blob: 40bd60f5f4054ae51c589a56ff342dd214342611 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015 by Contributors
* \file executor.h
* \brief Symbolic executor interface of mxnet.
* \author Min Lin, Bing Xu
#include <dmlc/base.h>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "./base.h"
#include "./c_api.h"
#include "./ndarray.h"
#include "./operator.h"
// check c++11
#if DMLC_USE_CXX11 == 0
#error "CXX11 was required for symbolic module"
namespace mxnet {
/*! \brief use symbolic graph from NNVM */
using nnvm::Symbol;
* \brief Executor of a computation graph.
* Executor can be created by Binding a symbol.
class Executor {
/*! \brief destructor */
virtual ~Executor() {}
* \brief Perform a Forward operation of Operator
* After this operation, user can get the result by using function head.
virtual void Forward(bool is_train) = 0;
* \brief Perform a Partial Forward operation of Operator.
* Only issue operation specified by step.
* The caller must keep calling PartialForward with increasing steps, until step_left=0.
* \param is_train Whether this is training phase.
* \param step current step, user can always start from 0
* \param step_left Number of steps left to finish the forward.
virtual void PartialForward(bool is_train, int step, int *step_left) = 0;
* \brief Perform a Backward operation of the Operator.
* This must be called after Forward.
* After this operation, NDArrays specified by grad_in_args_store will be updated accordingly.
* User is allowed to pass in an empty Array if the head node is
* loss function and head gradeitn is not needed.
* \param head_grads the gradient of head nodes to be backproped.
virtual void Backward(const std::vector<NDArray> &head_grads) = 0;
* \brief print the execution plan info to output stream.
* \param os the output stream we like to print to.
virtual void Print(std::ostream &os) const {} // NOLINT(*)
* \brief get array of outputs in the executor.
* \return array of outputs in the executor.
virtual const std::vector<NDArray> &outputs() const = 0;
* \brief get input argument map, key is arg name, value is arg's NDArray.
* \return input argument map in the executor.
virtual const std::unordered_map<std::string, NDArray>& in_arg_map() const = 0;
* \brief get input argument graident map, key is arg name, value is gradient's NDArray.
* \return input argument gradient map in the executor.
virtual const std::unordered_map<std::string, NDArray>& arg_grad_map() const = 0;
* \brief get aux state map, key is arg name, value is aux state's NDArray.
* \return aux state map in the executor.
virtual const std::unordered_map<std::string, NDArray>& aux_state_map() const = 0;
* \brief Create an operator by bind symbol with context and arguments.
* If user do not want to compute the gradients of i-th argument, grad_req_type[i] can be kNullOp.
* \param default_ctx the default context of binding.
* \param group2ctx Context mapping group to context.
* \param symbol the symbol that specifies the output of Forward pass.
* \param in_args the NDArray that stores the input arguments to the symbol.
* \param arg_grad_store NDArray that is used to store the gradient output of the input arguments.
* \param grad_req_type requirment type of gradient saving. Can only be in {kNullOp, kAddTo, kWriteTo}.
* \param aux_states NDArray that is used as internal state in op
* \param shared_exec input executor to share memory with.
* \return a new executor.
static Executor *Bind(nnvm::Symbol symbol,
const Context& default_ctx,
const std::map<std::string, Context>& group2ctx,
const std::vector<NDArray> &in_args,
const std::vector<NDArray> &arg_grad_store,
const std::vector<OpReqType> &grad_req_type,
const std::vector<NDArray> &aux_states,
Executor* shared_exec = NULL);
static Executor* SimpleBind(nnvm::Symbol symbol,
const Context& default_ctx,
const std::map<std::string, Context>& group2ctx,
const std::vector<Context>& in_arg_ctxes,
const std::vector<Context>& arg_grad_ctxes,
const std::vector<Context>& aux_state_ctxes,
const std::unordered_map<std::string, TShape>& arg_shape_map,
const std::unordered_map<std::string, int>& arg_dtype_map,
const std::vector<OpReqType>& grad_req_types,
const std::unordered_set<std::string>& param_names,
std::vector<NDArray>* in_args,
std::vector<NDArray>* arg_grads,
std::vector<NDArray>* aux_states,
std::unordered_map<std::string, NDArray>*
shared_data_arrays = nullptr,
Executor* shared_exec = nullptr);
* \brief the prototype of user-defined monitor callback
typedef std::function<void(const char*, void*)> MonitorCallback;
* \brief Install a callback to notify the completion of operation.
virtual void SetMonitorCallback(const MonitorCallback& callback) {}
}; // class executor
} // namespace mxnet