blob: c40449cc9f8975f2844eeb0990eb2d4581d17100 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016 by Contributors
* \file op_suppl.h
* \brief A supplement and amendment of the operators from op.h
* \author Zhang Chen, zhubuntu, Xin Li
#include <cassert>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "mxnet-cpp/base.h"
#include "mxnet-cpp/shape.h"
#include "mxnet-cpp/operator.h"
#include "mxnet-cpp/MxNetCpp.h"
namespace mxnet {
namespace cpp {
inline Symbol _Plus(Symbol lhs, Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("_Plus")(lhs, rhs)
inline Symbol _Mul(Symbol lhs, Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("_Mul")(lhs, rhs)
inline Symbol _Minus(Symbol lhs, Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("_Minus")(lhs, rhs)
inline Symbol _Div(Symbol lhs, Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("_Div")(lhs, rhs)
inline Symbol _Mod(Symbol lhs, Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("_Mod")(lhs, rhs)
inline Symbol _Power(Symbol lhs, Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("_Power")(lhs, rhs)
inline Symbol _Maximum(Symbol lhs, Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("_Maximum")(lhs, rhs)
inline Symbol _Minimum(Symbol lhs, Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("_Minimum")(lhs, rhs)
inline Symbol _PlusScalar(Symbol lhs, mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_PlusScalar")(lhs)
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
inline Symbol _MinusScalar(Symbol lhs, mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_MinusScalar")(lhs)
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
inline Symbol _RMinusScalar(mx_float scalar, Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("_RMinusScalar")(rhs)
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
inline Symbol _MulScalar(Symbol lhs, mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_MulScalar")(lhs)
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
inline Symbol _DivScalar(Symbol lhs, mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_DivScalar")(lhs)
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
inline Symbol _RDivScalar(mx_float scalar, Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("_RDivScalar")(rhs)
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
inline Symbol _ModScalar(Symbol lhs, mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_ModScalar")(lhs)
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
inline Symbol _RModScalar(mx_float scalar, Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("_RModScalar")(rhs)
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
inline Symbol _PowerScalar(Symbol lhs, mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_PowerScalar")(lhs)
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
inline Symbol _RPowerScalar(mx_float scalar, Symbol rhs) {
return Operator("_RPowerScalar")(rhs)
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
inline Symbol _MaximumScalar(Symbol lhs, mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_MaximumScalar")(lhs)
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
inline Symbol _MinimumScalar(Symbol lhs, mx_float scalar) {
return Operator("_MinimumScalar")(lhs)
.SetParam("scalar", scalar)
// TODO(zhangcheng-qinyinghua)
// make crop function run in op.h
// This function is due to [zhubuntu](
inline Symbol Crop(const std::string& symbol_name,
int num_args,
Symbol data,
Symbol crop_like,
Shape offset = Shape(0, 0),
Shape h_w = Shape(0, 0),
bool center_crop = false) {
return Operator("Crop")
.SetParam("num_args", num_args)
.SetParam("offset", offset)
.SetParam("h_w", h_w)
.SetParam("center_crop", center_crop)
.SetInput("arg0", data)
.SetInput("arg1", crop_like)
* \brief Apply activation function to input.
* Softmax Activation is only available with CUDNN on GPUand will be
* computed at each location across channel if input is 4D.
* \param symbol_name name of the resulting symbol.
* \param data Input data to activation function.
* \param act_type Activation function to be applied.
* \return new symbol
inline Symbol Activation(const std::string& symbol_name,
Symbol data,
const std::string& act_type) {
assert(act_type == "relu" ||
act_type == "sigmoid" ||
act_type == "softrelu" ||
act_type == "tanh");
return Operator("Activation")
.SetParam("act_type", act_type.c_str())
.SetInput("data", data)
} // namespace cpp
} // namespace mxnet