blob: f7a79d19f81b04512a996ea7cba6ffdde68bb1ae [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015 by Contributors
* \file
* \brief Default augmenter.
#include <mxnet/base.h>
#include <utility>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include "./image_augmenter.h"
#include "../common/utils.h"
// Registers
namespace dmlc {
} // namespace dmlc
namespace mxnet {
namespace io {
/*! \brief image augmentation parameters*/
struct DefaultImageAugmentParam : public dmlc::Parameter<DefaultImageAugmentParam> {
/*! \brief resize shorter edge to size before applying other augmentations */
int resize;
/*! \brief whether we do random cropping */
bool rand_crop;
/*! \brief [-max_rotate_angle, max_rotate_angle] */
int max_rotate_angle;
/*! \brief max aspect ratio */
float max_aspect_ratio;
/*! \brief random shear the image [-max_shear_ratio, max_shear_ratio] */
float max_shear_ratio;
/*! \brief max crop size */
int max_crop_size;
/*! \brief min crop size */
int min_crop_size;
/*! \brief max scale ratio */
float max_random_scale;
/*! \brief min scale_ratio */
float min_random_scale;
/*! \brief min image size */
float min_img_size;
/*! \brief max image size */
float max_img_size;
/*! \brief max random in H channel */
int random_h;
/*! \brief max random in S channel */
int random_s;
/*! \brief max random in L channel */
int random_l;
/*! \brief rotate angle */
int rotate;
/*! \brief filled color while padding */
int fill_value;
/*! \brief interpolation method 0-NN 1-bilinear 2-cubic 3-area 4-lanczos4 9-auto 10-rand */
int inter_method;
/*! \brief padding size */
int pad;
/*! \brief shape of the image data*/
TShape data_shape;
// declare parameters
DMLC_DECLARE_PARAMETER(DefaultImageAugmentParam) {
.describe("Down scale the shorter edge to a new size "
"before applying other augmentations.");
.describe("If or not randomly crop the image");
.describe("Rotate by a random degree in ``[-v, v]``");
.describe("Change the aspect (namely width/height) to a random value "
"in ``[1 - max_aspect_ratio, 1 + max_aspect_ratio]``");
.describe("Apply a shear transformation (namely ``(x,y)->(x+my,y)``) "
"with ``m`` randomly chose from "
"``[-max_shear_ratio, max_shear_ratio]``");
.describe("Crop both width and height into a random size in "
"``[min_crop_size, max_crop_size]``");
.describe("Crop both width and height into a random size in "
"``[min_crop_size, max_crop_size]``");
.describe("Resize into ``[width*s, height*s]`` with ``s`` randomly"
" chosen from ``[min_random_scale, max_random_scale]``");
.describe("Resize into ``[width*s, height*s]`` with ``s`` randomly"
" chosen from ``[min_random_scale, max_random_scale]``");
.describe("Set the maximal width and height after all resize and"
" rotate argumentation are applied");
.describe("Set the minimal width and height after all resize and"
" rotate argumentation are applied");
.describe("Add a random value in ``[-random_h, random_h]`` to "
"the H channel in HSL color space.");
.describe("Add a random value in ``[-random_s, random_s]`` to "
"the S channel in HSL color space.");
.describe("Add a random value in ``[-random_l, random_l]`` to "
"the L channel in HSL color space.");
.describe("Rotate by an angle. If set, it overwrites the ``max_rotate_angle`` option.");
.describe("Set the padding pixes value into ``fill_value``.");
.describe("The shape of a output image.");
.describe("The interpolation method: 0-NN 1-bilinear 2-cubic 3-area "
"4-lanczos4 9-auto 10-rand.");
.describe("Change size from ``[width, height]`` into "
"``[pad + width + pad, pad + height + pad]`` by padding pixes");
std::vector<dmlc::ParamFieldInfo> ListDefaultAugParams() {
return DefaultImageAugmentParam::__FIELDS__();
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define M_PI CV_PI
/*! \brief helper class to do image augmentation */
class DefaultImageAugmenter : public ImageAugmenter {
// contructor
DefaultImageAugmenter() {
rotateM_ = cv::Mat(2, 3, CV_32F);
void Init(const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> >& kwargs) override {
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> > kwargs_left;
kwargs_left = param_.InitAllowUnknown(kwargs);
for (size_t i = 0; i < kwargs_left.size(); i++) {
if (!strcmp(kwargs_left[i].first.c_str(), "rotate_list")) {
const char* val = kwargs_left[i].second.c_str();
const char *end = val + strlen(val);
char buf[128];
while (val < end) {
sscanf(val, "%[^,]", buf);
val += strlen(buf) + 1;
* \brief get interpolation method with given inter_method, 0-CV_INTER_NN 1-CV_INTER_LINEAR 2-CV_INTER_CUBIC
* \ 3-CV_INTER_AREA 4-CV_INTER_LANCZOS4 9-AUTO(cubic for enlarge, area for shrink, bilinear for others) 10-RAND
int GetInterMethod(int inter_method, int old_width, int old_height, int new_width,
int new_height, common::RANDOM_ENGINE *prnd) {
if (inter_method == 9) {
if (new_width > old_width && new_height > old_height) {
return 2; // CV_INTER_CUBIC for enlarge
} else if (new_width <old_width && new_height < old_height) {
return 3; // CV_INTER_AREA for shrink
} else {
return 1; // CV_INTER_LINEAR for others
} else if (inter_method == 10) {
std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> rand_uniform_int(0, 4);
return rand_uniform_int(*prnd);
} else {
return inter_method;
cv::Mat Process(const cv::Mat &src, std::vector<float> *label,
common::RANDOM_ENGINE *prnd) override {
using mshadow::index_t;
cv::Mat res;
if (param_.resize != -1) {
int new_height, new_width;
if (src.rows > src.cols) {
new_height = param_.resize*src.rows/src.cols;
new_width = param_.resize;
} else {
new_height = param_.resize;
new_width = param_.resize*src.cols/src.rows;
CHECK((param_.inter_method >= 1 && param_.inter_method <= 4) ||
(param_.inter_method >= 9 && param_.inter_method <= 10))
<< "invalid inter_method: valid value 0,1,2,3,9,10";
int interpolation_method = GetInterMethod(param_.inter_method,
src.cols, src.rows, new_width, new_height, prnd);
cv::resize(src, res, cv::Size(new_width, new_height),
0, 0, interpolation_method);
} else {
res = src;
// normal augmentation by affine transformation.
if (param_.max_rotate_angle > 0 || param_.max_shear_ratio > 0.0f
|| param_.rotate > 0 || rotate_list_.size() > 0 || param_.max_random_scale != 1.0
|| param_.min_random_scale != 1.0 || param_.max_aspect_ratio != 0.0f
|| param_.max_img_size != 1e10f || param_.min_img_size != 0.0f) {
std::uniform_real_distribution<float> rand_uniform(0, 1);
// shear
float s = rand_uniform(*prnd) * param_.max_shear_ratio * 2 - param_.max_shear_ratio;
// rotate
int angle = std::uniform_int_distribution<int>(
-param_.max_rotate_angle, param_.max_rotate_angle)(*prnd);
if (param_.rotate > 0) angle = param_.rotate;
if (rotate_list_.size() > 0) {
angle = rotate_list_[std::uniform_int_distribution<int>(0, rotate_list_.size() - 1)(*prnd)];
float a = cos(angle / 180.0 * M_PI);
float b = sin(angle / 180.0 * M_PI);
// scale
float scale = rand_uniform(*prnd) *
(param_.max_random_scale - param_.min_random_scale) + param_.min_random_scale;
// aspect ratio
float ratio = rand_uniform(*prnd) *
param_.max_aspect_ratio * 2 - param_.max_aspect_ratio + 1;
float hs = 2 * scale / (1 + ratio);
float ws = ratio * hs;
// new width and height
float new_width = std::max(param_.min_img_size,
std::min(param_.max_img_size, scale * res.cols));
float new_height = std::max(param_.min_img_size,
std::min(param_.max_img_size, scale * res.rows));
cv::Mat M(2, 3, CV_32F);<float>(0, 0) = hs * a - s * b * ws;<float>(1, 0) = -b * ws;<float>(0, 1) = hs * b + s * a * ws;<float>(1, 1) = a * ws;
float ori_center_width =<float>(0, 0) * res.cols +<float>(0, 1) * res.rows;
float ori_center_height =<float>(1, 0) * res.cols +<float>(1, 1) * res.rows;<float>(0, 2) = (new_width - ori_center_width) / 2;<float>(1, 2) = (new_height - ori_center_height) / 2;
CHECK((param_.inter_method >= 1 && param_.inter_method <= 4) ||
(param_.inter_method >= 9 && param_.inter_method <= 10))
<< "invalid inter_method: valid value 0,1,2,3,9,10";
int interpolation_method = GetInterMethod(param_.inter_method,
res.cols, res.rows, new_width, new_height, prnd);
cv::warpAffine(res, temp_, M, cv::Size(new_width, new_height),
cv::Scalar(param_.fill_value, param_.fill_value, param_.fill_value));
res = temp_;
// pad logic
if (param_.pad > 0) {
cv::copyMakeBorder(res, res, param_.pad, param_.pad, param_.pad, param_.pad,
cv::Scalar(param_.fill_value, param_.fill_value, param_.fill_value));
// crop logic
if (param_.max_crop_size != -1 || param_.min_crop_size != -1) {
CHECK(res.cols >= param_.max_crop_size && res.rows >= \
param_.max_crop_size && param_.max_crop_size >= param_.min_crop_size)
<< "input image size smaller than max_crop_size";
index_t rand_crop_size =
std::uniform_int_distribution<index_t>(param_.min_crop_size, param_.max_crop_size)(*prnd);
index_t y = res.rows - rand_crop_size;
index_t x = res.cols - rand_crop_size;
if (param_.rand_crop != 0) {
y = std::uniform_int_distribution<index_t>(0, y)(*prnd);
x = std::uniform_int_distribution<index_t>(0, x)(*prnd);
} else {
y /= 2; x /= 2;
cv::Rect roi(x, y, rand_crop_size, rand_crop_size);
int interpolation_method = GetInterMethod(param_.inter_method, rand_crop_size, rand_crop_size,
param_.data_shape[2], param_.data_shape[1], prnd);
cv::resize(res(roi), res, cv::Size(param_.data_shape[2], param_.data_shape[1])
, 0, 0, interpolation_method);
} else {
CHECK(static_cast<index_t>(res.rows) >= param_.data_shape[1]
&& static_cast<index_t>(res.cols) >= param_.data_shape[2])
<< "input image size smaller than input shape";
index_t y = res.rows - param_.data_shape[1];
index_t x = res.cols - param_.data_shape[2];
if (param_.rand_crop != 0) {
y = std::uniform_int_distribution<index_t>(0, y)(*prnd);
x = std::uniform_int_distribution<index_t>(0, x)(*prnd);
} else {
y /= 2; x /= 2;
cv::Rect roi(x, y, param_.data_shape[2], param_.data_shape[1]);
res = res(roi);
// color space augmentation
if (param_.random_h != 0 || param_.random_s != 0 || param_.random_l != 0) {
std::uniform_real_distribution<float> rand_uniform(0, 1);
cvtColor(res, res, CV_BGR2HLS);
int h = rand_uniform(*prnd) * param_.random_h * 2 - param_.random_h;
int s = rand_uniform(*prnd) * param_.random_s * 2 - param_.random_s;
int l = rand_uniform(*prnd) * param_.random_l * 2 - param_.random_l;
int temp[3] = {h, l, s};
int limit[3] = {180, 255, 255};
for (int i = 0; i < res.rows; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < res.cols; ++j) {
for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) {
int v =<cv::Vec3b>(i, j)[k];
v += temp[k];
v = std::max(0, std::min(limit[k], v));<cv::Vec3b>(i, j)[k] = v;
cvtColor(res, res, CV_HLS2BGR);
return res;
// temporal space
cv::Mat temp_;
// rotation param
cv::Mat rotateM_;
// parameters
DefaultImageAugmentParam param_;
/*! \brief list of possible rotate angle */
std::vector<int> rotate_list_;
ImageAugmenter* ImageAugmenter::Create(const std::string& name) {
return dmlc::Registry<ImageAugmenterReg>::Find(name)->body();
.describe("default augmenter")
.set_body([]() {
return new DefaultImageAugmenter();
} // namespace io
} // namespace mxnet