blob: ed46c84cfe835e92eed455c290e5de714600fbc1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015 by Contributors
* \file engine.h
* \brief Engine that schedules all the operations according to dependency.
#include <dmlc/base.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
#include "./base.h"
namespace mxnet {
// forward declare engine
class Engine;
/*! \brief namespace of engine internal types. */
namespace engine {
/*! \brief Internal representation of variable. */
struct Var;
/*! \brief Internal representation of operator. */
struct Opr;
/*! \brief Variable pointer type, usually hold by user used to specify dependencies. */
typedef Var* VarHandle;
/*! \brief Operator pointer type, usually hold by user.*/
typedef Opr* OprHandle;
* \brief OnComplete Callback to the engine,
* called by AsyncFn when action completes
class CallbackOnComplete {
// use implicit copy and assign
/*! \brief involve the callback */
inline void operator()() const {
(*callback_)(engine_, param_);
/*! \brief engine can see content of callback */
friend class ::mxnet::Engine;
/*! \brief the real callback */
void (*callback_)(Engine *, void *);
/*! \brief the engine class passed to callback */
Engine* engine_;
/*! \brief the parameter set on callback */
void* param_;
} // namespace engine
/*! \brief Function property, used to hint what action is pushed to engine. */
enum class FnProperty {
/*! \brief Normal operation */
/*! \brief Copy operation from GPU to other devices */
/*! \brief Copy operation from CPU to other devices */
/*! \brief Prioritized sync operation on CPU */
/*! \brief Asynchronous function call */
}; // enum class FnProperty
* \brief Dependency engine that schedules operations.
class MXNET_API Engine {
/*! \brief callback on complete*/
typedef engine::CallbackOnComplete CallbackOnComplete;
/*! \brief Synchronous operation to pass to engine. */
typedef std::function<void(RunContext)> SyncFn;
/*! \brief Asynchronous operation to pass to engine. */
typedef std::function<void(RunContext, CallbackOnComplete)> AsyncFn;
/*! \brief Variable pointer */
typedef engine::VarHandle VarHandle;
/*! \brief Operator pointer */
typedef engine::OprHandle OprHandle;
* \brief Notify the engine about a shutdown,
* This can help engine to print less messages into display.
* User do not have to call this function.
* \return 0 when success, -1 when failure happens.
virtual void NotifyShutdown() = 0;
* \brief Allocate a new variable, the variable can then
* be used to schedule the operation concurrently via dependency
* patterns.
* \return The new variable allocated.
virtual VarHandle NewVariable() = 0;
* \brief Create a new operator. The returned operator could be saved
* externally so that it could be resued for scheduling.
* \param fn The execution function.
* \param const_vars The variables that current operation will use but not
* mutate.
* \param mutable_vars The variables that current operation will mutate.
* \param prop Property of the function.
* \param opr_name The operator name.
* \return The new operator allocated.
virtual OprHandle NewOperator(AsyncFn fn,
std::vector<VarHandle> const& const_vars,
std::vector<VarHandle> const& mutable_vars,
FnProperty prop = FnProperty::kNormal,
const char* opr_name = nullptr) = 0;
* \brief Delete the given operator.
* \param op The operator to delete.
* The delete will not happen immediately, but will wait until all the
* operations using this operator are completed.
virtual void DeleteOperator(OprHandle op) = 0;
* \brief Push an operator to the engine.
* \param op The operator to push.
* \param exec_ctx Execution context.
* \param priority Priority of the action, as hint to the engine.
* \param profiling The variable indicate whether to profile this operator.
virtual void Push(OprHandle op, Context exec_ctx, int priority = 0, bool profiling = false) = 0;
* \brief Push an asynchronous operation to the engine.
* \param exec_fun Execution function, this function takes a parameter
* on_complete that must be called when the execution
* completes.
* \param exec_ctx Execution context.
* \param const_vars The variables that current operation will use but not
* mutate.
* \param mutable_vars The variables that current operation will mutate.
* \param prop Property of the function.
* \param priority Priority of the action, as hint to the engine.
* \param opr_name The operator name.
virtual void PushAsync(AsyncFn exec_fun, Context exec_ctx,
std::vector<VarHandle> const& const_vars,
std::vector<VarHandle> const& mutable_vars,
FnProperty prop = FnProperty::kNormal,
int priority = 0,
const char* opr_name = nullptr) = 0;
* \brief Schedule the deletion of a variable.
* The delete will not happen immediately, but will wait until all the
* operations depending on var are completed.
* \param delete_fn A function that will be called after the variable is
* deleted.
* \param exec_ctx Execution context.
* \param var The variable to be deleted.
virtual void DeleteVariable(SyncFn delete_fn,
Context exec_ctx,
VarHandle var) = 0;
* \brief Wait for a variable.
* \param var The variable we should wait for. This function returns when the
* variable is ready.
virtual void WaitForVar(VarHandle var) = 0;
* \brief Wait until all the activity of engine finishes.
virtual void WaitForAll() = 0;
/*!\brief virtual destructor */
virtual ~Engine() noexcept(false) {}
* \return Engine singleton.
static Engine* Get();
* \brief Get shared pointer reference to engine singleton.
* Most user should not call this function.
* This function is called by another singleton X who requires
* engine to be destructed after X.
* \return A shared pointer to Engine singleton.
static std::shared_ptr<Engine> _GetSharedRef();
* \brief Push an synchronous operation to the engine.
* \param exec_fn Execution function that executes the operation.
* \param exec_ctx Execution context.
* \param const_vars The variables that current operation will use but not
* mutate.
* \param mutable_vars The variables that current operation will mutate.
* \param prop Property of the function.
* \param priority Priority of the action, as hint to the engine.
* \param opr_name The operator name.
* \tparam SyncFn the synchronous function to be pushed.
inline void PushSync(SyncFn exec_fn, Context exec_ctx,
std::vector<VarHandle> const& const_vars,
std::vector<VarHandle> const& mutable_vars,
FnProperty prop = FnProperty::kNormal,
int priority = 0,
const char* opr_name = nullptr) {
this->PushAsync([exec_fn](RunContext ctx, CallbackOnComplete on_complete) {
}, exec_ctx, const_vars, mutable_vars, prop, priority, opr_name);
* \brief factory function to create OnComplete callback.
* \param callback th static callback function.
* \param param the paramter passed to callback.
inline CallbackOnComplete CreateCallback(
void (*callback)(Engine *, void *), void *param) {
CallbackOnComplete ret;
ret.callback_ = callback;
ret.engine_ = this;
ret.param_ = param;
return ret;
// For each var vector, sort it and remove the duplicated vars.
// Also remove vars from read_vars if it also appears in write_vars
inline void DeduplicateVarHandle(std::vector<engine::VarHandle> *read_vars,
std::vector<engine::VarHandle> *write_vars) {
std::sort(write_vars->begin(), write_vars->end());
write_vars->resize(std::unique(write_vars->begin(), write_vars->end()) -
std::sort(read_vars->begin(), read_vars->end());
read_vars->resize(std::unique(read_vars->begin(), read_vars->end()) -
auto wit = write_vars->begin();
auto rtop = read_vars->begin();
for (auto rit = read_vars->begin(); rit != read_vars->end(); ++rit) {
while (wit != write_vars->end() && *wit < *rit) ++wit;
if (wit == write_vars->end() || *wit != *rit) {
*rtop = *rit;
read_vars->resize(rtop - read_vars->begin());
}; // class Engine
#endif // DMLC_USE_CXX11
} // namespace mxnet
#endif // MXNET_ENGINE_H_