blob: c90a45bb43587927fdf4c1f9ef1447142886bf2c [file] [log] [blame]
# pylint: skip-file
import mxnet as mx
import numpy as np
import sys
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger()
# make a bilinear interpolation kernel, return a numpy.ndarray
def upsample_filt(size):
factor = (size + 1) // 2
if size % 2 == 1:
center = factor - 1.0
center = factor - 0.5
og = np.ogrid[:size, :size]
return (1 - abs(og[0] - center) / factor) * \
(1 - abs(og[1] - center) / factor)
def init_from_vgg16(ctx, fcnxs_symbol, vgg16fc_args, vgg16fc_auxs):
fcnxs_args = vgg16fc_args.copy()
fcnxs_auxs = vgg16fc_auxs.copy()
for k,v in fcnxs_args.items():
if(v.context != ctx):
fcnxs_args[k] = mx.nd.zeros(v.shape, ctx)
for k,v in fcnxs_auxs.items():
if(v.context != ctx):
fcnxs_auxs[k] = mx.nd.zeros(v.shape, ctx)
arg_names = fcnxs_symbol.list_arguments()
arg_shapes, _, _ = fcnxs_symbol.infer_shape(data=data_shape)
rest_params = dict([(x[0], mx.nd.zeros(x[1], ctx)) for x in zip(arg_names, arg_shapes)
if x[0] in ['score_weight', 'score_bias', 'score_pool4_weight', 'score_pool4_bias', \
'score_pool3_weight', 'score_pool3_bias']])
deconv_params = dict([(x[0], x[1]) for x in zip(arg_names, arg_shapes)
if x[0] in ["bigscore_weight", 'score2_weight', 'score4_weight']])
for k, v in deconv_params.items():
filt = upsample_filt(v[3])
initw = np.zeros(v)
initw[range(v[0]), range(v[1]), :, :] = filt # becareful here is the slice assing
fcnxs_args[k] = mx.nd.array(initw, ctx)
return fcnxs_args, fcnxs_auxs
def init_from_fcnxs(ctx, fcnxs_symbol, fcnxs_args_from, fcnxs_auxs_from):
""" use zero initialization for better convergence, because it tends to oputut 0,
and the label 0 stands for background, which may occupy most size of one image.
fcnxs_args = fcnxs_args_from.copy()
fcnxs_auxs = fcnxs_auxs_from.copy()
for k,v in fcnxs_args.items():
if(v.context != ctx):
fcnxs_args[k] = mx.nd.zeros(v.shape, ctx)
for k,v in fcnxs_auxs.items():
if(v.context != ctx):
fcnxs_auxs[k] = mx.nd.zeros(v.shape, ctx)
arg_names = fcnxs_symbol.list_arguments()
arg_shapes, _, _ = fcnxs_symbol.infer_shape(data=data_shape)
rest_params = {}
deconv_params = {}
# this is fcn8s init from fcn16s
if 'score_pool3_weight' in arg_names:
rest_params = dict([(x[0], mx.nd.zeros(x[1], ctx)) for x in zip(arg_names, arg_shapes)
if x[0] in ['score_pool3_bias', 'score_pool3_weight']])
deconv_params = dict([(x[0], x[1]) for x in zip(arg_names, arg_shapes) if x[0] \
in ["bigscore_weight", 'score4_weight']])
# this is fcn16s init from fcn32s
elif 'score_pool4_weight' in arg_names:
rest_params = dict([(x[0], mx.nd.zeros(x[1], ctx)) for x in zip(arg_names, arg_shapes)
if x[0] in ['score_pool4_weight', 'score_pool4_bias']])
deconv_params = dict([(x[0], x[1]) for x in zip(arg_names, arg_shapes) if x[0] \
in ["bigscore_weight", 'score2_weight']])
# this is fcn32s init
logging.error("you are init the fcn32s model, so you should use init_from_vgg16()")
for k, v in deconv_params.items():
filt = upsample_filt(v[3])
initw = np.zeros(v)
initw[range(v[0]), range(v[1]), :, :] = filt # becareful here is the slice assing
fcnxs_args[k] = mx.nd.array(initw, ctx)
return fcnxs_args, fcnxs_auxs