blob: 2be00011271148619a4aa1f0931a3abcc37329dd [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015 by Contributors
* \file
* \brief graph executor
#include <mxnet/base.h>
#include <nnvm/graph.h>
#include <nnvm/pass_functions.h>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include "./exec_pass.h"
#include "./graph_executor.h"
#include "../engine/profiler.h"
namespace mxnet {
namespace exec {
GraphExecutor::~GraphExecutor() {
for (auto& n : op_nodes_) {
if (n.cached_opr != nullptr) {
// clean up seg ops
for (auto& seg : cached_seg_opr_) {
if (seg.opr != nullptr) {
void GraphExecutor::Forward(bool is_train) {
RunOps(is_train, 0, num_forward_nodes_);
void GraphExecutor::PartialForward(bool is_train, int step, int *step_left) {
size_t sstep = static_cast<size_t>(step);
if (sstep >= num_forward_nodes_) {
*step_left = 0; return;
RunOps(is_train, sstep, sstep + 1);
*step_left = static_cast<int>(num_forward_nodes_ - sstep - 1);
void GraphExecutor::Backward(const std::vector<NDArray>& head_grads) {
const auto& idx = graph_.indexed_graph();
if (num_forward_inputs_ != idx.input_nodes().size()) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < head_grad_array_.size(); ++i) {
if (!head_grad_array_[i].is_none()) {
CHECK(i < head_grads.size() && !head_grads[i].is_none())
<< "Because the last operator is not Loss function, "
<< "head_gradient is required when calling backward. "
<< "If you are attempting to minimize the output as "
<< "an objective, please modify your network and "
<< "pass it through the make_loss symbol.";
CopyFromTo(head_grads[i], &(head_grad_array_[i]));
RunOps(true, num_forward_nodes_, idx.num_nodes());
void GraphExecutor::Print(std::ostream &os) const { // NOLINT(*)
nnvm::Symbol s; s.outputs = graph_.outputs;
// message to be backward compatible with the memonger
size_t total_bytes = graph_.GetAttr<size_t>("storage_allocated_bytes");
os << "Total " << (total_bytes >> 20UL) <<" MB allocated\n";
os << "Total " << 11 << " TempSpace resource requested\n";
void GraphExecutor::SetMonitorCallback(const MonitorCallback& callback) {
CHECK(callback) << "invalid callback";
monitor_callback_ = callback;
const std::vector<NDArray>& GraphExecutor::outputs() const {
return output_arrays_;
const std::unordered_map<std::string, NDArray>& GraphExecutor::in_arg_map() const {
return in_arg_map_;
const std::unordered_map<std::string, NDArray>& GraphExecutor::arg_grad_map() const {
return arg_grad_map_;
const std::unordered_map<std::string, NDArray>& GraphExecutor::aux_state_map() const {
return aux_state_map_;
nnvm::NodeEntry AttrHint(nnvm::NodeEntry src, nnvm::NodeEntry like) {
static const Op* id_like = Op::Get("_identity_with_attr_like_rhs");
nnvm::NodePtr n = nnvm::Node::Create();
n->attrs.op = id_like;
n-> = src.node-> + "_id";
n->inputs = {src, like};
return nnvm::NodeEntry{n, 0, 0};
nnvm::NodeEntry AggregateGradient(std::vector<nnvm::NodeEntry>&& v) {
using nnvm::Op;
static size_t inplace_sum_cap = dmlc::GetEnv("MXNET_EXEC_INPLACE_GRAD_SUM_CAP", 8);
static const Op* ewise_plus_op = Op::Get("_grad_add");
static const Op* ewise_sum_op = Op::Get("ElementWiseSum");
static const Op* identity_op = Op::Get("identity");
static const Op* zeros_op = Op::Get("_zeros");
static const Op* zeros_like_op = Op::Get("zeros_like");
if (v.size() == 0) {
nnvm::NodePtr ng = nnvm::Node::Create();
ng->attrs.op = zeros_op;
ng-> = "zeros";
return nnvm::NodeEntry{ng, 0, 0};
// remove zero in the sum. at least keep 1.
size_t begin = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) {
if (v[i].node->op() != zeros_op && v[i].node->op() != zeros_like_op) {
if (begin != i) {
v[begin] = std::move(v[i]);
if (begin == 0) begin = 1;
if (v.size() == 1) {
return std::move(v[0]);
} else {
if (v.size() < inplace_sum_cap) {
nnvm::NodePtr sum_node = nnvm::Node::Create();
sum_node->attrs.op = ewise_sum_op;
sum_node-> = "sum_grad";
sum_node->attrs.dict["num_args"] = std::to_string(v.size());
sum_node->inputs = std::move(v);
return nnvm::NodeEntry{sum_node, 0, 0};
} else {
// use a stream line of plus instead
nnvm::NodeEntry ret = v[0];
for (size_t i = 1; i < v.size(); ++i) {
// Add control flow dependency from to previous node
// This enforces the gradient sum order will be in the inverse
// order of forward traversal
// NOTE: adding control dependency can be dangerous and cause cycle in the dep.
// The curent usage is correct, because of the following invariant:
// assert: v[i-1] do not depend on v[i]
// To put in plain text: v is gradient vector that get pushed in the order
// that can generate them, which means if v[i] is not yet pushed,
// all previous gradient cannot depend on it.
std::ostringstream os;
os << "sum_grad_" << i;
nnvm::NodePtr x = nnvm::Node::Create();
x->attrs.op = ewise_plus_op;
x-> = os.str();
x->inputs = {ret, v[i]};
ret = nnvm::NodeEntry{x, 0, 0};
// identity node is used to avoid exposure of dummy plus node
// when its output get assigned to another space.
nnvm::NodePtr id_node = nnvm::Node::Create();
id_node->attrs.op = identity_op;
id_node-> = "sum_grad_final";
id_node->inputs = {ret};
return nnvm::NodeEntry{id_node, 0, 0};
template<typename ValueType>
inline ValueType get_node_attr(
const nnvm::Node& node,
const std::string& key, ValueType default_value) {
auto it = node.attrs.dict.find(key);
if (it == node.attrs.dict.end()) {
return default_value;
} else {
ValueType ret;
dmlc::parameter::FieldEntry<ValueType> e;
e.Init(key, &ret, ret);
e.Set(&ret, it->second);
return ret;
* \brief Create the graph for backward pass.
* This is triggered by both simple_bind and bind flows.
nnvm::Graph GraphExecutor::InitFullGraph(nnvm::Symbol symbol,
const std::vector<OpReqType>& grad_req_types) {
using nnvm::NodePtr;
using nnvm::NodeEntry;
// initial information
num_forward_outputs_ = symbol.outputs.size();
num_forward_inputs_ = symbol.ListInputs(nnvm::Symbol::kAll).size();
nnvm::Graph g;
g.outputs = symbol.outputs;
bool need_grad = false;
for (OpReqType req : grad_req_types) {
if (req != kNullOp) need_grad = true;
if (!need_grad) return g;
for (size_t i = 0; i < g.outputs.size(); ++i) {
NodeEntry ngrad{nnvm::Node::Create(), 0, 0};
head_grad_entry_.emplace_back(AttrHint(ngrad, g.outputs[i]));
head_grad_map_[ngrad.node.get()] = i;
std::vector<NodePtr> args = symbol.ListInputs(nnvm::Symbol::kReadOnlyArgs);
std::vector<NodeEntry> xs;
for (size_t i = 0; i < grad_req_types.size(); ++i) {
if (grad_req_types[i] != kNullOp) {
xs.emplace_back(NodeEntry{args[i], 0, 0});
int do_mirror = dmlc::GetEnv("MXNET_BACKWARD_DO_MIRROR", 0);
auto need_mirror = [do_mirror](const nnvm::Node& node) -> int {
if (node.is_variable()) return 0;
const std::string& type = node.attrs.op->name;
if (type == "Dropout") return false;
if (get_node_attr(node, "__force_mirroring__", false)) return true;
if (do_mirror == 0) return false;
if (type == "Convolution") return false;
if (type == "FullyConnected") return false;
if (type == "Concat") return false;
if (type == "SoftmaxOutput") return false;
if (type == "BatchNorm") return false;
if (type == "CuDNNBatchNorm") return false;
return true;
std::vector<const nnvm::Op*> zero_ops;
// take gradient
nnvm::Graph g_grad = nnvm::pass::Gradient(
g, symbol.outputs, xs, head_grad_entry_,
AggregateGradient, need_mirror, nullptr,
zero_ops, "_copy");
CHECK_EQ(g_grad.outputs.size(), xs.size());
for (const auto &e : g_grad.outputs) {
return g;
* \brief Assign context to the graph.
* This is triggered by both simple_bind and bind flows.
Graph AssignContext(Graph g,
const Context& default_ctx,
const std::map<std::string, Context>& ctx_map,
const std::vector<Context>& in_arg_ctxes,
const std::vector<Context>& arg_grad_ctxes,
const std::vector<Context>& aux_state_ctxes,
size_t num_forward_inputs,
size_t num_forward_outputs) {
const auto& idx = g.indexed_graph();
const auto& mutable_nodes = idx.mutable_input_nodes();
// default use default context.
if (ctx_map.size() == 0) {
g.attrs["context"] = std::make_shared<nnvm::any>(
ContextVector(idx.num_nodes(), default_ctx));
for (const auto& x : in_arg_ctxes) {
CHECK(x == default_ctx)
<< "Input array is in " << x << " while binding with ctx=" << default_ctx
<< ". All arguments must be in global context (" << default_ctx
<< ") unless group2ctx is specified for cross-device graph.";
for (const auto& x : arg_grad_ctxes) {
CHECK(x == default_ctx)
<< "Gradient array is in " << x << " while binding with ctx="
<< default_ctx << ". All gradients must be in global context (" << default_ctx
<< ") unless group2ctx is specified for cross-device graph.";
return g;
// otherwise, use context assignment.
std::map<Context, int> ctx2id; // map ctx to device id
std::vector<Context> ctx_list; // index is device id
nnvm::DeviceVector device(idx.num_nodes(), -1); // index is node id
nnvm::DeviceAssignMap device_map; // map arg name to device id
// loop through the user input ctx_map and
// populate maps and lists
for (auto &kv : ctx_map) {
if (ctx2id.count(kv.second) == 0) { // if context has no device id, create one
ctx2id[kv.second] = static_cast<int>(ctx_list.size()); // assign device id to ctx
ctx_list.push_back(kv.second); // save ctx to the list
// assign device id to to the arg name with the corresponding ctx
device_map[kv.first] =;
// loop through all the rest of input nodes not specified
// in the ctx_map and populate maps and lists
size_t arg_top = 0, aux_top = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_forward_inputs; ++i) {
const uint32_t nid = idx.input_nodes().at(i);
Context ctx;
if (mutable_nodes.count(nid)) { // aux node is mutable
CHECK_LT(aux_top, aux_state_ctxes.size());
ctx = aux_state_ctxes[aux_top];
} else { // regular input node is immutable
CHECK_LT(arg_top, in_arg_ctxes.size());
ctx = in_arg_ctxes[arg_top];
if (ctx2id.count(ctx) == 0) { // if the current ctx is not in the map of ctx and device id
ctx2id[ctx] = static_cast<int>(ctx_list.size()); // assign the current ctx with device id
ctx_list.push_back(ctx); // save the current ctx in the list
device[nid] =; // assign device id to the current node
// loop through backward input nodes and populate maps and lists
// the backward input nodes is the gradient of the loss wrt the output
for (size_t i = num_forward_outputs; i < g.outputs.size(); ++i) {
const uint32_t nid = idx.outputs()[i].node_id;
Context ctx = arg_grad_ctxes[i - num_forward_outputs];
if (ctx2id.count(ctx) == 0) {
ctx2id[ctx] = static_cast<int>(ctx_list.size());
int devid =;
if (device[nid] != -1) {
CHECK_EQ(device[nid], devid) << "device of same output not equal to each other";
} else {
device[nid] = devid;
g.attrs["device"] = std::make_shared<dmlc::any>(std::move(device));
g = nnvm::pass::PlaceDevice(g, "__ctx_group__", device_map, "_CrossDeviceCopy");
const auto& assigned_device = g.GetAttr<nnvm::DeviceVector>("device");
ContextVector vcontext;
for (size_t i = 0; i < assigned_device.size(); ++i) {
if (assigned_device[i] == -1) {
} else {
g.attrs["context"] = std::make_shared<nnvm::any>(std::move(vcontext));
return g;
void HandleInferShapeError(const size_t num_forward_inputs,
const nnvm::IndexedGraph& idx,
const nnvm::ShapeVector& inferred_shapes) {
int cnt = 10;
std::ostringstream oss;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_forward_inputs; ++i) {
const uint32_t nid = idx.input_nodes().at(i);
const uint32_t eid = idx.entry_id(nid, 0);
const TShape& inferred_shape = inferred_shapes[eid];
if (inferred_shape.ndim() == 0 || inferred_shape.Size() == 0U) {
const std::string& arg_name = idx[nid].source->;
oss << arg_name << ": " << inferred_shape << ", ";
if (--cnt == 0) {
oss << "...";
LOG(FATAL) << "InferShape pass cannot decide shapes for the following arguments "
"(0s means unknown dimensions). Please consider providing them as inputs:\n"
<< oss.str();
void HandleInferTypeError(const size_t num_forward_inputs,
const nnvm::IndexedGraph& idx,
const nnvm::DTypeVector& inferred_dtypes) {
int cnt = 10;
std::ostringstream oss;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_forward_inputs; ++i) {
const uint32_t nid = idx.input_nodes().at(i);
const uint32_t eid = idx.entry_id(nid, 0);
const int inferred_dtype = inferred_dtypes[eid];
if (inferred_dtype == -1) {
const std::string& arg_name = idx[nid].source->;
oss << arg_name << ": " << inferred_dtype << ", ";
if (--cnt == 0) {
oss << "...";
LOG(FATAL) << "InferType pass cannot decide dtypes for the following arguments "
"(-1 means unknown dtype). Please consider providing them as inputs:\n"
<< oss.str();
* \brief GraphExecutor initializer for regular bind flow in which
* input arguments and gradients are provided by users. This initializer
* uses the user provided NDArrays to populate data entries of the graph.
void GraphExecutor::Init(nnvm::Symbol symbol,
const Context& default_ctx,
const std::map<std::string, Context>& ctx_map,
const std::vector<NDArray>& in_args,
const std::vector<NDArray>& arg_grad_store,
const std::vector<OpReqType>& grad_req_types,
const std::vector<NDArray>& aux_states,
Executor* shared_exec,
const nnvm::NodeEntryMap<NDArray>& feed_dict) {
// create in_arg_ctxes, arg_grad_ctxes, aux_state_ctxes
auto get_ctx1 = [](const NDArray& nd) { return nd.ctx(); };
auto get_ctx2 = [default_ctx](const NDArray& nd) -> Context {
if (nd.is_none()) return default_ctx;
return nd.ctx();
std::vector<Context> in_arg_ctxes(in_args.size());
std::transform(in_args.begin(), in_args.end(), in_arg_ctxes.begin(), get_ctx1);
std::vector<Context> arg_grad_ctxes(arg_grad_store.size());
std::transform(arg_grad_store.begin(), arg_grad_store.end(), arg_grad_ctxes.begin(), get_ctx2);
std::vector<Context> aux_state_ctxes(aux_states.size());
std::transform(aux_states.begin(), aux_states.end(), aux_state_ctxes.begin(), get_ctx1);
nnvm::Graph g = InitGraph(symbol, default_ctx, ctx_map, in_arg_ctxes,
arg_grad_ctxes, aux_state_ctxes, grad_req_types);
// create arg_shapes and arg_dtypes for shape and type inferences
const auto& idx = g.indexed_graph();
const auto& mutable_nodes = idx.mutable_input_nodes();
size_t arg_top = 0, aux_top = 0;
nnvm::ShapeVector arg_shapes;
nnvm::DTypeVector arg_dtypes;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_forward_inputs_; ++i) {
const uint32_t nid = idx.input_nodes().at(i);
const std::string& arg_name = idx[nid].source->;
if (mutable_nodes.count(nid)) {
CHECK_LT(aux_top, aux_states.size());
data_entry_[idx.entry_id(nid, 0)] = aux_states[aux_top];
aux_state_map_.emplace(arg_name, aux_states[aux_top]);
} else {
CHECK_LT(arg_top, in_args.size());
data_entry_[idx.entry_id(nid, 0)] = in_args[arg_top];
in_arg_map_.emplace(arg_name, in_args[arg_top]);
if (kNullOp != grad_req_types[arg_top]) {
grad_store_.emplace_back(grad_req_types[arg_top], arg_grad_store[arg_top]);
arg_grad_map_.emplace(arg_name, arg_grad_store[arg_top]);
// expand arg_shapes and arg_dtypes to contain backward inputs
arg_shapes.resize(idx.input_nodes().size(), TShape());
g = nnvm::pass::InferShape(g, arg_shapes, "__shape__");
if (g.GetAttr<size_t>("shape_num_unknown_nodes") != 0U) {
HandleInferShapeError(num_forward_inputs_, g.indexed_graph(),
arg_dtypes.resize(idx.input_nodes().size(), -1);
g = nnvm::pass::InferType(g, arg_dtypes, "__dtype__");
if (g.GetAttr<size_t>("dtype_num_unknown_nodes") != 0U) {
HandleInferTypeError(num_forward_inputs_, g.indexed_graph(),
// Initialize the rest attributes of the graph.
// This function can be called by regular bind
// operation flow as well.
FinishInitGraph(symbol, g, shared_exec, feed_dict);
* \brief Initialize in_args, arg_grads, and aux_states
* and their data_entry_ of the executor. This function
* is called for regular simple_bind flow, i.e. no
* shared data arrays are provided.
void GraphExecutor::InitArguments(const nnvm::IndexedGraph& idx,
const nnvm::ShapeVector& inferred_shapes,
const nnvm::DTypeVector& inferred_dtypes,
const std::vector<Context>& in_arg_ctxes,
const std::vector<Context>& arg_grad_ctxes,
const std::vector<Context>& aux_state_ctxes,
const std::vector<OpReqType>& grad_req_types,
std::vector<NDArray>* in_arg_vec,
std::vector<NDArray>* arg_grad_vec,
std::vector<NDArray>* aux_state_vec) {
// initialize in_args, arg_grads, and aux_states
// populate grad_store_
size_t arg_top = 0, aux_top = 0;
const auto& mutable_nodes = idx.mutable_input_nodes();
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_forward_inputs_; ++i) {
const uint32_t nid = idx.input_nodes().at(i);
const uint32_t eid = idx.entry_id(nid, 0);
const TShape& inferred_shape = inferred_shapes[eid];
const int inferred_dtype = inferred_dtypes[eid];
const std::string& arg_name = idx[nid].source->;
if (mutable_nodes.count(nid)) { // aux_states
aux_state_vec->emplace_back(inferred_shape, aux_state_ctxes[aux_top], false, inferred_dtype);
aux_state_vec->back() = 0;
data_entry_[eid] = aux_state_vec->back();
aux_state_map_.emplace(arg_name, aux_state_vec->back());
} else { // in_args
in_arg_vec->emplace_back(inferred_shape, in_arg_ctxes[arg_top], false, inferred_dtype);
in_arg_vec->back() = 0;
data_entry_[eid] = in_arg_vec->back();
if (kNullOp == grad_req_types[arg_top]) {
} else {
arg_grad_vec->emplace_back(inferred_shape, arg_grad_ctxes[arg_top], false, inferred_dtype);
arg_grad_vec->back() = 0;
grad_store_.emplace_back(grad_req_types[arg_top], arg_grad_vec->back());
arg_grad_map_.emplace(arg_name, arg_grad_vec->back());
in_arg_map_.emplace(arg_name, in_arg_vec->back());
* \brief If the requested ndarray's shape size is less than
* the corresponding shared_data_array's shape size, reuse
* the memory allocation; otherwise, create a zero ndarray.
NDArray ReshapeOrCreate(const std::string& name,
const TShape& dest_arg_shape,
const int dest_arg_dtype,
const Context& ctx,
std::unordered_map<std::string, NDArray>* shared_buffer) {
auto it = shared_buffer->find(name);
if (it != shared_buffer->end()) {
if (it->second.shape().Size() >= dest_arg_shape.Size()) { // memory can be reused
CHECK_EQ(it->second.dtype(), dest_arg_dtype)
<< "Requested arg array's dtype does not match the reusable ndarray";
return it->second.Reshape(dest_arg_shape);
} else {
LOG(WARNING) << "Bucketing: data " << name << " has a shape " << dest_arg_shape
<< ", which is larger than already allocated shape " << it->second.shape()
<< ". Need to re-allocate. Consider putting default bucket key to be "
<< "the bucket taking the largest input for better memory sharing.";
it->second = NDArray(dest_arg_shape, ctx, false, dest_arg_dtype);
it->second = 0;
return it->second;
} // arg_array.shape().Size() >= arg_shape.Size()
} else {
auto p = shared_buffer->emplace(name, NDArray(dest_arg_shape, ctx, false, dest_arg_dtype));
p.first->second = 0;
return p.first->second;
} // if (it != shared_buffer->end())
* \brief Initialize in_args, arg_grads, and aux_states
* and their data_entry_ of the executor using
* shared_buffer from DataParallelExecutorGroup
* and shared_exec if available.
void GraphExecutor::InitArguments(const nnvm::IndexedGraph& idx,
const nnvm::ShapeVector& inferred_shapes,
const nnvm::DTypeVector& inferred_dtypes,
const std::vector<Context>& in_arg_ctxes,
const std::vector<Context>& arg_grad_ctxes,
const std::vector<Context>& aux_state_ctxes,
const std::vector<OpReqType>& grad_req_types,
const std::unordered_set<std::string>& shared_arg_names,
const Executor* shared_exec,
std::unordered_map<std::string, NDArray>* shared_buffer,
std::vector<NDArray>* in_arg_vec,
std::vector<NDArray>* arg_grad_vec,
std::vector<NDArray>* aux_state_vec) {
// initialize in_args, arg_grads, and aux_states and populate grad_store_
size_t arg_top = 0, aux_top = 0;
const auto& mutable_nodes = idx.mutable_input_nodes();
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_forward_inputs_; ++i) {
const uint32_t nid = idx.input_nodes().at(i);
const uint32_t eid = idx.entry_id(nid, 0);
const TShape& inferred_shape = inferred_shapes[eid];
const int inferred_dtype = inferred_dtypes[eid];
const std::string& arg_name = idx[nid].source->;
if (mutable_nodes.count(nid)) { // aux_states
if (nullptr != shared_exec) {
const NDArray& aux_nd = shared_exec->aux_state_map().at(arg_name);
CHECK_EQ(inferred_shape, aux_nd.shape())
<< "Inferred shape does not match shared_exec.aux_array's shape."
" Therefore, the allocated memory for shared_exec.aux_array cannot"
" be resued for creating auxilliary NDArray of the argument"
<< arg_name << " for the current executor";
CHECK_EQ(inferred_dtype, aux_nd.dtype())
<< "Inferred dtype does not match shared_exec.aux_array's dtype."
" Therefore, the allocated memory for shared_exec.aux_array cannot"
" be resued for creating auxilliary NDArray of the argument"
<< arg_name << " for the current executor";
} else {
aux_state_vec->emplace_back(inferred_shape, aux_state_ctxes[aux_top],
false, inferred_dtype);
aux_state_vec->back() = 0;
} // if (has_shared_exec)
data_entry_[eid] = aux_state_vec->back();
aux_state_map_.emplace(arg_name, aux_state_vec->back());
} else { // in_args
if (shared_arg_names.count(arg_name)) { // model parameter
if (nullptr != shared_exec) {
const NDArray& in_arg_nd = shared_exec->in_arg_map().at(arg_name);
CHECK_EQ(inferred_shape, in_arg_nd.shape())
<< "Inferred shape does not match shared_exec.arg_array's shape"
" Therefore, the allocated memory for shared_exec.arg_array cannot"
" be resued for creating NDArray of the argument"
<< arg_name << " for the current executor";
CHECK_EQ(inferred_dtype, in_arg_nd.dtype())
<< "Inferred dtype does not match shared_exec.arg_array's dtype"
" Therefore, the allocated memory for shared_exec.arg_array cannot"
" be resued for creating NDArray of the argument"
<< arg_name << " for the current executor";
if (kNullOp == grad_req_types[arg_top]) {
} else {
grad_store_.emplace_back(grad_req_types[arg_top], arg_grad_vec->back());
} // if (kNullOp == grad_req_types[arg_top])
} else { // !has shared_exec
in_arg_vec->emplace_back(inferred_shape, in_arg_ctxes[arg_top], false, inferred_dtype);
in_arg_vec->back() = 0;
if (kNullOp == grad_req_types[arg_top]) {
} else {
arg_grad_vec->emplace_back(inferred_shape, arg_grad_ctxes[arg_top],
false, inferred_dtype);
arg_grad_vec->back() = 0;
grad_store_.emplace_back(grad_req_types[arg_top], arg_grad_vec->back());
} // if (kNullOp == grad_req_types[arg_top])
} // if (has_shared_exec)
} else { // !shared_arg_names.count(arg_name)
in_arg_vec->emplace_back(ReshapeOrCreate(arg_name, inferred_shape, inferred_dtype,
in_arg_ctxes[arg_top], shared_buffer));
if (kNullOp == grad_req_types[arg_top]) {
} else {
arg_grad_vec->emplace_back(ReshapeOrCreate("grad of " + arg_name, inferred_shape,
inferred_dtype, arg_grad_ctxes[arg_top],
grad_store_.emplace_back(grad_req_types[arg_top], arg_grad_vec->back());
} // if (kNullOp == grad_req_types[arg_top])
} // if (shared_arg_names.count(arg_name))
in_arg_map_.emplace(arg_name, in_arg_vec->back());
if (!arg_grad_vec->back().is_none()) {
arg_grad_map_.emplace(arg_name, arg_grad_vec->back());
data_entry_[eid] = in_arg_vec->back();
* \brief Finish graph initialization after shape and dtype inferences.
* This function is used by both simple_bind and bind flows.
void GraphExecutor::FinishInitGraph(nnvm::Symbol symbol,
nnvm::Graph g,
Executor* shared_exec,
const nnvm::NodeEntryMap<NDArray>& feed_dict) {
const auto& idx = g.indexed_graph();
for (size_t j = num_forward_outputs_; j < idx.outputs().size(); ++j) {
data_entry_[idx.entry_id(idx.outputs()[j])] = grad_store_[j - num_forward_outputs_].second;
// memory allocator
const int kBadStorageID = -1;
const int kExternalStorageID = -2;
nnvm::StorageVector arg_storage_id(idx.num_node_entries(), kBadStorageID);
for (size_t j = num_forward_outputs_; j < idx.outputs().size(); ++j) {
arg_storage_id[idx.entry_id(idx.outputs()[j])] = kExternalStorageID;
for (const auto& kv : feed_dict) {
uint32_t eid = idx.entry_id(kv.first);
data_entry_[eid] = kv.second;
arg_storage_id[eid] = kExternalStorageID;
g.attrs["storage"] = std::make_shared<dmlc::any>(std::move(arg_storage_id));
g = nnvm::ApplyPass(g, "PlanMemory");
g = DetectInplaceAddTo(g);
g.attrs["saved_opr"] = std::make_shared<nnvm::any>(std::move(saved_opr_));
g = AttachOpExecs(g);
g = AttachOpResources(g);
graph_ = std::move(g);
if (shared_exec != nullptr) {
} else {
// initialize output arrays
auto& idx = graph_.indexed_graph();
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_forward_outputs_; ++i) {
auto& e = idx.outputs()[i];
// initialize head gradient array
for (size_t i = num_forward_inputs_; i < idx.input_nodes().size(); ++i) {
uint32_t nid = idx.input_nodes().at(i);
uint32_t oid =[nid].source);
head_grad_array_[oid] = data_entry_[idx.entry_id(nid, 0)];
* \brief GraphExecutor initializer for simple bind flow in
* which only certain input shapes and dtypes are provided by users.
* The initializer uses these shapes and dtypes to perform
* shape and dtype inferences, and then create NDArrays
* to populate data entries of the graph. The created NDArrays
* for in_args, arg_grads and aux_states are passed to the
* front end to attach the created executor.
* In front end, if the simple_bind flow is trigger by
* _bind_ith_exec, the shared data arrays of DataParallelExecutorGroup
* and shared executor will be taken into account in creating
* NDArrays for in_args, arg_grads, and aux_states for resuing
* already allocated memory.
void GraphExecutor::Init(nnvm::Symbol symbol,
const Context& default_ctx,
const std::map<std::string, Context>& ctx_map,
const std::vector<Context>& in_arg_ctxes,
const std::vector<Context>& arg_grad_ctxes,
const std::vector<Context>& aux_state_ctxes,
const std::unordered_map<std::string, TShape>& arg_shape_map,
const std::unordered_map<std::string, int>& arg_dtype_map,
const std::vector<OpReqType>& grad_req_types,
const std::unordered_set<std::string>& shared_arg_names,
std::vector<NDArray>* in_arg_vec,
std::vector<NDArray>* arg_grad_vec,
std::vector<NDArray>* aux_state_vec,
std::unordered_map<std::string, NDArray>* shared_buffer,
Executor* shared_exec,
const nnvm::NodeEntryMap<NDArray>& feed_dict) {
nnvm::Graph g = InitGraph(symbol, default_ctx, ctx_map, in_arg_ctxes, arg_grad_ctxes,
aux_state_ctxes, grad_req_types);
// The following code of shape and dtype inferences and argument
// initialization is for simple_bind only. Regular bind operation
// should do this differently.
// Initialize arg_shapes and arg_dtypes for shape and type inferences.
// It contains all in_args and aux_states' shapes and types in a certain order.
const nnvm::IndexedGraph& idx = g.indexed_graph();
nnvm::ShapeVector arg_shapes(idx.input_nodes().size(), TShape());
nnvm::DTypeVector arg_dtypes(idx.input_nodes().size(), -1);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_forward_inputs_; ++i) {
const uint32_t nid = idx.input_nodes().at(i);
const std::string& name = idx[nid].source->;
auto it1 = arg_shape_map.find(name);
if (arg_shape_map.end() != it1) {
arg_shapes[i] = it1->second;
auto it2 = arg_dtype_map.find(name);
if (arg_dtype_map.end() != it2) {
arg_dtypes[i] = it2->second;
g = nnvm::pass::InferShape(g, arg_shapes, "__shape__");
if (g.GetAttr<size_t>("shape_num_unknown_nodes") != 0U) {
HandleInferShapeError(num_forward_inputs_, g.indexed_graph(),
g = nnvm::pass::InferType(g, arg_dtypes, "__dtype__");
if (g.GetAttr<size_t>("dtype_num_unknown_nodes") != 0U) {
HandleInferTypeError(num_forward_inputs_, g.indexed_graph(),
// Create in_args, arg_grads, and aux_states using
// the inferred shapes and dtypes.
if (nullptr == shared_buffer) { // regular simple bind
InitArguments(idx, g.GetAttr<nnvm::ShapeVector>("shape"),
in_arg_ctxes, arg_grad_ctxes, aux_state_ctxes,
grad_req_types, in_arg_vec, arg_grad_vec, aux_state_vec);
} else { // simple bind using shared data arrays and shared_exec
InitArguments(idx, g.GetAttr<nnvm::ShapeVector>("shape"),
in_arg_ctxes, arg_grad_ctxes, aux_state_ctxes,
grad_req_types, shared_arg_names, shared_exec,
shared_buffer, in_arg_vec, arg_grad_vec, aux_state_vec);
// The above code of shape and dtype inferences and argument
// initialization is for simple_bind only. Regular bind operation
// should do this differently.
// Initialize the rest attributes of the graph.
// This function can be called by regular bind
// operation flow as well.
FinishInitGraph(symbol, g, shared_exec, feed_dict);
* \brief This function is triggered by both simple_bind
* and bind flows.
* Setup backward graph, create device and context
* attributes in the graph, and calculate the number
* of forward nodes.
Graph GraphExecutor::InitGraph(nnvm::Symbol symbol,
const Context& default_ctx,
const std::map<std::string, Context>& ctx_map,
const std::vector<Context>& in_arg_ctxes,
const std::vector<Context>& arg_grad_ctxes,
const std::vector<Context>& aux_state_ctxes,
const std::vector<OpReqType>& grad_req_types) {
// setup gradient
nnvm::Graph g = InitFullGraph(symbol, grad_req_types);
// create "device" and "context" attrs for the graph
g = AssignContext(g, default_ctx, ctx_map,
const auto& idx = g.indexed_graph();
// get number of nodes used in forward pass
num_forward_nodes_ = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_forward_outputs_; ++i) {
num_forward_nodes_ = std::max(
num_forward_nodes_, static_cast<size_t>(idx.outputs()[i].node_id + 1));
return g;
// initialize the memory of each entries
void GraphExecutor::InitDataEntryMemory(std::vector<NDArray>* shared_pool) {
using nnvm::DTypeVector;
using nnvm::ShapeVector;
using nnvm::StorageVector;
// get the graph
const auto& idx = graph_.indexed_graph();
// get the storage
const auto& vdtype = graph_.GetAttr<DTypeVector>("dtype");
const auto& vshape = graph_.GetAttr<ShapeVector>("shape");
const auto& vstorage = graph_.GetAttr<StorageVector>("storage_id");
const auto& vctx = graph_.GetAttr<ContextVector>("context");
CHECK_EQ(idx.num_node_entries(), vshape.size());
CHECK_EQ(idx.num_node_entries(), vdtype.size());
CHECK_EQ(idx.num_node_entries(), vstorage.size());
CHECK_EQ(data_entry_.size(), vshape.size());
std::vector<Context> data_context(idx.num_node_entries());
for (uint32_t nid = 0; nid < idx.num_nodes(); ++nid) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < idx[nid].source->num_outputs(); ++i) {
data_context[idx.entry_id(nid, i)] = vctx[nid];
// information about the pool
using PoolEntry = std::pair<Context, size_t>;
std::vector<PoolEntry> pool_info;
// assign array to head gradient
for (size_t i = num_forward_inputs_; i < idx.input_nodes().size(); ++i) {
uint32_t nid = idx.input_nodes().at(i);
uint32_t oid =[nid].source);
uint32_t eid = idx.entry_id(idx.outputs()[oid]);
CHECK_NE(vshape[eid].ndim(), 0U);
CHECK_NE(vdtype[eid], -1);
data_entry_[idx.entry_id(nid, 0)] =
NDArray(vshape[eid], data_context[eid], false, vdtype[eid]);
// get maximum bytes in each pool
for (size_t i = 0; i < vshape.size(); ++i) {
if (!data_entry_[i].is_none()) continue;
size_t bytes = vshape[i].Size() * mshadow::mshadow_sizeof(vdtype[i]);
int storage_id = vstorage[i];
if (storage_id < 0) continue;
size_t sid = static_cast<size_t>(storage_id);
if (sid >= pool_info.size()) {
pool_info.resize(sid + 1, PoolEntry{Context::CPU(), size_t(0)});
PoolEntry& info = pool_info[sid];
if (info.second == 0) {
info = PoolEntry{data_context[i], bytes};
} else {
info.second = std::max(info.second, bytes);
// construct the re-use pool, if needed
std::multimap<size_t, NDArray> free_pool;
if (shared_pool != nullptr) {
for (const NDArray& nd : *shared_pool) {
size_t bytes = nd.shape().Size() * mshadow::mshadow_sizeof(nd.dtype());
free_pool.insert(std::make_pair(bytes, nd));
// remake the data pool
// sort the pool info the descending order before allocating memory
std::vector<size_t> sorted_pool_index;
for (size_t i = 0; i < pool_info.size(); i++) {
auto pool_comparator = [&pool_info](int lhs, int rhs){
return pool_info[lhs].second > pool_info[rhs].second;
std::sort(sorted_pool_index.begin(), sorted_pool_index.end(), pool_comparator);
for (size_t i : sorted_pool_index) {
const Context& ctx = pool_info[i].first;
size_t bytes = pool_info[i].second;
bool allocated = false;
for (auto it = free_pool.lower_bound(bytes); it != free_pool.end(); ++it) {
if (it->second.ctx() == ctx && it->first >= bytes) {
data_pool_[i] = it->second;
allocated = true;
if (!allocated) {
size_t nword = (bytes + 3) / 4;
CHECK_LE(nword, std::numeric_limits<nnvm::dim_t>::max());
// allocate float arrays
TShape shape{static_cast<nnvm::dim_t>(nword)};
NDArray nd(shape, ctx);
data_pool_[i] = nd;
// put the new allocated arrays to shared pool
if (shared_pool != nullptr) {
CHECK_EQ(data_pool_.size(), pool_info.size());
// assign the data entries
for (size_t i = 0; i < data_entry_.size(); ++i) {
// avoid pre-allocated arrays
if (!data_entry_[i].is_none()) continue;
// assign allocated array by storage id
int storage_id = vstorage[i];
CHECK_GE(storage_id, 0) << "Do not support runtime shape op yet";
const NDArray& src =;
data_entry_[i] = src.AsArray(vshape[i], vdtype[i]);
void GraphExecutor::InitCachedOps() {
// get the graph
const auto& idx = graph_.indexed_graph();
const auto& vstorage_inplace =
graph_.GetAttr<std::vector<int> >("storage_inplace_index");
const auto& op_execs =
const auto& vctx = graph_.GetAttr<ContextVector>("context");
const auto& addto_entry = graph_.GetAttr<std::vector<int> >("addto_entry");
const auto& skip_plus_node = graph_.GetAttr<std::vector<int> >("skip_plus_node");
// setup the array and requirements.
for (uint32_t nid = 0; nid < idx.num_nodes(); ++nid) {
const auto& inode = idx[nid];
if (inode.source->is_variable()) continue;
op_nodes_[nid].opr_name = inode.source->op()->name.c_str();
op_nodes_[nid].opr_name = nullptr;
if ( {
op_nodes_[nid].skip_exec_node = true; continue;
op_nodes_[nid].exec = op_execs[nid];
op_nodes_[nid].ctx = vctx[nid];
auto& exec = op_nodes_[nid].exec;
CHECK_EQ(exec->in_array.size(), 0U);
CHECK_EQ(exec->out_array.size(), 0U);
for (const auto& e : inode.inputs) {
// detect inplace requirement
for (uint32_t index = 0; index < inode.source->num_outputs(); ++index) {
uint32_t eid = idx.entry_id(nid, index);
if ( != 0) {
} else if (vstorage_inplace[eid] >= 0) {
} else if (vstorage_inplace[eid] == -2) {
// -2 indicate that the entry is never referenced.
} else {
// Note that this modifies the requirment of kWriteInplace
for (size_t j = num_forward_outputs_; j < idx.outputs().size(); ++j) {
auto& e = idx.outputs()[j];
op_nodes_[e.node_id].exec->req[e.index] =
grad_store_[j - num_forward_outputs_].first;
for (uint32_t nid = 0; nid < idx.num_nodes(); ++nid) {
const auto& inode = idx[nid];
if (inode.source->is_variable()) continue;
if (op_nodes_[nid].skip_exec_node) continue;
auto& exec = op_nodes_[nid].exec;
bool is_async = op_nodes_[nid].exec->exec_type() == Operator::kAsync;
bool is_gpu = op_nodes_[nid].ctx.dev_mask() == gpu::kDevMask;
// the variables
std::vector<Engine::VarHandle> use_vars, mutate_vars;
for (size_t i = 0; i < exec->in_array.size(); ++i) {
auto& nd = exec->in_array[i];
for (auto& r : exec->op_ctx.requested) {
for (auto& nd : exec->out_array) {
// dedup vars
Engine::Get()->DeduplicateVarHandle(&use_vars, &mutate_vars);
// all vars include both mutate vars and use vars
std::vector<Engine::VarHandle> all_vars(use_vars);
std::copy(mutate_vars.begin(), mutate_vars.end(),
std::inserter(all_vars, all_vars.end()));
// setup exec vars
Engine::Get()->PushSync([exec](RunContext rctx) {
}, Context::CPU(), {}, all_vars, FnProperty::kNormal, 0,
auto exec_fun = [exec, is_async, is_gpu] (
RunContext ctx, Engine::CallbackOnComplete on_complete) {
if (is_async) {
exec->op_ctx.async_on_complete = on_complete;
// call on complete only if it is async op
if (!is_async) {
if (is_gpu) {
// Wait GPU kernel to finish.
// setup the vars
op_nodes_[nid].cached_opr = Engine::Get()->NewOperator(
exec_fun, use_vars, mutate_vars, FnProperty::kNormal,
op_nodes_[nid].mutate_vars = mutate_vars;
op_nodes_[nid].use_vars = use_vars;
void GraphExecutor::InitOpSegs() {
size_t total_num_nodes = graph_.indexed_graph().num_nodes();
CachedSegOpr p;
cached_seg_opr_.resize(total_num_nodes, p);
if (monitor_callback_) return;
// Generate segments based on the graph structure
bool prefer_bulk_exec_inference = dmlc::GetEnv("MXNET_EXEC_BULK_EXEC_INFERENCE", true);
if (prefer_bulk_exec_inference && num_forward_nodes_ == total_num_nodes) {
// bulk the whole graph for inference
cached_seg_opr_[0] = this->CreateCachedSegOpr(0, num_forward_nodes_);
// Whether to perform bulk exec for training
bool prefer_bulk_exec = dmlc::GetEnv("MXNET_EXEC_BULK_EXEC_TRAIN", 1);
// The maximum number of node in a segment executed in bulk
size_t num_nodes_threshold = dmlc::GetEnv("MXNET_EXEC_BULK_EXEC_MAX_NODE_TRAIN", 15);
// create forward segments for training
if (prefer_bulk_exec > 0) {
size_t topo_start = 0;
for (size_t nid = 0; nid < num_forward_nodes_; nid++) {
auto &node = graph_.indexed_graph()[nid].source;
auto &op_node = op_nodes_[nid];
// check if the segment relies on external input, or exceeds maxinum number of node,
// or requires async ops
if (node->is_variable() || nid - topo_start > num_nodes_threshold ||
op_node.exec->exec_type() != Operator::kSync) {
// create a new segment for the previous nodes if the current one cannot be bulked
cached_seg_opr_[topo_start] = this->CreateCachedSegOpr(topo_start, nid);
topo_start = nid + 1;
// the last segmenet
if (topo_start != num_forward_nodes_) {
cached_seg_opr_[topo_start] = this->CreateCachedSegOpr(topo_start, num_forward_nodes_);
// create backward segments for training
if (prefer_bulk_exec) {
// get all gradient variables
std::unordered_set<engine::VarHandle> grad_vars;
for (auto &kv : grad_store_) {
auto &idx = graph_.indexed_graph();
size_t topo_start = num_forward_nodes_;
for (size_t nid = num_forward_nodes_; nid < total_num_nodes; nid++) {
auto &op_node = op_nodes_[nid];
if (op_node.skip_exec_node || op_node.exec == nullptr) {
if (idx[nid].source->is_variable() || nid - topo_start > num_nodes_threshold ||
op_node.exec->exec_type() != Operator::kSync) {
cached_seg_opr_[topo_start] = this->CreateCachedSegOpr(topo_start, nid);
topo_start = nid + 1;
} else {
// If it produces output gradient, don't include it in the segment
bool output_gradient = false;
for (auto &out_arr : op_node.exec->out_array) {
if (grad_vars.find(out_arr.var()) != grad_vars.end()) {
output_gradient = true;
if (output_gradient) {
cached_seg_opr_[topo_start] = this->CreateCachedSegOpr(topo_start, nid);
topo_start = nid + 1;
// last segment for backward
if (topo_start < total_num_nodes) {
cached_seg_opr_[topo_start] = this->CreateCachedSegOpr(topo_start, total_num_nodes);
void GraphExecutor::ExecuteMonCallback(size_t nid) {
static const auto& flist_outputs =
const auto& idx = graph_.indexed_graph();
std::vector<std::string> output_names;
OpNode& opnode = op_nodes_[nid];
const auto& inode = idx[nid];
const auto& node = idx[nid].source;
if (flist_outputs.count(node->op())) {
output_names = flist_outputs[node->op()](node->attrs);
} else {
for (size_t i = 0; i < node->num_outputs(); ++i) {
for (index_t i = 0; i < opnode.exec->out_array.size(); ++i) {
NDArray *cpy = new NDArray(opnode.exec->out_array[i]);
std::string name = inode.source-> + "_" + output_names[i];
this->monitor_callback_(name.c_str(), reinterpret_cast<void*>(cpy));
void GraphExecutor::RunOps(bool is_train, size_t topo_start, size_t topo_end) {
// Update context
const auto& idx = graph_.indexed_graph();
for (size_t nid = topo_start; nid < topo_end; ++nid) {
OpNode& opnode = op_nodes_[nid];
if (opnode.skip_exec_node) continue;
const auto& inode = idx[nid];
if (inode.source->is_variable()) continue;
opnode.exec->op_ctx.is_train = is_train;
// Push Ops
for (size_t nid = topo_start; nid < topo_end; ++nid) {
auto seg_op = cached_seg_opr_[nid];
// Check segments first
if (monitor_callback_ == nullptr && seg_op.opr != nullptr && seg_op.topo_end <= topo_end) {
bool profiling = engine::Profiler::Get()->GetState() == engine::Profiler::kRunning;
bool profiling = false;
Engine::Get()->Push(seg_op.opr, seg_op.ctx, 0, profiling);
nid = seg_op.topo_end - 1;
// Normal mode
const auto& inode = idx[nid];
if (inode.source->is_variable()) continue;
OpNode& opnode = op_nodes_[nid];
if (op_nodes_[nid].skip_exec_node) continue;
opnode.exec->op_ctx.is_train = is_train;
if (opnode.exec->exec_type() == Operator::kCrossDeviceCopy) {
CHECK_EQ(inode.inputs.size(), 1U);
CHECK_EQ(opnode.exec->in_array.size(), 1U);
CHECK_EQ(opnode.exec->out_array.size(), 1U);
CopyFromTo(opnode.exec->in_array[0], &(opnode.exec->out_array[0]));
} else if (opnode.cached_opr != nullptr) {
bool profiling = engine::Profiler::Get()->GetState() == engine::Profiler::kRunning;
bool profiling = false;
Engine::Get()->Push(opnode.cached_opr, opnode.ctx, 0, profiling);
} else {
LOG(FATAL) << "Not accessed";
// Monitor callbacks
if (monitor_callback_) {
GraphExecutor::CachedSegOpr GraphExecutor::CreateCachedSegOpr(size_t topo_start, size_t topo_end) {
std::vector<Engine::VarHandle> use_vars;
std::vector<Engine::VarHandle> mutate_vars;
Context *pctx = nullptr;
GraphExecutor::CachedSegOpr ret;
ret.topo_start = topo_start;
ret.topo_end = topo_end;
auto& exec_list = ret.exec_list;
// invalid segment
if (topo_end <= topo_start) {
return ret;
std::string opr_names = "[";
std::string opr_names = "Bulk Execution";
const auto& idx = graph_.indexed_graph();
for (size_t nid = topo_start; nid < topo_end; ++nid) {
std::vector<Engine::VarHandle> all_vars;
const auto& inode = idx[nid];
OpNode& op_node = op_nodes_[nid];
if (op_node.skip_exec_node) continue;
if (inode.source->is_variable()) continue;
if (op_node.exec->exec_type() != Operator::kSync) {
return ret;
if (pctx == nullptr) pctx = &(op_node.ctx);
if (*pctx != op_node.ctx) {
return ret;
auto& exec = op_nodes_[nid].exec;
std::copy(op_node.mutate_vars.begin(), op_node.mutate_vars.end(),
std::inserter(mutate_vars, mutate_vars.end()));
std::copy(op_node.use_vars.begin(), op_node.use_vars.end(),
std::inserter(use_vars, use_vars.end()));
opr_names += inode.source->op()->name + ",";
if (pctx == nullptr) return ret;
ret.ctx = *pctx;
Engine::Get()->DeduplicateVarHandle(&use_vars, &mutate_vars);
bool is_gpu = pctx->dev_mask() == gpu::kDevMask;
auto exec_fun = [exec_list, is_gpu] (
RunContext ctx, Engine::CallbackOnComplete on_complete) {
// Run all opr in the sub-graph
for (auto &exec : exec_list) {
if (is_gpu) {
// Wait GPU kernel to finish.
opr_names += "]";
// the lifetime of `opr_names.c_str()` is same with opr_names
// you need to copy it out. (potential memory leak risk)
char *p_opr_name = new char[opr_names.size() + 1];
memcpy(p_opr_name, opr_names.c_str(), opr_names.size() + 1);
ret.opr = Engine::Get()->NewOperator(
exec_fun, use_vars, mutate_vars, FnProperty::kNormal,
return ret;
} // namespace exec
Executor *Executor::SimpleBind(nnvm::Symbol symbol,
const Context& default_ctx,
const std::map<std::string, Context>& group2ctx,
const std::vector<Context>& in_arg_ctxes,
const std::vector<Context>& arg_grad_ctxes,
const std::vector<Context>& aux_state_ctxes,
const std::unordered_map<std::string, TShape>& arg_shape_map,
const std::unordered_map<std::string, int>& arg_dtype_map,
const std::vector<OpReqType>& grad_req_types,
const std::unordered_set<std::string>& shared_arg_names,
std::vector<NDArray>* in_args,
std::vector<NDArray>* arg_grads,
std::vector<NDArray>* aux_states,
std::unordered_map<std::string, NDArray>* shared_buffer,
Executor* shared_exec) {
auto exec = new exec::GraphExecutor();
exec->Init(symbol, default_ctx, group2ctx,
in_arg_ctxes, arg_grad_ctxes, aux_state_ctxes,
arg_shape_map, arg_dtype_map,
grad_req_types, shared_arg_names,
in_args, arg_grads, aux_states,
shared_buffer, shared_exec);
return exec;
Executor *Executor::Bind(nnvm::Symbol symbol,
const Context& default_ctx,
const std::map<std::string, Context>& group2ctx,
const std::vector<NDArray> &in_args,
const std::vector<NDArray> &arg_grad_store,
const std::vector<OpReqType> &grad_req_type,
const std::vector<NDArray> &aux_states,
Executor* shared_exec) {
auto exec = new exec::GraphExecutor();
exec->Init(symbol, default_ctx, group2ctx,
in_args, arg_grad_store, grad_req_type, aux_states,
return exec;
} // namespace mxnet