blob: 479f6f99f07ab35283853f030990917a7572075e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015 by Contributors
* \file ndarray_op.h
* \brief the real execution functions of ndarray operations
#include <dmlc/logging.h>
#include <mshadow/tensor.h>
#include <mxnet/base.h>
#include <mxnet/resource.h>
#include <vector>
#include "../operator/mshadow_op.h"
namespace mxnet {
/*! \brief namespace to support all possible Ndarray operator */
namespace ndarray {
struct BinaryBase {
inline static TShape GetShape(const TShape &lshape, const TShape &rshape) {
CHECK(lshape == rshape) << "operands shape mismatch";
CHECK(lshape.ndim() != 0) << "source operand have zero dimension shape";
return lshape;
// operators
struct Plus : public BinaryBase {
typedef mshadow::op::plus mshadow_op;
struct Minus : public BinaryBase {
typedef mshadow::op::minus mshadow_op;
struct Mul : public BinaryBase {
typedef mshadow::op::mul mshadow_op;
struct Div : public BinaryBase {
typedef mshadow::op::div mshadow_op;
struct Mod : public BinaryBase {
typedef op::mshadow_op::mod mshadow_op;
struct ClipMin : public BinaryBase {
struct mshadow_op {
template<typename DType>
MSHADOW_XINLINE static DType Map(DType a, DType b) {
if (a < b) {
return b;
} else {
return a;
struct ClipMax : public BinaryBase {
struct mshadow_op {
template<typename DType>
MSHADOW_XINLINE static DType Map(DType a, DType b) {
if (a > b) {
return b;
} else {
return a;
struct OneHotEncode {
inline static TShape GetShape(const TShape &index, const TShape &proptype) {
CHECK(index.ndim() == 1 && proptype.ndim() == 2) << "OneHotEncode only support 1d index.";
CHECK_EQ(index[0], proptype[0]) << "OneHotEncode shape inconsistent";
return proptype;
struct MatChooseRowElem {
inline static TShape GetShape(const TShape &lshape, const TShape &rshape) {
CHECK(lshape.ndim() == 2 && rshape.ndim() == 1)
<< "choose_row_element only support 2D Matrix and 1D index";
CHECK_EQ(lshape[0], rshape[0]) << "choose_row_element index and matrix shape mismatch";
return rshape;
struct MatFillRowElem {
inline static TShape GetShape(const TShape &lshape, const TShape &mshape, const TShape &rshape) {
CHECK(lshape.ndim() == 2 && mshape.ndim() == 1 && rshape.ndim() == 1)
<< "fill_row_element only support 2D Matrix, 1D value and 1D index";
CHECK((lshape[0] == mshape[0]) && (mshape[0] == rshape[0]))
<< "choose_row_element index vector, value vector and matrix shape mismatch";
return lshape;
// type holder for random number generators
struct UniformDistribution {};
struct GaussianDistribution {};
struct GammaDistribution {};
struct ExponentialDistribution {};
struct PoissonDistribution {};
struct NegBinomialDistribution {};
struct GenNegBinomialDistribution {};
template<typename Device>
void EvalClip(const TBlob &src, const real_t &a_min, const real_t &a_max,
TBlob *ret, RunContext ctx);
template<typename Device, typename OP>
void Eval(const TBlob &lhs, const TBlob &mhs, const TBlob &rhs, TBlob *ret, RunContext ctx);
template<typename Device, typename OP>
void Eval(const TBlob &lhs, const TBlob &rhs, TBlob *ret, RunContext ctx);
template<typename Device, typename OP>
void Eval(const TBlob &src, TBlob *ret, RunContext ctx);
template<typename Device, typename OP, bool reverse>
void Eval(const TBlob &lhs, const real_t &rhs, TBlob *ret, RunContext ctx);
template<typename Device>
void Eval(const real_t &rhs, TBlob *ret, RunContext ctx);
template<typename Device, typename Distribution>
void EvalRandom(const real_t &a,
const real_t &b,
const Resource &resource,
TBlob *ret, RunContext ctx);
// copy function when only cpu is involved
template<typename DeviceFrom, typename DeviceTo>
void Copy(const TBlob &from, TBlob *to,
Context from_ctx, Context to_ctx,
RunContext ctx);
template<typename Device>
void ElementwiseSum(const std::vector<TBlob> source,
TBlob *out,
RunContext ctx);
// broadcasting
template <typename Device>
void EvalBroadcast(TBlob const& src, TBlob* ret, int size, RunContext ctx);
} // namespace ndarray
} // namespace mxnet