blob: 0fc2bd11d9068cfd55fcc993809ad280a0655fb7 [file] [log] [blame]
import mxnet as mx
import numpy as np
from label_util import LabelUtil
from log_util import LogUtil
def check_label_shapes(labels, preds, shape=0):
"""Check to see if the two arrays are the same size."""
if shape == 0:
label_shape, pred_shape = len(labels), len(preds)
label_shape, pred_shape = labels.shape, preds.shape
if label_shape != pred_shape:
raise ValueError("Shape of labels {} does not match shape of "
"predictions {}".format(label_shape, pred_shape))
class STTMetric(mx.metric.EvalMetric):
def __init__(self, batch_size, num_gpu, seq_length, is_epoch_end=False, is_logging=True):
super(STTMetric, self).__init__('STTMetric')
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.num_gpu = num_gpu
self.seq_length = seq_length
self.total_n_label = 0
self.total_l_dist = 0
self.is_epoch_end = is_epoch_end
self.total_ctc_loss = 0.
self.batch_loss = 0.
self.is_logging = is_logging
def update(self, labels, preds):
check_label_shapes(labels, preds)
if self.is_logging:
log = LogUtil().getlogger()
labelUtil = LabelUtil.getInstance()
self.batch_loss = 0.
for label, pred in zip(labels, preds):
label = label.asnumpy()
pred = pred.asnumpy()
for i in range(int(int(self.batch_size) / int(self.num_gpu))):
l = remove_blank(label[i])
p = []
for k in range(int(self.seq_length)):
p.append(np.argmax(pred[k * int(int(self.batch_size) / int(self.num_gpu)) + i]))
p = pred_best(p)
l_distance = levenshtein_distance(l, p)
self.total_n_label += len(l)
self.total_l_dist += l_distance
this_cer = float(l_distance) / float(len(l))
if self.is_logging:"label: %s " % (labelUtil.convert_num_to_word(l)))"pred : %s , cer: %f (distance: %d/ label length: %d)" % (
labelUtil.convert_num_to_word(p), this_cer, l_distance, len(l)))
self.num_inst += 1
self.sum_metric += this_cer
if self.is_epoch_end:
loss = ctc_loss(l, pred, i, int(self.seq_length), int(self.batch_size), int(self.num_gpu))
self.batch_loss += loss
if self.is_logging:"loss: %f " % loss)
self.total_ctc_loss += self.batch_loss
def get_batch_loss(self):
return self.batch_loss
def get_name_value(self):
total_cer = float(self.total_l_dist) / float(self.total_n_label)
return total_cer, self.total_n_label, self.total_l_dist, self.total_ctc_loss
def reset(self):
self.total_n_label = 0
self.total_l_dist = 0
self.num_inst = 0
self.sum_metric = 0.0
self.total_ctc_loss = 0.0
def pred_best(p):
ret = []
p1 = [0] + p
for i in range(len(p)):
c1 = p1[i]
c2 = p1[i + 1]
if c2 == 0 or c2 == c1:
return ret
def remove_blank(l):
ret = []
for i in range(l.size):
if l[i] == 0:
return ret
def remove_space(l):
labelUtil = LabelUtil.getInstance()
ret = []
for i in range(len(l)):
if l[i] != labelUtil.get_space_index():
return ret
def ctc_loss(label, prob, remainder, seq_length, batch_size, num_gpu=1, big_num=1e10):
label_ = [0, 0]
prob[prob < 1 / big_num] = 1 / big_num
log_prob = np.log(prob)
l = len(label)
for i in range(l):
l_ = 2 * l + 1
a = np.full((seq_length, l_ + 1), -big_num)
a[0][1] = log_prob[remainder][0]
a[0][2] = log_prob[remainder][label_[2]]
for i in range(1, seq_length):
row = i * int(batch_size / num_gpu) + remainder
a[i][1] = a[i - 1][1] + log_prob[row][0]
a[i][2] = np.logaddexp(a[i - 1][2], a[i - 1][1]) + log_prob[row][label_[2]]
for j in range(3, l_ + 1):
a[i][j] = np.logaddexp(a[i - 1][j], a[i - 1][j - 1])
if label_[j] != 0 and label_[j] != label_[j - 2]:
a[i][j] = np.logaddexp(a[i][j], a[i - 1][j - 2])
a[i][j] += log_prob[row][label_[j]]
return -np.logaddexp(a[seq_length - 1][l_], a[seq_length - 1][l_ - 1])
# label is done with remove_blank
# pred is got from pred_best
def levenshtein_distance(label, pred):
n_label = len(label) + 1
n_pred = len(pred) + 1
if (label == pred):
return 0
if (len(label) == 0):
return len(pred)
if (len(pred) == 0):
return len(label)
v0 = [i for i in range(n_label)]
v1 = [0 for i in range(n_label)]
for i in range(len(pred)):
v1[0] = i + 1
for j in range(len(label)):
cost = 0 if label[j] == pred[i] else 1
v1[j + 1] = min(v1[j] + 1, v0[j + 1] + 1, v0[j] + cost)
for j in range(n_label):
v0[j] = v1[j]
return v1[len(label)]
def char_match_1way(char_label, char_pred, criteria, n_whole_label):
n_label = len(char_label)
n_pred = len(char_pred)
pred_pos = 0
accuracy = 0.
next_accu = 0.
n_matched = 0.
next_n_matched = 0.
for i_index in range(n_label):
tail_label = n_label - 1 - i_index
c_label = char_label[i_index]
for j_index in range(pred_pos, n_pred):
tail_pred = n_pred - 1 - j_index
c_pred = char_pred[j_index]
if tail_label < tail_pred * criteria or tail_pred < tail_label * criteria:
if c_label == c_pred:
n_matched += 1.0
pred_pos = j_index + 1
accuracy = n_matched / n_whole_label
if n_label > 0.7 * n_whole_label:
next_label = char_label[1:]
next_accu, next_n_matched = char_match_1way(next_label, char_pred, criteria, n_whole_label)
if next_accu > accuracy:
accuracy = next_accu
n_matched = next_n_matched
return accuracy, n_matched
def char_match_2way(label, pred):
criterias = [0.98, 0.96, 0.93, 0.9, 0.85, 0.8, 0.7]
r_pred = pred[::-1]
r_label = label[::-1]
n_whole_label = len(remove_space(label))
val1_max = 0.
val2_max = 0.
val1_max_matched = 0.
val2_max_matched = 0.
for criteria in criterias:
val1, val1_matched = char_match_1way(label, pred, criteria, n_whole_label)
val2, val2_matched = char_match_1way(r_label, r_pred, criteria, n_whole_label)
if val1 > val1_max:
val1_max = val1
val1_max_matched = val1_matched
if val2 > val2_max:
val2_max = val2
val2_max_matched = val2_matched
val = val1_max if val1_max > val2_max else val2_max
val_matched = val1_max_matched if val1_max > val2_max else val2_max_matched
return val, val_matched, n_whole_label