blob: 4bfdebf2b9590a9a8ba2a99670fb8a1ca076cfaf [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015 by Contributors
* \file symbol.h
* \brief Rcpp Symbolic construction interface of MXNet
#include <Rcpp.h>
#include <mxnet/c_api.h>
#include <nnvm/c_api.h>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
namespace mxnet {
namespace R {
// forward declare symbol functiono
class SymbolFunction;
/*! \brief The Rcpp Symbol class of MXNet */
class Symbol {
// typedef RObjectType
typedef Rcpp::RObject RObjectType;
/*! \return typename from R side. */
inline static const char* TypeName() {
return "MXSymbol";
* \brief Apply the symbol as function on kwargs
* \param kwargs keyword arguments to the data
* \return A resulting symbol.
RObjectType Apply(const Rcpp::List& kwargs) const;
* \brief Print the debug string of symbol
* \return the debug string.
std::string DebugStr() const;
/*! \return the arguments in the symbol */
std::vector<std::string> ListArguments() const;
/*! \return the auxiliary states symbol */
std::vector<std::string> ListAuxiliaryStates() const;
/*! \return the outputs in the symbol */
std::vector<std::string> ListOuputs() const;
/*! \return the attributes of the symbol */
Rcpp::List getAttrs() const;
* \brief sets the attributes of the symbol
* \param attr list of keyword arguments
void setAttrs(Rcpp::List attr);
* \brief Save the symbol to file
* \param fname the file name we need to save to
void Save(const std::string& fname) const;
* \brief save the symbol to json string
* \return a JSON string representation of symbol.
std::string AsJSON() const;
* \brief Get a new grouped symbol whose output contains all the
* internal outputs of this symbol.
* \return The internal of the symbol.
RObjectType GetInternals() const;
* \brief Gets a new grouped symbol whose output contains
* inputs to output nodes of the original symbol.
* \return The children of the symbol.
RObjectType GetChildren() const;
* \brief Get index-th outputs of the symbol.
* \param symbol The symbol
* \param index the Index of the output.
* \param out The output symbol whose outputs are the index-th symbol.
RObjectType GetOutput(mx_uint index) const;
/*! \brief Infer the shapes of arguments, outputs, and auxiliary states */
SEXP InferShape(const Rcpp::List& kwargs) const;
* \brief Create a symbolic variable with specified name.
* \param name string, Name of the variable.
* \return The created variable symbol.
static RObjectType Variable(const std::string& name);
* \brief Load a symbol variable from filename.
* \param filename string, the path to the symbol file.
* \return The loaded corresponding symbol.
static RObjectType Load(const std::string& filename);
* \brief Load a symbol variable from json string
* \param json string, json string of symbol.
* \return The loaded corresponding symbol.
static RObjectType LoadJSON(const std::string& json);
* \brief Create a symbol that groups symbols together.
* \param ... List of symbols to be grouped.
* \return The created grouped symbol.
static RObjectType Group(const Rcpp::List& symbols);
/*! \brief static function to initialize the Rcpp functions */
static void InitRcppModule();
// destructor
~Symbol() {
// get external pointer of Symbol
inline static Symbol* XPtr(const Rcpp::RObject& obj) {
return Rcpp::as<Symbol*>(obj);
// friend with SymbolFunction
friend class SymbolFunction;
friend class Executor;
// enable trivial copy constructors etc.
Symbol() {}
// constructor
explicit Symbol(SymbolHandle handle)
: handle_(handle) {}
* \brief create a R object that correspond to the Class
* \param handle the Handle needed for output.
inline static Rcpp::RObject RObject(SymbolHandle handle) {
return Rcpp::internal::make_new_object(new Symbol(handle));
* \brief Return a clone of Symbol
* Do not expose to R side
* \param obj The source to be cloned from
* \return a Cloned Symbol
inline RObjectType Clone() const;
* \brief Compose the symbol with kwargs
* \param kwargs keyword arguments to the data
* \param name name of the symbol.
void Compose(const Rcpp::List& kwargs, const std::string &name);
/*! \brief internal executor handle */
SymbolHandle handle_;
/*! \brief The Symbol functions to be invoked */
class SymbolFunction : public ::Rcpp::CppFunction {
virtual SEXP operator() (SEXP* args);
virtual int nargs() {
return 1;
virtual bool is_void() {
return false;
virtual void signature(std::string& s, const char* name) { // NOLINT(*)
::Rcpp::signature< SEXP, ::Rcpp::List >(s, name);
virtual const char* get_name() {
return name_.c_str();
virtual SEXP get_formals() {
return Rcpp::List::create(Rcpp::_["alist"]);
virtual DL_FUNC get_function_ptr() {
return (DL_FUNC)NULL; // NOLINT(*)
/*! \brief static function to initialize the Rcpp functions */
static void InitRcppModule();
// make constructor private
explicit SymbolFunction(OpHandle handle, std::string name);
/*! \brief internal creator handle. */
OpHandle handle_;
// name of the function
std::string name_;
// hint used to generate the names
std::string name_hint_;
// key to variable size arguments, if any.
std::string key_var_num_args_;
} // namespace R
} // namespace mxnet
namespace Rcpp {
inline bool is<mxnet::R::Symbol>(SEXP x) {
return internal::is__module__object_fix<mxnet::R::Symbol>(x);