blob: ecbd85e6f4072b2a2fe3a9ab3025ad45160645aa [file] [log] [blame]
"""DataIter for negative sampling.
import mxnet as mx
import numpy as np
class NegativeSamplingDataIter(
"""Wraps an existing DataIter to produce a new DataIter with negative samples.
Assumes that all the relevant inputs are in data, not labels.
Drops (replaces) any labels in the original DataIter.
It only shuffles one of the input data columns, specified in the
constructor as shuffle_data_idx. So if the original input data
has three columns, ('item_ids', 'item_words', 'users') and you want
to keep the two "item_*" together, then set `shuffle_data_idx=2`
and `users` will be shuffled for the negative samples.
Output batches will be larger than input batches by a factor
of (1+sample_ratio)
Negative samples are always drawn from the same minibatch.
So they're effectively sampled according to the frequency at
which they appear in the training data. (Other reasonable
samling strategies are not implemented here.)
The shuffling is checked to ensure that a true positive sample
isn't returned as a negative sample.
def __init__(self, source_dataiter, sample_ratio=1, shuffle_data_idx=1,
positive_label=1, negative_label=0):
self._sourcedata = source_dataiter
self.positive_label = positive_label # output shapes = input shapes
self.negative_label = negative_label
self.shuffle_data_idx = shuffle_data_idx
if sample_ratio == int(sample_ratio):
self.sample_ratio = int(sample_ratio)
raise ValueError("sample_ratio must be an integer, not %s" % sample_ratio)
self.provide_data = source_dataiter.provide_data
self.provide_label = source_dataiter.provide_label
self.batch_size = source_dataiter.batch_size
def _clear_queue(self):
self._sampled_queue = []
def _push_queue(self, data_list, labels):
"""Takes a list of numpy arrays for data,
and a numpy array for labels.
Converts to minibatches and puts it on the queue.
num_minibatches = 1+self.sample_ratio
total_size = len(labels)
slice_size = total_size / num_minibatches
def slicer(x, s):
idx = range(s*slice_size, (s+1)*slice_size)
return np.take(x,idx,0)
for i in range(1+self.sample_ratio):
nddata = [mx.nd.array(slicer(x,i)) for x in data_list]
ndlabels = mx.nd.array(slicer(labels,i))
batch =, [ndlabels], provide_data=self.provide_data,
def next(self):
if not self._sampled_queue:
batch = self._sampled_queue.pop()
return batch
def reset(self):
def _shuffle_batch(self, data):
# Takes a list of NDArrays. Returns a shuffled version as numpy
a = data[self.shuffle_data_idx].asnumpy()
# Come up with a shuffled index
batch_size = data[0].shape[0]
si = np.arange(batch_size)
matches = (si == np.arange(batch_size)) # everywhere it didn't shuffle
si -= matches # Shifts down by 1 when true, ensuring it differs
# Note shifting down by 1 works in python because -1 is a valid index.
#Q: Is this shifting introducing bias?
# Shuffle the data with the shuffle index
shuf_a = np.take(a,si,0) # like a[si,:] but general for ndarray's
# Return similar datastructure to what we got. Convert all to numpy
out = [d.asnumpy() for d in data]
out[self.shuffle_data_idx] = shuf_a
return out
def _refill_queue(self):
"""Fetch another batch from the source, and shuffle it to make
negative samples.
original = # List of NDArrays: one per input
batch_size = original[0].shape[0]
num_inputs = len(original)
#Start with positive examples, copied straight
outdata = [[o.asnumpy()] for o in original] # list of lists of numpy arrays
outlabels = [np.ones(batch_size) * self.positive_label] # list of numpy arrays
# The inner list of both is the set of samples. We'll recombine later.
# Construct negative samples.
for _ in range(self.sample_ratio):
shuffled = self._shuffle_batch(original)
for i,d in enumerate(shuffled):
outlabels.append(np.ones(batch_size) * self.negative_label)
def stacker(x):
if len(x[0].shape)==1:
return np.hstack(x)
return np.vstack(x)
outdata = [stacker(x) for x in outdata] # Single tall vectors
outlabels = stacker(outlabels)
# Record-level shuffle so the negatives are mixed in.
def shuffler(x, idx):
return np.take(x,idx,0)
shuf_idx = np.arange(len(outlabels))
outdata = [shuffler(o,shuf_idx) for o in outdata]
outlabels = shuffler(outlabels,shuf_idx)
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Simple test of NegativeSamplingDataIter")
A = np.random.randint(-20,150,size=(100,5))
B = np.random.randint(-2,15,size=(100,2))
R = np.random.randint(1,5,size=(100,))
oridi ={'a':A,'b':B},label=R, batch_size=batch_size)
oribatch =
for ratio in range(0,5):
nsdi = NegativeSamplingDataIter(oridi, sample_ratio=ratio)
# Check sizes of output
bat =
for i in range(len(
assert[i].shape[0] == batch_size
assert[i].shape[1] ==[i].shape[1]
assert bat.label.shape[0] == batch_size
# Check that we get more minibatches
ori_cnt = len(list(oridi))
ns_cnt = len(list(nsdi))
assert ns_cnt == ori_cnt * (1+ratio)
print("Tests done")