blob: ca49402ecf7ed832c9bb09430e3dfbe21d231806 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016 by Contributors
* \file
* \brief C API of mxnet
#include <mxnet/base.h>
#include <mxnet/c_api.h>
#include <mxnet/executor.h>
#include "./c_api_common.h"
int MXExecutorPrint(ExecutorHandle handle, const char **out_str) {
Executor *exec = static_cast<Executor*>(handle);
MXAPIThreadLocalEntry *ret = MXAPIThreadLocalStore::Get();
std::ostringstream os;
ret->ret_str = os.str();
*out_str = (ret->ret_str).c_str();
int MXExecutorFree(ExecutorHandle handle) {
delete static_cast<Executor*>(handle);
int MXExecutorForward(ExecutorHandle handle, int is_train) {
Executor *exec = static_cast<Executor*>(handle);
exec->Forward(is_train != 0);
int MXExecutorBackward(ExecutorHandle handle,
mx_uint len,
NDArrayHandle *head_grads) {
Executor *exec = static_cast<Executor*>(handle);
std::vector<NDArray> ndarrays;
NDArray **args_ptr = reinterpret_cast<NDArray**>(head_grads);
for (mx_uint i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
int MXExecutorOutputs(ExecutorHandle handle,
mx_uint *out_size,
NDArrayHandle **out) {
MXAPIThreadLocalEntry *ret = MXAPIThreadLocalStore::Get();
Executor *exec = static_cast<Executor*>(handle);
std::vector<NDArray> heads = exec->outputs();
for (size_t i = 0; i < heads.size(); ++i) {
NDArray *ptr = new NDArray();
*ptr = heads[i];
ret->ret_handles[i] = ptr;
*out_size = heads.size();
*out = dmlc::BeginPtr(ret->ret_handles);
int MXExecutorBind(SymbolHandle symbol_handle,
int dev_type,
int dev_id,
mx_uint len,
NDArrayHandle *in_args,
NDArrayHandle *arg_grad_store,
mx_uint *grad_req_type,
mx_uint aux_states_len,
NDArrayHandle *aux_states,
ExecutorHandle *out) {
return MXExecutorBindX(symbol_handle,
dev_type, dev_id,
0, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
len, in_args, arg_grad_store, grad_req_type,
aux_states_len, aux_states, out);
int MXExecutorBindX(SymbolHandle symbol_handle,
int dev_type,
int dev_id,
mx_uint num_map_keys,
const char** map_keys,
const int* map_dev_types,
const int* map_dev_ids,
mx_uint len,
NDArrayHandle *in_args,
NDArrayHandle *arg_grad_store,
mx_uint *grad_req_type,
mx_uint aux_states_len,
NDArrayHandle *aux_states,
ExecutorHandle *out) {
return MXExecutorBindEX(symbol_handle,
dev_type, dev_id,
num_map_keys, map_keys, map_dev_types, map_dev_ids,
len, in_args, arg_grad_store, grad_req_type,
aux_states_len, aux_states,
NULL, out);
int MXExecutorBindEX(SymbolHandle symbol_handle,
int dev_type,
int dev_id,
mx_uint num_map_keys,
const char** map_keys,
const int* map_dev_types,
const int* map_dev_ids,
mx_uint len,
NDArrayHandle *in_args,
NDArrayHandle *arg_grad_store,
mx_uint *grad_req_type,
mx_uint aux_states_len,
NDArrayHandle *aux_states,
ExecutorHandle shared_exec,
ExecutorHandle *out) {
Executor* exec = nullptr;
nnvm::Symbol *symb = static_cast<nnvm::Symbol*>(symbol_handle);
Context ctx = Context::Create(static_cast<Context::DeviceType>(dev_type), dev_id);
std::map<std::string, Context> ctx_map;
for (mx_uint i = 0; i < num_map_keys; ++i) {
ctx_map[std::string(map_keys[i])] = Context::Create(
static_cast<Context::DeviceType>(map_dev_types[i]), map_dev_ids[i]);
NDArray **in_args_ptr = reinterpret_cast<NDArray**>(in_args);
NDArray **arg_grad_ptr = reinterpret_cast<NDArray**>(arg_grad_store);
NDArray **aux_states_ptr = reinterpret_cast<NDArray**>(aux_states);
std::vector<NDArray> in_args_vec;
std::vector<NDArray> arg_grad_vec;
std::vector<OpReqType> grad_req_vec;
std::vector<NDArray> aux_states_vec;
for (mx_uint i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (arg_grad_ptr[i] == nullptr) {
} else {
for (mx_uint i = 0; i < aux_states_len; ++i) {
*out = Executor::Bind(*symb, ctx, ctx_map, in_args_vec,
arg_grad_vec, grad_req_vec, aux_states_vec,
API_END_HANDLE_ERROR(delete exec);
* \brief
* \param symbol_handle symbol handle
* \param dev_type default device type
* \param dev_id default device id
* \param num_g2c_keys number of group2ctx keys
* \param g2c_keys key list of group2ctx
* \param g2c_dev_types device type list of group2ctx
* \param g2c_dev_ids id list of group2ctx
* \param provided_grad_req_list_len grad_req length provided by users in front-end
* \param provided_grad_req_names grad_req names provided by users in front-end
* \param provided_grad_req_types req types provided by users in front-end
* \param num_provided_arg_shapes number of user provided in_arg and aux_state shapes
* \param provided_arg_shape_names name list of provided shapes
* \param provided_arg_shape_data provided shape data
* \param provided_arg_shape_idx provided shape data index
* \param num_provided_arg_dtypes number of user provided in_arg and axu_state dtypes
* \param provided_arg_dtype_names argument name list of provided dtypes
* \param provided_arg_dtypes data of provided dtypes
* \param num_shared_arg_names number of parameter names passed from _bind_ith_exec
* \param shared_arg_name_list parameter name list passed from _bind_ith_exec
* \param shared_buffer_len number of shared data arrays passed from _bind_ith_exec
* \param shared_buffer_name_list shared data array names passed from _bind_ith_exec
* \param shared_buffer_handle_list shared data array handles passed from _bind_ith_exec
* \param updated_shared_buffer_name_list updated shared data array names after binding
* \param updated_shared_buffer_handle_list updated shared data arrays after binding
* \param num_in_args number of input arguments of this sym
* \param in_args list_arguments associated with the current executor
* \param arg_grads list of gradients of in_args associated with the current executor
* \param num_aux_states number of aux states of this sym
* \param aux_states list_auxiliary_states associated with the current executor
* \param shared_exec_handle shared excutor handle passed from _bind_ith_exec
* \param out the handle of the executor to be created
int MXExecutorSimpleBind(SymbolHandle symbol_handle,
int dev_type,
int dev_id,
const mx_uint num_g2c_keys,
const char** g2c_keys,
const int* g2c_dev_types,
const int* g2c_dev_ids,
const mx_uint provided_grad_req_list_len,
const char** provided_grad_req_names,
const char** provided_grad_req_types,
const mx_uint num_provided_arg_shapes,
const char** provided_arg_shape_names,
const mx_uint* provided_arg_shape_data,
const mx_uint* provided_arg_shape_idx,
const mx_uint num_provided_arg_dtypes,
const char** provided_arg_dtype_names,
const int* provided_arg_dtypes,
const mx_uint num_shared_arg_names,
const char** shared_arg_name_list,
int* shared_buffer_len,
const char** shared_buffer_name_list,
NDArrayHandle* shared_buffer_handle_list,
const char*** updated_shared_buffer_name_list,
NDArrayHandle** updated_shared_buffer_handle_list,
mx_uint* num_in_args,
NDArrayHandle** in_args,
NDArrayHandle** arg_grads,
mx_uint* num_aux_states,
NDArrayHandle** aux_states,
ExecutorHandle shared_exec_handle,
ExecutorHandle* out) {
MXAPIThreadLocalEntry *ret = MXAPIThreadLocalStore::Get();
nnvm::Symbol *sym = static_cast<nnvm::Symbol*>(symbol_handle);
// get in_arg names
std::vector<std::string> in_arg_names = sym->ListInputNames(nnvm::Symbol::kReadOnlyArgs);
std::vector<std::string> aux_state_names = sym->ListInputNames(nnvm::Symbol::kAuxiliaryStates);
// attr_dict for setting up type_dict and arg/aux ctx
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>> attr_dict;
if (nullptr == provided_arg_dtypes || nullptr != g2c_keys) {
std::vector<std::tuple<std::string, std::string, std::string>> attrs =
for (const auto& tp : attrs) {
attr_dict[std::get<0>(tp)][std::get<1>(tp)] = std::get<2>(tp);
// setup arg_dtype_map
std::unordered_map<std::string, int> arg_dtype_map;
if (nullptr == provided_arg_dtypes) { // use attr_dict
for (const auto& arg_name : in_arg_names) {
const auto it = attr_dict.find(arg_name);
if (it == attr_dict.end() || !it->second.count("__dtype__")) {
arg_dtype_map[arg_name] = mshadow::kFloat32;
} else { // use user input type_dict
// create dtype map for in_args and aux_states
for (mx_uint i = 0; i < num_provided_arg_dtypes; ++i) {
arg_dtype_map[provided_arg_dtype_names[i]] = provided_arg_dtypes[i];
// create default ctx
Context ctx = Context::Create(static_cast<Context::DeviceType>(dev_type), dev_id);
// create ctx map
std::map<std::string, Context> ctx_map;
std::vector<Context> in_arg_ctx_vec(in_arg_names.size(), ctx);
std::vector<Context> aux_state_ctx_vec(aux_state_names.size(), ctx);
if (nullptr != g2c_keys) { // use user input group2ctx dict
for (mx_uint i = 0; i < num_g2c_keys; ++i) {
ctx_map[g2c_keys[i]] = Context::Create(
static_cast<Context::DeviceType>(g2c_dev_types[i]), g2c_dev_ids[i]);
// initialize in_arg_ctx_vec using group2ctx if there are any
for (size_t i = 0; i < in_arg_ctx_vec.size(); ++i) {
const auto it1 = attr_dict.find(in_arg_names[i]);
if (it1 != attr_dict.end()) {
const auto it2 = it1->second.find("__ctx_group__");
if (it2 != it1->second.end()) {
const auto it3 = ctx_map.find(it2->second);
if (it3 != ctx_map.end()) {
in_arg_ctx_vec[i] = it3->second;
// initialize aux_state_ctx_vec using group2ctx if there are any
for (size_t i = 0; i < aux_state_ctx_vec.size(); ++i) {
const auto it1 = attr_dict.find(aux_state_names[i]);
if (it1 != attr_dict.end()) {
const auto it2 = it1->second.find("__ctx_group__");
if (it2 != it1->second.end()) {
const auto it3 = ctx_map.find(it2->second);
if (it3 != ctx_map.end()) {
aux_state_ctx_vec[i] = it3->second;
// create provided_grad_req_map
const std::map<std::string, OpReqType> req_map =
{{"null", kNullOp}, {"write", kWriteTo}, {"add", kAddTo}};
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> provided_grad_req_map;
std::string grad_req_type;
if (0 == provided_grad_req_list_len
&& nullptr == provided_grad_req_names
&& nullptr != provided_grad_req_types) { // string, grad_req='write'
CHECK_EQ(req_map.count(provided_grad_req_types[0]), 1U)
<< "grad_req=" << provided_grad_req_types[0] << " is not a valid input in simple_bind; "
"only \'null\', \'write\', and \'add\' are supported";
grad_req_type = "string";
} else if (provided_grad_req_list_len > 0
&& nullptr == provided_grad_req_names
&& nullptr != provided_grad_req_types) { // list, grad_req=['null', 'write']
grad_req_type = "list";
CHECK_EQ(provided_grad_req_list_len, in_arg_names.size())
<< "The length of grad_req list does not match the number of input arguments in simple_bind, "
"expected " << in_arg_names.size() << ", provided " << provided_grad_req_list_len;
} else if (provided_grad_req_list_len > 0
&& nullptr != provided_grad_req_names
&& nullptr != provided_grad_req_types) { // dict, grad_req=['lhs': 'null', 'rhs': 'write']
grad_req_type = "dict";
for (mx_uint i = 0; i < provided_grad_req_list_len; ++i) {
CHECK_EQ(req_map.count(provided_grad_req_types[i]), 1U)
<< "grad_req=" << provided_grad_req_types[i] << " is not a valid input in simple_bind; "
"only \'null\', \'write\', and \'add\' are supported";
provided_grad_req_map[provided_grad_req_names[i]] = provided_grad_req_types[i];
} else { // grad_req is None
grad_req_type = "none";
// initialize arg_grad_ctx_vec and grad_req_type_vec
std::vector<Context> arg_grad_ctx_vec(in_arg_names.size(), ctx);
std::vector<OpReqType> grad_req_type_vec(in_arg_names.size(), kNullOp);
if ("none" != grad_req_type) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < in_arg_names.size(); ++i) {
OpReqType cur_req = kNullOp;
if ("string" == grad_req_type) {
cur_req =[0]);
} else if ("list" == grad_req_type) {
CHECK_EQ(req_map.count(provided_grad_req_types[i]), 1U)
<< "grad_req=" << provided_grad_req_types[i] << " is not a valid input in simple_bind; "
"only \'null\', \'write\', and \'add\' are supported";
cur_req =[i]);
} else if ("dict" == grad_req_type) {
const auto it = provided_grad_req_map.find(in_arg_names[i]);
if (it != provided_grad_req_map.end()) {
cur_req =>second);
if (kNullOp != cur_req) {
arg_grad_ctx_vec[i] = in_arg_ctx_vec[i];
grad_req_type_vec[i] = static_cast<OpReqType>(cur_req);
// create shape map for in_args and aux_states
std::unordered_map<std::string, TShape> arg_shape_map(num_provided_arg_shapes);
for (mx_uint i = 0; i < num_provided_arg_shapes; ++i) {
auto p = arg_shape_map.emplace(provided_arg_shape_names[i],
CHECK(p.second) << "Duplicate shapes are provided for argument "
<< provided_arg_shape_names[i] << " in simple_bind";
// create para name set for sharing data array memory
std::unordered_set<std::string> shared_arg_name_set(num_shared_arg_names);
for (mx_uint i = 0; i < num_shared_arg_names; ++i) {
// create shared_buffer_map
std::unordered_map<std::string, NDArray> shared_buffer_map;
std::vector<NDArray> shared_exec_in_args;
std::vector<NDArray> shared_exec_arg_grads;
std::vector<NDArray> shared_exec_aux_states;
bool use_shared_buffer = (*shared_buffer_len >= 0);
if (*shared_buffer_len > 0) {
// create shared_buffer_map
NDArray** shared_buffer_ptrs =
for (int i = 0; i < *shared_buffer_len; ++i) {
shared_buffer_map[shared_buffer_name_list[i]] = *(shared_buffer_ptrs[i]);
// create temporary place holders for the initialized NDArrays
// to be passed back to front end
std::vector<NDArray> in_arg_vec;
std::vector<NDArray> arg_grad_vec;
std::vector<NDArray> aux_state_vec;
*out = Executor::SimpleBind(*sym, ctx, ctx_map, in_arg_ctx_vec, arg_grad_ctx_vec,
aux_state_ctx_vec, arg_shape_map, arg_dtype_map, grad_req_type_vec,
shared_arg_name_set, &in_arg_vec, &arg_grad_vec, &aux_state_vec,
use_shared_buffer? &shared_buffer_map : nullptr,
// copy ndarray ptrs to ret->handles so that front end
// can access them
size_t nd_idx = 0;
for (const auto& nd : in_arg_vec) {
if (nd.is_none()) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Input argument NDArray cannot be un-allocated";
ret->ret_handles.push_back(new NDArray(nd));
if (in_arg_vec.size() > 0) {
*num_in_args = in_arg_vec.size();
*in_args = &(ret->ret_handles[nd_idx]);
nd_idx = ret->ret_handles.size();
for (const auto& nd : arg_grad_vec) {
if (nd.is_none()) {
} else {
ret->ret_handles.push_back(new NDArray(nd));
if (arg_grad_vec.size() > 0) {
*arg_grads = &(ret->ret_handles[nd_idx]);
nd_idx = ret->ret_handles.size();
for (const auto& nd : aux_state_vec) {
if (nd.is_none()) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Auxiliary argument NDArray cannot be un-allocated";
ret->ret_handles.push_back(new NDArray(nd));
if (aux_state_vec.size() > 0) {
*num_aux_states = aux_state_vec.size();
*aux_states = &(ret->ret_handles[nd_idx]);
nd_idx = ret->ret_handles.size();
if (use_shared_buffer) {
for (const auto& kv : shared_buffer_map) {
if (kv.second.is_none()) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Shared data NDArray cannot be un-allocated";
ret->ret_handles.push_back(new NDArray(kv.second));
*shared_buffer_len = shared_buffer_map.size();
*updated_shared_buffer_handle_list = &(ret->ret_handles[nd_idx]);
*updated_shared_buffer_name_list = &(ret->ret_vec_charp[0]);
int MXExecutorSetMonitorCallback(ExecutorHandle handle,
ExecutorMonitorCallback callback,
void* callback_handle) {
ExecutorMonitorCallback callback_temp = callback;
void* callback_handle_temp = callback_handle;
std::function<void(const char*, void*)> clbk
= [callback_temp, callback_handle_temp](const char *name, void* handle) {
callback_temp(name, handle, callback_handle_temp);
Executor *exec = static_cast<Executor*>(handle);