blob: a5ba2660fd34f126bcbdbc7828de63946cb6ea0e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015 by Contributors
* \file
* \brief CPU Implementation of ndarray function.
// this will be invoked by gcc and compile CPU version
#include "./ndarray_function.h"
#include "./ndarray_function-inl.h"
namespace mxnet {
namespace ndarray {
void Copy<cpu, cpu>(const TBlob &from, TBlob *to,
Context from_ctx, Context to_ctx,
RunContext ctx) {
MSHADOW_TYPE_SWITCH(to->type_flag_, DType, {
if (to->type_flag_ == from.type_flag_) {
mshadow::Copy(to->FlatTo1D<cpu, DType>(),
from.FlatTo1D<cpu, DType>());
} else {
MSHADOW_TYPE_SWITCH(from.type_flag_, SrcDType, {
to->FlatTo1D<cpu, DType>() =
mshadow::expr::tcast<DType>(from.FlatTo1D<cpu, SrcDType>());
} // namespace ndarray
} // namespace mxnet