blob: 7b762af78149c6bd84b5048337c083124eb64fd7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015 by Contributors
* \file
* \brief correlation op
* \author Xu Dong
#include "./correlation-inl.h"
#include "./mshadow_op.h"
namespace mshadow {
template<typename Dtype>
void AddPad(const Tensor<cpu, 4, Dtype> &original,
const Tensor<cpu, 4, Dtype> &out,
int pad_size)
{ for (index_t nbatch = 0 ; nbatch < original.size(0) ; nbatch++)
for (index_t channel = 0 ; channel < original.size(1) ; channel++)
for (index_t h = 0 ; h < original.size(2) ; h++)
for (index_t w = 0 ; w < original.size(3) ; w++)
out[nbatch][h+pad_size][w+pad_size][channel] = original[nbatch][channel][h][w];
template<typename Dtype>
inline void CorrelationForward(const Tensor<cpu, 4, Dtype> &out,
const Tensor<cpu, 4, Dtype> &data1,
const Tensor<cpu, 4, Dtype> &data2,
const Tensor<cpu, 4, Dtype> &tmp1,
const Tensor<cpu, 4, Dtype> &tmp2,
int top_channels_, int top_height_, int top_width_,
int pad_size_, bool is_multiply,
int max_displacement_, int kernel_size_,
int neighborhood_grid_radius_, int neighborhood_grid_width_,
int kernel_radius_, int stride1_, int stride2_) {
const index_t bnum = data1.size(0);
const int bchannels = data1.size(1);
const int sumelems = kernel_size_ * kernel_size_ * bchannels;
AddPad<Dtype>(data1, tmp1, pad_size_);
AddPad<Dtype>(data2, tmp2, pad_size_);
for (index_t i = 0 ; i < static_cast<index_t>(top_height_) ; i++)
for (index_t j = 0 ; j < static_cast<index_t>(top_width_); j++)
for (index_t nbatch = 0 ; nbatch < bnum ; nbatch++) {
int x1 = j*stride1_+max_displacement_;
int y1 = i*stride1_+max_displacement_;
for (index_t top_channel = 0 ; top_channel < top_channels_ ; top_channel++) {
int s2o = (top_channel % neighborhood_grid_width_ -\
neighborhood_grid_radius_) * stride2_;
int s2p = (top_channel / neighborhood_grid_width_ -\
neighborhood_grid_radius_) * stride2_;
int x2 = x1 + s2o;
int y2 = y1 + s2p;
for (index_t h = 0; h < kernel_size_; h++)
for (index_t w = 0; w < kernel_size_; w++)
for (index_t channel = 0; channel < bchannels; channel++) {
if (is_multiply == true)
out[nbatch][top_channel][i][j] += \
out[nbatch][top_channel][i][j] += \
out[nbatch][top_channel][i][j] /= sumelems;
template<typename Dtype>
inline void CorrelationBackward(const Tensor<cpu, 4, Dtype> &out_grad,
const Tensor<cpu, 4, Dtype> &in_grad1,
const Tensor<cpu, 4, Dtype> &in_grad2,
const Tensor<cpu, 4, Dtype> &tmp1,
const Tensor<cpu, 4, Dtype> &tmp2,
int top_channels_, int top_height_,
int top_width_, int pad_size_,
bool is_multiply, int max_displacement_,
int kernel_size_, int neighborhood_grid_radius_,
int neighborhood_grid_width_,
int kernel_radius_, int stride1_,
int stride2_, int num,
int channels, int height, int width
) {
const float sumelems = kernel_size_ * kernel_size_ * channels;
for (int i = 0 ; i < static_cast<index_t>(top_height_) ; i++)
for (int j = 0 ; j < static_cast<index_t>(top_width_); j++)
for (int nbatch = 0 ; nbatch < static_cast<index_t>(num) ; nbatch++) {
int x1 = j*stride1_+max_displacement_;
int y1 = i*stride1_+max_displacement_;
for (int top_channel = 0 ; top_channel < top_channels_ ; top_channel++) {
int s2o = (top_channel % neighborhood_grid_width_ - \
neighborhood_grid_radius_) * stride2_;
int s2p = (top_channel / neighborhood_grid_width_ - \
neighborhood_grid_radius_) * stride2_;
int x2 = x1 + s2o;
int y2 = y1 + s2p;
for (int h = 0; h < kernel_size_; h++)
for (int w = 0; w < kernel_size_; w++)
for (int channel = 0 ; channel < channels; channel++) {
if (is_multiply == true) {
if ((y1 + h - pad_size_ >= 0) && (x1 + w - pad_size_ >= 0) && \
(y1 + h < height +pad_size_) && (x1 + w < width + pad_size_)) {
in_grad1[nbatch][channel][y1+h-pad_size_][x1+w-pad_size_] += \
out_grad[nbatch][top_channel][i][j] * \
if ((y2 + h - pad_size_ >= 0) && (x2 + w -pad_size_ >=0) && \
(y2 + h < height +pad_size_) && (x2 + w < width + pad_size_)) {
in_grad2[nbatch][channel][y2+h-pad_size_][x2+w-pad_size_] += \
out_grad[nbatch][top_channel][i][j] * \
} else {
if ((y1 + h - pad_size_ >= 0) && (x1 + w -pad_size_ >=0) && \
(y1 + h < height + pad_size_) && (x1 + w < width + pad_size_)) {
Dtype sign = (tmp1[nbatch][y1+h][x1+w][channel] >= \
tmp2[nbatch][y2+h][x2+w][channel])? Dtype(1.0) : Dtype(-1.0);
in_grad1[nbatch][channel][y1+h-pad_size_][x1+w-pad_size_] +=\
if ((y2 + h - pad_size_ >= 0) && (x2 + w - pad_size_ >=0) && \
(y2 + h < height + pad_size_) && (x2 + w < width + pad_size_)) {
Dtype sign = (tmp1[nbatch][y1+h][x1+w][channel] >= \
tmp2[nbatch][y2+h][x2+w][channel])? Dtype(-1.0) : Dtype(1.0);
in_grad2[nbatch][channel][y2+h-pad_size_][x2+w-pad_size_] +=\
} // namespace mshadow
namespace mxnet {
namespace op {
Operator *CreateOp<cpu>(CorrelationParam param) {
return new CorrelationOp<cpu>(param);
Operator* CorrelationProp::CreateOperator(Context ctx) const {
DO_BIND_DISPATCH(CreateOp, param_);
MXNET_REGISTER_OP_PROPERTY(Correlation, CorrelationProp)
.describe("Applies correlation to inputs.")
.add_argument("data1", "NDArray-or-Symbol", "Input data1 to the correlation.")
.add_argument("data2", "NDArray-or-Symbol", "Input data2 to the correlation.")
} // namespace op
} // namespace mxnet