blob: 25fe17edb5ee9f96563468e980c29b3a815776e3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015 by Contributors
* \file
* \brief
* \author Bing Xu
#include "./leaky_relu-inl.h"
#include <nnvm/op_attr_types.h>
namespace mxnet {
namespace op {
Operator *CreateOp<cpu>(LeakyReLUParam param) {
return new LeakyReLUOp<cpu>(param);
Operator *LeakyReLUProp::CreateOperator(Context ctx) const {
DO_BIND_DISPATCH(CreateOp, param_);
.describe(R"code(Applies Leaky rectified linear unit activation element-wise to the input.
Leaky ReLUs attempt to fix the "dying ReLU" problem by allowing a small `slope`
when the input is negative and has a slope of one when input is positive.
The following modified ReLU Activation functions are supported:
- *elu*: Exponential Linear Unit. `y = x > 0 ? x : slope * (exp(x)-1)`
- *leaky*: Leaky ReLU. `y = x > 0 ? x : slope * x`
- *prelu*: Parametric ReLU. This is same as *leaky* except that `slope` is learnt during training.
- *rrelu*: Randomized ReLU. same as *leaky* but the `slope` is uniformly and randomly chosen from
*[lower_bound, upper_bound)* for training, while fixed to be
*(lower_bound+upper_bound)/2* for inference.
.add_argument("data", "NDArray-or-Symbol", "Input data to activation function.")
[](const nnvm::NodeAttrs& attrs, nnvm::NodePtr var, const int index) {
if (index == 1 && var->attrs.dict.find("__init__") == var->attrs.dict.end()) {
var->attrs.dict["__init__"] = "[\"Constant\", {\"value\": 0.25}]";
} // namespace op
} // namespace mxnet