;
return *this;
TSelf& set_shape_function(BinaryShapeFunction fshapeinfer) override {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
binary_shape_ = fshapeinfer;
return *this;
TSelf& set_function(int dev_mask,
SourceFunction fsource,
SimpleOpRegOption register_symbolic) override {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
SetFunction(&fsource_, dev_mask, fsource, "SourceFunction");
if (++reg_counter_ == 1) {
register_symbolic_ = (register_symbolic == kRegisterSymbolic);
if (register_symbolic_) {
return *this;
TSelf& set_function(int dev_mask,
UnaryFunction funary,
SimpleOpInplaceOption inplace_in_out,
SimpleOpRegOption register_symbolic) override {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
SetFunction(&funary_, dev_mask, funary, "UnaryFunction");
unary_forward_inplace_in_out_ = (inplace_in_out == kInplaceInOut);
if (++reg_counter_ == 1) {
register_symbolic_ = (register_symbolic == kRegisterSymbolic);
if (register_symbolic_) {
return *this;
TSelf& set_function(int dev_mask,
BinaryFunction fbinary,
SimpleOpInplaceOption inplace_lhs_out,
SimpleOpRegOption register_symbolic) override {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
SetFunction(&fbinary_, dev_mask, fbinary, "BinaryFunction");
binary_forward_inplace_lhs_out_ = (inplace_lhs_out == kInplaceLhsOut);
if (++reg_counter_ == 1) {
register_symbolic_ = (register_symbolic == kRegisterSymbolic);
if (register_symbolic_) {
return *this;
TSelf& set_gradient(int dev_mask,
UnaryGradFunctionT0 fgrad,
SimpleOpInplaceOption inplace_out_in_grad) override {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
SetFunction(&funary_grad_t0_, dev_mask, fgrad, "UnaryGradFunctionT0");
unary_backward_inplace_out_in_ = (inplace_out_in_grad == kInplaceOutIn);
return *this;
TSelf& set_gradient(int dev_mask,
UnaryGradFunctionT1 fgrad,
SimpleOpInplaceOption inplace_out_in_grad) override {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
SetFunction(&funary_grad_t1_, dev_mask, fgrad, "UnaryGradFunctionT1");
unary_backward_inplace_out_in_ = (inplace_out_in_grad == kInplaceOutIn);
return *this;
TSelf& set_gradient(int dev_mask,
UnaryGradFunctionT2 fgrad,
SimpleOpInplaceOption inplace_out_in_grad) override {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
SetFunction(&funary_grad_t2_, dev_mask, fgrad, "UnaryGradFunctionT2");
unary_backward_inplace_out_in_ = (inplace_out_in_grad == kInplaceOutIn);
return *this;
TSelf& set_gradient(int dev_mask,
BinaryGradFunctionT0 fgrad,
SimpleOpInplaceOption inplace_out_lhs_grad) override {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
SetFunction(&fbinary_grad_t0_, dev_mask, fgrad, "BinaryGradFunctionT0");
binary_backward_inplace_out_lhs_ = (inplace_out_lhs_grad == kInplaceLhsOut);
return *this;
TSelf& set_gradient(int dev_mask,
BinaryGradFunctionT1 fgrad,
SimpleOpInplaceOption inplace_out_lhs_grad) override {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
SetFunction(&fbinary_grad_t1_, dev_mask, fgrad, "BinaryGradFunctionT1");
binary_backward_inplace_out_lhs_ = (inplace_out_lhs_grad == kInplaceLhsOut);
return *this;
TSelf& describe(const std::string &description) override {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
if (reg_counter_ != 1) return *this;
if (register_symbolic_) {
return *this;
TSelf& add_arguments(const std::vector<dmlc::ParamFieldInfo> &args) override {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
if (reg_counter_ != 1) return *this;
if (register_symbolic_) {
return *this;
// make friend with unary op
friend class SimpleOpPropBase;
friend class SimpleSourceOpProp;
friend class SimpleUnaryOpProp;
friend class SimpleBinaryOpProp;
// internal mutex
std::mutex mutex_;
// registration counter
int reg_counter_{0};
// whether register symbolic function.
bool register_symbolic_{true};
// name of symbolic operator.
std::string symbol_name_;
// number of scalar arguments
bool enable_scalar_{false};
// type mask of scalar arguments in imperative API.
SimpleOpScalarOption scalar_type_mask_{kArrayBeforeScalar};
// whether kwargs is enabled in the function.
bool enable_kwargs_{false};
// resource requirements
std::vector<ResourceRequest> resource_requests_;
// ------ source functions ----
// source shape inference information.
SourceShapeFunction source_shape_{nullptr};
// source functions on each device mask
std::vector<SourceFunction> fsource_;
// ------ unary functions -----
// unary shape inference information.
UnaryShapeFunction unary_shape_{nullptr};
// unary functions on each device mask
std::vector<UnaryFunction> funary_;
// type 1 gradient function
std::vector<UnaryGradFunctionT0> funary_grad_t0_;
// type 2 gradient function
std::vector<UnaryGradFunctionT1> funary_grad_t1_;
// type 2 gradient function
std::vector<UnaryGradFunctionT2> funary_grad_t2_;
// whether do inplace optimization of in 0 and output
bool unary_forward_inplace_in_out_{false};
// whether do inplace optimization of out_grad and in_grad0
bool unary_backward_inplace_out_in_{false};
// ------ binary functions -----
// binary shape inference information.
BinaryShapeFunction binary_shape_{nullptr};
// unary functions on each device mask
std::vector<BinaryFunction> fbinary_;
// type 1 gradient function
std::vector<BinaryGradFunctionT0> fbinary_grad_t0_;
// type 2 gradient function
std::vector<BinaryGradFunctionT1> fbinary_grad_t1_;
// whether do inplace optimization of in 0 and output
bool binary_forward_inplace_lhs_out_{false};
// whether do inplace optimization of out_grad and in_grad0
bool binary_backward_inplace_out_lhs_{false};
template<typename TFunction>
inline void SetFunction(std::vector<TFunction>* vfunc,
int dev_mask,
TFunction func,
const char* type) {
if (vfunc->size() <= static_cast<size_t>(dev_mask)) {
vfunc->resize(dev_mask + 1, nullptr);
if (vfunc->at(dev_mask) != nullptr) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Device " << type << " function " << this->name
<< " already registerd for device " << dev_mask;
vfunc->at(dev_mask) = func;
// internal reference to NDArray registry
NDArrayFunctionReg* ndarray_reg_{nullptr};
// internal reference to operator registry
OperatorPropertyReg* op_reg_{nullptr};
// internal function to register NDArray function.
inline NDArrayFunctionReg &NDArrayReg() {
if (ndarray_reg_ == nullptr) {
NDArrayFunctionReg &reg =
ndarray_reg_ = &reg;
return *ndarray_reg_;
// internal function to register NDArray function.
inline OperatorPropertyReg &OpReg() {
if (op_reg_ == nullptr) {
if (symbol_name_.length() == 0) {
symbol_name_ = this->name;
OperatorPropertyReg &reg =
op_reg_ = &reg;
return *op_reg_;
// register source function.
void RegisterSourceImperative();
// register source symbolic function.
void RegisterSourceSymbolic();
// register unary function.
void RegisterUnaryImperative();
// register unary symbolic function.
void RegisterUnarySymbolic();
// register unary function.
void RegisterBinaryImperative();
// register unary symbolic function.
void RegisterBinarySymbolic();
SimpleOpRegEntry& SimpleOpRegistry::__REGISTER_OR_FIND__(char const* name_str) {
std::string name(name_str);
if (fmap_.count(name) != 0) return *;
SimpleOpRegEntry *e = new SimpleOpRegEntryImpl();
e->name = name;
fmap_[name] = e;
return *e;
SimpleOpRegistry* SimpleOpRegistry::Get() {
static SimpleOpRegistry inst;
return &inst;
SimpleOpRegistry::~SimpleOpRegistry() {
for (auto kv : fmap_) {
delete kv.second;
// base class
struct SimpleOpScalarParam :
public dmlc::Parameter<SimpleOpScalarParam> {
float scalar;
.describe("scalar value.");
class SimpleOpPropBase : public OperatorProperty {
std::string name;
EnvArguments env;
SimpleOpRegEntryImpl* source;
void Init(const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> >& kwargs) override {
if (source->enable_kwargs_) {
env.kwargs = kwargs;
} else if (source->enable_scalar_) {
SimpleOpScalarParam param;
env.scalar = param.scalar;
} else {
CHECK_EQ(kwargs.size(), 0)
<< "Operator " << source->symbol_name_ << " donot accept any keyword arguments";
std::map<std::string, std::string> GetParams() const override {
if (source->enable_kwargs_) {
return std::map<std::string, std::string>(
env.kwargs.begin(), env.kwargs.end());
} else if (source->enable_scalar_) {
SimpleOpScalarParam param;
param.scalar = env.scalar;
return param.__DICT__();
} else {
return std::map<std::string, std::string>();
std::vector<ResourceRequest> ForwardResource(
const std::vector<TShape> &in_shape) const override {
return source->resource_requests_;
std::vector<ResourceRequest> BackwardResource(
const std::vector<TShape> &in_shape) const override {
return source->resource_requests_;
bool InferType(std::vector<int> *in_type,
std::vector<int> *out_type,
std::vector<int> *aux_type) const override {
CHECK_LE(in_type->size(), this->ListArguments().size());
int dtype = -1;
// reduce dtype to a common one.
for (unsigned i = 0; i < in_type->size(); ++i) {
if (dtype == -1) {
dtype = in_type->at(i);
} else {
CHECK(in_type->at(i) == -1 ||
in_type->at(i) == dtype) <<
"Non-uniform input data type. Expected " << dtype << "got " << in_type->at(i);
if (dtype == -1) {
LOG(FATAL) << "At least one input type needs to be specified.";
return false;
int n_in = this->ListArguments().size();
for (int i = 0; i < n_in; ++i) in_type->push_back(dtype);
int n_out = this->ListOutputs().size();
for (int i = 0; i < n_out; ++i) out_type->push_back(dtype);
int n_aux = this->ListAuxiliaryStates().size();
for (int i = 0; i < n_aux; ++i) aux_type->push_back(dtype);
return true;
std::string TypeString() const override {
return name;
// source function Implementation
void SimpleOpRegEntryImpl::RegisterSourceImperative() {
CHECK_EQ(reg_counter_, 1);
// The body to be registered
auto body = [this] (NDArray** used_vars,
real_t* s,
NDArray** mutate_vars,
int num_params,
char** param_keys,
char** param_vals) {
NDArray* out = mutate_vars[0];
// setup env.
EnvArguments env;
if (enable_scalar_) env.scalar = s[0];
if (enable_kwargs_) {
for (int i = 0; i < num_params; ++i) {
std::string(param_keys[i]), std::string(param_vals[i])));
} else {
CHECK_EQ(num_params, 0)
<< "operator " << this->name << " do not take keyword arguments";
// shape inference.
CHECK(source_shape_ != nullptr);
TShape dshape = source_shape_(env);
// check output shape.
CHECK(out->shape() == dshape) << "target shape mismatch "
<< out->shape() << " vs. " << dshape;
// important: callback must always capture by value
NDArray ret = *out;
// request resources.
std::vector<Engine::VarHandle> write_vars = {ret.var()};
for (ResourceRequest req : resource_requests_) {
env.resource.push_back(ResourceManager::Get()->Request(ret.ctx(), req));
// check if the function exist
int dev_mask = ret.ctx().dev_mask();
// error message
if (static_cast<size_t>(dev_mask) >= fsource_.size() ||
fsource_[dev_mask] == nullptr) {
if (dev_mask == gpu::kDevMask) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Function " << this->name
<< "not registered for device " << dev_mask;
// invoke the function
SourceFunction fun = fsource_[dev_mask];
OpReqType req = kWriteTo;
Engine::Get()->PushSync([ret, fun, dev_mask, req, env](RunContext ctx) {
TBlob tmp =;
(*fun)(env, &tmp, req, ctx);
if (dev_mask == gpu::kDevMask) {
}, ret.ctx(), {}, write_vars,
FnProperty::kNormal, 0, PROFILER_MESSAGE("RegisterSourceImperative"));
// register the function.
if (enable_scalar_) {
.add_argument("scalar", "float", "scalar input to the function");
// operator to invoke unary function.
struct SimpleSourceOperator : public Operator {
EnvArguments env;
SourceFunction forward;
void Forward(const OpContext &ctx,
const std::vector<TBlob> &in_data,
const std::vector<OpReqType> &req,
const std::vector<TBlob> &out_data,
const std::vector<TBlob> &aux_args) override {
if (ctx.requested.size() != 0) env.resource = ctx.requested;
CHECK_EQ(in_data.size(), 0);
CHECK_EQ(out_data.size(), 1);
TBlob out = out_data[0];
(*forward)(env, &out, req[0], ctx.run_ctx);
void Backward(const OpContext &ctx,
const std::vector<TBlob> &out_grad,
const std::vector<TBlob> &in_data,
const std::vector<TBlob> &out_data,
const std::vector<OpReqType> &req,
const std::vector<TBlob> &in_grad,
const std::vector<TBlob> &aux_args) override {
LOG(FATAL) << "no gradient can be done";
// no nothing.
}; // class SimpleUnaryOperator
class SimpleSourceOpProp : public SimpleOpPropBase {
bool InferShape(std::vector<TShape> *in_shape,
std::vector<TShape> *out_shape,
std::vector<TShape> *aux_shape) const override {
CHECK_EQ(in_shape->size(), 0)
<< in_shape->size();
CHECK(source->source_shape_ != nullptr);
return true;
OperatorProperty* Copy() const override {
auto ptr = new SimpleSourceOpProp();
ptr->source = source;
ptr->name = name;
ptr->env = env;
return ptr;
Operator* CreateOperator(Context ctx) const override {
size_t dev_mask = ctx.dev_mask();
SimpleSourceOperator *op = new SimpleSourceOperator();
CHECK(dev_mask < source->fsource_.size() && source->fsource_[dev_mask] != nullptr);
op->forward = source->fsource_[dev_mask];
op->env = this->env;
return op;
std::vector<std::string> ListArguments() const override {
return {};
bool InferType(std::vector<int> *in_type,
std::vector<int> *out_type,
std::vector<int> *aux_type) const override {
return true;
void SimpleOpRegEntryImpl::RegisterSourceSymbolic() {
// register the operator
auto op_factory = [this]() {
SimpleSourceOpProp *prop = new SimpleSourceOpProp();
prop->name = this->symbol_name_;
prop->source = this;
return prop;
// unary function Implementation
void SimpleOpRegEntryImpl::RegisterUnaryImperative() {
CHECK_EQ(reg_counter_, 1);
// The body to be registered
auto body = [this] (NDArray** used_vars,
real_t* s,
NDArray** mutate_vars,
int num_params,
char** param_keys,
char** param_vals) {
NDArray& src = *used_vars[0];
NDArray* out = mutate_vars[0];
// setup env.
EnvArguments env;
if (enable_scalar_) env.scalar = s[0];
if (enable_kwargs_) {
for (int i = 0; i < num_params; ++i) {
std::string(param_keys[i]), std::string(param_vals[i])));
} else {
CHECK_EQ(num_params, 0)
<< "operator " << this->name << " do not take keyword arguments";
// shape inference.
TShape dshape;
if (unary_shape_ != nullptr) {
dshape = unary_shape_(src.shape(), env);
} else {
dshape = src.shape();
// check output shape.
if (out->is_none()) {
*out = NDArray(dshape, src.ctx(), true, src.dtype());
} else {
CHECK(out->ctx() == src.ctx()) << "target context mismatch";
CHECK(out->dtype() == src.dtype()) << "target data type mismatch";
CHECK(out->shape() == dshape) << "target shape mismatch "
<< out->shape() << " vs. " << dshape;
// important: callback must always capture by value
NDArray ret = *out;
// get the const variables
std::vector<Engine::VarHandle> const_vars;
if (src.var() != ret.var()) {
// request resources.
std::vector<Engine::VarHandle> write_vars = {ret.var()};
for (ResourceRequest req : resource_requests_) {
env.resource.push_back(ResourceManager::Get()->Request(src.ctx(), req));
// check if the function exist
int dev_mask = src.ctx().dev_mask();
// error message
if (static_cast<size_t>(dev_mask) >= funary_.size() ||
funary_[dev_mask] == nullptr) {
if (dev_mask == gpu::kDevMask) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Function " << this->name
<< "not registered for device " << dev_mask;
// invoke the function
UnaryFunction fun = funary_[dev_mask];
OpReqType req = kWriteTo;
if (src.var() == ret.var()) {
req = kWriteInplace;
<< "inplace operation is not enabled for operator " << name;
Engine::Get()->PushSync([src, ret, fun, dev_mask, req, env](RunContext ctx) {
TBlob tmp =;
(*fun)(, env, &tmp, req, ctx);
if (dev_mask == gpu::kDevMask) {
}, src.ctx(), const_vars, write_vars,
FnProperty::kNormal, 0, PROFILER_MESSAGE("RegisterUnaryImperative"));
// register the function.
if (enable_scalar_) {
if (scalar_type_mask_ == kArrayBeforeScalar) {
.set_type_mask(kNDArrayArgBeforeScalar | kAcceptEmptyMutateTarget)
.add_argument("src", "NDArray-or-Symbol", "Source input to the function")
.add_argument("scalar", "float", "scalar input to the function");
} else {
.set_type_mask(kScalarArgBeforeNDArray | kAcceptEmptyMutateTarget)
.add_argument("scalar", "float", "scalar input to the function")
.add_argument("src", "NDArray-or-Symbol", "Source input to the function");
} else {
.set_type_mask(kNDArrayArgBeforeScalar | kAcceptEmptyMutateTarget)
.add_argument("src", "NDArray-or-Symbol", "Source input to the function");
// operator to invoke unary function.
struct SimpleUnaryOperator : public Operator {
EnvArguments env;
UnaryFunction forward;
UnaryGradFunctionT0 backward0{nullptr};
UnaryGradFunctionT1 backward1{nullptr};
UnaryGradFunctionT2 backward2{nullptr};
void Forward(const OpContext &ctx,
const std::vector<TBlob> &in_data,
const std::vector<OpReqType> &req,
const std::vector<TBlob> &out_data,
const std::vector<TBlob> &aux_args) override {
if (ctx.requested.size() != 0) env.resource = ctx.requested;
CHECK_EQ(in_data.size(), 1);
CHECK_EQ(out_data.size(), 1);
TBlob out = out_data[0];
(*forward)(in_data[0], env, &out, req[0], ctx.run_ctx);
void Backward(const OpContext &ctx,
const std::vector<TBlob> &out_grad,
const std::vector<TBlob> &in_data,
const std::vector<TBlob> &out_data,
const std::vector<OpReqType> &req,
const std::vector<TBlob> &in_grad,
const std::vector<TBlob> &aux_args) override {
if (ctx.requested.size() != 0) env.resource = ctx.requested;
CHECK_EQ(out_grad.size(), 1);
CHECK(in_data.size() == 1 && in_grad.size() == 1);
CHECK_EQ(req.size(), 1);
OutputGrad ograd; = out_grad[0];
TBlob igrad = in_grad[0];
if (backward0 != nullptr) {
(*backward0)(ograd, env, &igrad, req[0], ctx.run_ctx);
} else if (backward1 != nullptr) {
OutputValue out_value; = out_data[0];
(*backward1)(ograd, out_value, env, &igrad, req[0], ctx.run_ctx);
} else if (backward2 != nullptr) {
Input0 in0; = in_data[0];
(*backward2)(ograd, in0, env, &igrad, req[0], ctx.run_ctx);
} else {
LOG(FATAL) << "Backward is not supported";
}; // class SimpleUnaryOperator
class SimpleUnaryOpProp : public SimpleOpPropBase {
bool InferShape(std::vector<TShape> *in_shape,
std::vector<TShape> *out_shape,
std::vector<TShape> *aux_shape) const override {
using namespace mshadow;
CHECK_EQ(in_shape->size(), 1) << "Input:[data]";
const TShape &dshape = in_shape->at(0);
if (dshape.ndim() == 0) return false;
if (source->unary_shape_ == nullptr) {
} else {
out_shape->push_back((*(source->unary_shape_))(dshape, env));
return true;
OperatorProperty* Copy() const override {
auto ptr = new SimpleUnaryOpProp();
ptr->source = source;
ptr->name = name;
ptr->env = env;
return ptr;
// decalre dependency and inplace optimization options
std::vector<int> DeclareBackwardDependency(
const std::vector<int> &out_grad,
const std::vector<int> &in_data,
const std::vector<int> &out_data) const override {
if (source->funary_grad_t0_.size() != 0) {
return {out_grad[0]};
} else if (source->funary_grad_t1_.size() != 0) {
return {out_grad[0], out_data[0]};
} else if (source->funary_grad_t2_.size() != 0) {
return {out_grad[0], in_data[0]};
} else {
LOG(FATAL) << "Backward of " << name << " is not decalred";
return {};
std::vector<std::pair<int, void*> > BackwardInplaceOption(
const std::vector<int> &out_grad,
const std::vector<int> &in_data,
const std::vector<int> &out_data,
const std::vector<void*> &in_grad) const override {
if (source->unary_backward_inplace_out_in_) {
return {{out_grad[0], in_grad[0]}};
} else {
return {};
std::vector<std::pair<int, void*> > ForwardInplaceOption(
const std::vector<int> &in_data,
const std::vector<void*> &out_data) const override {
if (source->unary_forward_inplace_in_out_) {
return {{in_data[0], out_data[0]}};
} else {
return {};
Operator* CreateOperator(Context ctx) const override {
size_t dev_mask = ctx.dev_mask();
SimpleUnaryOperator *op = new SimpleUnaryOperator();
CHECK(dev_mask < source->funary_.size() && source->funary_[dev_mask] != nullptr);
op->forward = source->funary_[dev_mask];
op->env = this->env;
if (dev_mask < source->funary_grad_t0_.size()) {
op->backward0 = source->funary_grad_t0_[dev_mask];
if (dev_mask < source->funary_grad_t1_.size()) {
op->backward1 = source->funary_grad_t1_[dev_mask];
if (dev_mask < source->funary_grad_t2_.size()) {
op->backward2 = source->funary_grad_t2_[dev_mask];
return op;
void SimpleOpRegEntryImpl::RegisterUnarySymbolic() {
// register the operator
auto op_factory = [this]() {
SimpleUnaryOpProp *prop = new SimpleUnaryOpProp();
prop->name = this->symbol_name_;
prop->source = this;
return prop;
.add_argument("src", "NDArray-or-Symbol", "Left symbolic input to the function");
// binary function Implementation
void SimpleOpRegEntryImpl::RegisterBinaryImperative() {
CHECK_EQ(reg_counter_, 1);
// The body to be registered
auto body = [this] (NDArray** used_vars,
real_t* s,
NDArray** mutate_vars,
int num_params,
char** param_keys,
char** param_vals) {
NDArray& lhs = *used_vars[0];
NDArray& rhs = *used_vars[1];
NDArray* out = mutate_vars[0];
// setup env.
EnvArguments env;
if (enable_scalar_) env.scalar = s[0];
if (enable_kwargs_) {
for (int i = 0; i < num_params; ++i) {
std::string(param_keys[i]), std::string(param_vals[i])));
} else {
CHECK_EQ(num_params, 0)
<< "operator " << this->name << " do not take keyword arguments";
// shape inference.
TShape dshape;
if (binary_shape_ != nullptr) {
dshape = binary_shape_(lhs.shape(), rhs.shape(), env);
} else {
CHECK_EQ(lhs.shape(), rhs.shape()) << "operands shape mismatch";
dshape = lhs.shape();
// no check if all of them are on cpu
if (lhs.ctx().dev_mask() != cpu::kDevMask || rhs.ctx().dev_mask() != cpu::kDevMask) {
CHECK(lhs.ctx() == rhs.ctx())
<< "operands context mismatch " << lhs.ctx().dev_type << " " << lhs.ctx().dev_id << \
" vs. " << rhs.ctx().dev_type << " " << rhs.ctx().dev_id;
CHECK_EQ(lhs.dtype(), rhs.dtype()) << "operands type mismatch";
// check output shape.
if (out->is_none()) {
*out = NDArray(dshape, lhs.ctx(), true, lhs.dtype());
} else {
CHECK(out->ctx() == lhs.ctx()) << "target context mismatch";
CHECK(out->dtype() == lhs.dtype()) << "target data type mismatch";
CHECK(out->shape() == dshape) << "target shape mismatch "
<< out->shape() << " vs. " << dshape;
// important: callback must always capture by value
NDArray ret = *out;
// get the const variables
std::vector<Engine::VarHandle> const_vars;
if (lhs.var() != ret.var()) const_vars.push_back(lhs.var());
if (rhs.var() != ret.var()) const_vars.push_back(rhs.var());
// request resources.
std::vector<Engine::VarHandle> write_vars = {ret.var()};
for (ResourceRequest req : resource_requests_) {
env.resource.push_back(ResourceManager::Get()->Request(lhs.ctx(), req));
// check if the function exist
int dev_mask = lhs.ctx().dev_mask();
// error message
if (static_cast<size_t>(dev_mask) >= fbinary_.size() ||
fbinary_[dev_mask] == nullptr) {
if (dev_mask == gpu::kDevMask) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Function " << this->name
<< "not registered for device " << dev_mask;
// invoke the function
BinaryFunction fun = fbinary_[dev_mask];
OpReqType req = kWriteTo;
if (lhs.var() == ret.var()) {
req = kWriteInplace;
<< "inplace operation is not enabled for operator " << name;
if (rhs.var() == ret.var()) {
LOG(ERROR) << " operation " << this->name
<< " warning, perform inplace operation with right operand, may not be supported";
Engine::Get()->PushSync([lhs, rhs, ret, fun, dev_mask, req, env](RunContext ctx) {
TBlob tmp =;
(*fun)(,, env, &tmp, req, ctx);
if (dev_mask == gpu::kDevMask) {
}, lhs.ctx(), const_vars, write_vars,
FnProperty::kNormal, 0, PROFILER_MESSAGE("RegisterBinaryImperative"));
// register the function.
if (enable_scalar_) {
if (scalar_type_mask_ == kArrayBeforeScalar) {
.set_type_mask(kNDArrayArgBeforeScalar | kAcceptEmptyMutateTarget)
.add_argument("lhs", "NDArray-or-Symbol", "Left operand to the function")
.add_argument("rhs", "NDArray-or-Symbol", "Right operand to the function")
.add_argument("scalar", "float", "scalar input to the function");
} else {
.set_type_mask(kScalarArgBeforeNDArray | kAcceptEmptyMutateTarget)
.add_argument("scalar", "float", "scalar input to the function")
.add_argument("src", "NDArray-or-Symbol", "Source input to the function")
.add_argument("lhs", "NDArray-or-Symbol", "Left operand to the function")
.add_argument("rhs", "NDArray-or-Symbol", "Right operand to the function");
} else {
.set_type_mask(kNDArrayArgBeforeScalar | kAcceptEmptyMutateTarget)
.add_argument("lhs", "NDArray-or-Symbol", "Left operand to the function")
.add_argument("rhs", "NDArray-or-Symbol", "Right operand to the function");
struct SimpleBinaryOperator : public Operator {
EnvArguments env;
BinaryFunction forward;
BinaryGradFunctionT0 backward0{nullptr};
BinaryGradFunctionT1 backward1{nullptr};
void Forward(const OpContext &ctx,
const std::vector<TBlob> &in_data,
const std::vector<OpReqType> &req,
const std::vector<TBlob> &out_data,
const std::vector<TBlob> &aux_args) override {
if (ctx.requested.size() != 0) env.resource = ctx.requested;
CHECK_EQ(in_data.size(), 2);
CHECK_EQ(out_data.size(), 1);
TBlob out = out_data[0];
(*forward)(in_data[0], in_data[1], env, &out, req[0], ctx.run_ctx);
void Backward(const OpContext &ctx,
const std::vector<TBlob> &out_grad,
const std::vector<TBlob> &in_data,
const std::vector<TBlob> &out_data,
const std::vector<OpReqType> &req,
const std::vector<TBlob> &in_grad,
const std::vector<TBlob> &aux_args) override {
if (ctx.requested.size() != 0) env.resource = ctx.requested;
CHECK_EQ(out_grad.size(), 1);
CHECK(in_data.size() == 2 && in_grad.size() == 2);
CHECK_EQ(req.size(), 2);
OutputGrad ograd; = out_grad[0];
TBlob lgrad = in_grad[0];
TBlob rgrad = in_grad[1];
if (backward0 != nullptr) {
(*backward0)(ograd, env,
&lgrad, &rgrad, req[0], req[1], ctx.run_ctx);
} else if (backward1 != nullptr) {
Input0 in0; = in_data[0];
Input1 in1; = in_data[1];
(*backward1)(ograd, in0, in1, env,
&lgrad, &rgrad, req[0], req[1], ctx.run_ctx);
} else {
LOG(FATAL) << "Backward is not supported";
}; // class SimpleBinaryOperator
class SimpleBinaryOpProp : public SimpleOpPropBase {
bool InferShape(std::vector<TShape> *in_shape,
std::vector<TShape> *out_shape,
std::vector<TShape> *aux_shape) const override {
using namespace mshadow;
CHECK_EQ(in_shape->size(), 2) << "Input:[lhs, rhs]";
const TShape& lshape = in_shape->at(0);
const TShape& rshape = in_shape->at(1);
if (source->binary_shape_ == nullptr) {
if (in_shape->at(0).ndim() != 0) {
SHAPE_ASSIGN_CHECK(*in_shape, 1, in_shape->at(0));
} else if (in_shape->at(1).ndim() != 0) {
in_shape->at(0) = in_shape->at(1);
} else {
return false;
} else {
if (lshape.ndim() == 0) return false;
if (rshape.ndim() == 0) return false;
out_shape->push_back((*(source->binary_shape_))(lshape, rshape, env));
return true;
std::vector<std::string> ListArguments() const override {
return {"lhs", "rhs"};
OperatorProperty* Copy() const override {
auto ptr = new SimpleBinaryOpProp();
ptr->source = source;
ptr->name = name;
ptr->env = env;
return ptr;
// decalre dependency and inplace optimization options
std::vector<int> DeclareBackwardDependency(
const std::vector<int> &out_grad,
const std::vector<int> &in_data,
const std::vector<int> &out_data) const override {
if (source->fbinary_grad_t0_.size() != 0) {
return {out_grad[0]};
} else if (source->fbinary_grad_t1_.size() != 0) {
return {out_grad[0], in_data[0], in_data[1]};
} else {
LOG(FATAL) << "Backward of " << name << " is not decalred";
return {};
std::vector<std::pair<int, void*> > BackwardInplaceOption(
const std::vector<int> &out_grad,
const std::vector<int> &in_data,
const std::vector<int> &out_data,
const std::vector<void*> &in_grad) const override {
if (source->binary_backward_inplace_out_lhs_) {
return {{out_grad[0], in_grad[0]}};
} else {
return {};
std::vector<std::pair<int, void*> > ForwardInplaceOption(
const std::vector<int> &in_data,
const std::vector<void*> &out_data) const override {
if (source->binary_forward_inplace_lhs_out_) {
return {{in_data[0], out_data[0]}};
} else {
return {};
Operator* CreateOperator(Context ctx) const override {
size_t dev_mask = ctx.dev_mask();
SimpleBinaryOperator *op = new SimpleBinaryOperator();
CHECK(dev_mask < source->fbinary_.size() && source->fbinary_[dev_mask] != nullptr);
op->forward = source->fbinary_[dev_mask];
op->env = this->env;
if (dev_mask < source->fbinary_grad_t0_.size()) {
op->backward0 = source->fbinary_grad_t0_[dev_mask];
if (dev_mask < source->fbinary_grad_t1_.size()) {
op->backward1 = source->fbinary_grad_t1_[dev_mask];
return op;
void SimpleOpRegEntryImpl::RegisterBinarySymbolic() {
// register the operator
auto op_factory = [this]() {
SimpleBinaryOpProp *prop = new SimpleBinaryOpProp();
prop->name = symbol_name_;
prop->source = this;
return prop;
.add_argument("lhs", "NDArray-or-Symbol", "Left symbolic input to the function")
.add_argument("rhs", "NDArray-or-Symbol", "Right symbolic input to the function");
} // namespace op
} // namespace mxnet