blob: b26ae04f2d0bcd1f2fd3545647fb32f005db40ac [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright [2016] <Contributors>
* \file
* \brief Correlation operator
* \author Xu Dong
#include "./correlation-inl.h"
#include <mshadow/tensor.h>
#include <mshadow/cuda/reduce.cuh>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#define ROUND_OFF 50000
#define CORRELATION_CUDA_CHECK(condition) \
/* Code block avoids redefinition of cudaError_t error */ \
do { \
cudaError_t error = condition; \
CHECK_EQ(error, cudaSuccess) << " " << cudaGetErrorString(error); \
} while (0)
#define CUDA_KERNEL_LOOP(i, n) \
for (int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; \
i < (n); \
i += blockDim.x * gridDim.x)
namespace mshadow {
namespace cuda {
// == Correlation Kernel
template <typename Dtype>
__global__ void CorrelateData(const int nthreads, int num, int topwidth,
int topheight, int topchannels, int topcount,
int max_displacement, int neighborhood_grid_radius,
int neighborhood_grid_width, int kernel_radius, int kernel_size, int stride1, int stride2,
int bottomwidth, int bottomheight, int bottomchannels,
const Dtype *bottom0, const Dtype *bottom1, Dtype *top) {
extern __shared__ char patch_data_char[];
Dtype *patch_data = reinterpret_cast<Dtype *>(patch_data_char);
// First (upper left) position of kernel upper-left corner
// in current center position of neighborhood in image 1
int x1 = blockIdx.x * stride1 + max_displacement;
int y1 = blockIdx.y * stride1 + max_displacement;
int item = blockIdx.z;
int ch_off = threadIdx.x;
// Load 3D patch into shared shared memory
for (int j = 0; j < kernel_size; j++) { // HEIGHT
for (int i = 0; i < kernel_size; i++) { // WIDTH
int ji_off = ((j * kernel_size) + i) * bottomchannels;
for (int ch = ch_off; ch < bottomchannels; ch += (THREADS_PER_WARP * WARPS_PER_BLOCK)) {
int idx1 = ((item * bottomheight + y1+j) * bottomwidth + x1+i) * bottomchannels + ch;
int idxPatchData = ji_off + ch;
patch_data[idxPatchData] = bottom0[idx1];
__shared__ Dtype sum[THREADS_PER_WARP * WARPS_PER_BLOCK];
// Compute correlation
for (int top_channel = 0; top_channel < topchannels; top_channel++) {
sum[ch_off] = 0;
int s2o = (top_channel % neighborhood_grid_width - neighborhood_grid_radius) * stride2;
int s2p = (top_channel / neighborhood_grid_width - neighborhood_grid_radius) * stride2;
for (int j = 0; j < kernel_size; j++) { // HEIGHT
for (int i = 0; i < kernel_size; i++) { // WIDTH
int ji_off = ((j * kernel_size) + i) * bottomchannels;
for (int ch = ch_off; ch < bottomchannels; ch += (THREADS_PER_WARP * WARPS_PER_BLOCK)) {
int x2 = x1 + s2o;
int y2 = y1 + s2p;
int idxPatchData = ji_off + ch;
int idx2 = ((item * bottomheight + y2 + j) * bottomwidth + x2 + i) * bottomchannels + ch;
sum[ch_off] += patch_data[idxPatchData] * bottom1[idx2];
if (ch_off == 0) {
Dtype total_sum = 0;
for (int idx = 0; idx < THREADS_PER_WARP * WARPS_PER_BLOCK; idx++) {
total_sum += sum[idx];
const int sumelems = kernel_size * kernel_size * bottomchannels;
const int index = ((top_channel * topheight + blockIdx.y) * topwidth) + blockIdx.x;
top[index + item*topcount] = total_sum / static_cast<float>(sumelems);
} // Aggregate result of different threads
// == Correlation Backward Pass Kernel (For data1)
template <typename Dtype>
__global__ void CorrelateDataBackward0(const int nthreads, int num, int item,
int topwidth, int topheight, int topchannels,
int max_displacement, int neighborhood_grid_radius,
int neighborhood_grid_width, int kernel_radius, int stride1, int stride2,
int bottomwidth, int bottomheight, int pbottomwidth, int pbottomheight,
int bottomchannels, int bottomcount, int pad_size,
Dtype *bottom0diff, const Dtype *bottom1, const Dtype *topdiff) {
CUDA_KERNEL_LOOP(index, nthreads) {
int n = index % bottomchannels; // channels
int l = (index / bottomchannels) % bottomwidth + pad_size; // w-pos
int m = (index / bottomchannels / bottomwidth) % bottomheight + pad_size; // h-pos
// Get X,Y ranges and clamp
// round_off is a trick to enable integer division with ceil, even for negative numbers
// We use a large offset, for the inner part not to become negative.
const int round_off = ROUND_OFF;
const int round_off_s1 = stride1 * round_off;
// We add round_off before_s1 the int division and subtract round_off after it,
// to ensure the formula matches ceil behavior:
int xmin = (l - 2*kernel_radius - max_displacement + round_off_s1 - 1)\
/ stride1 + 1 - round_off; // ceil (l - 2*kernel_radius - max_displacement) / stride1
int ymin = (m - 2*kernel_radius - max_displacement + round_off_s1 - 1)\
/ stride1 + 1 - round_off; // ceil (l - 2*kernel_radius - max_displacement) / stride1
// Same here:
int xmax = (l - max_displacement + round_off_s1) / stride1 - round_off;
// floor (l - max_displacement) / stride1
int ymax = (m - max_displacement + round_off_s1) / stride1 - round_off;
// floor (m - max_displacement) / stride1
Dtype sum = 0;
if (xmax >= 0 && ymax >= 0 && (xmin <= topwidth-1) && (ymin <= topheight-1)) {
xmin = max(0, xmin);
xmax = min(topwidth-1, xmax);
ymin = max(0, ymin);
ymax = min(topheight-1, ymax);
for (int p = -neighborhood_grid_radius; p <= neighborhood_grid_radius; p++) {
for (int o = -neighborhood_grid_radius; o <= neighborhood_grid_radius; o++) {
// Get bottom1 data:
int s2o = stride2 * o;
int s2p = stride2 * p;
int idxbot1 = ((item * pbottomheight + (m + s2p)) * pbottomwidth + (l + s2o))\
* bottomchannels + n;
Dtype bot1tmp = bottom1[idxbot1]; // bottom1[l+s2o,m+s2p,n]
// Index offset for topdiff in following loops:
int op = (p+neighborhood_grid_radius) * neighborhood_grid_width\
+ (o + neighborhood_grid_radius); // index [o,p]
int idxopoffset = (item * topchannels + op);
for (int y = ymin; y <= ymax; y++) {
for (int x = xmin; x <= xmax; x++) {
int idxtopdiff = (idxopoffset * topheight + y) * topwidth + x; // topdiff[x,y,o,p]
sum += topdiff[idxtopdiff] * bot1tmp;
const int sumelems = (kernel_radius * 2 + 1) * (kernel_radius * 2+1) * bottomchannels;
const int bot0index = ((n * bottomheight) + (m-pad_size)) * bottomwidth + (l-pad_size);
bottom0diff[bot0index + item * bottomcount] = sum / static_cast<float>(sumelems);
// == Correlation Backward Pass Kernel (For Blob 1)
template <typename Dtype>
__global__ void CorrelateDataBackward1(const int nthreads,
int num, int item, int topwidth, int topheight, int topchannels,
int max_displacement, int neighborhood_grid_radius,
int neighborhood_grid_width, int kernel_radius, int stride1, int stride2,
int bottomwidth, int bottomheight, int pbottomwidth, int pbottomheight,
int bottomchannels, int bottomcount, int pad_size,
const Dtype *bottom0, Dtype *bottom1diff, const Dtype *topdiff) {
CUDA_KERNEL_LOOP(index, nthreads) {
// int l = index % bottomwidth + pad_size; //w-pos
// int m = (index / bottomwidth) % bottomheight + pad_size; // h-pos
// int n = (index / bottomwidth / bottomheight) % bottomchannels; // channels
int n = index % bottomchannels; // channels
int l = (index / bottomchannels) % bottomwidth + pad_size; // w-pos
int m = (index / bottomchannels / bottomwidth) % bottomheight + pad_size; // h-pos
// round_off is a trick to enable integer division with ceil, even for negative numbers
// We use a large offset, for the inner part not to become negative.
const int round_off = ROUND_OFF;
const int round_off_s1 = stride1 * round_off;
Dtype sum = 0;
for (int p = -neighborhood_grid_radius; p <= neighborhood_grid_radius; p++) {
for (int o = -neighborhood_grid_radius; o <= neighborhood_grid_radius; o++) {
int s2o = stride2 * o;
int s2p = stride2 * p;
// Get X,Y ranges and clamp
// We add round_off before_s1 the int division and subtract round_off after it,
// to ensure the formula matches ceil behavior:
int xmin = (l - 2*kernel_radius - max_displacement - s2o + round_off_s1 - 1)\
/ stride1 + 1 - round_off;
// ceil (l - 2*kernel_radius - max_displacement - s2o) / stride1
int ymin = (m - 2*kernel_radius - max_displacement - s2p + round_off_s1 - 1)\
/ stride1 + 1 - round_off;
// ceil (l - 2*kernel_radius - max_displacement - s2o) / stride1
// Same here:
int xmax = (l - max_displacement - s2o + round_off_s1) / stride1 - round_off;
// floor (l - max_displacement - s2o) / stride1
int ymax = (m - max_displacement - s2p + round_off_s1) / stride1 - round_off;
// floor (m - max_displacement - s2p) / stride1
if (xmax >= 0 && ymax >= 0 && (xmin <= topwidth - 1) && (ymin <= topheight - 1)) {
xmin = max(0, xmin);
xmax = min(topwidth-1, xmax);
ymin = max(0, ymin);
ymax = min(topheight-1, ymax);
// Get bottom0 data:
int idxbot0 = ((item * pbottomheight + (m - s2p)) \
* pbottomwidth + (l - s2o)) * bottomchannels + n;
Dtype bot0tmp = bottom0[idxbot0]; // bottom1[l+s2o,m+s2p,n]
// Index offset for topdiff in following loops:
int op = (p+neighborhood_grid_radius) * \
neighborhood_grid_width + (o+neighborhood_grid_radius); // index [o,p]
int idxOpOffset = (item * topchannels + op);
for (int y = ymin; y <= ymax; y++) {
for (int x = xmin; x <= xmax; x++) {
int idxtopdiff = (idxOpOffset * topheight + y)\
* topwidth + x; // topdiff[x,y,o,p]
sum += topdiff[idxtopdiff] * bot0tmp;
const int sumelems = (kernel_radius*2+1)*(kernel_radius*2+1)*bottomchannels;
const int bot1index = ((n * bottomheight) + (m - pad_size)) * bottomwidth + (l - pad_size);
bottom1diff[bot1index + item * bottomcount] = sum / static_cast<float>(sumelems);
// == Correlation Kernel Subtraction
template <typename Dtype>
__global__ void CorrelateDataSubtract(const int nthreads, int num, int item,
int topwidth, int topheight, int topchannels, int topcount,
int max_displacement, int neighborhood_grid_radius,
int neighborhood_grid_width, int kernel_radius, int stride1, int stride2,
int bottomwidth, int bottomheight, int bottomchannels,
const Dtype *bottom0, const Dtype *bottom1, Dtype *top) {
CUDA_KERNEL_LOOP(index, nthreads) {
int x = index % topwidth; // w-pos
int y = (index / topwidth) % topheight; // h-pos
int c = (index / topwidth / topheight) % topchannels; // channels
// Offset of patch in image 2
int s2o = (c % neighborhood_grid_width - neighborhood_grid_radius) * stride2;
int s2p = (c / neighborhood_grid_width - neighborhood_grid_radius) * stride2;
// First (upper left) position of kernel center in current neighborhood in image 1
int x1 = x*stride1 + kernel_radius + max_displacement;
int y1 = y*stride1 + kernel_radius + max_displacement;
// Iterate through 3D patch
Dtype sum = 0;
for (int j = -kernel_radius; j <= kernel_radius; j++) { // HEIGHT
for (int i = -kernel_radius; i <= kernel_radius; i++) { // WIDTH
for (int l = 0; l < bottomchannels; l++) { // CHANNELS
// Calculate position in image 2
int x2 = x1 + s2o;
int y2 = y1 + s2p;
// Indices in bottom data: (CH=l,W=x2,H=y2,N)
int idx1 = ((item * bottomheight + y1 + j) * bottomwidth + x1 + i) \
* bottomchannels + l;
int idx2 = ((item * bottomheight + y2 + j) * bottomwidth + x2 + i) \
* bottomchannels + l;
// Do the correlation:
sum += fabsf(bottom0[idx1] - bottom1[idx2]);
const int sumelems = (kernel_radius * 2 + 1) * (kernel_radius * 2 + 1) * bottomchannels;
top[index + item * topcount] = sum / static_cast<float>(sumelems);
// == Correlation Backward Pass Kernel (For Blob 0)
template <typename Dtype>
__global__ void CorrelateDataBackward0Subtract(const int nthreads, int num,
int item, int topwidth, int topheight, int topchannels,
int max_displacement, int neighborhood_grid_radius,
int neighborhood_grid_width, int kernel_radius,
int stride1, int stride2, int bottomwidth, int bottomheight,
int pbottomwidth, int pbottomheight,
int bottomchannels, int bottomcount, int pad_size,
Dtype *bottom0diff, const Dtype *bottom0, const Dtype *bottom1, const Dtype *topdiff) {
CUDA_KERNEL_LOOP(index, nthreads) {
int n = index % bottomchannels; // channels
int l = (index / bottomchannels) % bottomwidth + pad_size; // w-pos
int m = (index / bottomchannels / bottomwidth) % bottomheight + pad_size; // h-pos
// Get X,Y ranges and clamp
// round_off is a trick to enable integer division with ceil, even for negative numbers
// We use a large offset, for the inner part not to become negative.
const int round_off = ROUND_OFF;
const int round_off_s1 = stride1 * round_off;
int idxbot0 = ((item * pbottomheight + m) * pbottomwidth + l)\
* bottomchannels + n;
// We add round_off before_s1 the int division and subtract round_off after it,
// to ensure the formula matches ceil behavior:
int xmin = (l - 2*kernel_radius - max_displacement + round_off_s1 - 1)\
/ stride1 + 1 - round_off; // ceil (l - 2*kernel_radius - max_displacement) / stride1
int ymin = (m - 2*kernel_radius - max_displacement + round_off_s1 - 1)\
/ stride1 + 1 - round_off; // ceil (l - 2*kernel_radius - max_displacement) / stride1
// Same here:
int xmax = (l - max_displacement + round_off_s1) / stride1 - round_off;
// floor (l - max_displacement) / stride1
int ymax = (m - max_displacement + round_off_s1) / stride1 - round_off;
// floor (m - max_displacement) / stride1
Dtype sum = 0;
if (xmax >= 0 && ymax >= 0 && (xmin <= topwidth-1) && (ymin <= topheight-1)) {
xmin = max(0, xmin);
xmax = min(topwidth-1, xmax);
ymin = max(0, ymin);
ymax = min(topheight-1, ymax);
for (int p = -neighborhood_grid_radius; p <= neighborhood_grid_radius; p++) {
for (int o = -neighborhood_grid_radius; o <= neighborhood_grid_radius; o++) {
// Get bottom1 data:
int s2o = stride2 * o;
int s2p = stride2 * p;
int idxbot1 = ((item * pbottomheight + (m+s2p)) * pbottomwidth\
+ (l+s2o)) * bottomchannels + n;
Dtype bot0tmp = bottom0[idxbot0];
Dtype bot1tmp = bottom1[idxbot1];
Dtype sign = (bot0tmp >= bot1tmp) ? Dtype(1.0) : Dtype(-1.0);
// Index offset for topdiff in following loops:
int op = (p+neighborhood_grid_radius) * neighborhood_grid_width\
+ (o + neighborhood_grid_radius); // index [o,p]
int idxopoffset = (item * topchannels + op);
for (int y = ymin; y <= ymax; y++) {
for (int x = xmin; x <= xmax; x++) {
int idxtopdiff = (idxopoffset * topheight + y) * topwidth + x; // topdiff[x,y,o,p]
sum += topdiff[idxtopdiff] * sign;
const int sumelems = (kernel_radius * 2 + 1) * (kernel_radius * 2+1) * bottomchannels;
const int bot0index = ((n * bottomheight) + (m-pad_size)) * bottomwidth + (l-pad_size);
bottom0diff[bot0index + item * bottomcount] = sum / static_cast<float>(sumelems);
// == Correlation Backward Pass Kernel (For Blob 1)
template <typename Dtype>
__global__ void CorrelateDataBackward1Subtract(const int nthreads, int num,
int item, int topwidth, int topheight, int topchannels,
int max_displacement, int neighborhood_grid_radius,
int neighborhood_grid_width, int kernel_radius,
int stride1, int stride2, int bottomwidth, int bottomheight,
int pbottomwidth, int pbottomheight, int bottomchannels,
int bottomcount, int pad_size, const Dtype *bottom0,
const Dtype *bottom1, Dtype *bottom1diff, const Dtype *topdiff) {
CUDA_KERNEL_LOOP(index, nthreads) {
// int l = index % bottomwidth + pad_size; //w-pos
// int m = (index / bottomwidth) % bottomheight + pad_size; // h-pos
// int n = (index / bottomwidth / bottomheight) % bottomchannels; // channels
int n = index % bottomchannels; // channels
int l = (index / bottomchannels) % bottomwidth + pad_size; // w-pos
int m = (index / bottomchannels / bottomwidth) % bottomheight + pad_size; // h-pos
// round_off is a trick to enable integer division with ceil, even for negative numbers
// We use a large offset, for the inner part not to become negative.
const int round_off = ROUND_OFF;
const int round_off_s1 = stride1 * round_off;
Dtype sum = 0;
int idxbot1 = ((item * pbottomheight + m) * pbottomwidth + l)\
* bottomchannels + n;
for (int p = -neighborhood_grid_radius; p <= neighborhood_grid_radius; p++) {
for (int o = -neighborhood_grid_radius; o <= neighborhood_grid_radius; o++) {
int s2o = stride2 * o;
int s2p = stride2 * p;
// Get X,Y ranges and clamp
// We add round_off before_s1 the int division and subtract round_off after it,
// to ensure the formula matches ceil behavior:
int xmin = (l - 2*kernel_radius - max_displacement - s2o + round_off_s1 - 1)\
/ stride1 + 1 - round_off;
// ceil (l - 2*kernel_radius - max_displacement - s2o) / stride1
int ymin = (m - 2*kernel_radius - max_displacement - s2p + round_off_s1 - 1)\
/ stride1 + 1 - round_off;
// ceil (l - 2*kernel_radius - max_displacement - s2o) / stride1
// Same here:
int xmax = (l - max_displacement - s2o + round_off_s1) / stride1 - round_off;
// floor (l - max_displacement - s2o) / stride1
int ymax = (m - max_displacement - s2p + round_off_s1) / stride1 - round_off;
// floor (m - max_displacement - s2p) / stride1
if (xmax >= 0 && ymax >= 0 && (xmin <= topwidth - 1) && (ymin <= topheight - 1)) {
xmin = max(0, xmin);
xmax = min(topwidth-1, xmax);
ymin = max(0, ymin);
ymax = min(topheight-1, ymax);
// Get bottom0 data:
int idxbot0 = ((item * pbottomheight + (m - s2p)) * pbottomwidth + (l - s2o))\
* bottomchannels + n;
// bottom0[l+s2o,m+s2p,n]
Dtype bot0tmp = bottom0[idxbot0];
Dtype bot1tmp = bottom1[idxbot1];
Dtype sign = (bot0tmp >= bot1tmp) ? Dtype(-1.0) : Dtype(1.0);
// Index offset for topdiff in following loops:
int op = (p+neighborhood_grid_radius) * \
neighborhood_grid_width + (o+neighborhood_grid_radius); // index [o,p]
int idxOpOffset = (item * topchannels + op);
for (int y = ymin; y <= ymax; y++) {
for (int x = xmin; x <= xmax; x++) {
int idxtopdiff = (idxOpOffset * topheight + y)\
* topwidth + x; // topdiff[x,y,o,p]
sum += topdiff[idxtopdiff] * sign;
const int sumelems = (kernel_radius*2+1)*(kernel_radius*2+1)*bottomchannels;
const int bot1index = ((n * bottomheight) + (m - pad_size)) * bottomwidth + (l - pad_size);
bottom1diff[bot1index + item * bottomcount] = sum / static_cast<float>(sumelems);
// == Forward
// == Dimension rearrangement Kernel
template <typename Dtype>
__global__ void blob_rearrange_kernel2(const Dtype* in, Dtype* out, int num,
int channels, int width, int height, int widthheight, int padding, int pwidthheight) {
// change shape from [batchsize,channel,y,x] to [batchsize,y,x,channel]
int xy = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (xy >= widthheight )
int ch = blockIdx.y;
int n = blockIdx.z;
Dtype value = in[(n * channels + ch) * widthheight + xy];
int xpad = (xy % width + padding);
int ypad = (xy / width + padding);
int xypad = ypad * (width + 2 * padding) + xpad;
out[(n * pwidthheight + xypad) * channels + ch] = value;
template <typename Dtype>
void Forward_gpu(
const Tensor<gpu, 4, Dtype> &out,
const Tensor<gpu, 4, Dtype> &data1,
const Tensor<gpu, 4, Dtype> &data2,
const Tensor<gpu, 4, Dtype> &tmp1,
const Tensor<gpu, 4, Dtype> &tmp2,
int top_channels_, int top_height_, int top_width_, int pad_size_,
bool is_multiply, int max_displacement_, int kernel_size_,
int neighborhood_grid_radius_, int neighborhood_grid_width_,
int kernel_radius_, int stride1_, int stride2_, cudaStream_t stream,
cudaStream_t stream_tmp1, cudaStream_t stream_tmp2) {
const Dtype *bottom_data1 = data1.dptr_;
const Dtype *bottom_data2 = data2.dptr_;
Dtype *rbot1 = tmp1.dptr_;
Dtype *rbot2 = tmp2.dptr_;
Dtype *top = out.dptr_;
const int bnum = data1.size(0);
const int bchannels = data1.size(1);
const int bheight = data1.size(2);
const int bwidth = data1.size(3);
const int bwidthheight = bwidth * bheight;
const int topcount = top_width_ * top_height_ * top_channels_;
int threads_per_block = 16;
dim3 totalBlocksRearr((bwidthheight - 1) / threads_per_block + 1, bchannels, bnum);
const int pwidthheight = (bwidth + 2 * pad_size_) * (bheight + 2 * pad_size_);
blob_rearrange_kernel2<Dtype><<<totalBlocksRearr, threads_per_block, 0, stream_tmp1>>>
(bottom_data1, rbot1, bnum, bchannels, bwidth, bheight, bwidthheight, pad_size_, pwidthheight);
blob_rearrange_kernel2<Dtype><<<totalBlocksRearr, threads_per_block, 0, stream_tmp2>>>
(bottom_data2, rbot2, bnum, bchannels, bwidth, bheight, bwidthheight, pad_size_, pwidthheight);
const int num = bnum;
const int channels = bchannels;
const int height = bheight + 2 * pad_size_;
const int width = bwidth + 2 * pad_size_;
const int shared_memory_per_block = (kernel_size_ * kernel_size_) * bchannels;
if (is_multiply == true) {
// CorrelationLayer
int topThreadCount = topcount;
dim3 totalBlocksCorr(top_width_, top_height_, num);
CorrelateData<Dtype><<<totalBlocksCorr, threadsPerBlock,
shared_memory_per_block * sizeof(Dtype), stream>>>(
num, top_width_, top_height_, top_channels_, topcount,
max_displacement_, neighborhood_grid_radius_,
neighborhood_grid_width_, kernel_radius_, kernel_size_,
stride1_, stride2_,
width, height, channels,
rbot1, rbot2, top);
} else {
// CorrelationLayer
for (int n = 0; n < num; n++) {
int topThreadCount = topcount;
const int gridSize = (topThreadCount + kMaxThreadsPerBlock - 1)\
/ kMaxThreadsPerBlock;
CorrelateDataSubtract<Dtype><<<gridSize, kMaxThreadsPerBlock, 0, stream>>>(
num, n, top_width_, top_height_, top_channels_, topcount,
max_displacement_, neighborhood_grid_radius_,
neighborhood_grid_width_, kernel_radius_,
stride1_, stride2_, width, height, channels, rbot1, rbot2, top);
template <typename Dtype>
void Backward_gpu(
const Tensor<gpu, 4, Dtype> &out_grad,
const Tensor<gpu, 4, Dtype> &in_grad1,
const Tensor<gpu, 4, Dtype> &in_grad2,
const Tensor<gpu, 4, Dtype> &tmp1,
const Tensor<gpu, 4, Dtype> &tmp2,
int top_channels_, int top_height_,
int top_width_, int pad_size_, bool is_multiply,
int max_displacement_, int kernel_size_,
int neighborhood_grid_radius_, int neighborhood_grid_width_,
int kernel_radius_, int stride1_, int stride2_,
cudaStream_t stream0, cudaStream_t stream1,
int num, int channels, int height, int width) {
// Get top diff, compute bottom diff
const Dtype* top_diff = out_grad.dptr_;
Dtype* bottom0_diff = in_grad1.dptr_;
Dtype* bottom1_diff = in_grad2.dptr_;
const Dtype* rbot1 = tmp1.dptr_;
const Dtype* rbot2 = tmp2.dptr_;
const int paddedheight = height + 2 * pad_size_;
const int paddedwidth = width + 2 * pad_size_;
const int bottomcount = channels * height * width;
int botThreadCount = bottomcount;
const int gridSize = (botThreadCount + kMaxThreadsPerBlock - 1) / kMaxThreadsPerBlock;
// CorrelationLayerBackward
if (is_multiply == true) {
// == Run kernel Backward 0
dim3 totalBlocksBackward0(width, height, channels * num); // First dim is fastest
const int buffer_size_backw0 = \
(static_cast<int>(ceil(static_cast<float>(2 * kernel_radius_)\
/ static_cast<float>(stride1_))) + 1) * top_channels_;
// == Run kernel Backward 0
for (int n = 0; n < num; n++) {
CorrelateDataBackward0<Dtype><<<gridSize, kMaxThreadsPerBlock, 0, stream0>>>(
num, n, top_width_, top_height_, top_channels_,
max_displacement_, neighborhood_grid_radius_, neighborhood_grid_width_, kernel_radius_,
stride1_, stride2_,
width, height, paddedwidth, paddedheight, channels, bottomcount, pad_size_,
bottom0_diff, rbot2, top_diff);
// == Run kernel Backward 1
for (int n = 0; n < num; n++) {
CorrelateDataBackward1<Dtype><<<gridSize, kMaxThreadsPerBlock, 0, stream1>>>(
num, n, top_width_, top_height_, top_channels_,
max_displacement_, neighborhood_grid_radius_, neighborhood_grid_width_, kernel_radius_,
stride1_, stride2_,
width, height, paddedwidth, paddedheight, channels, bottomcount, pad_size_,
rbot1, bottom1_diff, top_diff);
} else {
for (int n = 0; n < num; n++) {
// Bottom0:
CorrelateDataBackward0Subtract<Dtype><<<gridSize, kMaxThreadsPerBlock, 0, stream0>>>(
num, n, top_width_, top_height_, top_channels_,
max_displacement_, neighborhood_grid_radius_, neighborhood_grid_width_, kernel_radius_,
stride1_, stride2_,
width, height, paddedwidth, paddedheight, channels, bottomcount, pad_size_,
bottom0_diff, rbot1, rbot2, top_diff);
for (int n = 0; n < num; n++) {
// Bottom1:
CorrelateDataBackward1Subtract<Dtype><<<gridSize, kMaxThreadsPerBlock, 0, stream1>>>(
num, n, top_width_, top_height_, top_channels_,
max_displacement_, neighborhood_grid_radius_, neighborhood_grid_width_, kernel_radius_,
stride1_, stride2_,
width, height, paddedwidth, paddedheight, channels, bottomcount, pad_size_,
rbot1, rbot2, bottom1_diff, top_diff);
} // namespace cuda
template<typename Dtype>
inline void CorrelationForward(const Tensor<gpu, 4, Dtype> &out,
const Tensor<gpu, 4, Dtype> &data1,
const Tensor<gpu, 4, Dtype> &data2,
const Tensor<gpu, 4, Dtype> &tmp1,
const Tensor<gpu, 4, Dtype> &tmp2,
int top_channels_, int top_height_,
int top_width_, int pad_size_, bool is_multiply,
int max_displacement_, int kernel_size_,
int neighborhood_grid_radius_, int neighborhood_grid_width_,
int kernel_radius_, int stride1_, int stride2_
) {
cudaStream_t stream = Stream<gpu>::GetStream(out.stream_);
cudaStream_t stream_tmp1 = Stream<gpu>::GetStream(tmp1.stream_);
cudaStream_t stream_tmp2 = Stream<gpu>::GetStream(tmp2.stream_);
cuda::Forward_gpu(out, data1, data2, tmp1, tmp2, top_channels_, top_height_,
top_width_, pad_size_, is_multiply, max_displacement_, kernel_size_,
neighborhood_grid_radius_, neighborhood_grid_width_, kernel_radius_,
stride1_, stride2_, stream, stream_tmp1, stream_tmp2);
template<typename Dtype>
inline void CorrelationBackward(const Tensor<gpu, 4, Dtype> &out_grad,
const Tensor<gpu, 4, Dtype> &in_grad1,
const Tensor<gpu, 4, Dtype> &in_grad2,
const Tensor<gpu, 4, Dtype> &tmp1,
const Tensor<gpu, 4, Dtype> &tmp2,
int top_channels_, int top_height_,
int top_width_, int pad_size_, bool is_multiply,
int max_displacement_, int kernel_size_,
int neighborhood_grid_radius_, int neighborhood_grid_width_,
int kernel_radius_, int stride1_,
int stride2_, int num, int channels, int height, int width
) {
cudaStream_t stream0 = Stream<gpu>::GetStream(in_grad1.stream_);
cudaStream_t stream1 = Stream<gpu>::GetStream(in_grad2.stream_);
cuda::Backward_gpu(out_grad, in_grad1, in_grad2, tmp1, tmp2, top_channels_,
top_height_, top_width_, pad_size_, is_multiply,
max_displacement_, kernel_size_, neighborhood_grid_radius_,
neighborhood_grid_width_, kernel_radius_, stride1_, stride2_,
stream0, stream1, num, channels, height, width);
} // namespace mshadow
namespace mxnet {
namespace op {
Operator* CreateOp<gpu>(CorrelationParam param) {
return new CorrelationOp<gpu>(param);
} // namespace op
} // namespace mxnet