blob: 79fee74394381ef3a1be21d1972b5ef23875be35 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Cross-entropy loss layer for MXNet.
import os
import numpy as np
import mxnet as mx
# ref:
class CrossEntropyLoss(mx.operator.CustomOp):
"""An output layer that calculates gradient for cross-entropy loss
y * log(p) + (1-y) * log(p)
for label "y" and prediction "p".
However, the output of this layer is the original prediction -- same as
the "data" input, making it useful for tasks like "predict".
If you actually want to use the calculated loss, see CrossEntropyLoss op.
This is useful for multi-label prediction where each possible output
label is considered independently.
Cross-entropy loss provides a very large penalty for guessing
the wrong answer (0 or 1) confidently.
The gradient calculation is optimized for y only being 0 or 1.
eps = 1e-6 # Avoid -inf when taking log(0)
eps1 = 1. + eps
eps_1 = 1. - eps
def forward(self, is_train, req, in_data, out_data, aux):
# Shapes:
# b = minibatch size
# d = number of dimensions
actually_calculate_loss = False
if actually_calculate_loss:
p = in_data[0].asnumpy() # shape=(b,d)
y = in_data[1].asnumpy()
out = y * np.log(p+self.eps) + (1.-y) * np.log((self.eps1) - p)
self.assign(out_data[0], req[0], mx.nd.array(out))
# Just copy the predictions forward
self.assign(out_data[0], req[0], in_data[0])
def backward(self, req, out_grad, in_data, out_data, in_grad, aux):
self.approx_backward(req, out_grad, in_data, out_data, in_grad, aux)
#self.exact_backward(req, out_grad, in_data, out_data, in_grad, aux)
def approx_backward(self, req, out_grad, in_data, out_data, in_grad, aux):
"""Correct grad = (y-p)/(p-p^2)
But if y is just 1 or 0, then this simplifies to
grad = 1/(p-1+y)
which is more numerically stable
p = in_data[0].asnumpy() # shape=(b,d)
y = in_data[1].asnumpy()
grad = -1. / (p - self.eps_1 + y)
self.assign(in_grad[0], req[0], mx.nd.array(grad))
def exact_backward(self, req, out_grad, in_data, out_data, in_grad, aux):
"""grad = (y-p)/(p-p^2)
p = in_data[0].asnumpy() # shape=(b,d)
y = in_data[1].asnumpy() # seems right
grad = (p - y) / ((p+self.eps) * (self.eps1 - p))
self.assign(in_grad[0], req[0], mx.nd.array(grad))
class CrossEntropyProp(mx.operator.CustomOpProp):
def __init__(self):
super(CrossEntropyProp, self).__init__(need_top_grad=False)
def list_arguments(self):
return ['data','label']
def list_outputs(self):
return ['preds']
def create_operator(self, ctx, shapes, dtypes):
return CrossEntropyLoss()
def infer_shape(self, in_shape):
if in_shape[0] != in_shape[1]:
raise ValueError("Input shapes differ. data:%s. label:%s. must be same"
% (str(in_shape[0]),str(in_shape[1])))
output_shape = in_shape[0]
return in_shape, [output_shape], []
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Simple test of cross-entropy")
data = mx.symbol.Variable('data')
labs = mx.symbol.Variable('labs')
net = mx.symbol.Custom(data=data, label=labs, name='ce',
rand = np.random.RandomState(seed=123)
for i in range(20):
sz = (6,4)
d = mx.nd.array(rand.uniform(0.01,0.99,sz))
l = mx.nd.array(rand.randint(0,2,sz))
e = net.bind(ctx=mx.cpu(), args={'data':d, 'labs':l})
print("D:%s" % d.asnumpy())
print("L:%s" % l.asnumpy())
print("out:%s" % e.outputs[0].asnumpy())
out = e.outputs[0].asnumpy()
if np.abs(out).max() > 1e20:
raise ValueError("output too high!")
print("Done with test")