blob: 52fc1f24e5c150b8bd8d4ea1a752228c1fb5a309 [file] [log] [blame]
#' Create an SGD optimizer with respective parameters.
#' Perform SGD with momentum update
mx.opt.sgd <- function(learning.rate,
clip_gradient = NULL,
lr_scheduler = NULL) {
# use lr as short for learing rate.
lr <- learning.rate
count <- 0
num_update <- 0
sgd <- new.env()
sgd$lr <- lr
sgd$count <- 0
sgd$num_update <- 0
create.state <- function(index, weight) {
if (momentum == 0) {
} else {
ret <- (mx.nd.zeros(dim(weight), ctx(weight)))
update <- function(index, weight, grad, state) {
if (!is.null(lr_scheduler)){
lr_scheduler(sgd) ## changing lr
lr <- sgd$lr
## update count
indexKey <- paste0('ik', index)
if (!exists(envir = sgd, x = indexKey, inherits = FALSE)){
sgd[[indexKey]] <- 0
} else {
indexValue <- sgd[[indexKey]]
sgd[[indexKey]] <- indexValue + 1
sgd$num_update <- max(sgd$num_update, sgd[[indexKey]])
grad <- grad * rescale.grad
if (!is.null(clip_gradient)){
if(clip_gradient >= 0){
grad_ctx <- ctx(grad)
grad <- as.array(grad)
grad <- pmax(grad, -1 * clip_gradient)
grad <- pmin(grad, clip_gradient)
grad <- mx.nd.array(grad, grad_ctx)
} else {
stop("Error: clip_gradient should be positive number.")
if (is.null(state)) {
weight <- weight - lr * (grad + wd * weight)
} else {
mom <- state
mom <- mom * momentum
mom <- mom - lr * (grad + wd * weight)
weight <- weight + mom
state <- mom
return(list(weight=weight, state=state))
return(list(create.state=create.state, update=update))
#' Create an RMSProp optimizer with respective parameters.
#' Reference: Tieleman T, Hinton G. Lecture 6.5-rmsprop: Divide the gradient by a running average of its recent magnitude[J]. COURSERA: Neural Networks for Machine Learning, 2012, 4(2).
#' The code follows: Eq(38) - Eq(45) by Alex Graves, 2013.
#' @param learning.rate float, default=0.002
#' Step size.
#' @param gamma1 float, default=0.95
#' decay factor of moving average for gradient, gradient^2.
#' @param gamm2 float, default=0.9
#' "momentum" factor.
#' @param wd float, default=0.0
#' L2 regularization coefficient add to all the weights.
#' @param rescale.grad float, default=1.0
#' rescaling factor of gradient.
#' @param clip_gradient float, optional
#' clip gradient in range [-clip_gradient, clip_gradient].
#' @param lr_scheduler function, optional
#' The learning rate scheduler.
mx.opt.rmsprop <- function(learning.rate=0.002,
clip_gradient = NULL,
lr_scheduler = NULL) {
# use lr as short for learing rate.
lr <- learning.rate
count <- 0
num_update <- 0
rmsprop <- new.env()
rmsprop$lr <- lr
rmsprop$count <- 0
rmsprop$num_update <- 0
create.state <- function(index, weight) {
return (list(n=mx.nd.zeros(dim(weight), ctx(weight)),
g=mx.nd.zeros(dim(weight), ctx(weight)),
delta=mx.nd.zeros(dim(weight), ctx(weight))))
update <- function(index, weight, grad, state) {
if (!is.null(lr_scheduler)){
lr_scheduler(rmsprop) ## changing lr
lr <- rmsprop$lr
## update count
indexKey <- paste0('ik', index)
if (!exists(envir = rmsprop, x = indexKey, inherits = FALSE)){
rmsprop[[indexKey]] <- 0
} else {
indexValue <- rmsprop[[indexKey]]
rmsprop[[indexKey]] <- indexValue + 1
rmsprop$num_update <- max(rmsprop$num_update, rmsprop[[indexKey]])
grad <- grad * rescale.grad
if (!is.null(clip_gradient)){
if(clip_gradient >= 0){
grad_ctx <- ctx(grad)
grad <- as.array(grad)
grad <- pmax(grad, -1 * clip_gradient)
grad <- pmin(grad, clip_gradient)
grad <- mx.nd.array(grad, grad_ctx)
} else {
stop("Error: clip_gradient should be positive number.")
n <- state$n
g <- state$g
delta <- state$delta
n <- gamma1 * n + (1 - gamma1) * (grad * grad)
g <- gamma1 * g + (1 - gamma1) * grad
delta <- gamma2 * delta - lr * (grad / mx.nd.sqrt(n - g*g + 1e-4) + wd * weight)
weight <- weight + delta
state <- list(n=n, g=g, delta=delta)
return(list(weight=weight, state=state))
return(list(create.state=create.state, update=update))
#' Create an Adam optimizer with respective parameters.
#' Adam optimizer as described in [King2014].
#' [King2014] Diederik Kingma, Jimmy Ba,
#' Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization,
#' @param learning.rate float, default=0.001
#' Step size.
#' @param beta1 float, default=0.9
#' Exponential decay rate for the first moment estimates.
#' @param beta2 float, default=0.999
#' Exponential decay rate for the second moment estimates.
#' @param epsilon float, default=1e-8
#' @param wd float, default=0.0
#' L2 regularization coefficient add to all the weights.
#' @param rescale.grad float, default=1.0
#' rescaling factor of gradient.
#' @param clip_gradient float, optional
#' clip gradient in range [-clip_gradient, clip_gradient].
#' @param lr_scheduler function, optional
#' The learning rate scheduler.
mx.opt.adam <- function(learning.rate=0.001,
clip_gradient = NULL,
lr_scheduler = NULL) {
# use lr as short for learing rate.
lr <- learning.rate
count <- 0
num_update <- 0
adam <- new.env()
adam$lr <- lr
adam$count <- 0
adam$num_update <- 0
create.state <- function(index, weight) {
return (list(mean=mx.nd.zeros(dim(weight), ctx(weight)),
variance=mx.nd.zeros(dim(weight), ctx(weight))))
update <- function(index, weight, grad, state) {
if (!is.null(lr_scheduler)){
lr_scheduler(adam) ## changing lr
lr <- adam$lr
## update count
indexKey <- paste0('ik', index)
if (!exists(envir = adam, x = indexKey, inherits = FALSE)){
adam[[indexKey]] <- 0
} else {
indexValue <- adam[[indexKey]]
adam[[indexKey]] <- indexValue + 1
adam$num_update <- max(adam$num_update, adam[[indexKey]])
# increment time
time.key <- paste0('t', index)
if (!exists(envir = adam, x = time.key, inherits = FALSE)){
adam[[time.key]] <- 0
t <- adam[[time.key]]
t <- t + 1
adam[[time.key]] <- t
mean <- state$mean
variance <- state$variance
grad <- grad * rescale.grad
if (!is.null(clip_gradient)){
if(clip_gradient >= 0){
grad_ctx <- ctx(grad)
grad <- as.array(grad)
grad <- pmax(grad, -1 * clip_gradient)
grad <- pmin(grad, clip_gradient)
grad <- mx.nd.array(grad, grad_ctx)
} else {
stop("Error: clip_gradient should be positive number.")
mean <- beta1 * mean + (1 - beta1) * grad
variance <- beta2 * variance + (1 - beta2) * (grad * grad)
coef1 <- 1 - beta1^t
coef2 <- 1 - beta2^t
lr <- lr * sqrt(coef2)/coef1
weight <- weight - lr * mean / (mx.nd.sqrt(variance) + epsilon)
weight <- weight - lr * wd * weight
state <- list(mean=mean, variance=variance)
return(list(weight=weight, state=state))
return(list(create.state=create.state, update=update))
#' Create an AdaGrad optimizer with respective parameters.
#' AdaGrad optimizer of Duchi et al., 2011,
#' This code follows the version in Eq(5)
#' by Matthew D. Zeiler, 2012. AdaGrad will help the network to converge faster
#' in some cases.
#' @param learning.rate float, default=0.05
#' Step size.
#' @param epsilon float, default=1e-8
#' @param wd float, default=0.0
#' L2 regularization coefficient add to all the weights.
#' @param rescale.grad float, default=1.0
#' rescaling factor of gradient.
#' @param clip_gradient float, optional
#' clip gradient in range [-clip_gradient, clip_gradient].
#' @param lr_scheduler function, optional
#' The learning rate scheduler.
mx.opt.adagrad <- function(learning.rate=0.05,
clip_gradient = NULL,
lr_scheduler = NULL) {
# use lr as short for learing rate.
lr <- learning.rate
count <- 0
num_update <- 0
adagrad <- new.env()
adagrad$lr <- lr
adagrad$count <- 0
adagrad$num_update <- 0
create.state <- function(index, weight) {
return (mx.nd.zeros(dim(weight), ctx(weight))) #history
update <- function(index, weight, grad, state) {
if (!is.null(lr_scheduler)){
lr_scheduler(adagrad) ## changing lr
lr <- adagrad$lr
## update count
indexKey <- paste0('ik', index)
if (!exists(envir = adagrad, x = indexKey, inherits = FALSE)){
adagrad[[indexKey]] <- 0
} else {
indexValue <- adagrad[[indexKey]]
adagrad[[indexKey]] <- indexValue + 1
adagrad$num_update <- max(adagrad$num_update, adagrad[[indexKey]])
grad <- grad * rescale.grad
if (!is.null(clip_gradient)){
if(clip_gradient >= 0){
grad_ctx <- ctx(grad)
grad <- as.array(grad)
grad <- pmax(grad, -1 * clip_gradient)
grad <- pmin(grad, clip_gradient)
grad <- mx.nd.array(grad, grad_ctx)
} else {
stop("Error: clip_gradient should be positive number.")
history <- state
history <- history + (grad * grad)
weight <- weight - lr * (grad / mx.nd.sqrt(history + epsilon) + wd * weight)
state <- history
return(list(weight=weight, state=state))
return(list(create.state=create.state, update=update))
#' Create an AdaDelta optimizer with respective parameters.
#' AdaDelta optimizer as described in Zeiler, M. D. (2012).
#' *ADADELTA: An adaptive learning rate method.*
#' @param rho float, default=0.90
#' Decay rate for both squared gradients and delta x.
#' @param epsilon float, default=1e-5
#' The constant as described in the thesis.
#' @param wd float, default=0.0
#' L2 regularization coefficient add to all the weights.
#' @param rescale.grad float, default=1.0
#' rescaling factor of gradient.
#' @param clip_gradient float, optional
#' clip gradient in range [-clip_gradient, clip_gradient].
mx.opt.adadelta <- function(rho=0.90,
clip_gradient = NULL) {
adadelta <- new.env()
create.state <- function(index, weight) {
return (list(acc.g=mx.nd.zeros(dim(weight), ctx(weight)), # accumulated g, ctx(weight)))) # accumulated delta
update <- function(index, weight, grad, state) {
# preprocess grad
grad <- grad * rescale.grad
if (!is.null(clip_gradient)){
if(clip_gradient >= 0){
grad_ctx <- ctx(grad)
grad <- as.array(grad)
grad <- pmax(grad, -1 * clip_gradient)
grad <- pmin(grad, clip_gradient)
grad <- mx.nd.array(grad, grad_ctx)
} else {
stop("Error: clip_gradient should be positive number.")
# accumulated g and delta initlization
acc.g <- state$acc.g <- state$
# update g, delta
acc.g <- rho * acc.g + (1 - rho) * (grad * grad) <- mx.nd.sqrt( + epsilon) / mx.nd.sqrt(acc.g + epsilon) * grad <- rho * + (1 - rho) * ( *
weight <- weight - - wd * weight
state <- list(acc.g=acc.g,
return(list(weight=weight, state=state))
return(list(create.state=create.state, update=update))
#' Create an optimizer by name and parameters
#' @param name The name of the optimizer
#' @param ... Additional arguments
#' @export
mx.opt.create <- function(name, ...) {
if (name == "sgd") {
else if (name == "rmsprop") {
return (mx.opt.rmsprop(...))
else if (name == "adam") {
return (mx.opt.adam(...))
else if (name == "adagrad") {
return (mx.opt.adagrad(...))
else if (name == "adadelta") {
return (mx.opt.adadelta(...))
stop(paste("Unknown optimizer ", name))
#' Get an updater closure that can take list of weight and gradient
#' and return updated list of weight.
#' @param optimizer The optimizer
#' @param weights The weights to be optimized
#' @export
mx.opt.get.updater <- function(optimizer, weights) {
n <- length(weights)
# This is the list to keep track of internal states of optimzer
state.list <- lapply(1:n, function(i) {
if (is.null(weights[[i]])) return(NULL)
optimizer$create.state(i, weights[[i]])
update <- optimizer$update
update.closure <- function(weight, grad) {
ulist <- lapply(1:n, function(i) {
if (!is.null(grad[[i]])) {
update(i, weight[[i]], grad[[i]], state.list[[i]])
} else {
# update state list, use mutate assignment
state.list <<- lapply(ulist, function(x) {
# return updated weight list
weight.list <- lapply(ulist, function(x) {