blob: cb7966dc7414aa29b882674bca4fd61a2d2e7f4c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015 by Contributors
* \file
* \brief Default augmenter.
#include <mxnet/base.h>
#include <utility>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include "./image_augmenter.h"
#include "../common/utils.h"
namespace mxnet {
namespace io {
using nnvm::Tuple;
namespace image_det_aug_default_enum {
enum ImageDetAugDefaultCropEmitMode {kCenter, kOverlap};
enum ImageDetAugDefaultResizeMode {kForce, kShrink, kFit};
/*! \brief image detection augmentation parameters*/
struct DefaultImageDetAugmentParam : public dmlc::Parameter<DefaultImageDetAugmentParam> {
/*! \brief resize shorter edge to size before applying other augmentations */
int resize;
/*! \brief probability we do random cropping, use prob <= 0 to disable */
float rand_crop_prob;
/*! \brief min crop scales */
Tuple<float> min_crop_scales;
/*! \brief max crop scales */
Tuple<float> max_crop_scales;
/*! \brief min crop aspect ratios */
Tuple<float> min_crop_aspect_ratios;
/*! \brief max crop aspect ratios */
Tuple<float> max_crop_aspect_ratios;
/*! \brief min IOUs between ground-truths and crop boxes */
Tuple<float> min_crop_overlaps;
/*! \brief max IOUs between ground-truths and crop boxes */
Tuple<float> max_crop_overlaps;
/*! \brief min itersection/gt_area between ground-truths and crop boxes */
Tuple<float> min_crop_sample_coverages;
/*! \brief max itersection/gt_area between ground-truths and crop boxes */
Tuple<float> max_crop_sample_coverages;
/*! \brief min itersection/crop_area between ground-truths and crop boxes */
Tuple<float> min_crop_object_coverages;
/*! \brief max itersection/crop_area between ground-truths and crop boxes */
Tuple<float> max_crop_object_coverages;
/*! \brief number of crop samplers, skip random crop if <= 0 */
int num_crop_sampler;
/*! \beief 0-emit ground-truth if center out of crop area
* 1-emit if overlap < emit_overlap_thresh
int crop_emit_mode;
/*! \brief ground-truth emition threshold specific for crop_emit_mode == 1 */
float emit_overlap_thresh;
/*! \brief maximum trials for cropping, skip cropping if fails exceed this number */
Tuple<int> max_crop_trials;
/*! \brief random padding prob */
float rand_pad_prob;
/*!< \brief maximum padding scale */
float max_pad_scale;
/*! \brief max random in H channel */
int max_random_hue;
/*! \brief random H prob */
float random_hue_prob;
/*! \brief max random in S channel */
int max_random_saturation;
/*! \brief random saturation prob */
float random_saturation_prob;
/*! \brief max random in L channel */
int max_random_illumination;
/*! \brief random illumination change prob */
float random_illumination_prob;
/*! \brief max random contrast */
float max_random_contrast;
/*! \brief random contrast prob */
float random_contrast_prob;
/*! \brief random mirror prob */
float rand_mirror_prob;
/*! \brief filled color while padding */
int fill_value;
/*! \brief interpolation method 0-NN 1-bilinear 2-cubic 3-area 4-lanczos4 9-auto 10-rand */
int inter_method;
/*! \brief shape of the image data */
TShape data_shape;
/*! \brief resize mode, 0-force
* 1-Shrink to data_shape, preserve ratio,
* 2-fit to data_shape, preserve ratio
int resize_mode;
// declare parameters
DMLC_DECLARE_PARAMETER(DefaultImageDetAugmentParam) {
.describe("Augmentation Param: scale shorter edge to size "
"before applying other augmentations, -1 to disable.");
.describe("Augmentation Param: Probability of random cropping, <= 0 to disable");
.describe("Augmentation Param: Min crop scales.");
.describe("Augmentation Param: Max crop scales.");
.describe("Augmentation Param: Min crop aspect ratios.");
.describe("Augmentation Param: Max crop aspect ratios.");
.describe("Augmentation Param: Minimum crop IOU between crop_box and ground-truths.");
.describe("Augmentation Param: Maximum crop IOU between crop_box and ground-truth.");
.describe("Augmentation Param: Minimum ratio of intersect/crop_area "
"between crop box and ground-truths.");
.describe("Augmentation Param: Maximum ratio of intersect/crop_area "
"between crop box and ground-truths.");
.describe("Augmentation Param: Minimum ratio of intersect/gt_area "
"between crop box and ground-truths.");
.describe("Augmentation Param: Maximum ratio of intersect/gt_area "
"between crop box and ground-truths.");
.describe("Augmentation Param: Number of crop samplers.");
.add_enum("center", image_det_aug_default_enum::kCenter)
.add_enum("overlap", image_det_aug_default_enum::kOverlap)
.describe("Augmentation Param: Emition mode for invalid ground-truths after crop. "
"center: emit if centroid of object is out of crop region; "
"overlap: emit if overlap is less than emit_overlap_thresh. ");
.describe("Augmentation Param: Emit overlap thresh for emit mode overlap only.");
.describe("Augmentation Param: Skip cropping if fail crop trail count "
"exceeds this number.");
.describe("Augmentation Param: Probability for random padding.");
.describe("Augmentation Param: Maximum padding scale.");
.describe("Augmentation Param: Maximum random value of H channel in HSL color space.");
.describe("Augmentation Param: Probability to apply random hue.");
.describe("Augmentation Param: Maximum random value of S channel in HSL color space.");
.describe("Augmentation Param: Probability to apply random saturation.");
.describe("Augmentation Param: Maximum random value of L channel in HSL color space.");
.describe("Augmentation Param: Probability to apply random illumination.");
.describe("Augmentation Param: Maximum random value of delta contrast.");
.describe("Augmentation Param: Probability to apply random contrast.");
.describe("Augmentation Param: Probability to apply horizontal flip aka. mirror.");
.describe("Augmentation Param: Filled color value while padding.");
.describe("Augmentation Param: 0-NN 1-bilinear 2-cubic 3-area 4-lanczos4 9-auto 10-rand.");
.describe("Dataset Param: Shape of each instance generated by the DataIter.");
.add_enum("force", image_det_aug_default_enum::kForce)
.add_enum("shrink", image_det_aug_default_enum::kShrink)
.add_enum("fit", image_det_aug_default_enum::kFit)
.describe("Augmentation Param: How image data fit in data_shape. "
"force: force reshape to data_shape regardless of aspect ratio; "
"shrink: ensure each side fit in data_shape, preserve aspect ratio; "
"fit: fit image to data_shape, preserve ratio, will upscale if applicable.");
std::vector<dmlc::ParamFieldInfo> ListDefaultDetAugParams() {
return DefaultImageDetAugmentParam::__FIELDS__();
using Rect = cv::Rect_<float>;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define M_PI CV_PI
/*! \brief helper class for better detection label handling */
class ImageDetLabel {
/*! \brief Helper struct to store the coordinates and id for each object */
struct ImageDetObject {
float id;
float left;
float top;
float right;
float bottom;
std::vector<float> extra; // store extra info other than id and coordinates
/*! \brief Return converted Rect object */
Rect ToRect() const {
return Rect(left, top, right - left, bottom - top);
/*! \brief Return projected coordinates according to new region */
ImageDetObject Project(Rect box) const {
ImageDetObject ret = *this;
ret.left = std::max(0.f, (ret.left - box.x) / box.width); = std::max(0.f, ( - box.y) / box.height);
ret.right = std::min(1.f, (ret.right - box.x) / box.width);
ret.bottom = std::min(1.f, (ret.bottom - box.y) / box.height);
return ret;
/*! \brief Return Horizontally fliped coordinates */
ImageDetObject HorizontalFlip() const {
ImageDetObject ret = *this;
ret.left = 1.f - this->right;
ret.right = 1.f - this->left;
return ret;
}; // struct ImageDetObject
/*! \brief constructor from raw array of detection labels */
explicit ImageDetLabel(const std::vector<float> &raw_label) {
/*! \brief construct from raw array with following format
* header_width, object_width, (extra_headers...),
* [id, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, (extra_object_info)] x N
void FromArray(const std::vector<float> &raw_label) {
int label_width = static_cast<int>(raw_label.size());
CHECK_GE(label_width, 7); // at least 2(header) + 5(1 object)
int header_width = static_cast<int>(raw_label[0]);
CHECK_GE(header_width, 2);
object_width_ = static_cast<int>(raw_label[1]);
CHECK_GE(object_width_, 5); // id, x1, y1, x2, y2...
header_.assign(raw_label.begin(), raw_label.begin() + header_width);
int num = (label_width - header_width) / object_width_;
CHECK_EQ((label_width - header_width) % object_width_, 0);
for (int i = header_width; i < label_width; i += object_width_) {
ImageDetObject obj;
auto it = raw_label.cbegin() + i; = *(it++);
obj.left = *(it++); = *(it++);
obj.right = *(it++);
obj.bottom = *(it++);
obj.extra.assign(it, it - 5 + object_width_);
if (obj.right > obj.left && obj.bottom > {
/*! \brief Convert back to raw array */
std::vector<float> ToArray() const {
std::vector<float> out(header_);
out.reserve(out.size() + objects_.size() * object_width_);
for (auto& obj : objects_) {
out.insert(out.end(), obj.extra.begin(), obj.extra.end());
return out;
/*! \brief Intersection over Union between two rects */
static float RectIOU(Rect a, Rect b) {
float intersect = (a & b).area();
if (intersect <= 0.f) return 0.f;
return intersect / (a.area() + b.area() - intersect);
/*! \brief try crop image with given crop_box
* return false if fail to meet any of the constraints
* convert all objects if success
bool TryCrop(const Rect crop_box,
const float min_crop_overlap, const float max_crop_overlap,
const float min_crop_sample_coverage, const float max_crop_sample_coverage,
const float min_crop_object_coverage, const float max_crop_object_coverage,
const int crop_emit_mode, const float emit_overlap_thresh) {
if (objects_.size() < 1) {
return true; // no object, raise error or just skip?
// check if crop_box valid
bool valid = false;
if (min_crop_overlap > 0.f && max_crop_overlap < 1.f &&
min_crop_sample_coverage > 0.f && max_crop_sample_coverage < 1.f &&
min_crop_object_coverage > 0.f && max_crop_object_coverage < 1.f) {
for (auto& obj : objects_) {
Rect gt_box = obj.ToRect();
if (min_crop_overlap > 0.f || max_crop_overlap < 1.f) {
float ovp = RectIOU(crop_box, gt_box);
if (ovp < min_crop_overlap || ovp > max_crop_overlap) {
if (min_crop_sample_coverage > 0.f || max_crop_sample_coverage < 1.f) {
float c = (crop_box & gt_box).area() / crop_box.area();
if (c < min_crop_sample_coverage || c > max_crop_sample_coverage) {
if (min_crop_object_coverage > 0.f || max_crop_object_coverage < 1.f) {
float c = (crop_box & gt_box).area() / gt_box.area();
if (c < min_crop_object_coverage || c > max_crop_object_coverage) {
valid = true;
} else {
valid = true;
if (!valid) return false;
// transform ground-truth labels
std::vector<ImageDetObject> new_objects;
for (auto iter = objects_.begin(); iter != objects_.end(); ++iter) {
if (image_det_aug_default_enum::kCenter == crop_emit_mode) {
float center_x = (iter->left + iter->right) * 0.5f;
float center_y = (iter->top + iter->bottom) * 0.5f;
if (!crop_box.contains(cv::Point2f(center_x, center_y))) {
} else if (image_det_aug_default_enum::kOverlap == crop_emit_mode) {
Rect gt_box = iter->ToRect();
float overlap = (crop_box & gt_box).area() / gt_box.area();
if (overlap > emit_overlap_thresh) {
if (new_objects.size() < 1) return false;
objects_ = new_objects; // replace the old objects
return true;
/*! \brief try pad image with given pad_box
* convert all objects afterwards
bool TryPad(const Rect pad_box) {
// update all objects inplace
for (auto it = objects_.begin(); it != objects_.end(); ++it) {
*it = it->Project(pad_box);
return true;
/*! \brief flip image and object coordinates horizontally */
bool TryMirror() {
// flip all objects horizontally
for (auto it = objects_.begin(); it != objects_.end(); ++it) {
*it = it->HorizontalFlip();
return true;
/*! \brief width for each object information, 5 at least */
int object_width_;
/*! \brief vector to store original header info */
std::vector<float> header_;
/*! \brief storing objects in more convenient formats */
std::vector<ImageDetObject> objects_;
}; // class ImageDetLabel
/*! \brief helper class to do image augmentation */
class DefaultImageDetAugmenter : public ImageAugmenter {
// contructor
DefaultImageDetAugmenter() {}
void Init(const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> >& kwargs) override {
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> > kwargs_left;
kwargs_left = param_.InitAllowUnknown(kwargs);
CHECK((param_.inter_method >= 1 && param_.inter_method <= 4) ||
(param_.inter_method >= 9 && param_.inter_method <= 10))
<< "invalid inter_method: valid value 0,1,2,3,9,10";
// validate crop parameters
ValidateCropParameters(&param_.min_crop_scales, param_.num_crop_sampler);
ValidateCropParameters(&param_.max_crop_scales, param_.num_crop_sampler);
ValidateCropParameters(&param_.min_crop_aspect_ratios, param_.num_crop_sampler);
ValidateCropParameters(&param_.max_crop_aspect_ratios, param_.num_crop_sampler);
ValidateCropParameters(&param_.min_crop_overlaps, param_.num_crop_sampler);
ValidateCropParameters(&param_.max_crop_overlaps, param_.num_crop_sampler);
ValidateCropParameters(&param_.min_crop_sample_coverages, param_.num_crop_sampler);
ValidateCropParameters(&param_.max_crop_sample_coverages, param_.num_crop_sampler);
ValidateCropParameters(&param_.min_crop_object_coverages, param_.num_crop_sampler);
ValidateCropParameters(&param_.max_crop_object_coverages, param_.num_crop_sampler);
ValidateCropParameters(&param_.max_crop_trials, param_.num_crop_sampler);
for (int i = 0; i < param_.num_crop_sampler; ++i) {
CHECK_GE(param_.min_crop_scales[i], 0.0f);
CHECK_LE(param_.max_crop_scales[i], 1.0f);
CHECK_GT(param_.max_crop_scales[i], param_.min_crop_scales[i]);
CHECK_GE(param_.min_crop_aspect_ratios[i], 0.0f);
CHECK_GE(param_.max_crop_aspect_ratios[i], param_.min_crop_aspect_ratios[i]);
CHECK_GE(param_.max_crop_overlaps[i], param_.min_crop_overlaps[i]);
CHECK_GE(param_.max_crop_sample_coverages[i], param_.min_crop_sample_coverages[i]);
CHECK_GE(param_.max_crop_object_coverages[i], param_.min_crop_object_coverages[i]);
CHECK_GE(param_.emit_overlap_thresh, 0.0f);
* \brief get interpolation method with given inter_method, 0-CV_INTER_NN 1-CV_INTER_LINEAR 2-CV_INTER_CUBIC
* \ 3-CV_INTER_AREA 4-CV_INTER_LANCZOS4 9-AUTO(cubic for enlarge, area for shrink, bilinear for others) 10-RAND
int GetInterMethod(int inter_method, int old_width, int old_height, int new_width,
int new_height, common::RANDOM_ENGINE *prnd) {
if (inter_method == 9) {
if (new_width > old_width && new_height > old_height) {
return 2; // CV_INTER_CUBIC for enlarge
} else if (new_width <old_width && new_height < old_height) {
return 3; // CV_INTER_AREA for shrink
} else {
return 1; // CV_INTER_LINEAR for others
} else if (inter_method == 10) {
std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> rand_uniform_int(0, 4);
return rand_uniform_int(*prnd);
} else {
return inter_method;
/*! \brief Check number of crop samplers and given parameters */
template<typename DType>
void ValidateCropParameters(nnvm::Tuple<DType> *param, const int num_sampler) {
if (num_sampler == 1) {
CHECK_EQ(param->ndim(), 1);
} else if (num_sampler > 1) {
if (param->ndim() == 1) {
std::vector<DType> vec(num_sampler, (*param)[0]);
param->assign(vec.begin(), vec.end());
} else {
CHECK_EQ(param->ndim(), num_sampler) << "# of parameters/crop_samplers mismatch ";
/*! \brief Generate crop box region given cropping parameters */
Rect GenerateCropBox(const float min_crop_scale,
const float max_crop_scale, const float min_crop_aspect_ratio,
const float max_crop_aspect_ratio, common::RANDOM_ENGINE *prnd,
const float img_aspect_ratio) {
float new_scale = std::uniform_real_distribution<float>(
min_crop_scale, max_crop_scale)(*prnd) + 1e-12f;
float min_ratio = std::max<float>(min_crop_aspect_ratio / img_aspect_ratio,
new_scale * new_scale);
float max_ratio = std::min<float>(max_crop_aspect_ratio / img_aspect_ratio,
1. / new_scale * new_scale);
float new_ratio = std::sqrt(std::uniform_real_distribution<float>(
min_ratio, max_ratio)(*prnd));
float new_width = std::min(1.f, new_scale * new_ratio);
float new_height = std::min(1.f, new_scale / new_ratio);
float x0 = std::uniform_real_distribution<float>(0.f, 1 - new_width)(*prnd);
float y0 = std::uniform_real_distribution<float>(0.f, 1 - new_height)(*prnd);
return Rect(x0, y0, new_width, new_height);
/*! \brief Generate padding box region given padding parameters */
Rect GeneratePadBox(const float max_pad_scale,
common::RANDOM_ENGINE *prnd, const float threshold = 1.05f) {
float new_scale = std::uniform_real_distribution<float>(
1.f, max_pad_scale)(*prnd);
if (new_scale < threshold) return Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
auto rand_uniform = std::uniform_real_distribution<float>(0.f, new_scale - 1);
float x0 = rand_uniform(*prnd);
float y0 = rand_uniform(*prnd);
return Rect(-x0, -y0, new_scale, new_scale);
cv::Mat Process(const cv::Mat &src, std::vector<float> *label,
common::RANDOM_ENGINE *prnd) override {
using mshadow::index_t;
cv::Mat res;
if (param_.resize != -1) {
int new_height, new_width;
if (src.rows > src.cols) {
new_height = param_.resize*src.rows/src.cols;
new_width = param_.resize;
} else {
new_height = param_.resize;
new_width = param_.resize*src.cols/src.rows;
int interpolation_method = GetInterMethod(param_.inter_method,
src.cols, src.rows, new_width, new_height, prnd);
cv::resize(src, res, cv::Size(new_width, new_height),
0, 0, interpolation_method);
} else {
res = src;
// build a helper class for processing labels
ImageDetLabel det_label(*label);
// random engine
std::uniform_real_distribution<float> rand_uniform(0, 1);
// color space augmentation
if (param_.random_hue_prob > 0.f || param_.random_saturation_prob > 0.f ||
param_.random_illumination_prob > 0.f || param_.random_contrast_prob > 0.f) {
std::uniform_real_distribution<float> uniform_range(-1.f, 1.f);
int h = uniform_range(*prnd) * param_.max_random_hue;
int s = uniform_range(*prnd) * param_.max_random_saturation;
int l = uniform_range(*prnd) * param_.max_random_illumination;
float c = uniform_range(*prnd) * param_.max_random_contrast;
h = rand_uniform(*prnd) < param_.random_hue_prob ? h : 0;
s = rand_uniform(*prnd) < param_.random_saturation_prob ? s : 0;
l = rand_uniform(*prnd) < param_.random_illumination_prob ? l : 0;
c = rand_uniform(*prnd) < param_.random_contrast_prob ? c : 0;
if (h != 0 || s != 0 || l != 0) {
int temp[3] = {h, l, s};
int limit[3] = {180, 255, 255};
cv::cvtColor(res, res, CV_BGR2HLS);
for (int i = 0; i < res.rows; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < res.cols; ++j) {
for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) {
int v =<cv::Vec3b>(i, j)[k];
v += temp[k];
v = std::max(0, std::min(limit[k], v));<cv::Vec3b>(i, j)[k] = v;
cv::cvtColor(res, res, CV_HLS2BGR);
if (fabs(c) > 1e-3) {
cv::Mat tmp = res;
tmp.convertTo(res, -1, c + 1.f, 0);
// random mirror logic
if (param_.rand_mirror_prob > 0 && rand_uniform(*prnd) < param_.rand_mirror_prob) {
if (det_label.TryMirror()) {
// flip image
cv::flip(res, temp_, 1);
res = temp_;
// random padding logic
if (param_.rand_pad_prob > 0 && param_.max_pad_scale > 1.f) {
if (rand_uniform(*prnd) < param_.rand_pad_prob) {
Rect pad_box = GeneratePadBox(param_.max_pad_scale, prnd);
if (pad_box.area() > 0) {
if (det_label.TryPad(pad_box)) {
// pad image
temp_ = res;
int left = static_cast<int>(-pad_box.x * res.cols);
int top = static_cast<int>(-pad_box.y * res.rows);
int right = static_cast<int>((pad_box.width + pad_box.x - 1) * res.cols);
int bot = static_cast<int>((pad_box.height + pad_box.y - 1) * res.rows);
cv::copyMakeBorder(temp_, res, top, bot, left, right, cv::BORDER_ISOLATED,
cv::Scalar(param_.fill_value, param_.fill_value, param_.fill_value));
// random crop logic
if (param_.rand_crop_prob > 0 && param_.num_crop_sampler > 0) {
if (rand_uniform(*prnd) < param_.rand_crop_prob) {
// random crop sampling logic: randomly pick a sampler, return if success
// continue to next sampler if failed(exceed max_trial)
// return original sample if every sampler has failed
std::vector<int> indices(param_.num_crop_sampler);
for (int i = 0; i < param_.num_crop_sampler; ++i) {
indices[i] = i;
std::shuffle(indices.begin(), indices.end(), *prnd);
int num_processed = 0;
for (auto idx : indices) {
if (num_processed > 0) break;
for (int t = 0; t < param_.max_crop_trials[idx]; ++t) {
Rect crop_box = GenerateCropBox(param_.min_crop_scales[idx],
param_.max_crop_scales[idx], param_.min_crop_aspect_ratios[idx],
param_.max_crop_aspect_ratios[idx], prnd,
static_cast<float>(res.cols) / res.rows);
if (det_label.TryCrop(crop_box, param_.min_crop_overlaps[idx],
param_.max_crop_overlaps[idx], param_.min_crop_sample_coverages[idx],
param_.max_crop_sample_coverages[idx], param_.min_crop_object_coverages[idx],
param_.max_crop_object_coverages[idx], param_.crop_emit_mode,
param_.emit_overlap_thresh)) {
// crop image
int left = static_cast<int>(crop_box.x * res.cols);
int top = static_cast<int>(crop_box.y * res.rows);
int width = static_cast<int>(crop_box.width * res.cols);
int height = static_cast<int>(crop_box.height * res.rows);
res = res(cv::Rect(left, top, width, height));
if (image_det_aug_default_enum::kForce == param_.resize_mode) {
// force resize to specified data_shape, regardless of aspect ratio
int new_height = param_.data_shape[1];
int new_width = param_.data_shape[2];
int interpolation_method = GetInterMethod(param_.inter_method,
res.cols, res.rows, new_width, new_height, prnd);
cv::resize(res, res, cv::Size(new_width, new_height),
0, 0, interpolation_method);
} else if (image_det_aug_default_enum::kShrink == param_.resize_mode) {
// try to keep original size, shrink if too large
float h = param_.data_shape[1];
float w = param_.data_shape[2];
if (res.rows > h || res.cols > w) {
float ratio = std::min(h / res.rows, w / res.cols);
int new_height = ratio * res.rows;
int new_width = ratio * res.cols;
int interpolation_method = GetInterMethod(param_.inter_method,
res.cols, res.rows, new_width, new_height, prnd);
cv::resize(res, res, cv::Size(new_width, new_height),
0, 0, interpolation_method);
} else if (image_det_aug_default_enum::kFit == param_.resize_mode) {
float h = param_.data_shape[1];
float w = param_.data_shape[2];
float ratio = std::min(h / res.rows, w / res.cols);
int new_height = ratio * res.rows;
int new_width = ratio * res.cols;
int interpolation_method = GetInterMethod(param_.inter_method,
res.cols, res.rows, new_width, new_height, prnd);
cv::resize(res, res, cv::Size(new_width, new_height),
0, 0, interpolation_method);
*label = det_label.ToArray(); // put back processed labels
return res;
// temporal space
cv::Mat temp_;
// parameters
DefaultImageDetAugmentParam param_;
.describe("default detection augmenter")
.set_body([]() {
return new DefaultImageDetAugmenter();
} // namespace io
} // namespace mxnet