blob: a43d092bceb65676e4a5ba8ef3ff5ccae9e2bf31 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015 by Contributors
* \file operator_common.h
* \brief common internal header of most operators
* this header includes utility functions operator can use
* \author Bing Xu
#include <dmlc/json.h>
#include <dmlc/logging.h>
#include <mxnet/operator.h>
#include <mxnet/base.h>
#include <istream>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "../common/cuda_utils.h"
namespace mxnet {
namespace op {
* \brief assign the expression to out according to request
* \param out the data to be assigned
* \param req the assignment request
* \param exp the expression
* \tparam OType output type
* \tparam Exp expression type
#define Assign(out, req, exp) \
{ \
switch (req) { \
case kNullOp: \
break; \
case kWriteTo: \
case kWriteInplace: \
(out) = (exp); \
break; \
case kAddTo: \
(out) += (exp); \
break; \
default: \
LOG(FATAL) << "not reached"; \
} \
/*! \brief exception throwed by InferShape error */
struct InferShapeError : public dmlc::Error {
/*! \brief analyze message */
std::string msg;
/*! \brief corresponding input index */
int index;
// constructor
InferShapeError(const std::string& msg_, int index)
: dmlc::Error(msg_), msg(msg_), index(index) {}
/*! \brief exception throwed by InferShape error */
struct InferTypeError : public dmlc::Error {
/*! \brief analyze message */
std::string msg;
/*! \brief corresponding input index */
int index;
// constructor
InferTypeError(const std::string& msg_, int index)
: dmlc::Error(msg_), msg(msg_), index(index) {}
/*! \brief check if shape is empty or contains unkown (0) dim. */
inline bool shape_is_none(const TShape& x) {
return x.ndim() == 0 || x.Size() == 0;
/*! \brief check if type is none (-1) */
inline bool type_is_none(const int& x) {
return x == -1;
/*! \brief check if shape is scalar({1}). */
inline bool shape_is_scalar(const TShape& x) {
return x.ndim() == 1 && x.Size() == 1;
/*! \brief get string representation of shape */
inline std::string shape_string(const TShape& x) {
std::ostringstream os;
os << x;
return os.str();
/*! \brief get string representation of shape */
inline std::string type_string(const int& x) {
switch (x) {
case mshadow::kFloat32:
return "float32";
case mshadow::kFloat64:
return "float64";
case mshadow::kFloat16:
return "float16";
case mshadow::kUint8:
return "uint8";
case mshadow::kInt32:
return "int32";
return "unknown";
* \brief Assign x to y. Checks for compatiblity when y is not empty.
* Allow missing dim in both x and y (as 0).
* \param y target shape.
* \param x source shape.
* \return whether x and y are compatible.
inline bool shape_assign(TShape *y, const TShape& x) {
if (y->ndim() == 0) {
*y = x;
return true;
} else if (y->ndim() != x.ndim()) {
return x.ndim() == 0;
} else {
for (size_t i = 0; i < y->ndim(); ++i) {
if ((*y)[i] == 0) {
(*y)[i] = x[i];
} else if ((*y)[i] != x[i] && x[i] != 0) {
return false;
return true;
* \brief Assign x to y. Checks for compatiblity when y is not -1.
* \param y target type.
* \param x source type.
* \return whether x and y are compatible.
inline bool type_assign(int *y, const int& x) {
if (*y == -1) {
*y = x;
return true;
} else if (*y != x && x != -1) {
return false;
return true;
* \brief macro assign shape to out if out is unknown otherwise check consistency
* Use macro so we can see the error file more clearly
* \param shape_array the shape array to store the result
* \param index the index of in the array
* \param shape the inferred shape
#define SHAPE_ASSIGN_CHECK(shape_array, index, shape) \
{ \
if (!shape_assign(&(shape_array)[index], TShape(shape))) { \
std::ostringstream os; \
os << "Shape inconsistent, Provided=" << (shape_array)[index] << ',' \
<< " inferred shape=" << shape; \
throw ::mxnet::op::InferShapeError(os.str(), index); \
} \
* \brief macro assign type to out if out is unknown (-1) otherwise check consistency
* Use macro so we can see the error file more clearly
* \param type_array the type array to store the result
* \param index the index of in the array
* \param type the inferred type
#define TYPE_ASSIGN_CHECK(type_array, index, type) \
{ \
if (!type_assign(&(type_array)[index], type)) { \
std::ostringstream os; \
os << "Type inconsistent, Provided=" \
<< type_string((type_array)[index]) << ',' \
<< " inferred type=" << type_string(type); \
throw ::mxnet::op::InferTypeError(os.str(), index); \
} \
// helper macro to implement bind dispatch
#define DO_BIND_DISPATCH(Method, ...) \
if (ctx.dev_mask() == cpu::kDevMask) { \
return Method<cpu>(__VA_ARGS__); \
} else { \
return Method<gpu>(__VA_ARGS__); \
#define DO_BIND_DISPATCH(Method, ...) \
if (ctx.dev_mask() == cpu::kDevMask) { \
return Method<cpu>(__VA_ARGS__); \
} else { \
LOG(FATAL) << "GPU is not enabled"; \
return nullptr; \
// make a new node with operator op_name. Inputs are not filled.
inline nnvm::NodePtr MakeNode(
const char* op_name, const std::string& name,
std::vector<nnvm::NodeEntry> const * inputs,
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> const * dict,
nnvm::NodePtr const * fwd_node) {
auto p = nnvm::Node::Create();
p->attrs.op = nnvm::Op::Get(op_name);
p-> = name;
if (dict != nullptr) p->attrs.dict = *dict;
if (inputs != nullptr) p->inputs = *inputs;
if (fwd_node != nullptr) {
if (p->op()->attr_parser != nullptr) {
return p;
inline nnvm::NodePtr MakeNode(
const char* op_name, const std::string& name,
const std::vector<nnvm::NodeEntry>& inputs,
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> const * dict,
nnvm::NodePtr const * fwd_node) {
return MakeNode(op_name, name, &inputs, dict, fwd_node);
// quick helper to make node
inline std::vector<nnvm::NodeEntry> MakeGradNode(
const char* op_name, const nnvm::NodePtr& n,
const std::vector<nnvm::NodeEntry>& inputs,
const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>& dict) {
auto p = MakeNode(op_name, n-> + "_backward",
&inputs, &dict, &n);
std::vector<nnvm::NodeEntry> ret;
for (index_t i = 0; i < p->num_outputs(); ++i) {
ret.emplace_back(nnvm::NodeEntry{p, i, 0});
return ret;
// quick helper to make gradient nodes that simply pass back zero. could be used in output ops.
inline std::vector<nnvm::NodeEntry> MakeZeroGradNodes(
const nnvm::NodePtr& n,
const std::vector<nnvm::NodeEntry>& ograds) {
std::vector<nnvm::NodeEntry> ret;
for (index_t i = 0; i < n->num_inputs(); ++i) {
std::ostringstream os;
if (1 == n->num_inputs()) {
os << n-> << "_backward";
} else {
os << n-> << "_in" << i << "_backward";
auto p = MakeNode("zeros_like", os.str(), {n->inputs[i]}, nullptr, &n);
ret.emplace_back(nnvm::NodeEntry{p, 0, 0});
return ret;
// check whether all output grads are zero.
inline bool CheckGradAllZero(const std::vector<nnvm::NodeEntry>& ograds) {
const auto zero_op = nnvm::Op::Get("_zeros");
const auto zero_like_op = nnvm::Op::Get("zeros_like");
if (!ograds.size()) return false;
for (const auto& grad : ograds) {
if (!grad.node) return false;
if (grad.node->op() != zero_op && grad.node->op() != zero_like_op ) return false;
return true;
// make gradient node that doesn't add to objective.
// i.e. igrads are always zero when ograds are zero.
inline std::vector<nnvm::NodeEntry> MakeNonlossGradNode(
const char* op_name, const nnvm::NodePtr& n,
const std::vector<nnvm::NodeEntry>& ograds,
const std::vector<nnvm::NodeEntry>& inputs,
const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> dict) {
if (CheckGradAllZero(ograds)) return MakeZeroGradNodes(n, ograds);
auto p = MakeNode(op_name, n-> + "_backward",
nullptr, &dict, &n);
p->inputs.insert(p->inputs.end(), ograds.begin(), ograds.end());
p->inputs.insert(p->inputs.end(), inputs.begin(), inputs.end());
std::vector<nnvm::NodeEntry> ret;
for (index_t i = 0; i < p->num_outputs(); ++i) {
ret.emplace_back(nnvm::NodeEntry{p, i, 0});
return ret;
/*! \brief Parse keyword arguments as PType arguments and save to parsed */
template<typename PType>
inline void ParamParser(nnvm::NodeAttrs* attrs) {
PType param;
try {
} catch (const dmlc::ParamError& e) {
std::ostringstream os;
os << e.what();
os << ", in operator " << attrs->op->name << "("
<< "name=\"" << attrs->name << "\"";
for (const auto& k : attrs->dict) {
os << ", " << k.first << "=\"" << k.second << "\"";
os << ")";
throw dmlc::ParamError(os.str());
attrs->parsed = std::move(param);
} // namespace op
} // namespace mxnet